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In this work, the water vapor product from MODIS (MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) instrument, on-board Aqua and Terra satellites, is compared against GPS water vapor data from 21 stations in the Iberian Peninsula as reference. GPS water vapor data is obtained from ground-based receiver stations which measure the delay caused by water vapor in the GPS microwave signals. The study period extends from 2007 until 2012. Regression analysis in every GPS station show that MODIS overestimates low integrated water vapor (IWV) data and tends to underestimate high IWV data. R2 shows a fair agreement, between 0.38 and 0.71. Inter-quartile range (IQR) in every station is around 30–45%. The dependence on several parameters was also analyzed. IWV dependence showed that low IWV are highly overestimated by MODIS, with high IQR (low precision), sharply decreasing as IWV increases. Regarding dependence on solar zenith angle (SZA), performance of MODIS IWV data decreases between 50° and 90°, while night-time MODIS data (infrared) are quite stable. The seasonal cycles of IWV and SZA cause a seasonal dependence on MODIS performance. In summer and winter, MODIS IWV tends to overestimate the reference IWV value, while in spring and autumn the tendency is to underestimate. Low IWV from coastal stations is highly overestimated (∼60%) and quite imprecise (IQR around 60%). On the contrary, high IWV data show very little dependence along seasons. Cloud-fraction (CF) dependence was also studied, showing that clouds display a negligible impact on IWV over/underestimation. However, IQR increases with CF, except in night-time satellite values, which are quite stable. 相似文献
根据某省交通部门对车辆查询和管理服务的实际需求,在GIS与GPS的理论基础上,采用具有强大地图分析功能的MapX和组件技术建立了一个Client/Server模式的GIS与GPS技术相结合的车辆管理系统。简要介绍了该系统的功能和体系结构,并详细讨论了系统实现的关键技术和方法,文章最后对未来的发展趋势进行了分析展望。 相似文献
2001年11月14日17时26分,在昆仑山口西青海和新疆交界处发生了MS8.1级强烈地震。震后利用 GPS开展了相对密集的地壳形变观测。计算获得的同震位移表明,地震地壳形变影响范围大致为88°~97°E, 32°~38°N,断层运动具有明显的左旋兼挤压的特点。在昆仑山口附近GPS观测获得的地表破裂两侧的相对左旋 位移量约为2.6m,与地表野外调查获得的该处的地震破裂位移值符合的很好。断裂南侧垂直断裂走向同震位移 量逐渐衰减,位移方向相对稳定。而断裂北侧,同震位移主要集中分布在柴达木盆地南缘,位移方向变化较大,盆 地内部位移量迅速衰减,表明东昆仑断裂北侧柴达木盆地地壳介质性质与其南侧高原腹地有明显不同。GPS观测 得到的震后断层蠕动结果表明,最初两周内断层蠕动位移量就占了观测期(近1年时间)总位移量的47%还要多, 其后半年多的时间内断层蠕动位移量不到观测期总位移量的40%,而余下的近5个月时间断层蠕动位移量只占观 测期总位移量的13%。断层蠕动速率在最初两周内超过130cm/a,到2002年3月11日迅速下降到26cm/a,其后 则逐渐呈线性衰减。区域GPS观测的初步结果同时表明,尽管地震破裂附近断层两侧有较大的相对位移,但东部 甘青川一带相关断层上相对运动不明显,可能说明这一区域仍处在 相似文献
利用GPS信噪比(signal-to-noise ratio,SNR)观测值监测土壤湿度的精度直接受多径干涉相位与土壤湿度间的关系模型影响。传统方法基于线性模型,通过增加样本数量、排除特例提高普适性,但未合理考虑坡度、植被及天气等因素。基于上述因素短期变化可忽略的假设,引入时间窗口,采用自相关分析确定窗口长度,利用窗口内样本动态线性回归构建预测和插值模型反演土壤湿度。实验结果表明,引入窗口后,预测、插值误差分别下降17.4%和54.6%,相关系数上升16.2%和32.9%。插值模型利用了待估时刻之后的观测量,精度更高;预测模型精度略低,但更适于实时应用。同时,残差极大值与土壤湿度的上升之间显著相关。预测残差较土壤湿度具有极大值更小、时刻略微提前的时域特征。 相似文献