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桂西下三叠统牙形石序列的新认识   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张舜新 《现代地质》1990,4(2):1-15,T002
桂西下三叠统为海相沉积,根据其岩性、厚度、化石类型等诸方面的明显差异可以分为两种类型,即作登型和太平型。本文详细研究了桂西两种类型下三叠统的牙形石,认为不同类型的下三叠统具有不同的牙形石序列。在前人工作基础上,对桂西下三叠统牙形石序列予以重新厘定。补充了作登型下三叠统的Neogondolella carinta带;指出作登型下三叠统不宜建立Platyvillosus costatus带;在太平型下三叠统Dienerian阶—Spathian阶中新建了Pachvcladina erromera带,Platyvillosus costatus带,Pachycladina obliqua-Parachirognathus delicatulus带和Neospathodus triangularis带;指出了每一个牙形石带的性质并与作登型下三叠统牙形石序列进行了对比。本文还从事件地层学和生物地层学两个角度,对桂西二叠一三叠系界线提出了新的认识。  相似文献   
柴达木盆地东部烃源岩的生源与沉积环境   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:15  
用色谱-质谱、稳定同位素质谱等分析测试技术,对柴达木盆地东部地区寒武系、奥陶系、泥盆系、石炭系和侏罗系岩样进行地球化学特征分析。从饱和烃生物标志化合物特征、正构烷烃单体碳同位素分布特征等方面入手,对该区的烃源岩的生源与沉积环境作了详细研究。结果表明,柴达木盆地东部地区古生界有机质多为菌、藻类生源,少数有陆源有机质混入(主要是石炭系)。有机质多为强还原环境的海相沉积,少数为海陆过渡相沉积。侏罗系在一些地区和层段并非典型的成煤环境,而是属于滨浅湖相,少数为半深湖-深湖环境,因此具有一定的生烃能力。  相似文献   
Elongate and deformed garnets from Glenelg, NW Scotland, occurwithin a thin shear zone transecting an eclogite body that hasundergone partial retrogression to amphibolite facies at circa700°C. Optical microscopy, back-scattered electron imaging,electron probe microanalysis and electron back-scatter diffractionreveal garnet sub-structures that are developed as a functionof strain. Subgrains with low-angle misorientation boundariesoccur at low strain and garnet orientations are dispersed, aroundrational crystallographic axes, across these boundaries. Towardshigh-strain areas, boundary misorientations increase and thereis a loss of crystallographic control on misorientations, whichtend towards random. In high-strain areas, a polygonal garnetmicrostructure is developed. The garnet orientations are randomlydispersed around the original single-crystal orientation. Somegarnet grains are elongate and Ca-rich garnet occurs on thefaces of elongate grains oriented normal to the foliation. Commonly,the garnet grains are admixed with matrix minerals, and, wherein contact with other phases, garnet is well faceted. We suggestthat individual garnet porphyroclasts record an evolution fromlow-strain conditions, where dislocation creep and recoveryaccommodated deformation, through increasing strain, where dynamicrecrystallization occurred by subgrain rotation, to higheststrains, where recrystallized grains were able to deform bydiffusion creep assisted grain boundary sliding with associatedrotations. KEY WORDS: diffusion creep; EBSD; garnet; plastic deformation; recrystallization  相似文献   
Sm-Nd法及其参数εNd(O)、εNd(T)、TCHURNd、εDMNd及x,是测定花岗岩形成年龄及研究花岗岩成因类型、模式年龄及地幔物质百分比的重要手段,但因其测试费用高等原因,难以广泛使用。作者提出了Rb-Sm法的相应参数εSr(O)、εSr(T)、TURSr、εDMSr及μ做为补充,在没有Sm-Nd同位素资料的情况下,Rb-Sr同位素参数基本上可以代替Sm-Nd同位素参数。经对比,求花岗岩中幔源物质百分比时,Rb-Sr法计算值与Sm-Nd法计算值相比,误差一般不超过10%。此外,作者还提出了计算花岗岩山幔源物质百分比的简化式,使该计算更为简便易行。  相似文献   
Zircons from the Devils Kitchen rhyolite in the PleistoceneCoso Volcanic field, California have been analyzed by in situPb/U ion microprobe (SHRIMP-RG) and by detailed cathodoluminescenceimaging. The zircons yield common-Pb-corrected and disequilibrium-corrected206Pb/238U ages that predate a previously reported K–Arsanidine age by up to 200 kyr, and the range of ages exhibitedby the zircons is also approximately 200 kyr. Cathodoluminescenceimaging indicates that zircons formed in contrasting environments.Most zircons are euhedral, and a majority of the zircons areweakly zoned, but many also have anhedral, embayed cores, witheuhedral overgrowths and multiple internal surfaces that aretruncated by later crystal zones. Concentrations of U and Thvary by two orders of magnitude within the zircon population,and by 10–20 times between zones within some zircon crystals,indicating that zircons were transferred between contrastingchemical environments. A zircon saturation temperature of 750°Coverlaps within error a previously reported phenocryst equilibrationtemperature of 740 ± 25°C. Textures in zircons indicativeof repeated dissolution and subsequent regrowth are probablycaused by punctuated heating by mafic magma input into rhyolite.The overall span of ages and large variation in U and Th concentrations,combined with calculated zircon saturation temperatures andresorption times, are most compatible with crystallization inmagma bodies that were emplaced piecemeal in the crust at Cosoover 200 kyr prior to eruption, and that were periodically rejuvenatedor melted by subsequent basaltic injections. KEY WORDS: zircon geochronology; residence time; rhyolite; ion microprobe; California  相似文献   
