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The gravitational instability in the dust layer of a protoplanetary disk with nonuniform dust density distributions in the direction vertical to the midplane is investigated. The linear analysis of the gravitational instability is performed. The following assumptions are used: (1) One fluid model is adopted, that is, difference of velocities between dust and gas are neglected. (2) The gas is incompressible. (3) Models are axisymmetric with respect to the rotation axis of the disk. Numerical results show that the critical density at the midplane is higher than the one for the uniform dust density distribution by Sekiya (1983, Prog. Theor. Phys. 69, 1116-1130). For the Gaussian dust density distribution, the critical density is 1.3 times higher, although we do not consider this dust density distribution to be realistic because of the shear instability in the dust layer. For the dust density distribution with a constant Richardson number, which is considered to be realized due to the shear instability, the critical density is 2.85 times higher and is independent of the value of the Richardson number. Further, if a constant Richardson number could decrease to the order of 0.001, the gravitational instability would be realized even for the dust to gas surface density ratio with the solar abundance. Our results give a new restriction on planetesimal formation by the gravitational instability.  相似文献   
P. Thébault  F. Marzari 《Icarus》2006,183(1):193-206
We investigate classical planetesimal accretion in a binary star system of separation ab?50 AU by numerical simulations, with particular focus on the region at a distance of 1 AU from the primary. The planetesimals orbit the primary, are perturbed by the companion and are in addition subjected to a gas drag force. We concentrate on the problem of relative velocities Δv among planetesimals of different sizes. For various stellar mass ratios and binary orbital parameters we determine regions where Δv exceed planetesimal escape velocities vesc (thus preventing runaway accretion) or even the threshold velocity vero for which erosion dominates accretion. Gaseous friction has two crucial effects on the velocity distribution: it damps secular perturbations by forcing periastron alignment of orbits, but at the same time the size-dependence of this orbital alignment induces a significant Δv increase between bodies of different sizes. This differential phasing effect proves very efficient and almost always increases Δv to values preventing runaway accretion, except in a narrow eb?0 domain. The erosion threshold Δv>vero is reached in a wide (ab,eb) space for small <10-km planetesimals, but in a much more limited region for bigger ?50-km objects. In the intermediate vesc<Δv<vero domain, a possible growth mode would be the type II runaway growth identified by Kortenkamp et al. [Kortenkamp, S., Wetherill, G., Inaba, S., 2001. Science 293, 1127-1129].  相似文献   
S.G. Gibbard  I. de Pater 《Icarus》2005,174(1):253-262
We present the first Earth-based images of several of the individual faint rings of Uranus, as observed with the adaptive optics system on the W.M. Keck II telescope on four consecutive days in October 2003. We derive reflectivities based on multiple measurements of 8 minor moons of Uranus as well as Ariel and Miranda in filters centered at wavelengths of 1.25(J), 1.63(H), and 2.1(Kp) μm. These observations have a phase angle of 1.84°-1.96°. We find that the small satellites are somewhat less bright than in observations made by the HST at smaller phase angles, confirming an opposition surge effect. We calculate albedoes for the ring groups and for each ring separately. We find that the ε ring particles, as well as the particles in the three other ring groups, have albedoes near 0.043 at these phase angles. The equivalent depths of some of the individual rings are different than predicted based upon ring widths from occultation measurements (assuming a constant particle ring brightness); in particular the γ ring is fainter and the η ring brighter than expected. Our results indicate that q, the ratio of ε ring intensity at apoapse vs. periapse, is close to 3.2±0.16. This agrees well with a model that has a filling factor for the ε ring of 0.06 (Karkoschka, 2001, Icarus 151, 78-83). We also determine values of the north to south brightness ratio for the individual rings and find that in most cases they are close to unity.  相似文献   
Measurements of Iapetus as seen at 20 and 2.2 μm in the shadow of Saturn's ring are given, providing the thermal response to a rapidly varying heat input. The 20 μm thermal emission follows the 2.2 μm flux input closely. The observations, plus a simple diffusion calculation, imply that the surface of Iapetus is made of material having a very small thermal inertia, probably .  相似文献   
