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姚大全  刘加灿 《中国地震》2005,21(2):216-223
阜南-霍邱地区地处华北和华南活动地块区边缘构造带,通过对其进行地震地质调查和综合分析研究,发现晚更新世以来该区存在强度较弱的构造变形现象,即:小震沿着主要断裂呈线性条带状分布;研究区南部及断裂近侧的上更新统中发育共轭剪节理;1970年代,研究区固始、霍邱和阜南等地陆续发生过长度不一、宽窄不等、方向不同的地裂缝,展布与肥中断裂或王老人集断裂近乎一致。本文认为,研究区局部小震丛集、上更新统中赋存共轭剪节理、裂面充填物显微揉皱变形和现代地裂缝的生成等现象,反映出地壳能量被缓慢释放和相应断裂发生微弱活动;研究区曾发生过一次破坏性地震(江口集Ms43/4地震)。综上所述,研究区地壳晚第四纪以来具有微弱活动性,且主要表现为蠕滑活动方式。  相似文献   
库水位变化对库岸边坡稳定性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在假定坡体孔隙水水位为水平线且不考虑渗透作用影响的基础上,基于极限平衡法考察了水位上升及下降的快慢对边坡安全系数的影响。对比计算表明:在水位缓慢变化即坡体内外水位线等高的条件下,边坡的安全系数随着水位坡高比的增大先略减小后急剧增大,且在水位坡高比为0.3处取得最小值,在边坡完全淹没于水中时取得最大值。当边坡完全淹没于水中后,水位高于坡顶的多少对边坡安全系数没有影响;在水位骤降或陡升条件下,相同库水位对应的边坡安全系数基本上均小于水位缓慢变化情况下的安全系数,故工程实际中无论是排水还是蓄水,都应尽量保持水位缓慢变化,这样才能使边坡处于较安全的状态。  相似文献   
Causes for continuous siltation of the lower Yellow River   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Changxing Shi   《Geomorphology》2005,68(3-4):213-223
Previous studies indicate that aggradation of a river channel is caused by upriver and/or downriver controls, but the evaluation of their relative importance is often difficult. A method is proposed to isolate the effect of the downriver control based on the slopes of the existing river profile, those of the graded profile estimated from the discharge-sediment relationship and slope reduction due to local base-level rise. The method was applied to the rapidly aggrading lower Yellow River. The downriver control in this case refers to the local base-level rise associated with deltaic extension during the period under discussion. The result shows that the main portion of siltation along the river is not caused by downriver control but by the slope difference between the existing and the graded profiles over a period within the last 700 years, assuming conditions of discharge and sediment load during the period from 1962 to 1985 are reflective of the long term. The marked slope difference between the existing and the graded profiles of the river is a result of changes in the river environment in the past several thousand years including the increase of sediment load, local base-level rise associated with river lengthening by deltaic growth, and relative sea-level rise due to tectonic subsidence of the coastal alluvial plain.  相似文献   
Due to the rapidly growing population of the city of Ankara (Turkey) and increased traffic congestion, it has become necessary to widen the Ankara-Eskişehir (E-90) highway connecting the newly built areas west of the city to the city center. During widening, several cut slopes were formed along the highway route. As a result, some instability problems (small-sized rock falls/sliding, sloughing, raveling) produced detachment zones along a cut slope in highly jointed, folded and sheared limestone, causing local degradation of the cut slope. Identification of the