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起伏地表组合震源地震波场定向方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
多个震源组合激发通过改变激发延时,可以得到沿某方向传播的地震波场,即定向地震波场激发技术,它可用于特定目标体的照明与探测之中.本文以水平地表的组合震源定向激发原理为基础,推导了倾斜地表情况下的组合震源定向激发公式,并计算绘制了其理论方向图.另外本文将组合震源波场定向方法推广至任意起伏地表,根据惠更斯菲涅尔原理,提出了旋转坐标方法,即将水平坐标旋转至定向波场传播方向法向的倾斜坐标,可方便地计算震源传播至定向波场波前面的走时,作为组合震源的激发延时.根据本文提出的方法,我们分别计算了倾斜地表条件与复杂地表条件定向地震波场的组合震源延时参数,通过波动方程数值模拟技术得到的波场快照验证了本文方法的有效性.  相似文献   
地球扁率在地质历史上的变化下限   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
为研究地球形状的长期变化,将地球假设为弹性椭球体,根据弹性动力学理论导出地球的扁率下限公式,扁率与地球的平均密度ρ、引力加速度g、自转角速度ω、平均半径R、弹性模量E、泊松比v相关.将新星云假说下地质历史时期半径、质量和角速度变化值代入公式计算出各地质历史时期地球扁率值,作为地球扁率变化值的下限值.地球的扁率自地球形成以来总体变化趋势是在减小.  相似文献   
We present inner-coma dust imaging of Comet Hyakutake (1996 B2) obtained on 11 consecutive nights in late March 1996, an interval including a major outburst and the comet’s closest approach to Earth. The evolution of the outburst morphology is followed, along with the motion along the tail of several outburst fragments. Two spiral dust jets—a primary jet, along with a much weaker secondary jet—are visible throughout the interval and are produced by two source regions on a rotating nucleus. These are examined as a function of rotational phase and viewing geometry, with their appearance changing from a nearly face-on view on March 18 to side-on by March 28. The dust outflow velocity as a function of distance from the nucleus is derived, with the dust continuing to accelerate to a distance of 4000 km or more and reaching an average outflow velocity of 0.38 km s−1 between 3000 and 8000 km. We present details of our Monte Carlo modeling of the jets and our methodology of fitting the model to the images. The modeling yields the pole orientation of the nucleus, with an obliquity of approximately 108°, corresponding to an RA of 13h41m and a Dec of −1.1°. For an assumed spherical nucleus, the primary active region is centered at approximately −66° latitude, has a radius of about 56°, and therefore covers about 22% of the surface. The source of the secondary jet is at a latitude of −28°, has a radius of about 16°, and is located at a longitude nearly 180° away from the primary source. Estimated uncertainties for the pole orientation and the source locations and sizes are each about 3°. This solution for the nucleus orientation and source locations explains the strong asymmetry in measured production rates before and after perihelion in radio observations (Biver et al., 1999, Astron. J. 118, 1850-1872). The modeling also tightly constrains the sidereal rotation period as 0.2618 ± 0.0001 day, completely consistent with the expected +0.0003 day difference from the observed solar rotation period of 0.2614 ± 0.0004 day determined by Schleicher and Osip (2002, Icarus 159, 210-233), given the pole orientation and position of the comet in its orbit.  相似文献   
A major goal of the BepiColombo mission to Mercury is the determination of the structure and state of Mercury's interior. Here the BepiColombo rotation experiment has been simulated in order to assess the ability to attain the mission goals and to help lay out a series of constraints on the experiment's possible progress. In the rotation experiment pairs of images of identical surface regions taken at different epochs are used to retrieve information on Mercury's rotation and orientation. The idea is that from observations of the same patch of Mercury's surface at two different solar longitudes of Mercury the orientation of Mercury can be determined, and therefore also the obliquity and rotation variations with respect to the uniform rotation.The estimation of the libration amplitude and obliquity through pattern matching of observed surface landmarks is challenging. The main problem arises from the difficulty to observe the same landmark on the planetary surface repeatedly over the MPO mission lifetime, due to the combination of Mercury's 3:2 