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The computation of electromagnetic (EM) fields, for 1-D layered earth model, requires evaluation of Hankel Transform (HT) of the EM kernel function. The digital filtering is the most widely used technique to evaluate HT integrals. However, it has some obvious shortcomings. We present an alternative scheme, based on an orthonormal exponential approximation of the kernel function, for evaluating HT integrals. This approximation of the kernel function was chosen because the analytical solution of HT of an exponential function is readily available in literature. This expansion reduces the integral to a simple algebraic sum. The implementation of such a scheme requires that the weights and the exponents of the exponential function be estimated. The exponents were estimated through a guided search algorithm while the weights were obtained using Marquardt matrix inversion method. The algorithm was tested on analytical HT pairs available in literature. The results are compared with those obtained using the digital filtering technique with Anderson filters. The field curves for four types (A-, K-, H-and Q-type) of 3-layer earth models are generated using the present scheme and compared with the corresponding curves obtained using the Anderson sc heme. It is concluded that the present scheme is more accurate than the Anderson scheme  相似文献   
研究了复平面上 ,广义 Hermite-Fejer插值多项式的收敛性。得到了其在空间 lp(| z| =1 ) (0 相似文献   
本文利用一个三维中尺度模式,分别采用两种不同的湿过程处理方案FPA和NCA模拟同一个洋面冷锋个例,以考察模拟结果对湿过程参数化方案的敏感性。两种方案的区别在于前一种使用了次网格湿对流参数化而后者没有。通过比较分别使用FPA和NCA方案所进行的模拟FPS和NCS,发现冷锋结构在两者间出现较大差异。从850 hPa等压面|Δθe|等值线图所显示的结构看,NCS中冷锋呈现为一长一短两条锋带,而FPS中冷锋仅呈现为一条锋带。在相应的冷锋横向垂直剖面中,NCS中存在两个相邻的锋面垂直环流,而FPS中只有一个。另外,NCS中对流不稳定的冷锋区出现垂直运动过分发展的现象,而FPS中不存在这个问题。通过与卫星云图比较,我们注意到,NCS中尽管出现了垂直运动过分发展的现象,但相对于FPS而言,其模拟的冷锋结构与实际较为接近,成功地模拟出云图上显示的双冷锋结构。NCS中垂直运动过分发展的一个重要原因是模式中采用的静力平衡近似。FPS中次网格对流参数化方案的使用,通过减少甚至消除对流不稳定度,一方面使垂直运动的过分发展倾向受到约束,另一方面也可能使在对流不稳定层结下的锋区环境中本应出现的中尺度结构失去了形成的机会。  相似文献   
随机噪声压制是地震数据处理的关键环节,而时频稀疏低秩近似算法逐道处理地震数据过程中无法利用信号的道间相干性。为此,将时频稀疏低秩近似与f-x域去噪结合,提出一种f-x域时频非凸正则化低秩矩阵近似算法。该算法对f-x域中每一单频分量作时频分解后,再对时频系数矩阵作低秩矩阵近似计算,能够利用信号和噪声的时频谱差异实现非平稳信号去噪处理。与共炮点道集和共中心点道集相比,共偏移距道集具有平缓甚至接近水平的同相轴结构,基本满足f-x域去噪的线性同相轴假设前提,建议将所提算法应用于共偏移距道集去噪处理。通过数值模拟和实际地震数据试算,证明本文方法能够有效压制随机噪声,同时保持有效信号不被损害。  相似文献   
在凸度量空间中,利用新的解析法,征明了由集合序列{On}产生的在多值渐近拟非扩张映象下的新的带误差的lshikawa迭代序列的收敛性。  相似文献   
基于Fatti近似的弹性阻抗方程及反演   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
用Connolly的弹性阻抗(EI,elastic impedance)公式进行反演只能直接得到纵、横波速度和密度的信息,然后才可间接计算得到纵横波阻抗等其它的参数数据体,这样便增加了一步误差使数据的准确性降低.本文首先针对该方法的这些缺点和不足,提出了以Zoeppritz方程的Fatti近似为基础一种新的弹性阻抗公式,由该公式可得到比用Fatti近似更准确的反射系数,然后对这个公式进行了标准化以实现不同角度的弹性阻抗间量纲的统一,最后用标准化后的公式进行了反演,从反演得到的不同角度的弹性阻抗数据体中可直接提取得到纵横波阻抗数据体.应用实例表明用这种方法提取得到的纵横波阻抗更加稳定、准确,而且能很好地反映储层信息.这种新的方法是对以Connolly公式为基础的传统方法的改进.  相似文献   
