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ntroductionThedeterminationoffineradialvelocitystructureofuppermantleplaysanimportantroleininvestigationofmantlecompositiona...  相似文献   
Mesozoic mafic dikes in the Gan-Hang tectonic belt (GHTB) provide an opportunity to explore both the nature of their mantle source(s) and the secular evolution of the underlying Mesozoic lithospheric mantle in the region. The geochronology and primary geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions of Group 1 (middle section of GHTB) and Group 2 (the rest of the section) dolerite dikes spanning the GHTB were investigated. K–Ar ages indicate that dikes of both groups were emplaced during the Cretaceous (131–69 Ma). The dikes are doleritic in composition and are enriched in both large ion lithophile elements (LILEs; e.g. Rb, Ba, and Pb) and light rare earth elements (LREEs), with a wide range of Eu anomalies, but are depleted in high field strength elements (HFSEs; e.g. Nb, Ta, and Ti) and heavy rare earth elements (HREEs). Dikes sampled in the middle section of the GHTB (Group 1) show more pronounced REE differentiation and a greater contribution from crustal material than those from the east and west sections (Group 2) and are similar to GHTB volcanic rocks in exhibiting a slight enrichment in LREEs. The dolerites are further characterized by a wide range in 87Sr/86Sr i ?=?0.7041–0.7110, 143Nd/144Nd i ?=?0.511951–0.512758, ?Nd t ?=?–10.4 to?+5.6, and Pb isotopic ratios (206Pb/204Pb i ?=?18.1–18.3, 207Pb/204Pb i ≈ 15.6, and 208Pb/204Pb i ?=?38.2–38.7). The dikes have undergone fractional crystallization of olivine, clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and Ti-bearing phases, except for dikes from the Anding area, which possibly experienced fractionation of plagioclase. Geochemically, all the dike samples originated from mantle sources ranging in composition from depleted to enriched that contained a component of foundered lower crust; crustal contamination during the ascent of these magmas was negligible. In the context of the late Mesozoic lithospheric extension across South China, mafic dike magmatism was likely triggered by the reactivation of deep faults, which promoted foundering of the lower crust and subsequent mantle upwelling in the GHTB.  相似文献   
断裂及岩浆活动对幔源CO2气成藏的作用--以济阳坳陷为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林松辉 《地球科学》2005,30(4):473-479
尽管CO2气在地壳浅层运聚成藏与常规的烃气相似,都要求有丰富的源、储层、圈闭、输导系统和盖层,但在成因或来源上与烃气有天壤之别.通过对与CO2气田(藏)有关的深大断裂、火成岩进行综合研究认为,岩浆是CO2运移的载体,火成岩的发育则是断裂时空同步活动的重要标志,幔源CO2气的成藏要素最为重要的是“运”,即要有直接或间接与地幔相连的深大断裂,而且,作为一条断裂通道的活动要时空同步.故而CO2气田(藏)的形成,同断裂活动和岩浆活动有着密切的关系.断裂对CO2气田(藏)形成的控制作用表现为:(1)深大断裂控制CO2成藏带;(2)边界断裂及其派生的不同方向、不同级别的断裂控制了盆地内CO2气田(藏)的形成与分布.  相似文献   
In the Northern Volcanic Zone of the Andes, the Cayambe VolcanicComplex consists of: (1) a basal, mostly effusive volcano, theViejo Cayambe, whose lavas (andesites and subordinate dacitesand rhyolites) are typically calc-alkaline; and (2) a younger,essentially dacitic, composite edifice, the Nevado Cayambe,characterized by lavas with adakitic signatures and explosiveeruptive styles. The construction of Viejo Cayambe began >1·1Myr ago and ended at 1·0 Ma. The young and still activeNevado Cayambe grew after a period of quiescence of about 0·6Myr, from 0·4 Ma to Holocene. Its complex history isdivided into at least three large construction phases (Angurealcone, Main Summit cone and Secondary Summit cone) and compriseslarge pyroclastic events, debris avalanches, as well as periodsof dome activity. Geochemical data indicate that fractionalcrystallization and crustal assimilation processes have a limitedrole in the genesis of each suite. On the contrary, field observations,and mineralogical and geochemical data show the increasing importanceof magma mixing during the evolution of the volcanic complex.The adakitic signature of Nevado Cayambe magmas is related topartial melting of a basaltic source, which could be the lowercrust or the subducted slab. However, reliable geophysical andgeochemical evidence indicates that the source of adakitic componentis the subducted slab. Thus, the Viejo Cayambe magmas are inferredto come from a mantle wedge source metasomatized by slab-derivedmelts (adakites), whereas the Nevado Cayambe magmas indicatea greater involvement of adakitic melts in their petrogenesis.This temporal evolution can be related to the presence of thesubducted Carnegie Ridge, modifying the geothermal gradientalong the Wadati–Benioff zone and favouring slab partialmelting. KEY WORDS: adakites; 40Ar/39Ar dating; Cayambe volcano; Ecuador; mantle metasomatism; Andes  相似文献   
