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塞佛特星系NGC1 0 6 8是一个非常令人注目的特殊天体 ,它是Seyfert[1]发现的第一批此类星系中离我们最近 (1 9Mpc,取H0 =6 0kms- 1Mpc- 1)和最亮的一个塞佛特星系 ,因此天文学家从射电到X 射线整个电磁波段对它进行了详尽的观测和研究。NGC1 0 6 8最初被归类为塞佛特II型天体 ,但是通过对其偏振光的光谱观测 ,发现了认为被遮挡住的塞佛特I型核发出的± 432 0km/s的宽Hβ发射线 ,因此被认为是活动星系核统一模型的一个范例 (见文 [2 ] )。射电与光学的观测资料都表明NGC1 0 6 8的中心部分有激烈的喷射活动…  相似文献   
We present high spatial resolution X-ray Chandra HRC and HST WFPC2 H α observations of the prototypical infrared-luminous galaxy NGC 6240. The central region of this system shows a remarkably complex morphology, with filaments and loops observed in the optical and X-rays. The total X-ray luminosity is dominated by the extended emission. Both nuclei are clearly detected in the HRC image and both appear to be extended. The energetics of the nuclei imply that the southern nucleus is the more plausible counterpart to the obscured active galactic nucleus. The overall spectral energy distribution of the galaxy is in good agreement with a blend of starburst and AGN components that have similar bolometric luminosities,   L bol∼5×1045 erg s-1  , with the starburst dominating the observed continuum in the near-infrared ( K band), optical and soft X-ray bands.  相似文献   
M51系统包含巨旋涡星系M51和相对较大且较近的伴星系NGC 5195。M51离银河系较近,由尘埃消光带来的观测不确定性也就不十分显著,从而可以得到较详细的星系结构。自M51被发现至今,从射电波段到X射线波段都已获得了丰富的观测资料。主要介绍了M51的多波段观测成果和数值模拟研究,并概述了对其伴星系NGC 5195的观测。  相似文献   
A dynamical model for the extraplanar gas in spiral galaxies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent H  i observations reveal that the discs of spiral galaxies are surrounded by extended gaseous haloes. This extraplanar gas reaches large distances (several kiloparsecs) from the disc and shows peculiar kinematics (low rotation and inflow). We have modelled the extraplanar gas as a continuous flow of material from the disc of a spiral galaxy into its halo region. The output of our models is pseudo data cubes that can be directly compared to the H  i data. We have applied these models to two spiral galaxies (NGC 891 and NGC 2403) known to have a substantial amount of extraplanar gas. Our models are able to reproduce accurately the vertical distribution of extraplanar gas for an energy input corresponding to a small fraction (<4 per cent) of the energy released by supernovae. However, they fail in two important aspects: (1) they do not reproduce the right gradient in rotation velocity; (2) they predict a general outflow of the extraplanar gas, contrary to what is observed. We show that neither of these difficulties can be removed if clouds are ionized and invisible at 21 cm as they leave the disc but become visible at some point on their orbits. We speculate that these failures indicate the need for accreted material from the intergalactic medium that could provide the low angular momentum and inflow required.  相似文献   
We report on an ambitious multisite campaign aimed at detecting stellar variability, particularly solar-like oscillations, in the red giant stars in the open cluster M67 (NGC 2682). During the six-week observing run, which comprised 164 telescope nights, we used nine 0.6-m to 2.1-m class telescopes located around the world to obtain uninterrupted time series photometry. We outline here the data acquisition and reduction, with emphasis on the optimization of the signal-to-noise ratio of the low-amplitude (50–500 μmag) solar-like oscillations. This includes a new and efficient method for obtaining the linearity profile of the CCD response at ultrahigh precision (∼10 parts per million). The noise in the final time series is 0.50 mmag per minute integration for the best site, while the noise in the Fourier spectrum of all sites combined is 20 μmag. In addition to the red giant stars, this data set proves to be very valuable for studying high-amplitude variable stars such as eclipsing binaries, W UMa systems and δ Scuti stars.  相似文献   
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