For coplanar circular orbits, the mutual perturbations between two bodies can be expressed in term of the argument of Jacobian elliptic functions instead of the difference of the mean longitudes. For a given pair of planets, such a change of time variable improves the convergence of the developments. At the first order of planetary masses an integration of Lagrange's equations for the osculating elements is performed. When compared to classical developments the results are reduced by an important factor. The method is then extended to the mutual perturbations of Jupiter and Saturn, at any order of planetary masses, either with Fourier series with two arguments, or with one argument solely, taking advantage of the close commensurability of the mean motions.  相似文献   
Analysis of three spectra of the exosphere of Mercury in the Na-D lines are presented. Spectra were secured with the high-resolution spectrograph (SARG) of the 3.5 M Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG, located on the Roque de los Muchachos, Canaries) on the evenings of August 23 and 24, 2002. Spectra have resolution ; the slit length was 26.7”. The Na column abundances range from 4.3 to with the highest abundances being close to the illuminated limb. Our observations at true anomaly angles (TAA) from 171°to 174°show the traces of the emission lines to be strongly peaked at the illuminated limb, supportive of recent modeling that shows thermal desorption to be a strong factor in determining the distribution of Na about the planet.  相似文献   
Junko Kominami  Shigeru Ida 《Icarus》2004,167(2):231-243
We have performed N-body simulations on final accretion stage of terrestrial planets, including the eccentricity and inclination damping effect due to tidal interaction with a gas disk. We investigated the dependence on a depletion time scale of the disk, and the effect of secular perturbations by Jupiter and Saturn. In the final stage, terrestrial planets are formed through coagulation of protoplanets of about the size of Mars. They would collide and grow in a decaying gas disk. Kominami and Ida [Icarus 157 (2002) 43-56] showed that it is plausible that Earth-sized, low-eccentricity planets are formed in a mostly depleted gas disk. In this paper, we investigate the formation of planets in a decaying gas disk with various depletion time scales, assuming disk surface density of gas component decays exponentially with time scale of τgas. Fifteen protoplanets with are initially distributed in the terrestrial planet regions. We found that Earth-sized planets with low eccentricities are formed, independent of initial gas surface density, when the condition (τcross+τgrowth)/2?τgas?τcross is satisfied, where τcross is the time scale for initial protoplanets to start orbit crossing in a gas-free case and τgrowth is the time scale for Earth-sized planets to accrete during the orbit crossing stage. In the cases satisfying the above condition, the final masses and eccentricities of the largest planets are consistent with those of Earth and Venus. However, four or five protoplanets with the initial mass remain. In the final stage of terrestrial planetary formation, it is likely that Jupiter and Saturn have already been formed. When Jupiter and Saturn are included, their secular perturbations pump up eccentricities of protoplanets and tend to reduce the number of final planets in the terrestrial planet regions. However, we found that the reduction is not significant. The perturbations also shorten τcross. If the eccentricities of Jupiter and Saturn are comparable to or larger than present values (∼0.05), τcross become too short to satisfy the above condition. As a result, eccentricities of the planets cannot be damped to the observed value of Earth and Venus. Hence, for the formation of terrestrial planets, it is preferable that the secular perturbations from Jupiter and Saturn do not have significant effect upon the evolution. Such situation may be reproduced by Jupiter and Saturn not being fully grown, or their eccentricities being smaller than the present values during the terrestrial planets' formation. However, in such cases, we need some other mechanism to eliminate the problem that numerous Mars-sized planets remain uncollided.  相似文献   
