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We present Two Micron All Sky Survey photometry for 216 symbiotic and possible symbiotic stars. This represents the most comprehensive near-infrared photometry for these sources which has been published to date. The results are used to define the statistics of S- and D-type stars; to investigate the photometric properties of Magellanic S-type symbiotics; and to define the possible evolution of D-type symbiotics within the J − H / H − K S colour plane. It appears that the colours of D-type symbiotics are consistent with differing mass-loss rates d M /d t , provided that the grains have a silicate-like composition, and maximum temperatures of the order of ∼800 K.  相似文献   
We investigate the optical counterparts of recently discovered Be/X-ray binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). In total four sources, SXP101, SXP700, SXP348 and SXP65.8 were detected during the Chandra survey of the wing of the SMC. SXP700 and SXP65.8 were previously unknown. Many optical ground-based telescopes have been utilized in the optical follow-up, providing coverage in both the red and blue bands. This has led to the classification of all of the counterparts as Be stars and confirms that three lie within the Galactic spectral distribution of known Be/X-ray binaries. SXP101 lies outside this distribution and is the latest spectral type known. Monitoring of the Hα emission line suggests that all the sources barring SXP700 have highly variable circumstellar discs, possibly a result of their comparatively short orbital periods. Phase-resolved X-ray spectroscopy has also been performed on SXP65.8, revealing that the emission is indeed harder during the passage of the X-ray beam through the line of sight.  相似文献   
XTE J1748−288 is a black hole X-ray transient which went into outburst in 1998 June. The X-ray light curves showed canonical morphologies, with minor variations on the 'fast rise exponential decay' profile. The radio source, however, reached an unusually high flux density of over 600 mJy. This high radio flux was accompanied by an exceptional  (>20  per cent)  fractional linear polarization, the variability of which was anticorrelated with the flux density. We use this variability to discuss possible depolarization mechanisms and to predict the underlying behaviour of the (unresolved) core/jet components.  相似文献   
The AM Canum Venaticorum (AM CVn) stars are rare interacting white dwarf binaries, whose formation and evolution are still poorly known. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey provides, for the first time, a sample of six AM CVn stars (out of a total population of 18) that are sufficiently homogeneous that we can start to study the population in some detail.
We use the Sloan sample to 'calibrate' theoretical population synthesis models for the space density of AM CVn stars. We consider optimistic and pessimistic models for different theoretical formation channels, which yield predictions for the local space density that are more than two orders of magnitude apart. When calibrated with the observations, all models give a local space density  ρ0= 1–3 × 10−6 pc−3  , which is lower than expected.
We discuss the implications for the formation of AM CVn stars, and conclude that at least one of the dominant formation channels (the double-degenerate channel) has to be suppressed relative to the optimistic models. In the framework of the current models this suggests that the mass transfer between white dwarfs usually cannot be stabilized. We furthermore discuss evolutionary effects that have so far not been considered in population synthesis models, but which could be of influence for the observed population. We finish by remarking that, with our lower space density, the expected number of Galactic AM CVn stars resolvable by gravitational-wave detectors like the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna ( LISA ) should be lowered from current estimates, to about 1000 for a mission duration of 1 yr.  相似文献   
We observed the neutron star X-ray transient 2S 1803−245 in quiescence with the X-ray satellite XMM–Newton , but did not detect it. An analysis of the X-ray bursts observed during the 1998 outburst of 2S 1803−245 gives an upper limit to the distance of ≤7.3 kpc, leading to an upper limit on the quiescent 0.5–10 keV X-ray luminosity of  ≤2.8 × 1032 erg s−1  (3σ). Since the expected orbital period of 2S 1803−245 is several hours, this limit is not much higher than those observed for the quiescent black hole transients with similar orbital periods.  相似文献   
The stars that populate the solar neighbourhood were formed in stellar clusters. Through N -body simulations of these clusters, we measure the rate of close encounters between stars. By monitoring the interaction histories of each star, we investigate the singleton fraction in the solar neighbourhood. A singleton is a star which formed as a single star, has never experienced any close encounters with other stars or binaries, or undergone an exchange encounter with a binary. We find that, of the stars which formed as single stars, a significant fraction is not singletons once the clusters have dispersed. If some of these stars had planetary systems, with properties similar to those of the Solar System, the planets' orbits may have been perturbed by the effects of close encounters with other stars or the effects of a companion star within a binary. Such perturbations can lead to strong planet–planet interactions which eject several planets, leaving the remaining planets on eccentric orbits. Some of the single stars exchange into binaries. Most of these binaries are broken up via subsequent interactions within the cluster, but some remain intact beyond the lifetime of the cluster. The properties of these binaries are similar to those of the observed binary systems containing extrasolar planets. Thus, dynamical processes in young stellar clusters will alter significantly any population of Solar System-like planetary systems. In addition, beginning with a population of planetary systems exactly resembling the Solar System around single stars, dynamical encounters in young stellar clusters may produce at least some of the extrasolar planetary systems observed in the solar neighbourhood.  相似文献   
We consider the shape of an accretion disc whose outer regions are misaligned with the spin axis of a central black hole and calculate the steady state form of the warped disc in the case where the viscosity and surface densities are power laws in the distance from the central black hole. We discuss the shape of the resulting disc in both the frame of the black hole and that of the outer disc. We note that some parts of the disc and also any companion star maybe shadowed from the central regions by the warp. We compute the torque on the black hole caused by the Lense–Thirring precession, and hence compute the alignment and precession time-scales. We generalize the case with viscosity and hence surface density independent of radius to more realistic density distributions for which the surface density is a decreasing function of radius. We find that the alignment time-scale does not change greatly but the precession time-scale is more sensitive. We also determine the effect on this time-scale if we truncate the disc. For a given truncation radius, the time-scales are less affected for more sharply falling density distributions.  相似文献   
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