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The ocean signal for this study is the sea surface height due to the slowly varying (greater than 5-day) ocean processes, which are predominantly the deep ocean mesoscale. These processes are the focus of present assimilation systems for monitoring and predicting ocean circulation due to ocean fronts and eddies and the associated environmental changes that impact real time activities in areas with depths greater than about 200 m. By this definition, signal-to-noise may be estimated directly from altimeter data sets through a crossover point analysis. The RMS variability in crossover differences is due to instrument noise, errors in environmental corrections to the satellite observation, and short time period oceanic variations. The signal-to-noise ratio indicates that shallow areas are typically not well observed due to the high frequency fluctuations. Many deep ocean areas also contain significant high frequency variability such as the subpolar latitudes, which have large atmospheric pressure systems moving through, and these in turn generate large errors in the inverse barometer correction. Understanding the spatial variations of signal to noise is a necessary prerequisite for correct assimilation of the data into operational systems.  相似文献   
《Marine Geodesy》2013,36(3-4):383-397
The Jason-1 Operational Sensor Data Record (OSDR) is intended as a wind and wave product that is aimed towards near-real–time (NRT) meteorological applications. However, the OSDR provides most of the information that is required to determine altimetric sea surface heights in NRT. The exceptions include a sufficiently accurate orbit altitude, and pressure fields to determine the dry troposphere path delay correction. An orbit altitude field is provided on the OSDR but has accuracies that range between 8–25 cm (RMS). However, tracking data from the on-board BlackJack GPS receiver are available with sufficiently short latency for use in the computation of NRT GPS-based orbit solutions. The orbit altitudes from these NRT orbit solutions have typical accuracies of < 3.0 cm (RMS) with a latency of 1–3 h, and < 2.5 cm (RMS) with a latency of 3–5 h. Meanwhile, forecast global pressure fields from the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) are available for the NRT computation of the dry troposphere correction. In combination, the Jason-1 OSDR, the NRT GPS-based orbit solutions, and the NCEP pressure fields can be used to compute sea surface height observations from the Jason-1 mission with typical latencies of 3–5 h, and have differences with those from the 2–3 day latency Interim Geophysical Data Records of < 5 cm (RMS). The NRT altimetric sea surface height observations are potentially of benefit to forecasting, tactical oceanography, and natural hazard monitoring.  相似文献   
Harvest control measures for Namibia and Angola are defined using reference points for spawning biomass, which requires knowledge of spawning potential and dynamics of fishery stocks. The reproductive biology of two species of horse mackerel, Trachurus capensis and Trachurus trecae, in these waters was investigated for spawning distribution in time and space. Samples were collected during two scientific cruises conducted in February and July/August 2007 off the coast of Namibia and Angola. A total of 396 fish ovaries was examined to determine the spawning dynamics of the two species. The ovaries were histologically analysed and their oocyte distributions mapped. The length (TL)–weight relationships of the two species differed significantly. The observed development of oocyte recruitment and absence of a hiatus in the oocyte distribution indicated that these species are indeterminate spawners. Analyses of the data from the NatMIRC database (2001–2004) indicated annual changes in gonadosomatic index (GSI) for T. capensis at different latitudes, but these changes were small. GSI also fluctuated between years and areas, but there were no clear spatial or temporal trends, with averages ≤4.0% at all stations. The GSI of both species was not indicative of the histologically determined development of gonad maturity. Oocyte maturation for T. capensis indicated that smaller and younger fish spawn first. Batch fecundity (F) for T. trecae was best described by F = 4 986 TL (cm) – 99 645 (r 2 = 0.83). This study provided the first analyses of oocyte development in time and space for the two species in the region.  相似文献   
