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初始场中尺度信息对暴雨预报的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
由于观测资料分辨率与模式分辨率的不同,利用高分辨率模式对暴雨进行预报时,常规观测资料形成的初始场不能直接分辨出中尺度系统,这种中尺度系统特征的缺少可以认为是初始场的一种信息误差。利用中尺度天气分析的尺度分离方法可以提取这种中尺度信息。通过分析初始场中尺度信息的结构、演变特征及其对暴雨预报影响的机理,发现初始场中尺度信息的结构在主要雨带的对流敏感区具有明确的天气学意义,包含了有利暴雨产生的信息;其能量随时间也是增长的,特别是在积分12小时以后,能量迅速增长然后趋于稳定,超过了初始随机扰动的能量增长。利用减弱和增强初始场中中尺度信息的两种初始场作暴雨预报,其结果反映了初始场中尺度信息对暴雨预报的重要性,特别是对雨团位置和强度的预报,这些信息会直接影响暴雨的精细预报。  相似文献   
Features of atmospheric circulation and thermal structures are discussed using the NCAR/NCEP data to reveal the reasons for the late onset and anomalous southward persistence of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon (SCSSM) in 2005. The results show that three factors are crucial. First, a strong Arabian High overlaps with a high-latitude blocking high and channels strong cold air to southern Asia. Second, the Tibetan Plateau has a bigger snow cover than usual in spring and the melting of snow cools down the surface. Third, the Somali Jet breaks out at a much later date, being not conducive to convection over Indochina. The former two factors restrict atmospheric sensible heating over the Tibetan Plateau and nearby regions while the third one limits latent heating over Indochina. All of the factors slow down atmospheric warming and postpone the onset of SCSSM. Long after the onset of SCSSM, strong cold air over India advances the Southwest Monsoon northward slowly, resulting in weaker convection and latent heating over the Tibetan Plateau and nearby areas. The negative feedback conversely inhibits further northward movement of Southwest Monsoon.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the interannual variation of the West Pacific Subtropical High (WPSH) intensity based on the data compiled by the Chinese National Climate Center. Monthly reanalysis data from National Centers for Environmental Prediction and National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) are also used to study the lead-lag relationship between WPSH intensity and surface heat flux anomalies. The three major findings are as follows: First, WPSH intensity presents good seasonal persistence, especially from winter to the ensuing summer. Persistence is more significant after 1977, especially from spring to summer, and from summer to autumn; persistence of anticyclonic anomalies are significantly better than cyclonic anomalies. Second, surface heat flux tends to present opposite anomalous patterns between the strong and weak years of the WPSH intensity, which is especially valid at the latent heat flux over the ocean. Simultaneous correlations between surface heat flux and WPSH intensity in each of the seasons are marked by similar key areas. Finally, surface heat flux from the preceding winter of a strong summer WPSH is quite similar to strong spring WPSH, but the positive anomalies over the northwest Pacific and south of Japan are notably stronger. The situations in the weak years are similar except for those over the northwest Pacific: winter surface heat flux shows negative anomalies for a weak spring WPSH, but positive anomalies for a weak summer WPSH. It is suggested that surface heat flux in the previous winter plays an important role in maintaining the WPSH intensity in the ensuing spring and summer.  相似文献   
运用大气能量学的方法,对2002年7月19日发生在河南省中西部地区的降雹过程进行了分析,结果显示:大冰雹均出现在高空能量锋区以内,落区在低层湿有效能量平流正值中心附近。利用能量分析作为预报基础,再结合地面和雷达探测等资料进行综合分析,可以得出有无冰雹天气及冰雹落区的预报结论。  相似文献   
华南地区汛期极端降水的概率分布特征   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
张婷  魏凤英 《气象学报》2009,67(3):442-451
利用1960-2005年华南地区71个测站的逐日降水量资料和NCEP/NCAR南半球月平均海平面气压场再分析资料,采用Le Page榆验、广义极值分布等统计诊断方法,研究了华南地区近46 a前汛期(4-6月)和后汛期(7-9月)极端降水的时空变化及概率分布特征.并讨论了南半球澳大利亚高压和马斯克林高压强度指数与华南汛期暴雨日数间年代际变化的关系.结果表明:(1)1992年华南地区降水发生了由减少趋势到增多趋势的突变,降水趋势发生突变后前汛期极端降水量和日极端降水强度有所下降,而后汛期则是显著增强.(2)华南汛期年平均日最大降水量、50 a一遇日最大降水量极值和暴雨日数的空间分布特征相似,即前汛期的空间分布自南向北呈现"低-高-低"的分布趋势,后汛期呈现由沿海到内陆的"高-低"的分布趋势.(3)1992年发生突变后,前、后汛期年平均日最大降水量和年平均暴雨日数显著增加和减少的空间分布基本一致.(4)就年代际变化而言,南半球澳大利亚高压和马斯克林高压的强度变化是华南汛期降水异常的重要气候背景,即当两高压处在同时增强时期时,华南前汛期极端降水处于偏少阶段,后汛期则处于偏多阶段.  相似文献   
