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新疆焉耆盆地绿洲景观的空间格局及其变化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张俊  周成虎  李建新 《地理研究》2006,25(2):350-358
通过GIS技术的叠加和提取功能建立了焉耆盆地两个时间段的景观类型转移矩阵。在此基础上,分析了焉耆盆地内部绿洲景观类型的动态演化过程和空间分布特征。结果表明:焉耆盆地经过近40年的土地开垦后,人工绿洲呈现出上升的趋势,农田向自然绿洲和荒漠的扩张在整个研究阶段均可见;农田开垦的对象表现为从草地(含部分沼泽地)→多汁木本盐柴类荒漠→超旱生灌木半灌木荒漠迁移,体现了农田绿洲开垦从易到难,自然绿洲不断缩小,人工绿洲不断扩大的过程;对土地和水资源的不合理利用,导致盆地内湖泊水体、湖泊周边及农田绿洲出现明显的生态退化。焉耆盆地今后的规划和发展必须高度重视人工绿洲生态系统和自然生态之间的平衡,盆地环境治理很大程度决定于水资源的合理利用和合理调节。  相似文献   
青藏高原隆升及其环境效应   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
“青藏高原形成演化及其环境资源效应”项目选择青藏高原为典型地区,特别注意高原与毗邻地区的联系,以从全球尺度探讨高原的各种过程,目标集中在大陆碰撞过程和高原隆升过程,以过程为主线贯通碰撞机制、环境变化和资源分布规律的研究;时间上着重新生代以来,在不同精细时间尺度上定量地描述碰撞和隆升的动态过程及环境变化。运用地球科学、生命科学、环境科学及各学科之间有机交叉、综合研究的方法,开展大陆碰撞动力学、环境变化、现代表生过程及各圈层相互作用等重大理论问题的研究,为青藏高原地区的资源开发和环境调控提供科学依据。按照统观全局、突出重点的原则,项目主要研究内容包括以下4个方面:大陆岩石圈碰撞过程及其成矿效应;高原隆升过程与东亚气候环境变化;青藏高原现代表生过程及相互作用机理;青藏高原区域系统相互作用的综合研究。在完成研究计划任务的基础上,项目取得如下的突出研究成果和创新性进展:印度大陆与欧亚大陆初始碰撞时限;青藏高原南北缘山盆岩石圈尺度的构造关系;青藏高原整合构造模型与成矿成藏评价;新生代高原北部重大的构造变形隆升事件序列;高原周边环境变化事件及高原隆升对亚洲季风发展变化的影响;高分辨率气候动态过程及变化趋势;高原主要生态系统碳过程对气候变化的响应;高原气候变化及冰冻圈变化与预测;高原土地覆被变化、恢复整治及管理。  相似文献   
Fragmental carbonate rocks are common in the Mesozoic and Tertiary succession of Mallorca, in the western Mediterranean. On the Formentor peninsula at the northeastern end of the Sierra Norte, two phases of fragmentation post-date Liassic platform carbonate and its subsequent reworking, and predate deposition of marine Burdigalian sediments. Phase 1 fragmentation resulted in brecciated rocks with angular fragments often little displaced, cemented by coarse calcite. Brecciated rock passes into veined or unbrecciated rock over short distances. These breccias are interpreted as the products of collapse during solution of an evaporite after uplift during the early Tertiary. Phase 2 fragmentation is related to the unconformity with Miocene sediments and is interpreted as a product of karstic processes operating prior to subsidence and deposition of Miocene marine conglomerates. Multiple brecciation is common, yielding complex fragmental rocks, but permitting a relative dating of the two phases and other depositional and structural events.  相似文献   
南海是西太平洋最大的边缘海, 通过一系列的海峡与西太平洋和印度洋相联通, 其不同时空尺度的海洋环流动力过程及其生态环境效应是南海区域海洋学研究的重要内容。自20世纪50年代末全国第一次海洋普查开始, 我国对海洋调查的支持力度不断加大, 以科学考察船为代表的海洋科学观测平台建设不断加强; 进入新千年以来, 国内海洋科考船依托的各主要研究所和院校本着开放的理念, 先后组织多单位联合进行海上观测。尤其是最近10年, 国家自然科学基金委员会支持实施了船时共享航次计划, 进一步促进了国内海洋界的交流和合作, 南海区域海洋学的相关研究取得了很多重要的成果。从多尺度环流动力学的角度出发, 本文简要回顾了南海海洋观测的发展历程, 并初步总结了近些年来南海关键科学问题的研究进展, 包括南海和西太平洋的水体交换过程、南海中小尺度过程、多尺度相互作用及其生态环境效应等; 并且在现有的研究基础上, 对未来南海的观测和科学问题提出若干思考与展望。  相似文献   
黄河口快速沉积及其动力过程   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
现场观测资料和卫星遥感校准图像计算表明 ,185 5年以来 ,黄河三角洲新淤陆地 36 99km2 ,生长速率为 2 6 8km2 /a ,黄河输入三角洲 1× 10 8t泥沙形成 3 14 4km2 的陆地。进入河口区的泥沙约 88 4 %堆积在水下 8km宽的三角洲前缘。研究表明 ,这一堆积比例是河口切变锋、异重流和潮流场相互作用的结果 ,异重流在黄河汛期一直存在 ,大约搬运黄河来沙的 6 0 %沉积在三角洲前缘 ;一个潮周期内 ,切变锋出现两次 ,它能够捕获异轻羽状流中的悬浮泥沙堆积 ,也能够限制异重流的远距离扩散。切变锋消失后 ,少量悬浮泥沙才能远距离扩散 ,随潮流离开三角洲水下斜坡。  相似文献   
An assessment of the multibeam sonar data of the central Western Continental Margins of India has been carried out to evaluate the seafloor geomorphology and processes by examining the geomorphological attributes e.g., slope, sediments, structures, etc. associated with geomorphic features. The variation in relief and the features located in the region have been mapped and interpreted collectively by utilizing several geospatial mapping tools. The backscatter strength across the area, apparently congruent with the local relief, has helped to examine the sediment movement on the seafloor. The