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The first results of numerical analysis of classical r-modes of rapidly rotating compressible stellar models are reported. The full set of linear perturbation equations of rotating stars in Newtonian gravity is solved numerically without the slow rotation approximation. A critical curve of gravitational wave emission induced instability, which restricts the rotational frequencies of hot young neutron stars, is obtained. Taking the standard cooling mechanisms of neutron stars into account, we also show the 'evolutionary curves' along which neutron stars are supposed to evolve as cooling and spinning down proceed. Rotational frequencies of 1.4-M stars suffering from this instability decrease to around 100 Hz when the standard cooling mechanism of neutron stars is employed. This result confirms the results of other authors, who adopted the slow rotation approximation.  相似文献   
新疆北部古地磁研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过和布克赛尔、克拉玛依、玛纳斯—乌鲁木齐地区泥盆纪到白垩纪古地磁研究,主要取得以下结果:(1)首次建立了准噶尔西北缘及南缘石炭纪—白垩纪古地磁极移曲线,由石炭纪到二叠纪的古地磁极位置基本在同一区间,说明该时期这些地区为一个统一的构造单元,而其古地磁极明显与塔里木、哈萨克斯坦、西伯利亚地块存在着差异。(2)该地区侏罗纪及白垩纪古地磁结果与塔里木地块结果一致,侏罗纪乌鲁木齐与和布克赛尔磁偏角相差30°左右,说明和布克赛尔地区相对乌鲁木齐地区逆时针旋转了30°左右,晚古生代以后曾发生过南向移动,而侏罗、白垩纪以来均向北发生了相当规模的北向运动,并发生了相对旋转,目前东、西准噶尔的构造格局可能就是由于局部相对旋转造成的。(3)中国大陆在早二叠世还不是一个联合的整体,而是以相互分离的独立块体分布于45°N—15°S的古特提斯洋中。(4)该地区二叠纪的磁偏角为165°—168°,而塔里木为218°,哈萨克斯坦为229°,说明存在35°—55°的逆时针旋转,这个旋转可能是由于西部推覆构造造成的。如果将西准噶尔超基性岩带顺时针旋转35°—55°后,东准噶尔超基性岩带、西准噶尔超基性岩带和斋桑泊—鲁布佐夫斯克超基性岩带应在同一构造带上。(5)该地区晚古生代古纬度变化不明显,位于30°—45  相似文献   

The steady state circulation of a constant barotropic current around a coastal headland, bay, or combination of the two, located on a flat bottom, mid-latitude β-plane is considered. The maximum displacement of the coastal features from the mean straight coastline is assumed to be small compared to the longshore variation of the coastline. Under this slowly varying coastline approximation, a linearised vorticity equation is derived for the perturbation stream function. An analytical solution for the perturbation stream function is obtained using a Green's function technique. For a specified coastline the effects of coastal orientation, linear friction and the strength of the mean flow are investigated. The model predicts that the flow field will adopt the pattern of the coastline. The question of whether a coastal feature is likely to induce linear flow dynamics within the coastal boundary layer is also addressed. In the case when a single Gaussian headland or bay violates the slowly varying longshore condition the model predicts that flow stagnation will not occur. However for multiple headlands and bays, flow stagnation is possible when the slowly varying longshore condition is sufficiently violated.

Cape Mendocino and Point Conception along the California coast can be modelled using either a single Gaussian headland coastline or a multiple headland and bay coastline. In either case the model coastline does not vary slowly alongshore and nonlinear flow in the coastal region is likely. A permanent eddy to the south of Point Conception is likely to testify to the non-linear flow regime induced by the headland.  相似文献   
地球内核快速旋转的发现与全球变化的轨道效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
科里奥利效应是产生内核快速旋转的主要原因。科氏力使上升物质向西漂移,下降物质向东漂移;造成地球外层自转减速,地球内层自转加速。所以,自旋体中的垂直运动可以产生大规模的水平运动——圈层差异旋转。地震波测量结果表明,内核旋转速度每年比地壳地幔快1°。对于一个内核差异旋转的地球,太阳辐射不仅形成地磁场的内外磁尾和地壳与内核的反向振动,而且影响核幔角动量交换和电磁耦合,从而控制了地球内能的释放,形成天文周期与地质旋回的一一对应关系。地球轨道和太阳轨道的全球变化响应,为太阳辐射量变化控制地球内能释放提供了证据  相似文献   