spin-orbit resonance, the absence of a drift of the MPO polar orbital plane and the need to combine data from different instruments with their own measurement restrictions.By assuming that Mercury occupies a Cassini state and that the spacecraft operates nominally we show that under worst case assumptions the annual libration amplitude and obliquity can be measured with a precision of, respectively, 1.4 arcseconds (as) and 1.0 as over the nominal BepiColombo MPO lifetime with about 25 landmarks for rather stringent illumination restrictions. The outcome of the experiment cannot be easily improved by simply relaxing the observational constraints, or increasing the data volume.  相似文献   
帕米尔-西昆仑地区新生代古地磁结果及其构造意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对帕米尔-西昆仑地区新生代地层51个采点古地磁样品系统的古地磁测试,获得了研究区新生代较可靠的古地磁数据。尽管上述研究剖面因为单斜地层无法对所获得的古地磁结果进行褶皱检验,但从实验结果可以看出,其地理坐标下平均的高温特征剩磁方向远离现代地磁场方向,且和田朗如乡古近纪、策勒恰恰古近纪、叶城柯克亚乡新近纪剖面所获得的古地磁结果具有正、反2种极性,由此,我们认为以上剖面的高温特征剩磁很可能代表了岩石形成时的原生剩磁方向。结合研究区已有的古地磁数据,认为在新生代印度板块向北挤压作用下,塔里木地块西缘地区(帕米尔高原东北缘)早白垩世-晚白垩世始相对欧亚大陆在古地磁误差范围内并没有发生明显的构造旋转作用(1°~1.6°),而始新世以来相对欧亚大陆则发生了明显的逆时针旋转(22°~38°),该地区的逆时针旋转作用可能与塔拉斯-费尔干纳断裂新生代以来的右旋走滑作用有关,而在帕米尔高原以东则主要以沿大型走滑断裂的走滑作用为主,并没有发生明显的旋转作用。  相似文献   
Solar g-modes are global oscillations that would exist primarily in the radiative zone (RZ) and would be excited by either convective overshoot or nuclear burning in the core. Wolff and O’Donovan (Astrophys. J. 661, 568, 2007) proposed a non-linear coupling of g-modes into groups that share the same harmonic degree . Each group (denoted set()) exhibits a unique retrograde rotation rate with respect to the RZ that depends mainly on . The coupling yields a standing wave (nearly stationary in longitude) that has two angularly defined hot spots offset from the equator on opposite sides of the Sun that would deposit energy asymmetrically in the lower convective envelope (CE). It is anticipated that when two or more groups overlap in longitude, an increase in local heating would influence the distribution of sunspots. In this paper, we scanned a multitude of rotational reference frames for sunspot clustering to test for frames that are concordant with the rotation of these g-modes sets. To achieve this, spherical harmonic filtering of sunspot synoptic maps was used to extract patterns consistent with coalesced g-modes. The latitude band, with minimal differential rotation, was sampled from each filtered synoptic map and layered into a stackplot. This was progressively shifted, line-by-line, into different rotational reference frames. We have detected long-lived longitudinal alignments, spanning 90 years of solar cycles, which are consistent with the rotation rate of the deep solar interior as well as other rotational frames predicted by the coupled g-mode model. Their sidereal rotation rates of 370.0, 398.8, 412.7, 418.3, 421.0, 424.2 and 430.0 nHz correspond, respectively, to coupled g-modes for = 2 through 7 and G, where G is a set with high values or a group of such sets (unresolved) that rotate almost as fast as the RZ. While the clustering in these reference frames offers new approaches for studying the longitudinal behavior of solar activity, it tentatively leads to the more profound conclusion that a portion of the driving force for sunspot occurrence is linked to energy extracted from the solar core and deposited at the top of the RZ by solar g-modes.  相似文献   
We aim at investigating the effect of rotation up to the third order in the angular velocity of a star on the p and g modes, based on the formalism developed by Soufi et al. Our ultimate goal is the study of oscillations of β Cephei stars which are often rapidly rotating stars. Our results show that the third-order perturbation formalism presented by Soufi et al. should be corrected for some missing terms and some misprints in the equations. As a first step in our study of β Cephei stars, we quantify by numerical calculations the effect of rotation on the oscillation frequencies of a uniformly rotating zero-age main-sequence star with 12 M<,??>. For an equatorial velocity of 100km s-1, it is found that the second-and third-order corrections for (l, m)=(2, 2), for instance, are of the order of 0.01% of the frequency for radial order n=6 and reaches up to 0.5% for n=14.  相似文献   
