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王翠珍  郭华东 《遥感学报》1998,2(2):107-111
本文根据简化的积分公式模型(IEM),分析了面散射过程中后向散射系数与地面参数之间的关系。利用航天飞机成像雷达(SIR-C)获取极化的雷达图像,提取新疆北部地区冲扇的散射系数以及介电常数(湿度)与粗糙度。由图像获得的地面参数数据,可以用于分布冲积扇成因、时代以及其次的关系。  相似文献   
One of the potential applications of polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data is the classification of land cover, such as forest canopies, vegetation, sea ice types, and urban areas. In contrast to single or dual polarized SAR systems, full polarimetric SAR systems provide more information about the physical and geometrical properties of the imaged area. This paper proposes a new Bayes risk function which can be minimized to obtain a Likelihood Ratio (LR) for the supervised classification of polarimetric SAR data. The derived Bayes risk function is based on the complex Wishart distribution. Furthermore, a new spatial criterion is incorporated with the LR classification process to produce more homogeneous classes. The application for Arctic sea ice mapping shows that the LR and the proposed spatial criterion are able to provide promising classification results. Comparison with classification results based on the Wishart classifier, the Wishart Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic (WLRTS) proposed by Conradsen et al. (2003) and the Expectation Maximization with Probabilistic Label Relaxation (EMPLR) algorithm are presented. High overall classification accuracy of selected study areas which reaches 97.8% using the LR is obtained. Combining the derived spatial criterion with the LR can improve the overall classification accuracy to reach 99.9%. In this study, fully polarimetric C-band RADARSAT-2 data collected over Franklin Bay, Canadian Arctic, is used.  相似文献   
潘佳文  高丽  魏鸣  蒋璐璐  蔡菁 《气象学报》2021,79(1):168-180
为了研究雹暴的偏振特征及其在实际业务中的应用,使用S波段双偏振雷达所观测到的46例冰雹数据,对其中反复出现的3种偏振特征:冰雹在各高度层的偏振参数特征、差分反射率因子柱、三体散射偏振特征进行了分析,重点分析了3种偏振特征大、小冰雹事件的差异.结果表明:(1)大冰雹的水平反射率因子中位数要高于小冰雹,二者的水平反射率因子...  相似文献   
A combined analysis of microphysical thunderstorm properties derived by C-band polarimetric Doppler radar measurements and lightning observations from two ground-based systems are presented. Three types of storms, a multicell, a supercell, and a squall line, that were observed during the European Lightning Nitrogen Oxides project (EULINOX) are investigated. Correlations are sought between the mass of rain, graupel, hail, and snow derived form radar observations at different height levels and the electrical activity, represented either by cloud-to-ground or intracloud flashes. These relationships are explained by connecting the radar-derived properties with the non-inductive charging process. For the multicell and the supercell storm, the lightning activity can be linearly correlated to both the hydrometeor total mass and class specific mass in the upper part of the storm. It is shown that the fractions of graupel and hail above the −20 °C-level in these storms positively correlate with the intracloud flash activity in the supercell, and negatively for the cloud-to-ground lightning frequency in the multicell. No such relation can be established for the squall line, indicating that the convective organization plays a crucial role in the lightning development. The analysis of the masses in the different storms shows that lightning activity cannot be parameterized by total mass alone, other parameters have to be identified. The results provide important information for all lightning studies that rely on bulk properties of thunderstorms, e.g., the parameterization of lightning in mesoscale models or the nowcasting of lightning by radar.  相似文献   
为研究梅雨期极端对流系统的微物理特征,利用2013—2014年江淮梅雨期间南京溧水S波段双偏振雷达探测资料和地面自动站小时降水资料,统计分析了两类极端对流降水系统的微物理特征及差异。这两类极端对流系统的定义基于地面降水强度和雷达回波顶高,分别为所有对流中降水强度最强的1%(R类:小时降水强度>46.2 mm/h)和对流发展高度最高的1%(H类:20 dBz回波顶高>14.5 km)。结果显示这两类极端对流系统仅有30%的样本重合,显示了二者之间的弱相关性。对于相同的反射率因子ZH,R类极端对流系统的近地面差分反射率因子ZDR通常较H类极端对流小约0.2 dB,表明R类极端对流具有较小的平均粒径。结合双偏振雷达反演的粒子大小和相态分布显示,虽然两类极端对流都表现出海洋性对流降水特征,但R类极端对流较H类极端对流的总体雨滴粒径更小而数浓度更高,导致R类极端对流系统的地面降水更强。与R类极端对流系统相比,H类极端对流系统的上升运动更强,将更多的水汽和过冷水输送到0℃层以上,有利于形成更大的冰相粒子(如霰粒子等),并通过融化形成大雨滴。以上研究表明,梅雨期降水强度和对流发展深度并没有必然的联系,极端降水主要是中等高度的对流引起。   相似文献   
