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《Geofísica Internacional》2014,53(2):153-162
The temperature sensitivity of the WRF model to changes in Total Solar Irradiance (TSI). The simulations were performed for a region centered over the North Atlantic Ocean, including portions of Eastern North America, Western Europe and Northwest Africa. Four simulations were run with different TSI values. Also, a fifth simulation was performed in which we varied the initial atmospheric conditions, in order to compare the effect on the temperature of both, changes in the TSI and initial atmospheric conditions. Comparing temperature monthly averages we found that changes in TSI and in the initial conditions have a measurable impact on temperature in the region of study. The sensitivity of the model using non-dimensional parameters was also estimated. The numerical experiments show some features that might allow to distinguish between the effects on the temperature due to changes in TSI from those caused by initial conditions. However, TSI changes are of the same order of magnitude than those of disturbances in the initial conditions. We also found that the mean monthly values of temperature over the full grid, did not present significant variations due to changes of either initial conditions or TSI.  相似文献   
A soil–vegetation–atmosphere transfer model (SVAT), interactions between the soil–biosphere–atmosphere (ISBA) of Météo France, is modified and applied to the Athabasca River Basin (ARB) to model its water and energy fluxes. Two meteorological datasets are used: the archived forecasts from the Meteorological Survey of Canada’s Global Environmental Multiscale Model (GEM) and the European Centre for Mid-range Weather Forecasts global re-analysis (ERA-40), representing spatial scales typical of a weather forecasting model and a global circulation model (GCM), respectively. The original treatment of soil moisture and rainfall in ISBA (OISBA) is modified to statistically account for sub-grid heterogeneity of soil moisture and rainfall to produce new, highly non-linear formulations for surface and sub-surface runoff (MISBA). These new formulations can be readily applied to most existing SVATs. Stand alone mode simulations using the GEM data demonstrate that MISBA significantly improves streamflow predictions despite requiring two fewer parameters than OISBA. Simulations using the ERA-40 data show that it is possible to reproduce the annual variation in monthly, mean annual, and annual minimum flows at GCM scales without using downscaling techniques. Finally, simulations using a simple downscaling scheme show that the better performance of higher resolution datasets can be primarily attributed to improved representation of local variation of land cover, topography, and climate.  相似文献   
针对经典灰色系统模型的不足,根据灰色系统理论的信息处理原则,在模型中引入遗忘因子,建立了灰色系统沉降预测的非等步长灰色时变参数模型,并在求解过程中引入遗忘因子以修正预测结果。模型充分考虑了预测系统的时变性和灰色性,从而降低对预测系统状态的预测误差。实例预测表明,灰色时变参数模型可以将工后总沉降量的预测误差控制在23%以内。误差检验结果显示,预测结果的精度等级较引入遗忘因子修正前有显著的提高。  相似文献   
