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E.M.A. Chen  F. Nimmo 《Icarus》2011,214(2):779-781
Recently, Tyler [Tyler, R.H., 2009. Geophys. Res. Lett. 36, L15205; Tyler, R., 2011. Icarus, 211, 770-779] proposed that the tide due to an obliquity of greater than 0.1° might drive resonant flow in a liquid ocean at Enceladus, and that dissipation of the ocean’s kinetic energy may be an alternate source for the observed global heat flux. While there is currently no measurement of Enceladus’ obliquity, dissipation is expected to drive the spin pole to a Cassini state. Under this assumption, we find that Enceladus should occupy Cassini state 1 and that the obliquity of Enceladus should be less than 0.0015° for values of the degree-2 gravity coefficient C2,2 between 1.0 × 10−3 and 2.5 × 10−3. Unless there is a significant free obliquity or the gravity coefficient C2,2 has been significantly overestimated, it is unlikely that obliquity-driven flow in a subsurface ocean is the source of the extreme heat on Enceladus.  相似文献   
在滇东南富宁地区,出露一系列以辉绿岩为主、含少量辉长辉绿岩和辉绿玢岩的基性侵入岩。根据地球化学、同位素地球化学以及锆石U-Pb年代学等分析结果,前人将这些基性侵入岩视作峨眉山大火成岩省的组成部分,源自峨眉山地幔柱。国内外研究的共识认为,峨眉山地幔柱活动发生于263~252Ma之间,持续时间极短。在开展1∶2.5万大比例尺地质调查与填图(洞波幅和皈朝幅1∶5万地质调查手图)过程中,我们发现,这些基性侵入岩不仅侵入古生代地层,还侵入了富宁县皈朝一带的晚二叠世-中三叠世岛弧玄武安山岩(255~241Ma)以及早-中三叠世地层。这些地质事实表明,富宁地区基性侵入岩的形成时代至少晚于中三叠世Anisian期或更晚,与峨眉山地幔柱活动时代存在很大的时差,岩石类型与组合上也与峨眉山大火成岩省的有很大差异。根据我们填图过程中获得的基本地质事实分析,滇东南富宁地区的基性侵入岩是华南地块与北越地块间的古特提斯分支洋盆闭合、两个地块碰撞造山(即印支造山)后的岩浆活动产物,与峨眉山地幔柱没有成因关系。  相似文献   
河口羽流是河口冲淡水在陆架中扩展的主要形式, 其扩展受到诸多动力与地形因素的影响, 口门拦门沙就是其中之一。以一个理想化的河口为例, 采用区域海洋模型(regional ocean modelling system, ROMS), 研究口门拦门沙对河口羽流扩展的影响, 具体包括拦门沙对羽流的出流状态、扩展范围以及远场区沿岸流淡水输运的影响。研究结果表明, 拦门沙增加了口门处的水体分层, 减小了羽流出流速度, 增大了羽流凸出体的半径, 减小了远场区沿岸流宽度, 并进而减少了沿岸流中的淡水输送。本项研究对地形因素对河口羽流的扩展研究以及陆源物质的向海输运等均具有重要意义。  相似文献   
We compare the moment of inertia (MOI) of a simple hydrostatic, two layer body as determined by the Radau–Darwin Approximation (RDA) to its exact hydrostatic MOI calculated to first order in the parameter q = Ω2R3/GM, where Ω, R, and M are the spin angular velocity, radius, and mass of the body, and G is the gravitational constant. We show that the RDA is in error by less than 1% for many configurations of core sizes and layer densities congruent with those of solid bodies in the Solar System. We then determine the error in the MOI of icy satellites calculated with the RDA due to nonhydrostatic effects by using a simple model in which the core and outer shell have slight degree 2 distortions away from their expected hydrostatic shapes. Since the hydrostatic shape has an associated stress of order ρΩ2R2 (where ρ is density) it follows that the importance of nonhydrostatic effects scales with the dimensionless number σ/ρΩ2R2, where σ is the nonhydrostatic stress. This highlights the likely importance of this error for slowly rotating bodies (e.g., Titan and Callisto) and small bodies (e.g., Saturn moons other than Titan). We apply this model to Titan, Callisto, and Enceladus and find that the RDA-derived MOI can be 10% greater than the actual MOI for nonhydrostatic stresses as small as ∼0.1 bars at the surface or ∼1 bar at the core–mantle