areas that are likely to detach from the cut slope in the future is considered to be very important for the application of remedial measures. For this purpose, the relationships between the existing detachment zones and various parameters (e.g., point load strength index, weathering, block size, daylighting, shear zone) were investigated using GIS-based statistical detachment susceptibility analyses in order to predict the further aerial extension of the detachment zones with time. During the overlay analyses, statistical index and weighting factor methods were used. The outcomes of the analyses were compared and evaluated with the field observations to check the reliability of the methods and to assess the detachment zones that may develop in the future. The detachment susceptibility map without the block-size layer gives the best result and indicates some risky zones where detachments are likely to occur in the future. Recommendations on remedial measures of the cut slope should consider these risky zones.  相似文献   
随着县级城镇社会经济的迅速发展,城镇居民的休闲时间日渐增多,休闲时间的利用成为人们关注的焦点。以蒙自为案例地的中国经济欠发达地区县级城镇居民的休闲时间利用结构已经日趋多样化,但主要还是集中于看电视、散步、书报业务学习、家庭娱乐、做家务等几项传统休闲方式,家庭内休闲在城镇居民的休闲活动中占了很大比重,这反映出休闲时间利用低水平的问题。县级城镇休闲设施和休闲产业都比较落后,影响了城镇居民休闲质量的提高和休闲消费、休闲经济的发展。因此,政府及有关部门应努力改善城镇的休闲设施,大力发展休闲产业,从多方面引导居民科学、有效、合理地利用休闲时间,最终促进休闲经济的发展,提高城镇居民的生活质量。  相似文献   
抗浮设防水位直接影响到地下结构的安全与建设费用,在地下结构建设中至关重要,因此,科学合理地确定地下结构的抗浮设防水位具有巨大的社会意义和经济价值。本文以“雄安新区至北京大大兴国际机场快线地下工程段”为研究对象,系统分析了研究区水文地质条件以及地下水位年内年际动态变化规律,利用数值模拟法和类比预测法确定了地下结构抗浮设防水位标高建议值。结果表明,该场地区域浅层地下水水位埋深一般为5.0~20.0m,地下水水位标高一般为–10.0~1.0m。近五年场地浅层地下水水位标高一般为–5~–10 m,埋深一般为3.0~15.0 m,地下水位逐年升高,回升速率约1.0 m/a。地下结构抗浮设防水位标高取值建议取使用期抗浮设防水位采用数值模拟法预测结果。该成果服务了“雄安新区至北京大兴国际机场快线(R1线)”项目场地抗浮设计,为雄安新区重大工程建设项目的抗浮安全设计提供了示范。  相似文献   
深海调查绞车牵引机构和储缆机构分离技术系统分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要介绍了深海调查绞车的技术发展状况,分析了牵引机构和储缆机构分离技术为基础的绞车的组成部分和其相应的功能,探讨了牵引卷筒、储缆卷筒和直角排缆器的液压传动系统和控制系统的基本工作原理,并对绞车储缆卷筒的自适应张力控制器做了简单的介绍。  相似文献   
当前广泛使用的实时GNSS定位应用可分为两种:一种是低成本定位应用,其采用廉价的芯片和天线,广泛应用于手机、共享单车和公交车定位等方面;另一种是高精度GNSS定位应用,采用网络RTK技术并结合测量型天线和接收机,为高精度测量用户提供实时厘米级测量服务。随着物联网、5G等技术的发展,实时分米到亚米级的定位需求逐渐增多。原有的低成本GNSS定位技术无法达到这一精度要求,高精度定位的设备成本高昂,无法用于大众导航领域。因此,本文实现了一种基于CORS系统的低成本差分定位终端。该终端包括两个部分:外接设备和手机。试验表明,在接入CORS系统后,该设备水平方向的定位精度可以达到亚米级,对推进CORS系统的大范围应用具有一定的意义。  相似文献   
山东淄博地区奥陶系层序地层划分和层序界面的识别标志   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈建强  胡树庭  杨欣德 《现代地质》2001,15(3):247-253,T001
研究区为华北地台东部奥陶系发育最全的地区之一。区内出露下、中奥陶统 (两河口阶至宝塔阶 ,时限 4 95~ 4 4 5Ma)。岩石地层划分为三山子组和马家沟组。通过对野外剖面系统的观测 ,按碳酸盐岩台地层序地层的研究方法 ,识别出区内奥陶系 8个三级层序 (OSq1-OSq8)和 4种层序界面标志。平均每个三级层序延限约 6Ma ,OSq1由三山子组B段 (TST)和A段 (HST)组成。马家沟组含东黄山段、北庵庄段、土峪段、五阳山段、阁庄段、八陡段和新汶段。东黄山段至土峪段含 2个层序 (OSq2和OSq3 )。五阳山段和阁庄段包含 3个层序(OSq4 -OSq7)。八陡段 (TST)和新汶段 (HST)组成最上部一个层序 (OSq8)。通过与河北唐山等地区同期地层的对比 ,提出华北地台下、中奥陶统 (两河口阶至宝塔阶 )可划分为 11个三级层序 ,探讨了华北地台下、中奥陶统层序差异性的可能的控制因素。  相似文献   
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