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From a set of stellar spectropolarimetric observations, we report the detection of surface magnetic fields in a sample of four solar-type stars, namely HD 73350, HD 76151, HD 146233 (18 Sco) and HD 190771. Assuming that the observed variability of polarimetric signal is controlled by stellar rotation, we establish the rotation periods of our targets, with values ranging from 8.8 d (for HD 190771) to 22.7 d (for HD 146233). Apart from rotation, fundamental parameters of the selected objects are very close to the Sun's, making this sample a practical basis to investigate the specific impact of rotation on magnetic properties of Sun-like stars.
We reconstruct the large-scale magnetic geometry of the targets as a low-order  (ℓ < 10)  spherical harmonic expansion of the surface magnetic field. From the set of magnetic maps, we draw two main conclusions. (i) The magnetic energy of the large-scale field increases with rotation rate. The increase in chromospheric emission with the mean magnetic field is flatter than observed in the Sun. Since the chromospheric flux is also sensitive to magnetic elements smaller than those contributing to the polarimetric signal, this observation suggests that a larger fraction of the surface magnetic energy is stored in large scales as rotation increases. (ii) Whereas the magnetic field is mostly poloidal for low rotation rates, more rapid rotators host a large-scale toroidal component in their surface field. From our observations, we infer that a rotation period lower than ≈12 d is necessary for the toroidal magnetic energy to dominate over the poloidal component.  相似文献   
正20141888 Feng Lingang(Geological Survey Institute of Inner Mongolia,Hohhot 010020,China)The Conversion between Maps of Different Coordinate Systems Based on MapGIS(Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration,ISSN1000-8918,CN11-1906/P,37(5),2013,p.934-936,2 illus.,2 tables,7 refs.) Key words:geodetic coordinates,digital cartography  相似文献   
地球内部各圈层差异旋转的各种假说中,“内快外慢”说已形成较完整的理论,并被科学测试所验证。在这一理论形成过程中,数学工作者也做出一有益的贡献。研究表明,“内快外慢”差异旋转是地球内部各种运动的源动力。  相似文献   
沿红河断裂带(RRFZ)分布的点苍山变质核杂岩是一个不完整的变质核杂岩,它由两个特征迥异的单元组成,包括被同构造二长花岗岩侵入角闪岩相构造岩组成的下盘和绿片岩相的拆离断层带。下盘岩石包括具有高温构造组合,具有指示左行走滑剪切运动方向的L型糜棱岩或LS型糜棱岩。拆离断层带是一个上盘向E到SE伸展剪切的低温剪切带,由具有剪应变和压应变的典型S-L糜棱岩构成。低温构造岩也包括发育于下盘的几个糜棱岩化似斑状二长花岗岩侵入体。变质核杂岩与西侧覆盖未变质的中生代沉积岩并置,东部受第四纪断层作用影响为沿洱海分布的更新世-全新世沉积盆地。通过对点苍山变质核杂岩的构造研究,结合邻区变质核杂岩的地质年代学及古地磁学分析,我们认为:位于东南亚红河断裂和实皆断裂带之间的扇形区域内出现的变质核杂岩与渐新世-中新世时期区域性伸展作用有关,而伸展作用是由印支地块的差异性旋转产生的,其原因是由于约33Ma开始斜向俯冲的印度板块的顺时针旋转和回退所致。  相似文献   
震前卫星热红外环形应力场特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本文包括两部分内容:①描述了1996年2月3日云南丽江Ms 7.0级地震,震前几天的卫星热红外图像呈现圆形,它的NNW、NW、SN、及NE向的热旋扭面往S收敛.该地震地表破裂由一系列张扭性裂缝组成,呈左旋左列,水平位错不明显,垂直断距数厘米.垂直力对构造变动的作用较为明显;而丽江地震震源机制解破裂面II的走向NNE6o,倾向W,倾角44o,P 轴方位为NNE3o、仰角75o,近于直立,综合热旋扭面展布、地震地表破裂特征及震源机制解,得出该旋扭椭圆为地幔外侧右旋上涌所造成;②菲律宾萨马岛Ms7.0~7.5强震群及青海共和Ms7.0地震前热应力环椭圆的推进路径.根据这一特征得出交变潮汐力的地球动力学解释.卫星热红外图像震前应力热场的方法是临震预测地震的有效方法,卫星热红外技术辅以震源机制解和地表破裂带力学分析是研究地球动力学有力工具.地球自转速度变化,交变潮汐力和地幔旋扭上涌力是地球动力学的主因.  相似文献   
