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The Norma specialized program package, intended for normalization of autonomous Hamiltonian systems by means of computer algebra, is used in studies of small-amplitude periodic motions in the neighbourhood of regular precessions of a dynamically symmetric satellite on a circular orbit. The case of hyperboloidal precession is considered. Analytical expressions for normal forms and generating functions depending on frequencies of the system as on parameters are derived. Possible resonances are considered in particular. The 6th order of normalization is achieved. Though the intermediate analytical expressions occupy megabytes of computer's main memory, final ones are quite compact. Obtained analytical expressions are applied to the analysis of stability of small-amplitude periodic motions in the neighbourhood of hyperboloidal precession.  相似文献   
Relations are established between the Delaunay variables defined over a phase space E in four dimensions and the Lissajous variables defined over a four-dimensional phase space F when the latter is mapped onto E by a parabolic canonical transformation.  相似文献   
New techniques to study Hamiltonian systems with Hamiltonian forcing are proposed. They are based on singularly weighted symplectic forms and transformations which preserve these forms. Applications pertaining to asteroid motion are outlined. These involve the presence of both Jupiter and Saturn.  相似文献   
Poincaré maps for Hamiltonian systems with 3 degrees of freedom lead to the study of four dimensional symplectic mappings. As a test for the validity of a synthetic mapping of order 3 using gradient informations, we study the evolution with time of Liapounov Indicators in the case of the four dimensional standard map with chaotic and stable zones. Both Liapounov Indicators show the same behaviour for the real and synthetic mappings. They reveal exploding diffusion phenomena for temporarily confined chaotic orbits. The distribution of the time of explosion fits well with a Poisson law for the real mapping, but not for the synthetic one. However the mean time of explosion is essentially the same in both cases.  相似文献   
A new semianalytical theory of asteroid motion is presented. The theory is developed on the basis of Kaula's expansion of the disturbing function including terms up to the second order with respect to the masses of disturbing bodies. The theory is constructed in explicit form that gives the possibility to study separately the influence of different perturbations in the dynamics of minor planets. The mean-motion resonances with major planets as well as mixed three-body resonances can also be taken into account. For the non-resonant case the formulas obtained can be used for deriving the second transformation to calculate the proper elements of an asteroid orbit in closed form with respect to inclinations and eccentricities. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Processing techniques are used to approximate the exact flow of near-integrable Hamiltonian systems depending on a small perturbation parameter. We study the reduction of the number of conditions for the kernel for this type of Hamiltonians and we build third, fourth and fifth order methods which are shown to be more efficient than previous algorithms for the same class of problems. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Relative equilibria occur in a wide variety of physical applications, including celestial mechanics, particle accelerators, plasma physics, and atomic physics. We derive sufficient conditions for Lyapunov stability of circular orbits in arbitrary axisymmetric gravitational (electrostatic) and magnetic fields, including the effects of local mass (charge) and current density. Particularly simple stability conditions are derived for source‐free regions, where the gravitational field is harmonic (∇2U = 0) or the magnetic field irrotational (∇ × B = 0). In either case the resulting stability conditions can be expressed geometrically (coordinate‐free) in terms of dimensionless stability indices. Stability bounds are calculated for several examples, including the problem of two fixed centers, the J2 planetary model, galactic disks, and a toroidal quadrupole magnetic field. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The second-order solution of the Ideal Resonance Problem, obtained by Henrard and Wauthier (1988), is developed further to fourth order applying the same method. The solutions for the critical argument and the momentum are expressed in terms of elementary functions depending on the time variable of the pendulum as independent variable. This variable is related to the original time variable through a Kepler-equation. An explicit solution is given for this equation in terms of elliptic integrals and functions. The fourth-order formal solution is compared with numerical solutions obtained from direct numerical integrations of the equations of motion for two specific Hamiltonians.  相似文献   
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