We present high quality images of the uranian ring system, obtained in August 2002, October 2003, and July 2004 at 2.2 μm with the adaptive optics camera NIRC2 on the Keck II telescope. Using these data, we report the first detection in backscattered light of a ring (which we refer to as the ζ ring) interior to Uranus' known rings. This ring consists of a generally uniform sheet of dust between 37,850 and 41,350 km with an equivalent width (in 2004; or ), and extends inward to 32,600 km at a gradually decreasing brightness. This ring might be related to the Voyager ring R/1986 U 2, although both its location and extent differ. This could be attributed to a difference in observing wavelength and/or solar phase angle, or perhaps to temporal variations in the ring. Through careful modeling of the I/F of the individual rings at each ansa, we reveal the presence of narrow (few 100 km wide) sheets of dust between the δ and ε rings, and between rings 4 and α. We derived a typical anisotropy factor g≈0.7 in the scattering behavior of these particles. The spatial distribution and relative intensity of these dust sheets is different than that seen in Voyager images taken in forward scattered light, due either to a difference in observing wavelength, and/or solar phase angle or to changes over time. We may have detected the λ ring in one scan at , but other scans provided upper limits below this value. A single detection, however, would be consistent with azimuthal asymmetries known to exist in this ring. We further demonstrate the presence of azimuthal asymmetries in all rings. We confirm the eccentricity of ∼0.001 in rings 4, 5, 6, which in 2004 are ∼70 km closer to Uranus in the north (near periapse; lower I/F) than in the south. We find a global optical depth of τ∼0.3 in the main rings, and of τ=0.25±0.05 in the ε ring.  相似文献   
Many asteroids are thought to be particle aggregates held together principally by self-gravity. Here we study — for static and dynamical situations — the equilibrium shapes of spinning asteroids that are permitted for rubble piles. As in the case of spinning fluid masses, not all shapes are compatible with a granular rheology. We take the asteroid to always be an ellipsoid with an interior modeled as a rigid-plastic, cohesion-less material with a Drucker-Prager yield criterion. Using an approximate volume-averaged procedure, based on the classical method of moments, we investigate the dynamical process by which such objects may achieve equilibrium. We first collapse our dynamical approach to its statical limit to derive regions in spin-shape parameter space that allow equilibrium solutions to exist. At present, only a graphical illustration of these solutions for a prolate ellipsoid following the Drucker-Prager failure law is available [Sharma, I., Jenkins, J.T., Burns, J.A., 2005a. Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 37, 643; Sharma, I., Jenkins, J.T., Burns, J.A., 2005b. Equilibrium shapes of ellipsoidal soil asteroids. In: García-Rojo, R., Hermann, H.J., McNamara, S. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media, vol. 1. A.A. Balkema, UK; Holsapple, K.A., 2007. Icarus 187, 500-509]. Here, we obtain the equilibrium landscapes for general triaxial ellipsoids, as well as provide the requisite governing formulae. In addition, we demonstrate that it may be possible to better interpret the results of Richardson et al. [Richardson, D.C., Elankumaran, P., Sanderson, R.E., 2005. Icarus 173, 349-361] within the context of a Drucker-Prager material. The graphical result for prolate ellipsoids in the static limit is the same as those of Holsapple [Holsapple, K.A., 2007. Icarus 187, 500-509] because, when worked out, his final equations will match ours. This is because, though the formalisms to reach these expressions differ, in statics, at the lowest level of approximation, volume-averaging and the approach of Holsapple [Holsapple, K.A., 2007. Icarus 187, 500-509] coincide. We note that the approach applied here was obtained independently [Sharma, I., Jenkins, J.T., Burns, J.A., 2003. Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 35, 1034; Sharma, I., 2004. Rotational Dynamics of Deformable Ellipsoids with Applications to Asteroids. Ph.D. thesis, Cornell University] and it provides a general, though approximate, framework that is amenable to systematic improvements and is flexible enough to incorporate the dynamical effects of a changing shape, different rheologies and complex rotational histories. To demonstrate our technique, we investigate the non-equilibrium dynamics of rigid-plastic, spinning, prolate asteroids to examine the simultaneous histories of shape and spin rate for rubble piles. We have succeeded in recovering most results of Richardson et al. [Richardson, D.C., Elankumaran, P., Sanderson, R.E., 2005. Icarus 173, 349-361], who obtained equilibrium shapes by studying numerically the passage into equilibrium of aggregates containing discrete, interacting, frictionless, spherical particles. Our mainly analytical approach aids in understanding and quantifying previous numerical simulations.  相似文献   
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