Sounding and study on electrical structure of the crust and upper mantle within the eastern border region of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau by using the magnetotelluric sounding (simply MT) method permitted us to understand the characteristics of specific electrical structure in the region. The sounding result clearly revealed that: (1) The Xianshuihe fault zone represents a large-scale lithospheric fault and is an important boundary fault of the rhombic Sichuan-Yunnan block. (2) The sounded region is a strong earthquake-prone zone. The different crustal media of blocks on both sides of the fault became an important deep background for the strong seismo-active zone. (3) A large-scale low-resistivity layer is found to exist at a depth more than ten kilometers beneath the northern part of the rhombic Sichuan-Yunnan block. Its electrical resistivity is only several to tens Ω?m. The layer northeastward extends down at an angle of 45°. It is related to an obstacle to the lateral squeeze of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and eastward flow of mass by the rigid block. It is inferred from the characteristics of electrical property of deep media that the northern part of the recent rhombic Sichuan-Yunnan block is in a thermal state and is one of the recently fairly active blocks. (4) The lithosphere in the sounded region is gradually thickened from the western segment (northern Sichuan-Yunnan block) to east (Yangtze block).  相似文献   
Mantle derived xenoliths in India are known to occur in the Proterozoic ultrapotassic rocks like kimberlites from Dharwar and Bastar craton and Mesozoic alkali igneous rocks like lamrophyres, nephelinites and basanites. The xenoliths in kimberlites are represented by garnet harzburgites, lherzolites, wehrlite, olivine clinopyroxenites and kyaniteeclogite varieties. The PT conditions estimated for xenoliths from the Dharwar craton suggest that the lithosphere was at least 185 km thick during the Mid-Proterozoic period. The ultrabasic and eclogite xenoliths have been derived from depths of 100–180 km and 75–150 km respectively. The Kalyandurg and Brahmanpalle clusters have sampled the typical Archaean subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) with a low geotherm (35 mW/m2) and harzburgitic to lherzolitic rocks with median Xmg olivine > 0.93. The base of the depleted lithosphere at 185–195 km depth is marked by a 10–15 km layer of strongly metasomatised peridotites (Xmg olivine > ∼0.88). The Anampalle and Wajrakarur clusters 60 km to the NW show a distinctly different SCLM; it has a higher geotherm (37.5 to 40 mW/m2) and contains few subcalcic harzburgites, and has a median Xmg olivine = 0.925. In contrast, the kimberlites of the Uravakonda and WK-7 clusters sampled quite fertile (median Xmg olivine ∼0.915) SCLM with an elevated geotherm (> 40 mW/m2). The lamrophyres, basanites and melanephelinites associated with the Deccan Volcanic Province entrain both ultramafic and mafic xenoliths. The ultramafic group is represented by (i) spinel lherzolites, harzburgites, and (ii) pyroxenites. Single pyroxene granulite and two pyroxene granulites constitutes the mafic group. Temperature estimates for the West Coast xenoliths indicate equilibration temperatures of 500–900°C while the pressure estimates vary between 6–11 kbar corresponding to depths of 20–35 km. This elevated geotherm implies that the region is characterized by abnormally high heat flow, which is also supported by the presence of linear array of hot springs along the West Coast. Spinel peridotite xenoliths entrained in the basanites and melanephelinites from the Kutch show low equilibrium temperatures (884–972°C). The estimated pressures obtained on the basis of the absence of both plagioclase and garnet in the xenoliths and by referring the temperatures to the West Coast geotherm is ∼ 15 kbar (40–45 km depth). The minimum heat flow of 60 to 70 mW/m2 has been computed for the Kutch xenolith (Bhujia hill), which is closely comparable to the oceanic geotherm. Xenolith studies from the West Coast and Kutch indicate that the SCLM beneath is strongly metasomatised although the style of metasomatism is different from that below the Dharwar Craton.  相似文献   
共和盆地地热能分布特征与聚集机制分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
位处青藏高原北部的青海省共和盆地,是一个自中生代以来形成的断陷盆地,周界由深大活动断裂控制,其内堆积有大厚度的第四纪和新近纪地层,揭露厚度达900~1440m,基底由印支期花岗岩组成,调(勘)查资料显示,盆地内具有热流值较高的特征,基底花岗岩地热梯度大于5℃,热异常明显。青藏高原宽频地震探测资料显示,共和盆地所在的东昆仑地块上地幔存在着一条宽达150km的低速带,其与巴颜喀拉地块深地幔中以大型低速异常体为特征的地幔热柱相关联,该低速带延伸到地壳,在共和盆地及其周边一带地表以下1~40km的不同部位形成热流异常区,导致在盆地浅部形成丰富的以干热岩、地下热水为主的地下热能资源,其不仅在城镇供暖方面具有现实推广意义,而且在发电等能源利用中潜力巨大。  相似文献   
大陆岩石圈流变学是固体地球科学领域的基本问题,也是理解大陆变形的动力学过程和构造演化史的关键.本文对近年来大陆岩石圈流变学的研究进展进行了综述.重点讨论大陆岩石圈流变学的纵向分层和横向分块特性及流变学与地震活动性、壳-幔解耦及下地壳流动变形的地球动力学意义和中国大陆地区岩石圈流变学研究状况.最后,对大陆岩石圈流变学研究存在的问题和未来的研究方向做了一定的探讨和展望.  相似文献   
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