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The data from a recent magnetic compilation by Verhoefet al. (1991) off west Africa were used in combination with data in the western Atlantic to review the Mesozoic plate kinematic evolution of the central North Atlantic. The magnetic profile data were analyzed to identify the M-series sea floor spreading anomalies on the African plate. Oceanic fracture zones were identified from magnetic anomalies and seismic and gravity measurements. The identified sea floor spreading anomalies on the African plate were combined with those on the North American plate to calculate reconstruction poles for this part of the central Atlantic. The total separation poles derived in this paper describe a smooth curve, suggesting that the motion of the pole through time was continuous. Although the new sea floor spreading history differs only slightly from the one presented by Klitgord and Schouten (1986), it predicts smoother flowlines. On the other hand, the sea floor spreading history as depicted by the flowlines for the eastern central Atlantic deviates substantially from that of Sundvik and Larson (1988). A revised spreading history is also presented for the Cretaceous Magnetic Quiet Zone, where large changes in spreading direction occurred, that can not be resolved when fitting magnetic isochrons only, but which are evident from fracture zone traces and directions of sea floor spreading topography.Deceased 11 November 1991  相似文献   
A statistical analysis of two peaks (pre-midnight and post-midnight) occurrence in NmF2 daily variations was made on a latitudinal chain of four ionosonde stations in the Eurasian longitudinal sector. Overall 6182 cases of the first and 5600 cases of the second peak occurrence were analyzed using all available foF2 observations for the years of solar maximum and minimum. Well-pronounced and systematic variations with season and solar activity were revealed in the occurrence probability of the peaks, their amplitude and timing. The pattern of both peaks occurrence is similar during winter and equinoxes for midlatitude stations implying one and the same mechanism of their formation. The pre-midnight summer peak shows specific variations in particular during solar maximum pointing to a different mechanism controlling its appearance. Possible mechanisms of both peaks formation are discussed.  相似文献   
The study of laminar flows with simple streamlines in conducting fluids that might support kinematic dynamo action has a long history. Early successful examples include the Gailitis (1970 Gailitis, A. 1970. Self-excitation of a magnetic field by a pair of annular vortices. Mag. Gidrod, 6: 1922. (English translation: Magnetohydrodynamics, 6:14–17) [Google Scholar]) dynamo, which has two meridional rolls. We show here that a single meridional roll, considered as a limit of a modified Gailitis-like dynamo, can also support kinematic dynamo action in a deep spherical shell. This flow has a claim to be the simplest such flow possible.  相似文献   


GM4型磁通门磁力仪是十五项目中地磁学科主要仪器。龙岩台GM4型磁通门磁力仪主要受到来自铁磁性物质和电磁类型的干扰。由已知干扰类型,对记录曲线典型畸变形态进行对比、分析、总结,可以更好分辨干扰,进行恰当、合理、准确地预处理,保证数据的连续、可靠、精确。  相似文献   
This paper deals with the investigation of the effect of surface stress and conductivity on the propagation of surface wave in isotropic, homogeneous, elastic media under the action of a primary magnetic field. Formulation of the general surface wave propagation problem has been made, and the corresponding frequency equation has been derived. Frequency equations for Rayleigh wave, surface shear wave and Stoneley wave have been deduced from that of general surface wave as special cases. The effects of surface stress and magnetic field on the wave velocities and attenuation factors of Rayleigh wave and surface shear wave are shown by numerical calculations and graphs. Some important wave velocity equations, as obtained by other authors, have been deduced as special cases from the wave velocity equation for Stoneley wave. It is found that the combined effect of surface stress and magnetic field modulates the wave velocity ratios and attenuation factors of Rayleigh wave and surface shear wave to a considerable extent.  相似文献   
针对传统载体磁补偿求解系数存在病态性的问题,本文研究了磁干扰的主要来源,忽略了涡流场的影响,在原有的模型基础上进行了简化,建立了三分量磁补偿模型,由此提出了磁场分量的在线载体补偿方法。通过与传统方法进行对比仿真,本文方法有效提高了约1.14 nT的补偿精度。同时利用现场可编程逻辑门阵列(field programmable gate array,FPGA)的高层次综合工具(high-level synthesis, HLS)对该方法进行了嵌入式硬件仿真,验证了方法在硬件系统的实时性和补偿精度。  相似文献   
通过在建平大黑山铁矿区的地面高精度磁测,获取了磁异常数据,圈定了磁异常范围。随之对磁测数据进行化极处理和延拓等磁法数据处理,之后对磁异常进行了地球物理解释,大致查明了隐伏矿(化)体的分布和空间特征。结合当地的地质资料,对查找有利成矿异常带进行验证,达到寻找隐伏铁矿的目的,说明磁法勘探在此处寻找隐伏铁矿取得了较好的地质效果。  相似文献   
环境演变研究时间序列的建立方法评述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对环境演变时间序列建立的几种主要方法的纪年原理、应用状况及应用的优点、范围、局限性进行了阐述和比较,包括长寿命宇宙成因核素在内的同位素纪年方法主要判别第四纪以来大时间尺主的沉积物的地质年龄,且能很好地应用于全球变化的研究,但百余年来沉积物的年龄及侵蚀历史变化的研究只能通过^210Pbex、^137Cs等半衰期相对较短的核素来进行;指出^210Pbex可望在现代流域侵蚀环境演变以及其效应评价的研究中获得新的突破。  相似文献   
水成沉积与风成沉积及古土壤的磁组构特征   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
晚第四纪水成沉积、风成沉积、古土壤等的磁组构研究表明,不同成因的沉积物具有明显不同的磁组构特征。一般地,水成沉积的体积磁化率K受物源和水动力因素控制,P和F均>1.02,q<0.5;风成沉积的K受物源控制,内陆黄土的K明显高于沿海黄土及海岸风沙K,P和F均<1.02,q的平均值>0.55;古土壤的K受母质沉积类型和成土环境的氧化还原条件控制,内陆古土壤的K偏高,沿海古土壤的K偏低,内陆古土壤的K远高于沿海古土壤的K,P和F均<1.02,q的平均值在0.5左右。运用典型沉积的磁组构特征对比分析未知沉积物,可以得到未知沉积物的物源、沉积过程和环境信息。  相似文献   
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