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An applied Fourier transform computation for the hydrodynamic wave-resistance coefficient is shown, oriented to potential flows with a free surface and infinity depth. The presence of a ship-like body is simulated by its equivalent pressure disturbance imposed on the un-perturbed free surface, where a linearized free surface condition is used. The wave-resistance coefficient is obtained from the wave-height downstream. Two examples with closed solutions are considered: a submerged dipole, as a test-case, and a parabolic pressure distribution of compact support. In the three dimensional case, a dispersion relation is included which is a key resource for an inexpensive computation of the wave pattern far downstream like fifteen ship-lengths.  相似文献   
Swept-frequency (1/10 MHz) ionosonde measurements were made at Helston, Cornwall (50°06N, 5°18W) during the total solar eclipse on August 11, 1999. Soundings were made every three minutes. We present a method for estimating the percentage of the ionising solar radiation which remains unobscured at any time during the eclipse by comparing the variation of the ionospheric E-layer with the behaviour of the layer during a control day. Application to the ionosonde date for 11 August, 1999, shows that the flux of solar ionising radiation fell to a minimum of 25±2% of the value before and after the eclipse. For comparison, the same technique was also applied to measurements made during the total solar eclipse of 9 July, 1945, at Sörmjöle (63°68N, 20°20E) and yielded a corresponding minimum of 16 ± 2%. Therefore the method can detect variations in the fraction of solar emissions that originate from the unobscured corona and chromosphere. We discuss the differences between these two eclipses in terms of the nature of the eclipse, short-term fluctuations, the sunspot cycle and the recently-discovered long-term change in the coronal magnetic field.  相似文献   
山西省层状云飞机云物理观测试验结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用山西省2008年-2010年64架次云结构的粒子测量系统(DMT)探测资料,配合地面观测和卫星资料统计分析了层状云系的宏微观特征。发现:降水性层状云低云含水量垂直方向上平均为0.03g,m^3,中云含水量垂直方向上平均为0.05g/m30对比分析降水云和非降水云系的微物理特征量,两者存在显著的差异,降水性层状云云粒子有效半径要达到10μm-14μm。对云系不同温度层的微物理特征和云中水分按不同粒子尺度的分配特征进行了对比分析,结果表明:降水性层状云在垂直方向上的微物理结构特征非常明显,也是分层的。高层主要是冰相粒子,主要是冰雪晶,随高度降低冰雪晶的尺度增大,在四个典型温度层的观测中,LWC、云粒子及降水的浓度、尺度相较有很大不同。云中水分按不同粒子尺度的分配可以看出,直径20μm、30μm的粒子含水量较高,对云中液态水含量的贡献较大,降水粒子主要由20μm、30μm的粒子转化。  相似文献   
发生在孕震区周边地块上的临震预滑和震颤现象,对破坏性地震预测有一定前兆意义,是值得地震学界关注的问题。选取2008年5月12日汶川MW 7.9地震发生前,临夏和湟源地震台分量应变仪记录与临夏、恩施和西安地震台数字地震仪记录以及临夏和周至地震台深井水位仪记录,分析发现,在临震前数天至数小时,上述各地震台不同学科观测仪器均记录到一些"跃变"和"震颤"震相。文中试图以颗粒物理原理,来认识不同距离、不同台站、不同学科的观测仪器在临震前相近时间段内记录的低频和高频震相,可能是不同地块在临震前发生预滑错动后激发的预滑震相Xp和地下气体在裂隙内流动激发的震颤震相Tp。观测结果表明:2008年5月8日03时至主震发生,各地震台所处地块在相近时段内逐次发生次数不等的预滑错动,其中1-2次较大错动可在噪声背景中被识别;各地震台预滑错动方向指向或背向主震震中。据此认为:汶川MW 7.9地震前,上述各地震台所处地块在不同大小、不同方向的力链驱动下,发生指向或背向主震震中的临震预滑现象。  相似文献   
A horizontal seepage well, consisting of an interconnected vertical well, galleries, chambers and small-diameter radiating bores, is used to acquire relatively clean water that has been filtered through natural alluvial deposits in a riverbed. It has wide application, especially in arid and semi-arid areas. The lack of calculation formulae or models for horizontal seepage wells, up until now, has resulted in several false applications. Based on the analysis of groundwater flow characteristics, it has been concluded that several flow regimes coexist and hydraulic head loss exists in the horizontal seepage well. To avoid the difficulty of confirming the flux or head distribution in such a complex system, the model boundary of the whole horizontal seepage well has been moved to that of just the vertical well, and the well-aquifer system was treated as a heterogeneous medium, where the horizontal seepage well itself is a highly permeability medium. A mathematical model has been developed, based on the coupled seepage-pipe flow, by the introduction of equivalent hydraulic conductivity according to different flow regimes. Then a three-dimensional finite difference numerical model, based on the mathematical model, was developed and applied to a horizontal seepage well in China. The numerical model verified the groundwater flow characteristics of the horizontal seepage well. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
We present two case studies in the night and evening sides of the auroral oval, based on plasma and field measurements made at low altitudes by the AUREOL-3 satellite, during a long period of stationary magnetospheric convection (SMC) on November 24, 1981. The basic feature of both oval crossings was an evident double oval pattern, including (1) a weak arc-type structure at the equatorial edge of the oval/polar edge of the diffuse auroral band, collocated with an upward field-aligned current (FAC) sheet of ≈1.0 μA m−2, (2) an intermediate region of weaker precipitation within the oval, (3) a more intense auroral band at the polar oval boundary, and (4) polar diffuse auroral zone near the polar cap boundary. These measurements are compared with the published magnetospheric data during this SMC period, accumulated by Yahnin et al. and Sergeev et al., including a semi-empirical radial magnetic field profile BZ in the near-Earth neutral sheet, with a minimum at about 10–14 RE. Such a radial BZ profile appears to be very similar to that assumed in the “minimum B/cross-tail line current” model by Galperin et al. (GVZ92) as the “root of the arc”, or the arc generic region. This model considers a FAC generator mechanism by Grad-Vasyliunas-Boström-Tverskoy operating in the region of a narrow magnetic field minimum in the near-Earth neutral sheet, together with the concept of ion non-adiabatic scattering in the “wall region”. The generated upward FAC branch of the double sheet current structure feeds the steady auroral arc/inverted-V at the equatorial border of the oval. When the semi-empirical BZ profile is introduced in the GVZ92 model, a good agreement is found between the modelled current and the measured characteristics of the FACs associated with the equatorial arc. Thus the main predictions of the GVZ92 model concerning the “minimum-B” region are consistent with these data, while some small-scale features are not reproduced. Implications of the GVZ92 model are discussed, particularly concerning the necessary conditions for a substorm onset that were not fulfilled during the SMC period.  相似文献   
油气运移研究新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聚集;6)成岩作用体来与油气运移关系的研究。  相似文献   
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