prominent features found in the region include faults, pockmarks, mounds, submarine terraces, and submerged fossil reefs. Several areas with varying topography engender comparable fractal dimension at short scale breaks, and the probability density functions (PDFs) utilizing backscatter data depicting overlapping classes. The present study highlights how fractals and scale break parameters can be utilized to determine the seafloor processes and associated sedimentological dynamics in a complex geographical environment with strong bottom currents, seasonal upwelling, and faulted structure. The role and impact of the various geomorphic processes on the reworking of sediment movement and the overall progression of the seafloor morphology has been revealed for the first time in this part of the ocean bottom.  相似文献   
The paper provides a joint distribution of significant wave height and characteristic surf parameter. The characteristic surf parameter is given by the ratio between the slope of a beach or a structure and the square root of the characteristic wave steepness in deep water defined in terms of the significant wave height and the spectral peak period. The characteristic surf parameter is used to characterize surf zone processes and is relevant for e.g. wave run-up on beaches and coastal structures. The paper presents statistical properties of the wave parameters as well as an example of results corresponding to typical field conditions.  相似文献   
根据2006—2007年期间在珠江口八大口门进行的丰水期大、中、小潮3个航次、平水期和枯水期各1个航次的全潮同步水文观测资料,分析了八大口门的潮流特性、涨落潮通量等特征,并建立了逐时潮差与流量的相关关系。在丰水期小潮期间,八大口门受强热带风暴"碧利斯"带来的强降雨的影响,潮流特性、断面流量等水文特征出现较大的变化,逐时潮差与流量的相关关系与其他航次相比表现出不同的规律。在无强径流影响下,逐时潮差与流量的相关关系用线性方程拟合,相关性较好;但在强径流影响下,则采用二次多项式拟合较为合适,且拟合曲线的左右侧表现出涨、落潮过程的区别。  相似文献   
王爱军  叶翔  陈坚 《海洋学报》2009,31(6):77-86
通过对"凤凰"台风的现场观测和沉积物样品的分析,结果表明,在台风影响下潮水淹没时间增长,增水达1.1 m;台风期间互花米草盐沼内流速变化较复杂,而且盐沼内部流速大于盐沼边缘的;台风期间盐沼边缘潮周期平均悬沙含量是台风前2 d的7倍;台风期间十分之一波高最大为1.54 m。滩面重复测量结果显示,台风登陆期间整个光滩滩面都发生了侵蚀,盐沼内部有部分地区发生侵蚀,侵蚀深度为4.5~5.5 cm,盐沼边缘的侵蚀深度仅为0.7 cm,侵蚀原因主要是植被在风浪作用下从根部折断,从而带走了滩面的沉积物;随着台风强度的减弱,整个滩面均接受悬沙沉降;台风带来的强降雨是影响滩面沉积物活动的重要因素。  相似文献   
Growth strata are used to determine the kinematics of synsedimentary structures such as faults. Classical methods of analysis such as thickness versus throw plot consider that the available space created by fault slip in the hanging wall of faults is instantaneously filled up by sediments. This has lead many previous works to identify a cyclic activity for growth faults. Here we perform a careful analysis of the variation of strata thicknesses on each side of a very well documented normal growth fault in the Niger delta. We show that these thickness variations are induced by the alternation of sedimentary processes during continuous fault slip. Suspended-load processes induce either uniform or slightly variable thickness of a large majority of mudstone layers. Bedload processes result in a preferential thickening of sand layers in the hanging wall. These high quality data thus provide strong grounds for doubting the polycyclic growth diagnosed for some faults at the scale of sedimentary cycles and supports the notion that fault displacement rates can be very well behaved. Our study emphasizes the important conclusion that stable fault growth, and related displacement rates, can appear to be punctuated when viewed at the scale of sedimentary cycles. It follows that care should be taken when attempting to derive displacement rates on temporal scales equivalent to those of alternating sedimentological cycles.  相似文献   
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