boundary, but the actual nonhydrostatic stresses for a given shape change depends on the specifics of the interior model. When we apply this model to Ganymede we find that the stresses necessary to produce the same MOI errors as on Titan, Callisto, and Enceladus are an order of magnitude greater due to its faster rotation, so Ganymede may be the only instance where RDA is reliable. We argue that if satellites can reorient to the lowest energy state then RDA will always give an overestimate of the true MOI. Observations have shown that small nonhydrostatic gravity anomalies exist on Ganymede and Titan, at least at degree 3 and presumably higher. If these anomalies are indicative of the nonhydrostatic anomalies at degree 2 then these imply only a small correction to the MOI, even for Titan, but it is possible that the physical origin of nonhydrostatic degree 2 effects is different from the higher order terms. We conclude that nonhydrostatic effects could be present to an extent that allows Callisto and Titan to be fully differentiated.  相似文献   
试论大火成岩省与成矿作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据组成大火成岩省的岩浆类型不同,大火成岩省可以分为两类,一是以基性火成岩为主的镁铁质大火成岩省(MLIPs),二是以酸性火成岩为主的长英质大火成岩省(SLIPs)。它们都是由于在异常高的地幔热流参与下导致地幔或地壳大规模熔融形成的。大火成岩省独特的巨量岩浆活动是引起多层次物质和能量交换的重要场 所。成矿物质的聚集导致成矿作用和矿床的形成是必然的,因此大火成岩省本身就是一个大成矿系统。在这个成矿系统中,由于物源、成分、温度、压力、流体和氧逸度等条件的差异性,形成不同种类的矿化和矿床,并构成一定的成矿系列。镁铁质大火成岩省中形成的矿床类型有岩浆硫化物型Cr-Cu-Ni-PGE矿床和Ti-Fe 氧化物型V-Ti-Fe 矿床,热液型的Cu-Pb-Zn-Au-Ag矿床,以及远程低温热液矿床等。长英质大火成岩省形成的矿床类型为岩浆和交代型、热液型Cu-Pb-Zn-Au-Ag,W-Sn,U-Th-REE矿床,以及Sb-As矿床等。加强对大火成岩省及其成矿机理的研究,有望形成新的成矿理论和加速超大型矿床的发现。  相似文献   
在特提斯喜马拉雅带东部江孜-康马一带发育大量近东西向展布的辉绿岩体/墙,研究表明这些基性岩至少可分为三期:(1)形成于~140Ma的辉绿岩具有OIB型地球化学特征,部分样品Sr-Nd同位素组成与其东部~132Ma错美-班布里大火成岩省中基性岩相当,部分高镁样品具有Nb-Ta负异常和Pb正异常,εNd(t)值小于0;(2)形成于~120Ma的辉绿岩显示N-MORB型地球化学特征;(3)形成于~90Ma的辉绿岩显示E-MORB型地球化学特征。后两期基性岩的Sr-Nd同位素组成均显示与印度洋MORB相关。结合同时期的Kerguelen地幔柱活动轨迹及东冈瓦纳大陆裂解事件,本文认为江孜-康马地区~140Ma基性岩代表Kerguelen地幔柱及其与上覆东冈瓦纳大陆岩石圈地幔相互作用产物,是Kerguelen地幔柱长期潜伏于东冈瓦纳大陆下的证据,在前人研究基础上将该地幔柱影响的范围从错美向西拓展了约200km;之后随着东冈瓦纳大陆裂解和印度洋的开启及扩张,印度板块逐渐北移并远离Kerguelen地幔柱,江孜-康马地区~120Ma和~90Ma两期基性岩代表新生印度洋软流圈部分熔融的产物,与Kerguelen地幔柱无关。该区识别出的三期基性岩浆活动表明:特提斯喜马拉雅带的东部在白垩纪经历了与东冈瓦纳大陆裂解、印度洋的开启和扩张相关的多期基性岩浆活动。这些基性岩为深入了解和限定特提斯喜马拉雅带自140Ma以来的古地理位置和构造演化过程提供了新的岩石记录和时间坐标。  相似文献   
In June 2003, we conducted a two-part field exercise to examine biogeochemical characteristics of water in the lower Mississippi river during the 4 days prior to discharge and in the Mississippi river plume over 2 days after discharge. Here we describe the fates of materials immediately after their discharge through Southwest Pass of the Mississippi delta into the northern Gulf of Mexico. Changes in surface water properties immediately after discharge were much larger and more rapid than changes prior to discharge. Total suspended matter (TSM) declined, probably due to sinking, dissolved macronutrients were rapidly diminished by mixing and biological uptake, and phytoplankton populations increased dramatically, and then declined. This decline appeared to begin at salinities of approximately 10 and was nearly complete by 15. A large increase in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) occurred