The high cost of offshore infrastructure provides continuous encouragement for optimisation of design practices. Development of a more rational method to interpret results from simple shear tests with cell pressure confinement can reduce costs and improve reliability of offshore infrastructure. This paper addresses a commonly overlooked issue affecting design parameter selection: specimen shape varies from right cylinder to oblique cylinder after loading along a single shearing direction. Thus, horizontal stresses are not always equal to the cell pressure and their magnitude varies throughout the specimen’s lateral surface. An analysis is proposed that accounts for changing specimen geometry and lateral surface area during shearing and for the actual effect of cell pressure during testing. The analysis also describes how the intermediate principal stress can be assessed. Test results for medium dense silica sand are interpreted following de Josselin de Jong’s alternative shearing mechanism hypothesis. Conventional interpretation methods yield conservative design parameters for this soil. Failure states develop when the intermediate principal effective stress is halfway between major and minor principal effective stresses. Typical results for the soil tested show equipment performance meets standard direct simple shear requirements for shear strain rate, vertical stress and specimen height control.  相似文献   
亚洲季风年代际振荡及与天文因子的相关   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
卫捷  汤懋苍  冯松  张莉 《高原气象》1999,18(2):179-184
主要通过滑动t-检验方法和相关统计,分析了近50年来南亚季风、东亚季风以及高原季风的相互关系,并对其与太阳黑子周期长度(SCL)和地球自转速度(Δω)的关系进行了讨论。结果表明:三种亚洲季风虽然在年际变化上相关不好,但在年代变化上具有很好一致性;亚洲季风的年代际变化与SCL和Δω均相关很好,其中以与Δω关系最好,且Δω的变化超前亚洲季风的变化。对日地因子的短期变化如何影响亚洲季风年代际振荡提出了初  相似文献   
吴海威 《地质科学》2018,(2):774-780
天长(一天时长)是地球自转速度的直接反映。古生代-中生代化石记录的天长数据表明,古生代-中生代期间的天长随时间呈线性增加。根据角动量守恒定律,这意味着同时段地球自转速度呈线性衰减。如果把这个趋势应用于地球历史的全过程,计算结果为4.519~4.495 Ga,与目前公认的地球绝对年龄4.54 Ga一致。这意味着,从这个时间点起,地球有一种自转速度衰减的总趋势。地球自转速度衰减年龄等值于地球年龄说明:1)所测量的陨石样本生成的时间(表征地球年龄)与地球受月球吸引形成自转减速的时间几乎相同。这意味着地-月体系形成之前的地球比该陨石表征的地球年龄更为古老。2)地球、月球、自转速度衰减时长,三者的年龄呈现等值状态,因而此结果与月球起源于大碰撞的假说可以匹配。  相似文献   
同震地表破裂带是地震破裂最直观的表现。地表破裂带的精细填图对理解地震破裂过程及发震机理有着重要意义。我们对5.12汶川地震映秀-北川同震破裂带南部的虹口乡区段开展了较为精细的填图工作,该区段地表破裂带的平面几何和同震位移特征沿走向均显示出公里尺度的横向变化和复杂性。根据同震破裂不连续性特征可把地表破裂分为4段,自南向北依次为深溪沟段、庙坝段、高原新村段和八角庙段。其中,深溪沟段和八角庙段同震垂直位错较大,达.5~6m;庙坝段同震垂直位移量普遍较低,1~2m或更低;  在高原新村附近,地表破裂带分为近平行的南北两支,北支以右旋走滑为主,南支以南东盘逆冲抬升为主,这与与映秀-北川同震破裂总体北西盘抬升的性质相反。本文对高原新村附近的反向陡坎进行了深入的探讨,并综合前人的研究结果,认为是破裂在从深部往上扩展的过程中,在浅表部位顺着发育在虹口东南部的大鱼洞-龙溪飞来峰后缘的具南东倾向的断面继承而成。与北川沙坝附近的反向陡坎一样,说明老断裂带构造几何特征对单次地震破裂的扩展有牵引作用。最后,讨论了八角庙有切割关系的两组断层擦痕的地震学和地质学意义,指出可能指示了映秀-北川断裂面上局部区段震前的初始应力水平较低。  相似文献   
Field measurements of wind, air temperature and humidity were taken at the eastern part of the Attika district in June 1991, to examine the topographic influences exerted on the local sea breezes. These influences are due either to the elongated Evia island, faced by the northern half of Attica coastline some tens of kilometers offshore, or to the coast-parallel range of Hymettos mountain, rising steeply 12 km onshore. The instrumentation consisted mainly of three tethered meteorological balloons released at characteristic sires (i.e., the coast, a location between shoreline and mountain foot and the mountain top) and three autographic ground-based anemometers operating at selected locations. Data from the ground-based and upper air stations of the Hellenic National Meteorological Service, as well as the diurnal weather maps were also obtained and analyzed. Observations were made under different synoptic wind and the latter was found to determine remarkably the significance of the topographic effects. A preliminary two-dimensional numerical approach was also made concerning the sea breeze capability to reach the Hymettos mountain top in the case of a weak opposing geostrophic flow.  相似文献   
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