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澳洲铁矿床研究现状及存在的问题??   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
澳大利亚是世界上铁矿石资源最为丰富的国家之一,其铁矿床主要产在西澳皮尔巴拉地区,有三种类型,分别是:①赋存在条带状含铁建造(BIF)中的层状铁矿床(BID),②产在古河道中的河道型铁矿床(CID),和③主要由BID受侵蚀崩塌或冲积形成的碎屑型铁矿床(DID),以前两种类型为主。BID型铁矿通常品位高,规模大,是本区最为重要的矿床类型,其矿床成因尚存在争论,主要有三种观点,分别是表生—变质模式、同造山的热液模式和深成—表生模式。CID型铁矿由于其规模较大和容易开采,因此在西澳的铁矿石开采中占有很重要的地位,矿石以球粒状构造和富含铁化的木屑为主要特点。关于CID型矿床的成因,争议较大,观点甚多。一些学者认为CID型矿床的形成受特定条件(包括气候、地表风化和地质背景)的控制;而有些学者则认为CID型矿床形成于一个富含有机酸的饱和地下水的加积河道内,与铁的原位溶解和再沉淀有关。矿化发生在古地下水—大气界面,因此受地下水位的控制。由于对铁矿的矿床成因没有形成统一的认识,因此对指导找矿产生了较大影响。  相似文献   
Miocene fluvial goethite/hematite channel iron deposits (CID) are part of the Cenozoic Detritals 2 (CzD2), of the Western Australian Pilbara region. They range from gravelly mudstones through granular rocks to intraformational pebble, cobble and rare boulder conglomerates, as infill in numerous meandering palaeochannels in a mature surface that includes Precambrian granitoids, volcanics, metasediments, BIF and ferruginous Palaeogene valley fill. In the Hamersley Province of the Pilbara, the consolidated fine gravels and subordinate interbedded conglomerates, with their leached equivalents, are a major source of export iron ore. This granular ore typically comprises pedogenically derived pelletoids comprising hematite nuclei and goethite cortices (ooids and lesser pisoids), with abundant coarser goethitised wood/charcoal fragments and goethitic peloids, minor clay, and generally minimal porous goethitic matrix, with late-stage episodic solution and partial infill by secondary goethite, silica and siderite (now oxidised) in places. Clay horizons and non-ore polymictic basal and marginal conglomerates are also present. The accretionary pedogenic pelletoids were mostly derived from stripping of a mature ferruginous but apparently well-vegetated surface, developed in the Early to Middle Miocene on a wide variety of susceptible rock types including BIF, basic intrusives and sediments. This deep ferruginisation effectively destroyed most remnants of the original rock textures producing a unique surface, very different to those that produced the underlying CzD1 (Palaeogene) and the overlying CzD3 (Pliocene – Quaternary). The peloids were derived both intraformationally from fragmentation and reworking of desiccated goethite-rich muds, and from the regolith. Tiny wood/charcoal fragments replaced in soil by goethite, and dehydrated to hematite, formed nuclei for many pelletoids. Additionally, abundant small (≤10 mm) fragments of wood/charcoal, now goethite, were probably replaced in situ within the consolidating CID. This profusion of fossil wood, both as pelletoid nuclei and as discrete fragments, suggests major episodic wild fires in heavily vegetated catchments, a point supported by the abundance of kenomagnetite – maghemite developed from goethite in the pelletoids, but less commonly in the peloids. The matrix to the heterogeneous colluvial and intraformational components is essentially goethite, primarily derived from modified chemically precipitated iron hydroxyoxides, resulting from leaching of iron-rich soils in an organic environment, together with goethitic soil-derived alluvial material. Major variations in the granular ore CID after deposition have resulted from intermittent groundwater flow in the channels causing dissolution and reprecipitation of goethite and silica, particularly in the basal CID zones, with surface weathering of eroded exposures playing a role in masking some of these effects. However, significant variations in rock types in both the general CID and the granular ore CID have also resulted from the effects of varied provenance.  相似文献   
Neoarchean and Mesoproterozoic sequences in the Oakover Basin provide a record of deformation and sedimentation along the eastern edge of the Archean Pilbara Craton. The early extensional history of the Oakover Basin is overprinted by subsequent compressional events. Five distinct deformation events are recognised in the Woodie Woodie region; the Archean D1 event, comprising west-northwest–east-southeast extension associated with formation of the Neoarchean Hamersley Basin; the Mesoproterozoic D2a event, with northwest–southeast extension and basin formation associated with manganese mineralisation; the D2b event, with renewed extension associated with intrusion of Davis Dolerite during the ca 1090–1050 Ma Warakurna event; the D3 event, comprising northeast–southwest-directed compression attributed to the ca 900 Ma Edmundian Orogeny; the Neoproterozoic D4 event, with east-northeast–west-southwest extension producing large D4 grabens associated with the opening of the Officer Basin; and, the Neoproterozoic D5 event comprising north–south-directed compression attributed to the ca 550 Ma Paterson Orogeny. Abundant manganese deposits are hosted by the Neoarchean and Mesoproterozoic sequences in the Oakover Basin, including the large high-grade manganese deposits at Woodie Woodie. The orebodies are predominantly hydrothermal