Satellite-borne and ground-based devices for the detection of lightning offer the opportunity to explore relationships–on all significant scales up to global–between lightning frequency, f, and other thundercloud parameters. Calculations predict that f is proportional to the product of the downflux p of solid precipitation and the upward mass flux, I, of ice crystals. This prediction has received support from limited computational studies. The physical reasons for such a relationship are explained in terms of the paramount role of ice in the electrification of thunderstorms. Herein, this prediction is subjected to further, preliminary examination through analysis of lightning and dual-polarimetric radar data collected during the STERAO experiment conducted in Northern Colorado during the summer of 1996. The analysis has yielded some highly provisional support for this flux hypothesis. Computed trends of radar derived hydrometeor fractions of solid precipitation and small ice show correlation to the total lightning frequency and raise the possibility of determining values of p and/or I from lightning measurements.It is shown that the extent to which the observed correlations between f and both solid precipitation and small ice trends are or are not strong can provide an indication as to whether the lightning activity is limited by the available concentrations of precipitating or non-precipitating ice in the upper regions of the charging zone of the thundercloud, where most of the charge transfer occurs. It is demonstrated that the most accurate determinations of precipitation rate p from measurements of lighting frequency f are likely to be for conditions where the field-growth is limited by the availability of graupel pellets. It is shown that the simultaneous time variations of f and solid precipitation trends of the type obtained in the STERAO experiment could enable us to determine the nature of the dominant glaciation process operative in the thunderclouds studied.  相似文献   
雨滴谱包含了降雨的丰富信息,不仅能反映雨滴群的微物理特性,也能反映降雨类型、降雨强度等宏观特性,并且在雷达气象领域也有重要的价值。论文对2015和2016年度南京地区32次降雨过程的雨滴谱资料进行了处理、并对多种雨滴参数进行了详细的统计和分析,拟合了层状云降雨、对流云降雨以及积层混合云降雨的雨滴谱Gamma分布参数。另外,还基于雨滴谱数据拟合了雷达反射率因子Z与降雨强度R的Z-R关系,计算了差分反射率ZDR、相位常数KDP以及衰减参数,并利用衰减参数进行了C波段雷达回波的衰减订正试验。结果表明:(1)层状云降雨的各微物理参数比较稳定,积雨云的变化剧烈;层云降雨和积层混合云降雨的中雨滴、积雨云降雨的大雨滴对雷达反射率因子的贡献最大。(2)积雨云降雨的滴谱最宽,层状云降雨的最窄。(3)利用依据雨滴谱数据拟合的三类降雨Z-R关系,可以一定程度地提高雷达估测降雨的精度。(4)利用基于雨滴谱数据拟合的衰减系数,有效地进行了C波段双偏振雷达回波强度的衰减订正,体现了统计参数和拟合参数准确性。  相似文献   
Forests are important biomes covering a major part of the vegetation on the Earth, and as such account for seventy percent of the carbon present in living beings. The value of a forest’s above ground biomass (AGB) is considered as an important parameter for the estimation of global carbon content. In the present study, the quad-pol ALOS-PALSAR data was used for the estimation of AGB for the Dudhwa National Park, India. For this purpose, polarimetric decomposition components and an Extended Water Cloud Model (EWCM) were used. The PolSAR data orientation angle shifts were compensated for before the polarimetric decomposition. The scattering components obtained from the polarimetric decomposition were used in the Water Cloud Model (WCM). The WCM was extended for higher order interactions like double bounce scattering. The parameters of the EWCM were retrieved using the field measurements and the decomposition components. Finally, the relationship between the estimated AGB and measured AGB was assessed. The coefficient of determination (R2) and root mean square error (RMSE) were 0.4341 and 119 t/ha respectively.  相似文献   
在高分辨率机载干涉SAR成像处理过程中,由于载机飞行过程中偏离理想轨迹,需要高精度的惯导系统和GPS系统记录载机的运动轨迹并进行运动补偿.然而,由于目前传感器导航精度的限制,在完成运动补偿处理后仍然存在轨道误差,从而影响干涉相位的精度,本文提出了一种机载双极化InSAR轨道误差去除方法.该方法利用小波多尺度分析对不同极...  相似文献   
An innovative methodology for dual-polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data segmentation is proposed. The methodology is based on the thresholding of the 1D-histograms of the two images produced by the dual polarimetric bands. Thresholding of the histograms is performed using a nonparametric algorithm. Histograms after thresholding are combined together in a two dimensional histogram-based space in order to define sub-spaces, which are used for image segmentation. Sub-spaces are further divided based on two criteria which lead to a multi-level segmentation approach. Dual-polarized TerraSAR-X data, both HH and VV, are used in a study area located in the southwestern United Kingdom.  相似文献   
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