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秦岭造山带黑色岩系与金属矿床类型及成矿系列   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
秦岭造山带黑色岩系划分为南、北、中三个带,北带分布于北秦岭,以秦岭杂岩为基底的岛弧火山岩与花岗岩带到二郎坪弧后边缘海盆带,形成于活动大陆边缘类似的沟、弧、盆构造体系,产出沉积-变质-构造-热液改造型镍-钼小型矿床.中带分布于南秦岭北部,环绕岛链古隆起形成深水-半深水滞留断陷局限盆地,发育与热水沉积有关的黑色岩系,赋存沉积轻微改造型超大型钒矿床和沉积-构造-热液改造型大型金-钒矿床.南带分布于南秦岭南部,扬子板块北缘早古生代沉积区局部拉张环境发育裂谷式断陷盆地,发育巨厚的硅质-泥质-重晶石互层岩系,形成沉积改造中型含钼-钒矿床和热水沉积大型毒重石-重晶石矿床等.解剖了秦岭黑色岩系容矿的典型矿床特征与成矿作用,划分了矿床成因类型,建立了黑色岩系容矿的金属矿床成矿系列.  相似文献   
利用2004-2006年FY-2C卫星云图资料,统计了云顶亮温与焦作市降水量的关系;并根据相邻两张云图中云顶低亮温中心移动的距离和时间,确定云的移速。在此基础上,建立了层状云和积状云降水估算方程。经对2005-2006年估算结果统计,层状云有无降水预报准确率为80%;对4次积状云降水的估算结果为1次漏报、1次降水量级误差较大、2次预报正确,准确率达50%。  相似文献   
Two inter-decadal shifts in East China summer rainfall during the last three decades of the 20th century have been identified.One shift occurred in the late 1970s and featured more rainfall in the Yangtze River valley and prolonged drought in North China.The other shift occurred in the early 1990s and featured increased rainfall in South China.The role of black carbon(BC) aerosol in the first shift event is controversial,and it has not been documented for the second event.In this study,the authors used Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory's(GFDL's) atmospheric general circulation model known as Atmosphere and Land Model(AM2.1) ,which has been shown to capture East Asian climate variability well,to investigate these issues by conducting sensitive experiments with or without historical BC in East Asia. The results suggest that the model reproduces the first shift well,including intensified rainfall in the Yangtze River and weakened monsoonal circulation.However,the model captures only a fraction of the observed variations for the second shift event.Thus,the role of BC in modulating the two shift events is different,and its impact is relatively less important for the early 1990s event.  相似文献   
张涌泉  李朝华 《探矿工程》2010,37(11):64-66
锦屏一级水电站地下厂房洞室主机间、主变室、母线洞等洞室系统的边墙、蚀变岩段和较大断层采用了对穿预应力锚索加强支护。在对穿预应力锚杆的施工过程中,根据不同的地质地层段,采取严格的孔斜控制措施,并不断地改进控制方法,基本解决了对穿预应力锚索造孔孔斜控制的技术问题,满足了设计技术要求,积累了对穿预应力锚索孔斜控制施工经验。  相似文献   
为满足我国山地丘陵地区物探爆破孔施工技术的要求,研究适合土层、岩层钻进用的钻机及工具,对钻机的配套设备进行了开发研究。分析了国内山地丘陵地区物探爆破孔施工技术现状,并着重介绍了研制设计内容及生产试验情况。  相似文献   
覃政教 《中国岩溶》2005,24(4):338-343
岩溶地区工程建筑地基的地质情况比较复杂,存在土洞、软土等工程隐患。常规工程勘察手段,由于其自身的局限性,很难一一查清这些隐患的分布特征。地面物探是一种较为省时省力的工程辅助勘探方法。但物探方法有多种,在选用时,必须根据场地条件、探测目标、方法性能及工作成本等来综合考虑,选择适用的方法(或方法组合) ,才有可能取得令人满意的探测效果。桂林某花园综合楼地基主要以红粘土为主,软土、土洞发育,红粘土之下,桂林组灰岩表面起伏强烈,溶洞发育。根据场地地质特征及基坑开挖特点,本勘察采取浅层地震折射、反射波法,并配合高密度电阻率测量,较好地查明了场地软土和土洞的分布位置,为综合楼的地基处理提供了可靠的地质依据。  相似文献   
对湘西和黔北早寒武世含Ni、Mo等多金属黑色岩系进行了淋滤实验。实验分别模拟了普通雨水、富CO2气雨水及酸性雨水三种不同淋滤条件。实验表明,黑色岩系中Mo、Ni、V等元素是比较容易被淋滤出的,尤其是在酸性雨水条件下,它们的带出强度最大。本实验为镍钼富集层的成因及寻找类似的矿床提供了依据。*据(1962)。图3实验样品在不同雨水淋滤条件下各个元素带出强度的比较Fig.3Comparisonoftheintensityofthatthevariouselementinsamplesisleackedoutbydifferentrainwaters从图3上可以看出,不同元素的带出强度有着明显的差别。例如带出强度最大的钼与其最小的铝可以相差4~5个数量级。现代空气雨水与饱含CO2气的雨水对样品淋滤强度的图形基本相似,也就是它们对各种元素的带出强度是相似的。而酸性度很大的雨水则明显地增强了多数元素的带出强度。值得注意的是钼在上述实验的任何条件下都能被强烈的带出,这是因为在表生条件的氧化作用下,Mo4+可氧化为Mo6+,形成溶解度较高的钼酸或钼酸盐,在溶液中搬运或呈胶体形式迁移,而在还原条件下,在有机质及铁硫化物大量存?  相似文献   
