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作为一种基于射线的局部瞬态场,delta波包源自高斯波束,是高斯波束在时空域的对偶表示,具有高斯波束的全部优点和缺陷。基于delta波包叠加的时间域深度偏移,当射线穿过高速岩体时,受折射效应影响,密度降低,进而导致delta波包的分布密度降低,使成像质量变差,甚至无法成像。为了弥补这个缺陷,本文采用波前构建法计算射线路径。波前构建法能够以插入射线的方式保证均匀的射线分布,从而保证delta波包以均匀的分布密度覆盖整个成像靶区,进而提高成像质量。在具体实现上,采用链表结构替代以往使用的数组结构。Sigsbee 2A模型的数值试算表明,利用波前构建法可以改善高速体下方区域的成像质量,而利用链表存储波前信息要比利用数组至少节省9%的CPU耗时。  相似文献   
Coastal erosion at Sagar Island of Sunderban delta, India, has been critically studied. The area is in the subtropical humid region. There are mainly three seasons viz: winter, summer and the monsoon. Different wave dynamic parameters were measured from theodolite observations with leveling staff and measuring gauges during lunar days at two sections of the western and eastern parts of the coastal zone during post-and pre-monsoons. A comparative study was made on the erosion/depositional pattern between the two sections in relation to different hydrodynamic parameters prevailing in these two sections. Plane table mapping was carried out to demarcate the different geomorphic units. The marine coastal landforms show dune ridges with intervening flats bordered by gently sloping beach on one side and a flat beach on the other side. The western part of the beach is mainly sandy; whereas the eastern part is silty and clayey with mud bank remnants. Actual field measurements indicate that the coastal dune belt has retreated to the order by about 20 m since 1985. The eastern part of the beach has lowered by about 2 m since 1985 and the western part was raised almost to the same tune. It is observed that accretion in the western and central parts of the beach took place; whereas severe erosion in the eastern part made the beach very narrow with remnants of mud banks and tree roots. Frequent embankment failures, submergence and flooding, beach erosion and siltation at jetties and navigational channels, cyclones and storm surges made this area increasingly vulnerable.  相似文献   
根据岩芯、录测井、地震以及其它分析化验资料,对白音查于凹陷早白垩世腾格尔组的沉积特征、沉积相类型及其分布规律进行了详细研究.结果表明,腾格尔组发育扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲、湖泊和浊积扇4种沉积相类型,扇三角洲分布在北部陡坡带,辫状河三角洲分布在南部缓坡带,从盆地边缘到盆地中心,沉积相由扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲沉积逐渐转变为半深湖-深湖沉积,在三角洲侧翼发育滨-浅湖相沉积,在三角洲前缘、前三角洲以及半深湖中发育浊积扇沉积,整体呈东西洼凸相问、南北隆凹成带的格局,这种沉积格局受盆地周边断层和古地形控制.利用岩石组分和重矿物成分进行物源分析,认为白音查干凹陷沉积物丰要来自凹陷北部的巴音宝力格降起和凹陷南部的赛呼都格凸起方向,并具有多期次、阵发性、近物源的特点,母岩岩性主要为沉积岩,其次为岩浆岩,见少量变质岩.  相似文献   
滨海湿地不同密度柽柳林土壤调蓄水功能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为探求黄河三角洲湿地土壤调蓄水功能的合理柽柳林密度,采用测量土壤入渗过程和水分物理参数相结合的方法,对不同密度柽柳林的土壤蓄水功能和水分调节能力进行研究。结果表明:①柽柳林随密度的增大具有显著提高细砂粒和降低粉黏粒含量的作用;中密度林分降盐抑碱效应明显,各密度林分表层盐碱含量低于20~40 cm土层;②土壤容重随林分密度增大表现为先减小后增大,孔隙度状况则与之相反,中密度、高密度、草地总孔隙度均值分别比低密度林分高12.9%、6.2%、4.4%;对表层的改良效果好于20~40 cm土层;③Horton模型可较好地模拟柽柳林的土壤入渗过程,中密度林分渗透性能最好,高密度次之,低密度最差;④饱和蓄水量、吸持蓄水量、滞留蓄水量及涵蓄降水量均表现为中密度>高密度>草地>低密度,表土层的水分调蓄功能好于下层;中密度、高密度、草地涵蓄降水量分别比低密度林分高28.4%、23.8%、14.1%。中密度柽柳林具有巨大的水分调蓄空间,其次为高密度,而低密度林分较差。  相似文献   
Basin‐floor topography influences the flow path of hyperpycnal plumes and delta morphology during progradation of the Red River delta in Lake Texoma, USA. The Red River discharge is typically a hyperpycnal plume due to elevated total dissolved solids. Because the river plume is a bottom‐hugging hyperpycnal flow, lake bathymetry and topography strongly influence deposition and subsequent delta morphology. In addition to elevated total dissolved solid concentrations compared with Lake Texoma water, the density contrast of the Red River outflow is