in origin, with a late supergene overprint, and deposition of primary manganese mineralisation was synchronous with northwest–southeast Mesoproterozoic D2a extension and basin formation. The manganese is associated with normal faults, and many of these represent growth faults related to basin formation. Stratabound manganese is found above or adjacent to fault-hosted manganese. An initial structural framework established during Archean rifting was reactivated in the D2a event and provided a major structural control on manganese distribution. High-grade manganese deposits at Woodie Woodie mine appear to be located in a zone of oblique dextral extension on major north-northwest- to north-trending faults that mark the eastern ‘active’ or faulted margin of an early rift basin. These large north-northwest-trending normal faults are linked to a major northwest-trending transform fault zone (Jewel-Southwest Fault Zone) that separates the Oakover Basin into a northern and southern basin. The transform fault represents a major deep fluid conduit for hydrothermal fluids and most likely accounts for the concentration of significant manganese occurrences immediately to the north and south of this structure.  相似文献   
Within the context of present and future in situ missions to Mars to investigate its habitability and to search for traces of life, we studied the habitability and traces of past life in ∼3.5 Ga-old volcanic sands deposited in littoral environments an analogue to Noachian environments on Mars. The environmental conditions on Noachian Mars (4.1-3.7 Ga) and the Early Archaean (4.0-3.3 Ga) Earth were, in many respects, similar: presence of liquid water, dense CO2 atmosphere, availability of carbon and bio-essential elements, and availability of energy. For this reason, information contained in Early Archaean terrestrial rocks concerning habitable conditions (on a microbial scale) and traces of past life are of relevance in defining strategies to be used to identify past habitats and past life on Mars.One such example is the 3.446 Ga-old Kitty’s Gap Chert in the Pilbara Craton, NW. Australia. This formation consists of volcanic sediments deposited in a coastal mudflat environment and is thus a relevant analogue for sediments deposited in shallow water environments on Noachian Mars. Two main types of habitat are represented, a volcanic (lithic) habitat and planar stabilized sediment surfaces in sunlit shallow waters. The sediments hosted small (<1 μm in size) microorganisms that formed colonies on volcanic particle surfaces and in pore waters within the volcanic sediments, as well as biofilms on stabilised sediment surfaces. The microorganisms included coccoids, filaments and rare rod-shaped organisms associated with microbial polymer (EPS). The preserved microbial community was apparently dominated by chemotrophic organisms but some locally transported filaments and filamentous mat fragments indicate that possibly photosynthetic mats formed nearby. Both microorganisms and sediments were silicified during very early diagenesis.There are no macroscopic traces of fossilised life in these volcanic sediments and sophisticated instrumentation and specialized sample preparation techniques are required to establish the biogenicity and syngenicity of the traces of past life. The fact that the traces of life are cryptic, and the necessity of using sophisticated instrumentation, reinforces the challenges and difficulties of in situ robotic missions to identify past life on Mars. We therefore recommend the return of samples from Mars to Earth for a definitive search for traces of life.  相似文献   
Asteroid impact spherule layers and tsunami deposits underlying banded iron-formations in the Fortescue and Hamersley Groups have been further investigated to test their potential stratigraphic relationships. This work has included new observations related to the ca 2.63 Ga Jeerinah Impact Layer (JIL) and impact spherules associated with the 4th Shale-Macroband of the Dales Gorge Iron Member (DGS4) of the Brockman Iron Formation. A unit of impact spherules (microkrystite) correlated with the ca 2.63 Ga JIL is observed within a >100 m-thick fragmental-intraclast breccia pile in drill cores near Roy Hill. The sequence represents significant thickening of the impact/tsunami unit relative to the JIL type section at Hesta, as well as relative to the 20–30 m-thick ca 2.63 Ga Carawine Dolomite spherule-bearing mega-breccia. The ca 2.48 Ga-old Dales Gorge Member of the Brockman Iron Formation is underlain by an ?0.5 m-thick rip-up clast breccia located at the top of the ca 2.50 Ga Mt McRae Shale, and is interpreted as a tsunami deposit. We suggest that the presence of impact ejecta and tsunami units stratigraphically beneath a number of banded iron-formations, and units of ferruginous shale in the Pilbara and South Africa may result from a genetic relationship. For example, it could be that under Archean atmospheric conditions, mafic volcanism triggered by large asteroid impacts enriched the oceans in soluble FeO. If so, seasonal microbial and/or photolytic oxidation to ferric oxide could have caused precipitation of Fe2O3 and silica. In view of the possible occurrence of depositional gaps and paraconformities between impact ejecta units and overlying ferruginous sediments, these relationships require further testing by isotopic age studies.  相似文献   