青藏高原是当今世界上最高、最大和最年轻的高原。青藏高原的地球动力学研究是一个复杂而饶有兴趣的问题。本文试图从高原的范围、地球物理特征、地震活动、构造演化和新构造运动等方面探讨其地球动力学过程。 从新构造分析,笔者着重指出,青藏高原是欧亚大陆板块中最活动的一个块体,它在造就中国乃至东亚新构造运动的格局方面,是一个十分重要的因素。  相似文献   
PLANK  T. 《Journal of Petrology》2005,46(5):921-944
Arc magmas and the continental crust share many chemical features,but a major question remains as to whether these features arecreated by subduction or are recycled from subducting sediment.This question is explored here using Th/La, which is low inoceanic basalts (<0·2), elevated in the continents(>0·25) and varies in arc basalts and marine sediments(0·09–0·34). Volcanic arcs form linear mixingarrays between mantle and sediment in plots of Th/La vs Sm/La.The mantle end-member for different arcs varies between highlydepleted and enriched compositions. The sedimentary end-memberis typically the same as local trench sediment. Thus, arc magmasinherit their Th/La from subducting sediment and high Th/Lais not newly created during subduction (or by intraplate, adakiteor Archaean magmatism). Instead, there is a large fractionationin Th/La within the continental crust, caused by the preferentialpartitioning of La over Th in mafic and accessory minerals.These observations suggest a mechanism of ‘fractionation& foundering’, whereby continents differentiate intoa granitic upper crust and restite-cumulate lower crust, whichperiodically founders into the mantle. The bulk continentalcrust can reach its current elevated Th/La if arc crust differentiatesand loses 25–60% of its mafic residues to foundering. KEY WORDS: arc magmatism; continental crust; delamination; thorium; sediment subduction  相似文献   
地形图符号库的设计   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
陈顺清 《测绘学报》1993,22(1):56-64
本文吸取了美国地图数据库软件INFORMAP Ⅲ、地理信息系统软件ARC/INFO等的符号库设计思想,给出了地形图符号的分类和定义,阐述了适合于微型计算机的装配式符号的构成及“表格驱动式”符号库设计的方法。为方便面状符号的绘制,引入了封闭线结点数数组法来描述多边形的数据结构,介绍了笔者设计的基于微机上的CARDS/Symbols符号库系统。实践表明,本文提出的原理和方法适用于一切工程制图的符号库设计。最后还指出了CG、CAD技术对地形图符号规范的新要求。  相似文献   
冬、夏季青藏高原地面加热场激发的500hPa遥相关型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李超 《高原气象》1994,13(2):122-127
本文用青藏高原地面加热场强度来表征高原的加热状况,并用统计的方法,分析了冬季(2月)和夏季(7月)青藏高原地面加热场强度与同期500hPa位势高度的遥相关关系,得到如下结论:冬季高原地面加热场可激发北半球500hPa产生遥相关型,这种遥相关型可看成是二维Rossby波列由低纬向东北方向传播;夏季高原地面加热场可激发北半球500hPa产生类似于EU型的遥相关,这种遥相关型可看成二维Rossby波列由  相似文献   
It is believed that η Carinae is actually a massive binary system, with the wind–wind interaction responsible for the strong X-ray emission. Although the overall shape of the X-ray light curve can be explained by the high eccentricity of the binary orbit, other features like the asymmetry near periastron passage and the short quasi-periodic oscillations seen at those epochs have not yet been accounted for. In this paper we explain these features assuming that the rotation axis of η Carinae is not perpendicular to the orbital plane of the binary system. As a consequence, the companion star will face η Carinae on the orbital plane at different latitudes for different orbital phases and, since both the mass-loss rate and the wind velocity are latitude dependent, they would produce the observed asymmetries in the X-ray flux. We were able to reproduce the main features of the X-ray light curve assuming that the rotation axis of η Carinae forms an angle of  29°± 4°  with the axis of the binary orbit. We also explained the short quasi-periodic oscillations by assuming nutation of the rotation axis, with an amplitude of about  5°  and a period of about 22 days. The nutation parameters, as well as the precession of the apsis, with a period of about 274 years, are consistent with what is expected from the torques induced by the companion star.  相似文献   
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