概括介绍了中国科学院国家授时中心(简称NTSC)时间基准系统的组成、功能和相关工作的最新进展情况。NTSC负责我国标准时间的产生、保持和发播。多年来,NTSC的守时系统以完美的表现满足了国家大科学装置—长、短波授时系统的发播控制任务的要求。2008年度,NTSC的守时工作取得突破性进展,实现的指标综合排名于全球实验室的2~3位,我国守时工作已经跻身世界前列,NTSC已成为国际原子时合作单位中最重要的守时实验室之一。  相似文献   
广西巴马县水晶宫洞穴沉积物特征及其沉积环境   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
巴马县水晶宫洞内次生化学沉积物景观丰富,类型多样,有石钟乳、石幔、石瀑布、石笋、石柱、石盾等特色景观;尤其是近期仍在发育的洞顶鹅管、卷曲石、石花等是国内外较为罕见的洞穴奇景。据沉积物的沉积类型、物质成分、沉积序次及测年等资料研究表明,水晶宫洞穴沉积物形成于晚第三纪以来。晚第三纪和第四纪早更新世早期,洞内沉积主要为外源水携带的硅质岩、砂岩类砾石沉积形成的钙华砾石层。早更新世中期—中更新世气候温暖湿润,是水晶宫洞穴主要景观的形成期,沉积物景观宏大而壮观,230Th-U系测年得出其分别形成于100~35万年前。晚更新世早期12.5~9万年的末次间冰期主要为温暖气候环境,洞内仅有少量的石笋沉积,且极少保存;9万年后气候环境发生突变,更不利沉积物发育和保存;自4万年后气候环境开始表现为温暖湿润,化学沉积活跃,洞穴沉积物主要由高约50~150 cm的纯白色石笋群和钟乳石组成,为洞穴奇景的形成期,230Th-U系测年得出其分别形成于40 ka BP和7 500 a BP以及1 450 a BP。晚更新世晚期以来形成的洞穴沉积物景观,不仅为水晶宫提供了丰富的旅游资源和价值,同时也为广西重建古气候环境提供了重要的信息载体。   相似文献   
断层的大地震复发概率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以布朗过程时间物理模型为基础, 以地震孕育过程为研究主线, 计算了中国大陆地区主要活动断层在不同预测时段内的强震复发概率, 进而对断层的地震危险性进行了研究。 结果表明: 鲜水河断裂带、 阿尔金断裂带、 东昆仑断裂带、 小江断裂带这4条断层的强震复发概率值显著高于其他断裂带, 反映了这些断层所处地区的应力积累水平高于其他地区, 应属于未来可能复发强震的危险地带。  相似文献   
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����ȱʧ��GNSSʱ�����з�����Ӱ��   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
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Real‐time hybrid simulation is a viable experiment technique to evaluate the performance of structures equipped with rate‐dependent seismic devices when subject to dynamic loading. The integration algorithm used to solve the equations of motion has to be stable and accurate to achieve a successful real‐time hybrid simulation. The implicit HHT α‐algorithm is a popular integration algorithm for conducting structural dynamic time history analysis because of its desirable properties of unconditional stability for linear elastic structures and controllable numerical damping for high frequencies. The implicit form of the algorithm, however, requires iterations for nonlinear structures, which is undesirable for real‐time hybrid simulation. Consequently, the HHT α‐algorithm has been implemented for real‐time hybrid simulation using a fixed number of substep iterations. The resulting HHT α‐algorithm with a fixed number of substep iterations is believed to be unconditionally stable for linear elastic structures, but research on its stability and accuracy for nonlinear structures is quite limited. In this paper, a discrete transfer function approach is utilized to analyze the HHT α‐algorithm with a fixed number of substep iterations. The algorithm is shown to be unconditionally stable for linear elastic structures, but only conditionally stable for nonlinear softening or hardening structures. The equivalent damping of the algorithm is shown to be almost the same as that of the original HHT α‐algorithm, while the period elongation varies depending on the structural nonlinearity and the size of the integration time‐step. A modified form of the algorithm is proposed to improve its stability for use in nonlinear structures. The stability of the modified algorithm is demonstrated to be enhanced and have an accuracy that is comparable to that of the existing HHT α‐algorithm with a fixed number of substep iterations. Both numerical and real‐time hybrid simulations are conducted to verify the modified algorithm. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the modified algorithm for real‐time testing. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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