Microthermometry and Raman spectroscopy techniques are routinely use to constrain ore-fluids δ18O and molar proportions of anhydrous gas species (CO2, CH4, N2). However, these methods remain imprecise concerning the ore-fluids composition and source. Synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence allows access to major and trace element concentrations (Cl, Br and K, Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn, As, Rb, Sr) of single fluid inclusion. In this paper, we present the results of the combination of these routine and newly developed techniques in order to document the fluids composition and source associated with a Mesoarchaean lode gold deposit (Warrawoona Syncline, Western Australia). Fluid inclusion analyses show that quartz veins preserved records of three fluid inclusion populations. Early fluids inclusions, related to quartz veins precipitation, are characterized by a moderate to high Br/Cl ratio relative to modern seawater, CO2 ± CH4 ± N2, low to moderate salinities and significant base metal (Fe, Cu, Zn) and metalloid (As) concentrations. Late fluid inclusions trapped in secondary aqueous fluid inclusions are divided into two populations with distinct compositions. The first population consists of moderately saline aqueous brines, with a Br/Cl ratio close to modern seawater and a low concentration of base metals and metalloids. The second population is a fluid of low to moderate salinity, with a low Br/Cl ratio relative to modern seawater and significant enrichment in Fe, Zn, Sr and Rb. These three fluid inclusion populations point to three contrasting sources: (1) a carbonic fluid of mixed metamorphic and magmatic origin associated with the gold-bearing quartz precipitation; (2) a secondary aqueous fluid with seawater affinity; and (3) a surface-derived secondary aqueous fluid modified through interaction with felsic lithologies, before being flushed into the syncline. Primary carbonic fluids present similar characteristics than those ascribed to Mesoarchaean lode gold deposits. This suggests similar mineralization processes for mid- and Mesoarchaean lode gold deposits despite contrasting fluid–rock interaction histories. However, in regard to the protracted history documented in the Warrawoona Syncline, we question the robustness of the epigenetic crustal continuum model, as ore-fluid characteristics equally support an epigenetic or a polyphased mineralization process.  相似文献   
The oldest part of the Pilbara Craton is 3.80–3.55 Ga crust. Between 3.53 and 3.22 Ga, mantle plume activity resulted in eight successive volcanic cycles forming the Pilbara Supergroup. Large volumes of granitic magma were intruded during the same period. By 3.22 Ga, a thick continental crust, the East Pilbara Terrane, had been established. Between 3.22 and 3.16 Ga, rifting of the East Pilbara Terrane separated off two additional terranes (Karratha and Kurrana), with intervening basins of oceanic crust. After 3.16 Ga, the three terranes began to converge, resulting in both obduction of oceanic crust (Regal Terrane) and, in another area, subduction to form a 3.13 Ga island arc (Sholl Terrane). At 3.07 Ga, the Karratha, Regal, and Sholl Terranes collided to form the West Pilbara Superterrane, and this collided with the East Pilbara Terrane. The 3.05–2.93 Ga De Grey Superbasin was deposited as a succession of basins: Gorge Creek, Whim Creek, Mallina, and Mosquito Creek. Eventual closure of the basins, between 2.94 and 2.93 Ga, formed two separate orogenic belts on either side of the East Pilbara Terrane. Post‐orogenic granites were intruded between 2.89 and 2.83 Ga. The 2.78–2.63 Ga Fortescue Basin developed in four stages: (i) rifting of the Pilbara Craton; (ii) folding and erosion; (iii) large igneous province (LIP) volcanism; and (iv) marine sedimentation on a passive margin. A review of all known evidence for early life in the Pilbara Craton is provided. In hydrothermal settings, most of the evidence occurs as filamentous and spheroidal microfossils, organic carbon, microbial mats, and rare stromatolites. By contrast, shallow‐water marine sedimentary rocks contain a diverse range of stromatolites, and microbial mats. Lacustrine and shallow‐water marine carbonate rocks in the Fortescue Basin contain abundant and morphologically diverse stromatolites, widespread microbial mats, and organic carbon.  相似文献   
