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A global relation ship between cosmological time and Belinskii-Khalatnikov-Lifshitz(BKL)time during the entire evolution of the Mixmaster Bianchi Ⅸ universe is used to explain why all the Lyapunov exponents are zero at the BKL time.The actual reason is that the domain of the cosmological time is finite as the BKL time runs from minus infinity to infinity.  相似文献   
A variant of the Jordan-Brans-Dicke (JBD) theory is examined which contains a cosmological scalar that is written so that on going to the Einstein representation it becomes the ordinary cosmological constant of general relativity theory. This paper is divided into two parts. In Part I we examine the cosmological solutions for the Einstein representation of the JBD theory, i.e., in the presence of a minimally coupled scalar field. In Part II we shall study the cosmological solutions in the proper representation of the JBD theory with a self consistent scalar field. The analysis of these solutions is of interest in connection with modern concepts of the evolution of the universe, in particular, with the observed acceleration of cosmological expansion and estimates of the density of dark matter and dark energy.__________Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 455–462 (August 2005).  相似文献   
The assumption of the Gaussianity of primordial perturbations plays an important role in modern cosmology. The most direct test of this hypothesis consists of testing the Gaussianity of cosmic microwave background (CMB) maps. Counting the pixels with the temperatures in given ranges and thus estimating the one-point probability function of the field is the simplest of all the tests. Other usually more complex tests of Gaussianity generally use a great deal of the information already contained in the probability function. However, the most interesting outcome of such a test would be the signal of non-Gaussianity independent of the probability function. It is shown that the independent information has purely morphological character i.e. it depends on the geometry and topology of the level contours only. As an example we discuss in detail the quadratic model   v = u + α ( u 2-1)  ( u is a Gaussian field with   u¯ =0  and  〈 u 2〉=1  , α is a parameter) that may arise in slow-roll or two-field inflation models. We show that in the limit of small amplitude α the full information about the non-Gaussianity is contained in the probability function. If other tests are performed on this model they simply recycle the same information. A simple procedure allowing us to assess the sensitivity of any statistics to the morphological information is suggested. We provide an analytic estimate of the statistical limit for detecting the quadratic non-Gaussianity α c as a function of the map size in the ideal situation when the scale of the field is resolved. This estimate is in a good agreement with the results of the Monte Carlo simulations of 2562 and 10242 maps. The effect of resolution on the detection quadratic non-Gaussianity is also briefly discussed.  相似文献   
The angular cross-correlation between two galaxy samples separated in redshift is shown to be a useful measure of weak lensing by large-scale structure. Angular correlations in faint galaxies arise as a result of spatial clustering of the galaxies as well as gravitational lensing by dark matter along the line of sight. The lensing contribution to the two-point autocorrelation function is typically small compared with the gravitational clustering. However, the cross-correlation between two galaxy samples is almost unaffected by gravitational clustering provided that their redshift distributions do not overlap. The cross-correlation is then induced by magnification bias resulting from lensing by large-scale structure. We compute the expected amplitude of the cross-correlation for popular theoretical models of structure formation. For two populations with mean redshifts of ≃0.3 and 1, we find a cross-correlation signal of ≃1 per cent on arcmin scales and ≃3 per cent on scales of a few arcsec. The dependence on the cosmological parameters Ω and Λ, the dark matter power spectrum and the bias factor of the foreground galaxy population is explored.  相似文献   
So far all known singularity-free cosmological models are cylindrically symmetric. Here we present a new family of spherically symmetric non-singular models filled with imperfect fluid and radial heat flow, and satisfying all the energy conditions. For larget anisotropy in pressure and heat flux tend to vanish leading to a perfect fluid. There is a free function of time in the model, which can be suitably chosen for non-singular behaviour and there exist multiplicity of such choices.  相似文献   
Scalar tensor (ST) theories of gravitation contain an attractor mechanism towards general relativity. The mechanism is supposed to start back at time of inflation. Consequently the characteristic coupling function of the ST theories could attain a very large value during the radiation epoch. Here ST cosmology in the radiation dominated universe is studied under such situation. A general solution of the scale factor in the radiation dominated flat universe is obtained that is characterized by an additional degree of freedom. An implication of this extra parameter is discussed.   相似文献   
We analyse scale dependence of redshift-space bias b and β  ≡ Ωm0.6/ b in the context of the halo model. We show that linear bias is a good approximation only on large scales, for k <0.1  h  Mpc−1 . On intermediate scales the virial motions of galaxies cause a suppression of the power spectrum relative to the linear one and the suppression differs from the same effect in dark matter. This can potentially mimic the effect of massive neutrinos, and the degeneracy can only be broken if the power spectrum is measured for k ≪0.1  h  Mpc−1 . Different methods to determine β converge for k <0.1  h  Mpc−1 , but give drastically different results on smaller scales, which explains some of the trends observed in the real data. We also assess the level of stochasticity by calculating the cross-correlation coefficient between the reconstructed velocity field divergence and the galaxies, and show that the two fields decorrelate for k >0.1  h  Mpc−1 . Most problematic are galaxies predominantly found in groups and clusters, such as bright, red or elliptical galaxies, where we find poor convergence to a constant bias or β even on large scales.  相似文献   
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