风电场风资源测量与计算的精度控制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
根据多个复杂地形风电场观测操作实践和大量观测数据的计算分析,提出了对观测数据和计算质量精度控制的主要措施,包括:复杂地形测风站布设的5个原则,仪器的合理选型和设置;对由于测风仪固有的系统误差和缺测数据的插补订正可能引起的计算误差进行了定量估算,通过对大量实测数据的对比计算显示:①目前普遍采用的进口风速计的相对偏差在1.6%~5.25%之间,由此可导致轮毂高度附近的年平均风功率密度误差在5%以上,最大达13.8%;②在季风气候区、复杂地形和风的年变率较大的地区,进行缺测数据插补订正时,应选取同季或同一主导风向的数据作为插补订正的基础数据,否则可能导致其平均风功率密度相对误差达20%~50%.  相似文献   
The effects of vegetation and its seasonal variation on energy and the hydrological cycle were examined using a state-of-the-art Community Atmosphere Model (CAM3). Three 15-year numerical experiments were completed: the first with realistic vegetation characteristics varying monthly (VEG run), the second without vegetation over land (NOVEG run), and the third with the vegetation characteristics held at their annual mean values (VEGMEAN run). In these models, the hydrological cycle and land surface energy budget were widely affected by vegetation. Globaland annual-mean evapotranspiration significantly increased compared with the NOVEG by 11.8% in the VEG run run, while runoff decreased by 13.2% when the realistic vegetation is incorporated. Vegetation plays different roles in different regions. In tropical Asia, vegetation-induced cooling of the land surface plays a crucial role in decreasing tropical precipitation. In middle latitudes and the Amazon region, however, the vegetation-induced increase of evapotranspiration plays a more important role in increasing precipitation. The seasonal variation of vegetation also shows clear influences on the hydrological cycle and energy budget. In the boreal mid-high latitudes where vegetation shows a strong seasonal cycle, evapotranspiration and precipitation are higher in the summer in the VEG run than in the VEGMEAN run.  相似文献   
复杂地形风场的精细数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风能是一种重要气候资源,随着我国风电规模的迅速增大,发展风能资源评估系统和风功率预测系统已成为一项重要的研究内容。国内外对复杂地形风场结构的数值模拟有大量研究,随着计算机能力增强,以往用于空气动力学精细流场计算的计算流体力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics,CFD)模式越来越多地在气象领域得到应用,人们开始研究用中尺度预报模式和CFD模式结合进行复杂地形风场的数值模拟。本文的耦合模式系统采用中尺度气象模式(WRF),通过嵌套网格到内层尺度(一般是几公里),然后通过耦合CFD模式Fluent软件获得高分辨率(水平30~100 m,垂直150 m高度以下10 m)的风速分布资料,得到精细化的风场信息。通过对鄱阳湖北部区域和云南杨梅山复杂地形的风场模拟,提供了风能评估和预报的一种可行的方法。  相似文献   
利用乐山市1971~2005年整编风资料对乐山市各区县地面风场进行了全面分析,并对全市风能资源的分布情况进行了研究,旨在对今后乐山市风的预报及其相关服务有较好的帮助。  相似文献   
Day-to-day precipitation data of Junes during the 43 years of 1958-2000 from stations to the south of Yangtze River are used to divide regions and run statistical analysis of sustained torrential rainfall processes. A preliminary analysis is then made based on it and the results show that June is the month in which torrential rains in the southern half of China take place frequently and sustained torrential rains occur at the same time in South China and the area to the south of Yangtze River. In addition, the analysis gives the basic features of sustained torrential rains of June in China and their interannual variability patterns, with the suggestion that the amount of these events increases significantly after the 1990s. Lastly, the sustained torrential rains occurring in Junes of 1994, 1998 and 2005 in the southern half of China are taken as examples in the research on the basic patterns and formation mechanisms of the evolution of double rain-bands during the rain season in South China and the area to the south of Yangtze River. The analysis shows that the large scale environment field in which sustained torrential rains occur is related to the stable sustaining of the South Asia High and upper level jet streams.  相似文献   
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