NanoSIMS is a relatively new technology that is being applied to ancient carbonaceous structures to gain insight into their biogenicity and syngeneity. NanoSIMS studies of well preserved organic microfossils from the Neoproterozoic (0.8 Ga) Bitter Springs Formation have established elemental distributions in undisputedly biogenic structures. Results demonstrate that sub-micron scale maps of metabolically important elements (carbon [C], nitrogen [measured as CN ion], and sulfur [S]) can be correlated with kerogenous structures identified by optical microscopy. Spatial distributions of C, CN, and S in individual microfossils are nearly identical, and variations in concentrations of these elements parallel one another. In elemental maps, C, CN, and S appear as globules, aligned to form remnant walls or sheaths of fossiliferous structures. The aligned character and parallel variation of C and CN are the strongest indicators of biogenicity.Nitrogen/carbon atomic ratios (N/C) of spheroids, filaments, and remnants of a microbial mat suggest that N/C may reflect original biochemical differences, within samples of the same age and degree of alteration. Silicon (Si) and oxygen (O) maps illustrate that silica is intimately interspersed with organic carbon of the microfossils. This relationship is likely to reflect the process of silica permineralization of biological remains and thus may be an indicator of syngeneity of the fossilized material with the mineral matrix.The NanoSIMS characterization of Bitter Springs microfossils can be used as a baseline for interpreting less well preserved carbonaceous structures that might occur in older or even extraterrestrial materials. An example of such an application is provided by comparison of Bitter Springs results with NanoSIMS of Archaean carbonaceous structures from Western Australia, including a spheroid in the 3 Ga Farrel Quartzite and material in a secondary vein in the 3.43 Ga Strelley Pool Chert. Results reinforce a biogenic, syngenetic interpretation for the Archaean spheroid.NanoSIMS has several advantages in the study of ancient organic materials: the technique allows characterization of extremely small structures that are present in low concentrations; organic matter does not have to be isolated by acid treatment but can be analyzed in polished thin section; preparation is simple; samples are minimally altered during analysis; results provide sub-micron scale spatial distribution coupled with concentration information for at least five elements; the biologically important elements of carbon and nitrogen can be assessed; and the ability to study organic remains in situ permits petrographic assessment of spatial relationships between organic matter and mineral constituents. These advantages could be of significant benefit for interpretation of poorly preserved and fragmentary carbonaceous remains that might occur in some of Earth's oldest samples as well as in meteorites or extraterrestrial material brought to Earth in future planetary missions.  相似文献   
The two Palaeoarchaean volcano-sedimentary complexes of the Buck Ridge (Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa) and Kittys Gap (Coppin Gap Greenstone Belt, East Pilbara, Australia) have a similar geological setting and age (∼3.45 Ga). The predominantly volcaniclastic sediments are concentrated at the top of these complexes, and experienced thorough, (very) early diagenetic silicification. In many places the silicification process has led to excellent preservation of the primary sedimentary structures. Elsewhere it has resulted in their obliteration or replacement by diagenetic structures. The Buck Ridge chert forms a regressive-transgressive succession, deposited around base level, with lacustrine and littoral marine facies. Deposition of the Kittys Gap Chert was also close to base level, almost exclusively subaqueous, with tidal influence and a regressive sequential trend.  相似文献   
Iron‐formation and associated chert and jasper are subordinate to, but commonly intercalated within the upper, dominantly terriginous clastic sequences in the early Archaean Barberton Mountain Land (South Africa) and Pilbara Block (Western Australia). The iron‐formation, jaspillite and chert are exclusively lutitic and occur in a variety of palaeoenvironmental settings, namely: (1) at the base of prograda‐tional submarine fan sequences; (2) within interchannel mudstones enclosing inner and mid‐fan channel deposits; (3) capping Bouma turbidite beds; (4) intercalated within outer‐fan to basin‐plain mudstones; (5) at the base of progradational offshore shelf‐beach sequences; and (6) in lacustrine deposits intercalated within thick, braided, alluvial sequences. These associations suggest that the iron‐formations and associated orthochemical sediments define diastems and that precipitation took place in any environments basinwards of or between events of terrigenous influx. Recognition of such diverse environments of deposition places constraints on existing models for the origin of iron‐formations. Insofar as being removed from terrigenous dilution at the time of accumulation, any of the iron‐formations, cherts or jaspilites are potential precious and base‐metal targets.  相似文献   
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