In this work, we construct a new methodology for enhancing the predictive accuracy of sequential methods for coupling flow and geomechanics while preserving low computational cost. The new computational approach is developed within the framework of the fixed-stress split algorithm procedure in conjunction with data assimilation based on the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF). In this context, we identify the high-fidelity model with the two-way formulation where additional source term appears in the flow equation containing the time derivative of total mean stress. The iterative scheme is then interlaced with data assimilation steps, which also incorporate the modeling error inherent to the EnKF framework. Such a procedure gives rise to an “enhanced one-way formulation,” exhibiting substantial improvement in accuracy compared with the classical one-way method. The governing equations are discretized by mixed finite elements, and numerical simulation of a 2D slab problem between injection and production wells illustrate the tremendous achievement of the method proposed herein.  相似文献   
We investigate different approximate methods of computing the perturbations on the orbits of Oort cloud comets caused by passing stars, by checking them against an accurate numerical integration using Everhart’s RA15 code. The scenario under study is the one relevant for long-term simulations of the cloud’s response to a predefined set of stellar passages. Our sample of stellar encounters simulates those experienced by the Solar System currently, but extrapolated over a time of 1010 years. We measure the errors of perihelion distance perturbations for high-eccentricity orbits introduced by several estimators – including the classical impulse approximation and Dybczyński’s (1994, Celest. Mech. Dynam. Astron. 58, 1330–1338) method – and we study how they depend on the encounter parameters (approach distance and relative velocity). We introduce a sequential variant of Dybczyński’s approach, cutting the encounter into several steps whereby the heliocentric motion of the comet is taken into account. For the scenario at hand this is found to offer an efficient means to obtain accurate results for practically any domain of the parameter space.  相似文献   
点状地名信息的加权泰森多边形检索法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张宇  王琦  吴文周  苏奋振 《测绘学报》2017,46(11):1919-1926
鉴于地名库中多数地名仅以中心点坐标形式记录其空间位置信息,缺乏其空间范围的具体描述,造成地名检索中的片面性和局限性,本文在深入分析地名及其空间属性、空间关系的基础上,考虑同类型地名的不同性质在检索中的重要作用,利用泰森多边形在地名边界近似中的优势,提出了针对点状地名信息的加权泰森多边形检索法,依据同类型地名的面积属性作为权重指标构建泰森多边形,以近似表达地名的空间范围,进而描述地名间的各类空间关系;并从拓扑关系、方位关系与距离关系3个方面给出了具体公式以计算地名间的空间相似性;最后以行政区划边界近似与检索为例验证该方法。试验结果表明,该方法可较好地近似表达地名空间范围及空间关系,增强了检索词与地理信息资源在空间位置上的相似性度量,检索结果优于传统方法。  相似文献   
A new parameterization of canopy asymmetry factor on phase function,which is dependent on the leaf normal distribution and leaf reflection/transmission,is derived. This new parameterization is much more accurate than the existing scheme. In addition,the new solutions for both the diffuse and direct radiation can be obtained using the Eddington approximation. It is found that the direct radiation can be described as a function of the diffuse radiation. This new approach offers a substantial improvement in accuracy,as compared with the hemispheric constant method,for both isotropic and anisotropic cases. Given the analytical nature of the solution and its high accuracy,we recommend the new parameterization for application in land surface radiation modeling.  相似文献   
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