应用流体力学、流变学的理论,方法和施工实测数据,建立水下灌注理导管埋深,砼在灌注系统的流动阻力与导管内附加砼柱间的数学表达式,以指导水下灌注施工在最优灌注参数下进行。  相似文献   
微分求积法(DQM)是1种求解微分方程初(边)值问题的数值方法,通常以较小的计算工作量即可获得较高的数值精度。这种方法应用于工程领域时多用来解决梁、板等结构的静力分析或结构特征值分析等问题,即对边值问题的微分方程的求解。结构动力分析属于初值问题,荷载和结构反应都具有特殊性,直接套用DQM求解边值问题并不能获得问题的解。本文尝试利用微分求积原理建立求解结构动力反应的具体方法。借鉴单元法的思想,将荷载持时划分为若干个时步,在每个时步内对动态荷载和结构反应进行离散,然后用DQM对时步逐个进行求解,得到体系在整个时域内的反应过程。通过对3种不同自振周期的线弹性单自由度体系在不同频率简谐激励下反应的计算,阐释了本文方法的可行性以及高精度、高效率的特点,通过数值试验确定了时步内相对较优的节点数,并为时步长度的选取提供了建议。  相似文献   
用地震活动性参数(地震频度N,地震能量E和地震b值)的二维空间等值线计算机扫描技术,系统地追踪了1983年菏泽5.9级地震前后三项地震活动性参数的空间动态演化情况。结果表明,菏泽5.9级地震前1-4年,河北平原断陷南部地区特别是其东界聊考断裂带地震活动异常增强,地震频度增高,地震能量释放加速而地震b值降低;地震活动增强区的长度约200余公里,未来主震发生于地震活动增强区的边缘;震后约一年左右震中周  相似文献   
The response of the Earth’s crust to the direct effect of lunisolar gravitational forcing is known as the body tide. The body tide is superimposed by surface-loading forces due to the pressure of the periodically varying ocean tide acting on the Earth, called ocean tide loading (OTL). Both body tide and OTL can be decomposed into components of the same frequency known as tidal parameters. However, OTL is more complicated than body tides because of the dynamic effects of the ocean. Estimating OTL requires a model of the ocean tides and knowledge of the elastic properties of the solid Earth. Thus, synthetic tide parameters (amplitude factors and phase leads) have been developed here on a world-wide grid for gravity and positional displacements. The body tide contributions were added to the oceanic contribution to provide the Earth tide response. The accuracy and reliability of the synthetic tidal parameters have been estimated by comparing observed gravity and vertical-displacement tide parameters with those interpolated from our synthetic model, which shows good agreement. Tests also indicate that the synthetic tide parameters provide realistic gravimetric and displacements for practical use in tidal prediction.  相似文献   
江洎洧  项伟  唐辉明  曾斌  黄玲 《岩土力学》2010,31(3):805-810
滑坡灾害具有很强的空间变异性和随机性,应作非线性动态系统考虑。利用传递系数法,反演出极限蓄水位时大沟湾滑坡在不同安全系数下临界状态的剪切强度参数关系,对试验得到的剪切强度参数进行分析,结合工程地质类比法,由统计方法得到滑带土剪切强度参数的分布规律,并生成随机剪切参数。假设Mohr-Coulomb准则在滑坡体自重应力范围内服从线性分布,由试验参数在? -? 坐标内的分布曲线,结合天然状况下滑坡体正应力范围得到c-? 包络多边形,由此考虑剪切参数相关性,筛选出有效的随机剪切参数。通过Monte Carlo模拟,统计有效样本与反演得到的不同安全系数条件下极限平衡c-? 关系曲线的位置分布关系,得到不同安全系数滑坡的破坏概率。对极限蓄水位条件洞坪水库大沟湾滑坡稳定状况进行预测,结果表明,滑坡届时处于极高风险状态,稳定性很差。结合蓄水过程中两次对滑坡体实地考察得到的滑坡体变形特征表明,研究结果吻合。  相似文献   
安庆4.8级地震序列的地震波谱变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用安徽区域数字地震台网记录的安庆4.8级地震序列波形资料,开展地震波谱研究,求取了零频位移谱值、应力降和地震矩等震源参数。分析了纵、横波零频谱值比和应力降随时间的变化趋势,并讨论了震源参数之间的关系。结果表明,安庆4.8级主震后,纵、横波零频位移谱值比和应力降呈现一定的变化规律,可为主震—余震序列的最大余震的预测提供一定的参考依据,同时发现震源参数与震级有一定相关。  相似文献   
在频率-波数域中采用解析法,解出多层条件下海底实测的多分量地震数据分解成上行和下行P波和S波的算法,导出海底各层地震反射系数随入射角变化(简称RVA)的递推计算公式,为海底多波多分量AVO弹性参数的反演及流体因子预测提供基础数据.合成数据的计算结果表明,本文给出的算法能较可靠地从海底多波多分量记录中提取RVA信息.  相似文献   
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