over approximately the same salinity range. Weak winds (<2 m s−1) during and preceding this cruise apparently led to the formation of an extensive but thin freshwater lens from the river. This lens spread widely without much mixing, and the bloom of phytoplankton that occurred between discharge and a salinity of 10 was probably a freshwater community seeded from the lower river. Phytoplankton bloomed for a period of about 1–2 days, then declined dramatically, apparently releasing large amounts of DOC. Macronutrients from the river were utilized by the river phytoplankton community in the extensive freshwater lens. This contrasted with the more typical situation in which river nutrients stimulate a marine phytoplankton bloom at salinities in the mid-20s. We concluded that the direct effects of dissolved and particulate bio-reactive materials discharged by the Mississippi river were spatially restricted at this time to low-salinity water, at least as surface phenomena. After being transported through the lower river essentially unaltered, these materials were biogeochemically processed within days and tens of km. More generally, the mixing rate of plume water with receiving oceanic water has profound effects on the food web structure and biogeochemical cycling in the plume.  相似文献   
将辽宁地区划分为4个幔枝构造:山海关幔枝、辽东南幔枝、建平-阜新幔枝、西丰幔枝,文章分述了它们各自组成与构造特点,并举例说明了辽宁幔枝构造通过其三个次级构造单元对成矿的控制规律.  相似文献   
天山地质构造演化复杂,多阶段演化中岩浆活动与成矿作用规模并不均衡。而石炭-二叠纪却是天山成矿带大规模岩浆活动和金属成矿作用的“爆发”期。本研究紧紧围绕岩浆铜镍矿床、斑岩型铜(钼)矿床及火山岩型磁铁矿矿床,从含矿岩体的岩浆起源、岩浆演化及成矿特点,系统研究地球深部相应岩浆活动的地质过程。通过典型矿床的深入剖析,建立相应矿床类型的成矿模式,破解制约找矿突破的控制因素,系统阐述了板块构造与地幔柱体制叠加并存的地质特征与成矿表现。联系塔里木地幔柱的活动特点和成矿表现,将其与天山造山带三类主要矿床类型建立关联,对比岩石学、年代学及地球化学研究,发现天山成矿带成矿类型与塔里木地幔柱及板块构造存有密切关系,可能是两种构造体制叠加并存的结果。塔里木克拉通深部熔融的地幔物质,围绕刚性塔里木克拉通边缘不断上涌,并与表壳物质发生交换,随着板块俯冲的持续和减弱,深部上涌的地幔物质不断加强,先后形成因深部地幔物质多寡而金属聚集的不同矿床类型。该地幔柱形成时深部过程与成矿作用认识模型的建立,极大地推进了板块构造、地幔柱与岩浆成矿作用的研究,同时可为天山及邻区找矿突破提供借鉴和指导。  相似文献   
The ophiolites from the Yarlung Zangbo River (Tibet),Southwestern China,were analysed for the con-tents of helium and neon and their isotopic compositions by stepwise heating. The serpentinites from Bainang showed a high 3He/4He value of 32.66Ra (Ra is referred to the 3He/4He ratio in the present air) in 700 ℃ fraction. At lower temperature,all of the dolerites displayed as very high 3He/4He ratios as ones investigated for hotspots. It was clear that the high 3He/4He ratio was one of immanent characterics in the magma source formed the dolerites,suggesting that there was a large amount of deep mantle fluids in these rocks. In the three-isotope diagram of neon,the data points from the ophiolites of the Yarlung Zangbo River were arranged along the Loihi Line. This is in agreement with the characteristics of he-lium isotopes,revealing that the high-3He plume from deep mantle had played an important role in the formation of the Neo-Tethyan Ocean. The helium isotopic compositions in the basalts were far higher than atomospheric value but lower than the average value of MORB,although there were various de-grees of alteration. The possible reasons were that basaltic magmas  相似文献   
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