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We present a study of the vertical structure of clouds and hazes in the upper atmosphere of Saturn's Southern Hemisphere during 1994-2003, about one third of a Saturn year, based on Hubble Space Telescope images. The photometrically calibrated WFPC2 images cover the spectral region between the near-UV (218-255 nm) and the near-IR (953-1042 nm), including the 890 nm methane band. Using a radiative transfer code, we have reproduced the observed center-to-limb variations in absolute reflectivity at selected latitudes which allowed us to characterize the vertical structure of the entire hemisphere during this period. A model atmosphere with two haze layers has been used to study the variation of hazes with latitude and to characterize their temporal changes. Both hazes are located above a thick cloud, putatively composed of ammonia ice. An upper thin haze in the stratosphere (between 1 and 10 mbar) is found to be persistent and formed by small particles (radii ∼0.2 μm). The lower thicker haze close to the tropopause level shows a strong latitudinal dependence in its optical thickness (typically τ∼20-40 at the equator but τ∼5 at the pole, at 814 nm). This tropospheric haze is blue-absorbent and extends from 50 to 100 mbar to about ∼400 mbar. Both hazes show temporal variability, but at different time-scales. First, there is a tendency for the optical thickness of the stratospheric haze to increase at all latitudes as insolation increases. Second, the tropospheric haze shows mid-term changes (over time scales from months to 1-2 years) in its optical thickness (typically by a factor of 2). Such changes always occur within a rather narrow latitude band (width ∼5-10°), affecting almost all latitudes but at different times. Third, we detected a long-term (∼10 year) decrease in the blue single-scattering albedo of the tropospheric haze particles, most intense in the equatorial and polar areas. Long-term changes follow seasonal insolation variations smoothly without any apparent delay, suggesting photochemical processes that affect the particles optical properties as well as their size. In contrast, mid-term changes are sudden and show various time-scales, pointing to a dynamical origin.  相似文献   
G.E. Morfill  H.M. Thomas 《Icarus》2005,179(2):539-542
The plasma cloud mechanism of spoke formation in Saturn's rings, proposed by Goertz and Morfill in 1983, is revisited in the light of new data and the criticisms raised by Farmer and Goldreich [Farmer, A.J., Goldreich, P., 2005. Icarus. This issue]. It is concluded that the plasma cloud model satisfies all available observational and physical constraints.  相似文献   
We present a new model of the jovian magnetosphere in which the flaring of the magnetopause boundary can be varied. Magnetopause flaring is expected to vary due to changing conditions in the upstream interplanetary medium, related both to the dynamic pressure of the solar wind, and to changes in the direction of the interplanetary magnetic field. The model includes a tilted dipole field, which is screened by the magnetopause, a tail field current system, and the field of a screened equatorial current disc.  相似文献   
We present near-infrared (1.24-2.26 μm) images of Saturn's E and G rings which were taken with the W.M. Keck telescope in 1995 August 9-11, during the period that Earth crossed Saturn's ring plane. Our data confirm that the E ring is very blue. Its radial and vertical structure are found to be remarkably similar to that apparent in the HST ringplane crossing data at visible wavelengths, reinforcing models of the ring's peculiar narrow or very steep particle size distribution. Our data show unambiguously that the satellite Tethys is a secondary source of material for the E ring. The G ring is found to be distinctly red, similar in color to Jupiter's main ring, indicative of a (more typical) broad particle size distribution.  相似文献   
Sang J. Kim  T.R. Geballe 《Icarus》2005,179(2):449-458
We have used synthetic spectra to analyze a medium resolution 2.9-4.2 μm spectrum of Saturn's temperate region observed at UKIRT using CGS4. The synthetic spectra include CH4, PH3, and NH3 lines, for which mixing ratios were adopted from recent Cassini results. The observed absorption features in the spectrum are well accounted for by lines of these molecular species formed 22 +/− 8 km above the 1 bar pressure level at ∼610 mbar. The influence of optically thin haze particles at higher altitudes on the spectrum is not pronounced, with higher spectral resolution probably required to constrain the effects of haze in this wavelength region. Fluorescent line emission by CH4 in its ν3 and ν3+ν4ν4 bands, detected in the 3.2-3.5 μm region, originates between 400 km (∼0.06 mbar) and 800 km (∼0.01 μbar) above the 1 bar level, with peak contributions from the two major contributing bands at 550 km (∼3 μbar) and 700 km (∼0.1 μbar), respectively.  相似文献   