increased by high suspended‐sediment concentrations during high‐discharge events. Steep lateral slopes in the Lake Texoma basin deflect hyperpycnal river plumes and, subsequently, change the delta progradation direction before the delta reaches the opposite bank of the lake. Analysis of multi‐temporal aerial and satellite images indicates that the hyperpycnal delta follows the steepest lake‐bottom gradients, corresponding to the pre‐impoundment river thalweg (i.e. bypassing shallow parts of the lake). An analytical model for the hyperpycnal‐plume trajectory indicates plume deflection during low‐discharge or high‐discharge events, towards the deepest part of the basin. The magnitude of plume deflection is a function of river discharge and basin‐margin gradients. Plume deflection can vary between 10° and 80° from the channel axis towards the old river thalweg. The high deflection appears in the case of maximum basin side gradients of 12·8° and in conditions of low river discharge. During low‐discharge periods, the Red River delta builds a lobate shape with multiple terminal distributary channels whereas, during high‐discharge periods the Red River delta builds an elongate shape with a single large distributary channel. The elongate morphology of the delta is formed through the development of a single distributary channel and abandonment of the other distributaries. Therefore, the lobate shaped delta is expected to be preserved in the rock record.  相似文献   
The largest plain in the North Vietnam has formed by the redundant sediment of the Red River system. Sediment supply is not equally distributed, causing erosion in some places. The paper analyzes the evolvement and physical mechanism of the erosion. The overlay of five recent topographical maps (1930, 1965, 1985, 1995, and 2001) shows that sediment redundantly deposits at some big river mouths (Ba Lat, Lach, and Day), leading to rapid accretion (up to 100 m/y). Typical mechanism of delta propagation is forming and connecting sand bars in front of the mouths. Erosion coasts are distributed either between the river mouths (Hai Hau) or nearby them (Giao Long, Giao Phong, and Nghia Phuc). The evolvement of erosion is caused by wave-induced longshore southwestward sediment transport. Meanwhile sediment from the river mouths is not directed to deposit nearshore. The development of sand bars can intensively reduce the erosion rate nearby river mouths. Erosion in Hai Hau is accelerated by sea level rise and upstream dams. Sea dike stability is seriously threatened by erosion-induced lowering of beach profiles, sea level rise, typhoon, and storm surge.  相似文献   
通过野外露头资料、测井资料和地震资料分析,塔里木盆地侏罗系可识别出8个层序边界,除层序边界JSB6和JSB7为Ⅱ型外,其他均为Ⅰ型.层序界面上下常表现为沉积相突变或地层缺失.根据8个三级层序边界可识别出7个三级层序,即JSQ1~JSQ7,各层序在盆地内的分布却不均匀.JSQ1和JSQ2层序分布在阿克库勒凸起的于奇地区、...  相似文献   
巴尔喀什湖水量平衡研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
巴尔喀什-阿拉湖流域是中亚地区重要和独特的景观生态系统,巴尔喀什湖是该区域的核心,其水位变化作为巴尔喀什湖流域生态系统及其保护的主要指标,向来备受世人关注.研究巴尔喀什湖水量平衡,对合理确定巴尔喀什湖生态系统保护目标及保护措施,具有十分重要的理论与现实意义.在明晰巴尔喀什湖水系、水位影响因素的基础上,构建了巴尔喀什湖水...  相似文献   
汤原断陷和方正断陷是位于依兰—舒兰地堑内两个主要的一级负向构造单元,表现为受东西两条深大断裂控制的双断式断陷。汤原断陷和方正断陷古近系宝泉岭组二段在相类似的构造与沉积背景下沉积特征有异同。共识别出3种主要沉积相类型:扇三角洲相、湖泊相和湖底扇相。控盆断裂对这两个断陷的沉积具有同样重要的控制作用,宝二段沉积时期方正断陷的构造作用强度比汤原断陷大得多,方正断陷湖盆面积比汤原断陷小,但湖盆深度要深。  相似文献   
河口水下三角洲是河流和海洋环境共同作用的产物,沉积地层中蕴藏了许多环境变化信息.在长江口水下三角洲泥质区采集了柱样SC09,首先利用放射性同位素210Pb确定了沉积柱样的平均沉积速率,其次对沉积柱样以0.2 cm间隔进行高分辨率取样,获得了沉积物粒度参数,然后提取了沉积物粒度敏感组分,并对其进行了经验模态分解(EMD)...  相似文献   
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