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In this paper, we propose a workflow based on SalSi for the detection and delineation of geological structures such as salt domes. SalSi is a seismic attribute designed based on the modelling of human visual system that detects the salient features and captures the spatial correlation within seismic volumes for delineating seismic structures. Using this attribute we cannot only highlight the neighbouring regions of salt domes to assist a seismic interpreter but also delineate such structures using a region growing method and post‐processing. The proposed delineation workflow detects the salt‐dome boundary with very good precision and accuracy. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed workflow on a real seismic dataset acquired from the North Sea, F3 block. For the subjective evaluation of the results of different salt‐dome delineation algorithms, we have used a reference salt‐dome boundary interpreted by a geophysicist. For the objective evaluation of results, we have used five different metrics based on pixels, shape, and curvedness to establish the effectiveness of the proposed workflow. The proposed workflow is not only fast but also yields better results as compared with other salt‐dome delineation algorithms and shows a promising potential in seismic interpretation.  相似文献   
2020年1月19日新疆伽师发生M S6.4地震,新疆强震动观测台网共获取44组强震动记录,西克尔强震台获得本次地震最大峰值加速度633.3×10-2 m·s-2。本文对获取到的强震动记录进行初步整理、分析,拟合得到本次地震地震动峰值加速度衰减关系,在300 km范围内与经验性衰减关系相差不大。计算分析了峰值加速度大于100×10-2 m·s-2的5个典型强震台站加速度反应谱,并与设计反应谱进行对比分析,同时计算了这5个台站地震动70%及90%能量持时,两者相差较大,反映出地震主要能量释放集中在相对较短的时间内。  相似文献   
Marine seismic interference noise occurs when energy from nearby marine seismic source vessels is recorded during a seismic survey. Such noise tends to be well preserved over large distances and causes coherent artefacts in the recorded data. Over the years, the industry has developed various denoising techniques for seismic interference removal, but although well performing, they are still time-consuming in use. Machine-learning-based processing represents an alternative approach, which may significantly improve the computational efficiency. In the case of conventional images, autoencoders are frequently employed for denoising purposes. However, due to the special characteristics of seismic data as well as the noise, autoencoders failed in the case of marine seismic interference noise. We, therefore, propose the use of a customized U-Net design with element-wise summation as part of the skip-connection blocks to handle the vanishing gradient problem and to ensure information fusion between high- and low-level features. To secure a realistic study, only seismic field data were employed, including 25,000 training examples. The customized U-Net was found to perform well, leaving only minor residuals, except for the case when seismic interference noise comes from the side. We further demonstrate that such noise can be treated by slightly increasing the depth of our network. Although our customized U-Net does not outperform a standard commercial algorithm in quality, it can (after proper training) read and process one single shot gather in approximately 0.02 s. This is significantly faster than any existing industry denoising algorithm. In addition, the proposed network processes shot gathers in a sequential order, which is an advantage compared with industry algorithms that typically require a multi-shot input to break the coherency of the noise.  相似文献   
By analogy with P- and S-wave impedances, the product of Young's modulus and density can be termed as Young's impedance, which indicates the rock lithology and brittleness of unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs. Poisson's ratio is also an effective indicator of rock brittleness and fluid property of unconventional reservoirs, and fracture weaknesses indicate the fracture properties (fracturing intensity and fracture fillings) in fracture-induced unconventional reservoirs. We aim to simultaneously estimate the Young's impedance, Poisson's ratio and fracture weaknesses from wide-azimuth surface seismic data in a fracture-induced shale gas reservoir, and use the horizontal transversely isotropic model to characterize the fractures. First, the linearized PP-wave reflection coefficient in terms of Young's impedance, Poisson's ratio, density and fracture weaknesses is derived for the case of a weak-contrast interface separating two weakly horizontal transversely isotropic media. In addition, an orthorhombic anisotropic case is also discussed in this paper. Then a Bayesian amplitude variation with incident angle and azimuth scheme with a model constraint is used to stably estimate Young's impedance, Poisson's ratio and fracture weaknesses with only PP-wave azimuthal seismic data. The proposed approach is finally demonstrated on both synthetic and real data sets with reasonable results.  相似文献   
The effective application of normal moveout correction processes mainly depends on four factors: the chosen traveltime approximation, the stretching associated with the given traveltime, crossing events and phase changes, the last two being inherent to the seismic data. In this context, we conduct a quantitative analysis on stretching considering a general traveltime expression depending on half-offset and midpoint coordinates. Through this analysis, we propose a mathematically proven procedure to eliminate stretching, which can be applied to any traveltime approximation. The proposed method is applied to synthetic and real data sets, considering different traveltime approximations and achieved complete elimination of stretching.  相似文献   
Exact distributions for apparent waves in irregular seas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We discuss the long-run distributions of several characteristics for the apparent waves in a Gaussian sea. Three types of one-dimensional wave records are considered: 1) the seaway in time at a fixed position; 2) the instantaneous profile along a horizontal line; 3) the encountered seaway. Exact integral forms of the joint long run distributions are derived for the apparent periods, lengths, and heights. Results of numerical approximations of these distributions are presented in examples. For the computations we considered, as the input spectra, empirical estimates of the frequency spectra as well as JONSWAP type spectra. Effective algorithms are discussed and utilized in the form of a comprehensive computer package of numerical routines.  相似文献   
The underground application of Magnetic Resonance Soundings   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The potential application of MRS technology in locating waterbearing fractures in underground mines is studied. The determination of the presence of water ahead of mining is important to prevent accidents and to ensure higher efficiency in mining operations. In the usual surface based measurements, with horizontal loop and water layer, the geometry of the problem can be summarized by the value of the inclination of the Earth magnetic field. For MRS measurements under the geometric conditions associated with underground mining, where the loop is non-horizontal, the geometry can be described in an effective inclination that can be expressed in terms of the Earth magnetic inclination and declination, together with two further parameters that characterize the orientation of the mine wall. We examine the consequences of the different geometries on the MRS signal. Since the loop size is severely restricted in underground conditions, the feasible target depth is also severely limited. The consequences of the fractured hard rock aquifer conditions, typical of deep mining or tunneling environments, are also examined. The overall conclusion is that in underground MRS applications the signal strength is too small to enable the practical identification of fractures containing large volumes of water ahead of the mining face.  相似文献   
利用TOPEX/POSEIDON卫星测高数据来确定海平面对大气压变化全球响应(反变气压计响应)的空间分布和频率特征.采用多元回归方法,得到全球反变气压计响应系数为-085±047cm/hPa.在赤道区域,反变气压计响应受平均气压和经向风的影响比较明显.在全球区域,应用希尔伯特(Hilbert)变换和傅里叶变换两种方法,给出反变气压计响应的周期为30—200天.  相似文献   
本文给出了纵向成层、径向不均匀介质中轴对称电磁波的反射阵和透射阵的递推公式.用这些阵可以计算交流电测并响应,包括感应测并和深探测电磁波传播测井(DPT).同时还给出了幅度基函数和斜度基函数,它们分别"支撑"起结点上函数的幅度和斜度.  相似文献   
针对SRME和Radon变换压制自由表面多次波的近道多次波残留和伤害有效波等问题,主要采用基于AVO属性分析的多次波剔除法对近道多次波进行压制,该方法在迭代更新过程中,受近道多次波影响容易出现更新误差,同时迭代更新降低计算效率.本文对基于AVO属性分析的多次波剔除法进行改进,利用中远道地震数据进行约束,通过AVO正演模...  相似文献   
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