We report a new driving mechanism for vertical-axis rotation in fold belts: during directed folding, there always are layers which are tilted oblique to the regional shortening direction. These layers are geometrically incompatible with fold closure and must become accommodated towards parallelism with the other layers in the course of further shortening. Accommodation is achieved through vertical-axis rotations of the layers towards the shortening direction. A revision of palaeomagnetic data sets from fold belts shows that (1) incompatible layers occur in almost all data sets, reflecting a certain degree of non-cylindrical folding, and (2) a parallelisation of the layers by true vertical-axis rotations occurred when folding became intense. Layer parallelisation is a potential source of disturbance for palaeomagnetic and tectonic interpretation. It can be the explanation for some of the frequent outliers in palaeomagnetic data sets, and a basic model for the rotation pattern of palaeomagnetic directions.  相似文献   
日长变化具有复杂的时变特性,传统的线性时间序列分析方法往往难以取得良好的预报效果.采用非线性人工神经网络技术对日长变化进行预报,网络模型的拓扑结构由最小均方误差法来确定.考虑到日长变化与大气环流运动间的密切关系,在神经网络预报模型中引入轴向大气角动量序列.结果表明,联合日长和大气角动量序列,比起单独采用日长资料,预报精度得到显著的提高.  相似文献   
A two-dimensional (2D) finite element analytical model is developed to analyze the seismic response of rigid highway bridge abutments, retaining and founded on dry sand. A well verified finite element code named FLEX is used for this purpose. The proposed model has the following characteristics: (1) The soil (dry sand in this study) is modeled by a 2D finite element grid; (2) The bridge abutment is molded as a rigid substructure; (3) The strength and deformation of the soil are modeled using the viscous cap constitutive model. This model consists of a failure surface and hardening cap together with an associated flow rule. The cap surface is activated for the soil under the wall to represent compaction during wall rocking. In addition, viscoelastic behavior is provided for representing the hysteretic-like damping of soil during dynamic loading; (4) Interface elements are used between the wall and the soil (at the backface of the wall and under its base) to allow for sliding and for debonding/recontact behavior; (5) The finite element grid is truncated by using an absorbing boundary approximation. Using this boundary at both sides of the grid simulates the horizontal radiation of energy scattered from the wall and the excavation. Shear beams are placed adjacent to the lateral boundaries from each side which give the far-field ground motion, for comparison with those computed adjacent to the boundaries. The analytical model is verified comparing predictions to results from dynamic centrifuge tests, with satisfactory agreement. The proposed model is used to study the dynamic response of an 8.0 m high and 3.0 m wide rigid bridge abutment (proportioned using the traditional approach to design) for different sinusoidal and earthquake acceleration input motions. The results from the analysis show that outward tilting of rigid bridge abutments is the dominant mode of response during dynamic shaking and that these abutments end up with a permanent outward tilt at the end of shaking. The results from all the analyzed cases of the 8.0 m high gravity retaining wall together with those from the analysis of the tilting wall centrifuge tests are discussed and used for proposing a practical method for evaluating the seismic response of rigid abutments during earthquakes.  相似文献   
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