东北漫岗黑土区切沟侵蚀发育特征   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
随着人们对土壤侵蚀空间尺度认识的加深, 发育在更大空间尺度上的切沟愈来愈受到重视。切沟是土壤侵蚀的重要组成部分, 但现有的土壤侵蚀模型尚未包括切沟侵蚀部分。本研究利用高精度差分GPS, 在对东北典型漫岗黑土区切沟监测的基础上, 借助GIS 平台生成DEM, 通过DEM 的叠加分析, 探讨了沟内蚀积变化特征。并在此基础上, 提出了东北切沟侵蚀的概念模型, 认为冬春季冻融侵蚀产生沟内堆积-雨季径流产生侵蚀的过程可能是该区切沟发育的一种重要模式。  相似文献   
Recognizing the connections between the construction of urban space and racial identity, this article explores an urban redevelopment scheme launched in 2004 by Big Bethel ame Church in Atlanta, Georgia. Known as the “Renaissance Walk,” Big Bethel's project is a $45 million dollar redevelopment plan to turn an adjacent city block into a mixed‐use development. By looking at the racialization of place from the perspective of those who live, work, and organize along Auburn Avenue, one of the most historically significant African American business corridors in the United States, I contend that Big Bethel's redevelopment project is emblematic of contemporary black counterpublic spaces and links the redevelopment project undertaken by Big Bethel with African American identity positions.  相似文献   
It has recently been shown by Rauch 38 Tremaine that the rate of angular momentum relaxation in nearly Keplerian star clusters is greatly increased by a process termed 'resonant relaxation'; it was also argued, via a series of scaling arguments, that tidal disruption of stars in galactic nuclei containing massive black holes could be noticeably enhanced by this process. We describe here the results of numerical simulations of resonant tidal disruption which quantitatively test the predictions made by Rauch 38 Tremaine. The simulation method is based on an N -body routine incorporating cloning of stars near the loss cone and a semirelativistic symplectic integration scheme. Normalized disruption rates for resonant and non-resonant nuclei are derived at orbital energies both above and below the critical energy, and the corresponding angular momentum distribution functions are found. The black hole mass above which resonant tidal disruption is quenched by relativistic precession is determined. We also briefly describe the discovery of chaos in the Wisdom–Holman symplectic integrator applied to highly eccentric orbits and propose a modified integration scheme that remains robust under these conditions. We find that resonant disruption rates exceed their non-resonant counterparts by an amount consistent with the predictions; in particular, we estimate the net tidal disruption rate for a fully resonant cluster to be about twice that of its non-resonant counterpart. No significant enhancement in rates is observed outside the critical radius. Relativistic quenching of the effect is found to occur for hole masses M  >  M Q  = (8 ± 3) × 107  M . The numerical results combined with the observed properties of galactic nuclei indicate that for most galaxies the resonant enhancement to tidal disruption rates will be very small.  相似文献   
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