All of the large impact features of the middle-sized icy satellites of Saturn and Uranus that were clearly observed by the Voyager spacecraft are described. New image mosaics and stereo-and-photoclinometrically-derived digital elevation models are presented. Landforms related to large impact features, such as secondary craters and possible antipodal effects are examined and evaluated. Of the large impacts, Odysseus on Tethys appears to have had the most profound effect on its “target” satellite of any of the impact features we examined. Our modeling suggests that the Odysseus impact may have caused the prompt formation of Ithaca Chasma, a belt of tectonic troughs that roughly follow a great circle normal to the center of Odysseus, although other hypotheses remain viable. We identify probable secondary cratering from Tirawa on Rhea. We attribute a number of converging coalescing crater chains on Rhea to a putative, possibly relatively fresh, ∼350 km-diameter impact feature. We examine the antipodes of Odysseus, the putative ∼350 km-diameter Rhean impact feature, and Tirawa, and conclude that evidence from Voyager data for damage from seismic focusing is equivocal, although our modeling results indicate that such damage may have occurred. We propose a number of observations and tests for Cassini that offer the opportunity to differentiate among the various explanations and speculations reviewed and evaluated in this study.  相似文献   
In the last few years, deuterium has been the focus of a high level of laboratory activity that was sparked by a disagreement on the experimental value of the maximum compression along the Hugoniot. Astrophysically, the uncertainty in the EOS of hydrogen is most consequential in models of the interiors of Jupiter and Saturn since a significant fraction of their mass falls in the region where the EOS uncertainty is largest. We present a study of the range of interior structures allowed by the shock-compression experiments on deuterium and constrained by astrophysical observations of the two planets. We find that the EOS uncertainty must be reduced to less than 3% along the planet’s isentrope to get good interior models of Jupiter. These models provide values for the mass of a core of heavy elements (other than H and He) and the total mass of heavy elements in these planets. The amount and distribution of heavy elements are quite sensitive to the EOS of hydrogen and constitute important clues to their formation process.  相似文献   
The image-processing techniques used by Peng et al. are further improved to measure precisely the positions of Saturn and its satellites. 495 CCD images taken with the 1-m telescope at the Yunnan Observatory during the years 2002–2004 are processed with these techniques. These measured pixel positions are compared to their theoretical positions computed with the ephemerides of TASS1.7 for the satellites and JPL DE405 for Saturn itself. Analysis of the data for the intersatellite positions among four bright Saturnian satellites (S3–S6) and for Saturn–satellite (i.e. Saturn–Titan) positions shows that these measured positions have the same dispersions, i.e. about 0.05 and 0.06 arcsec in right ascension and declination, respectively. However, for the fainter satellites, Enceladus and Mimas, poorer residuals up to 0.1 and 0.2 arcsec, respectively, in both directions are found mainly due to their small separations from the primary planet and short exposure time in order to obtain useful images of Saturn.  相似文献   
The study of VLF waves at ground based stations is an important source of information on particles trapped in the magnetosphere. By various techniques it is also possible to measure plasma densities, electric fields and monitor energetic particle injection. By studying the propagation of waves beneath the ionosphere it is possible to study particle precipitation from the magnetosphere. In this paper we summarise some of the techniques and results obtained from the study of VLF waves at the South African research station in Antarctica.  相似文献   
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