These last 10 years, numerical models of mantle convection have emphasized the role of the 670 km endothermic phase change in generating avalanches that trigger catastrophic mass transfers between upper and lower mantle. On the other hand, scientists have emphasized the concomitance of large-scale worldwide geophysical and tectonic events, which could find their deep thermal roots in the huge mass transfers induced by the avalanches. In particular, the paleontological records show two periods of length of day (l.o.d.) shortening between 420 and 360, and 200 and 80 Myr BP. This last event is synchronous with a strong true polar wander and a global warming of the upper mantle. In order to study the potential effects of the avalanche on the main component of the Earth’s rotation, the Liouville equation has been solved and the l.o.d. evolution has been calculated from the perturbations of the inertia tensor. The results show that the inertia tensor of the Earth’s is mainly sensitive to the global transfers through the 670 km discontinuity. The l.o.d. perturbations will be synchronous with the global thermal effects of the avalanche. These theoretical results allow proposing a self-consistent physical mechanism to explain periods of the Earth’s rotation acceleration. Within this context, the l.o.d. shortening during the Cenozoic and Cretaceous brings one more clue to the possible participation of a mantle avalanche in generating the concomitant large scale events which have occurred during this very particular period of the Earth’s history.  相似文献   
柴达木盆地东北部新近纪构造旋转及其意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
青藏高原东北缘构造变形的研究是认识高原隆起过程、机制和印度—欧亚板块碰撞远程效应的重要途径。柴达木盆地是印度-欧亚板块碰撞后南北向挤压应力为动力背景的高原东北部内陆盆地,沉积物主要来自于周边山地,完整的保存了新生代以来高原隆升的详细记录。通过柴达木盆地东北部瑙格剖面精细古地磁及构造旋转研究发现,20.1~15.1Ma以及15.1~8.2Ma柴达木盆地分别发生了9.7°±7.4°和6.4°±4.4°的顺时针旋转,约8.2Ma后,柴达木盆地东北部瑙格地区发生了16°±7.5°的逆时针快速旋转。通过分析认为,前两次的顺时针构造旋转事件可能与阿尔金断裂的左旋走滑有关。而约82Ma以来的逆时针旋转事件属于柴达木盆地东北部瑙格地区的局部旋转,可能与温泉断裂的右旋走滑有关,说明青藏高原东北部在昆仑山、阿尔金山和祁连山三条巨型断裂系左旋相对运动的宏观控制下形成的NNW向温泉右旋走滑断裂开始走滑的年代为约8Ma。  相似文献   
均质土坡变形的整体旋转角度(即转角)与其弧形滑动特征相协调,是比永久位移更为优越的土坡变形与稳定性表征量。地震动瞬态弹性变形应变能相当于土坡系统势能的动态随机性“涨落”,临界点(临界转角)作为系统本身的一个固有特性,不受地震动随机性“涨落”的影响,土坡滑动失稳的临界转角实质上对应着系统势能的突变点。基于均质土坡地震动失稳的特点,结合突变理论,给出了确定失稳临界转角的计算公式,发现其仅与滑带介质本构模型参数 、 和滑弧半径R有关,但在本质上体现了诸因素的影响而具有广泛适用性。  相似文献   
肖军华  许世芹  韦凯  洪英维 《岩土力学》2013,34(10):2938-2944
为了定量评价主应力轴旋转对地铁荷载作用下隧道下卧软黏土累积变形的影响,通过有限元方法并结合实测数据的验证对地铁荷载下地基土的应力路径进行分析;在此基础上,借助空心圆柱仪对这一复杂应力路径进行室内模拟和对比试验研究。结果表明:主应力轴旋转增大了软黏土的累积变形,且最大有效主应力比(有效最大主应力与有效最小主应力之比)越大、或加载频率越高增大更明显。在实际地铁荷载和通常隧道埋深条件下,考虑主应力轴旋转使软黏土的累积变形增加9%~23%(加载频率越高,增加越大)。可用常规循环三轴的累积变形试验结果乘以土体分别在有、无主应力轴旋转下变形的比值,来预估实际地铁荷载下软黏土的累积变形,初步研究得到该比值与土体的最大有效主应力比之间存在幂函数关系。  相似文献   
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