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李杰  胡松杰 《海洋测绘》2010,30(2):32-34
根据Muhleman和Anderson在1981年给出的行星际空间等离子体密度模型,模拟计算了行星际等离子区对8GHz电波的距离延迟与太阳-地球-航天器夹角(SEP)和光路径长度(L)的关系。结果显示,在本文的模拟条件下,距离延迟随SEP和L从几毫米变化到几十米。最后,分别仿真了一条地火转移轨道和环火星轨道,计算了两种情况下行星际等离子区延迟对测站到航天器距离观测量的影响。  相似文献   
汶川8.0级地震序列及相关问题讨论   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
蒋海昆  黎明晓  吴琼  宋金 《地震地质》2008,30(3):746-758
汶川8.0级地震序列具有明显的分段特性,较强余震分布于茂县、绵竹以南及平武以北。主破裂过程在中南段以逆冲为主,序列逐渐衰减,呈主余型的序列衰减特征;北段是汶川地震破裂过程的终止区域,主破裂过程在该区域以走滑为主,形成多震型的序列特征,也成为汶川序列较大余震的主体活动区域。序列较强余震活动明显受引潮力调制,大多数较强余震发生在固体潮大、小潮时段,并且16时前后是较强余震的优势发震时段。序列衰减系数p值随时间增加而逐渐增大,最终基本稳定在1附近变化。结合以往的研究,对序列类型及最大强余震震级、强余震活动持续时间等进行了初步讨论。初步的统计结果还显示,8级左右强震序列中主震与最大余震之间的震级差正比于主震破裂尺度,这意味着当震级大体接近时,较大的破裂尺度与较为充分的能量释放相对应  相似文献   
谱震级是表征地震强弱的量度,是地震学研究中的一个重要的地震参数。在地震预测和工程地震研究中具有重要的实际意义。谱震级测定还可得到地震辐射的能量,再通过和标量地震矩的比较,可以估计地震震源处的视应力,而视应力也是震源物理研究中一个重要的物理量。考虑到我国地震台网分布不均匀的情况,本文尝试利用单台的宽频带波形资料进行谱震级的测定。选用CDSN昆明地震台(KMI)记录的近震宽频带波形资料,分析地震图垂直分量上的P波,采用 Duda等人提出的谱震级的测定方法,改进并提出了一种能够利用宽频带波形资料,直接用速度谱值测定地震谱震级的方法。所得谱震级结果与ISC给出的Ms震级对比后,发现相差不大;所得的能量结果与NEIC用远震体波测得的能量结果具有较好的一致性。用同样的方法,将来还可对不同地区更小的地震进行谱震级的测定,这无疑对地震学的进一步研究很有帮助。  相似文献   
回顾了由构造分段求震级的方法的发展及特点,介绍了由构造分段过渡到震级的两种定量方法,并就“方法” 中的有关问题做了进一步解释.  相似文献   
本文解释热剩磁和粘滞剩磁的阻挡过程。较慢冷却伴随较低的阻挡温度。一组同一的磁颗粒,其实验室解阻温度不一定等于其磁化成分的阻挡温度。冷却速率不同,重排剩磁量会不同,两者的关系与磁畴状态有关。距烘烤体不同距离采集磁颗粒分布相同的围岩样品,在一定场合下,根据其剩磁-实验室解阻温度谱所示的重排剩磁量的差别,可讨论冷却速度及模型。本文列举苏格兰某些围岩的不同重排剩磁量,讨论有关问题。  相似文献   
The magnitudes (M S , m bP , m bS ) of the largest historical earthquakes which occurred in the first half of the 20 th century, calculated on the basis of records of Wiechert horizontal seismographs in Göttingen (Germany) and Zagreb (Croatia), are compared with one another, as well as with the magnitudes reported in worldwide catalogues. Systematic trends are observed in the data regarding the temporal stability of magnitude estimations in Göttingen, as well as the apparent non-linearity of the instrument responsle in the case of the Wiechert seismograph in Zagreb. We were unable to clearly identify their causes – possible explanations include effects caused by the interaction of the seismometer's frame and mass, as well as local soil conditions, but nonhomogeneity of the reference catalogues cannot be ruled out. The results indicate that a careful re-examination and cross-checking of the reported magnitude figures for the earthquakes from the first half of the 20th century is required.  相似文献   
以河南地区(31°-37°N,110°-117°E)1970-2020年11月地震目录作为研究资料,采用G—R关系法、震级—序号法和最大曲率法测定不同时段最小完整性震级Mc.结果 显示,1970-1979年由于研究区内台站数量少,Mc约为ML2.5;1980-2001年为稳定的模拟观测时期,地震监测能力有所提升,Mc约...  相似文献   
This 2‐year study (2000, 2001) reports annual nutrient (phosphorus, nitrate) export from a first‐order agricultural watershed in southern Ontario based on an intensive monitoring programme. The importance of storm and melt events in annual export estimates is demonstrated and the temporal variability in nutrient loading during events is related to processes occurring within the catchment. The feasibility of predicting event‐related nutrient export from hydrometric data is explored. The importance of sampling frequency throughout events is also shown. Export of total phosphorus (TP), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and nitrate ( ) for 2000 and 2001 averaged 0·35 kg ha?1 year?1, 0·09 kg ha?1 year?1, and 35 kg ha?1 year?1 (as N) respectively. Approximately 75% of annual TP export, 80% of annual SRP export and 70% of annual export occurred during 28 events per year. A small number of large‐magnitude events (>34 mm) accounted for 18–42% of annual TP export, 0–61% of annual SRP export and 13–33% of annual NO export. Our results show that temporal variability in nutrient export is largely governed by discharge in this basin, and export can be predicted from discharge. SRP and TP export can also be predicted from discharge, but only for events that are not large in magnitude. The sampling interval throughout events is important in obtaining precise estimates of nutrient export, as infrequent sampling intervals may over‐ or under‐estimate nutrient export by ± 45% per event for P. This study improves our understanding of and P export patterns and our ability to predict or model them by relating temporal variability in event nutrient export to discharge and processes occurring within the basin, and also by exploring the significance of sampling interval in the context of the importance of individual events, season and temporal variability during events. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
中亚地震目录震级转换及其完整性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为编制能够应用于地震危险性分析的中亚地区统一震级标度为矩震级的地震目录,从国际地震中心(ISC)下载得到该地区1907-2012年的地震数据,该数据包含众多机构不同震级标度的地震记录.以MW,GCMT为参考机构震级标度,并用最小二乘法拟合了其他机构震级标度与MW,GCMT之间的转换关系.在挑选某次地震事件的唯一震级记录时,以对应转换关系的相关系数大且剩余标准差小为准则进行筛选.对于少量没有震级转换关系或者拟合优度过差的地震记录,使用间接转换关系或者全球转换关系予以补充转换.震级转换后,用时空窗法删除前余震,并考虑构造环境和地震活动水平的空间差异性将研究区划分成5个子区域.采用地震记录时间累积曲线法、最大曲率法(MAXC)和拟合优度检验法(GFT)综合分析各个分区的最小完整震级(MC),并在此基础上用极大似然法拟合相应的地震活动性参数.结果表明,每种完整性分析方法各具一定的优缺点,但采用综合分析的方法能够得出最佳的MC.地震记录时间累积曲线法能分析出高质量地震目录的起始时间,以作为后两种方法的基础,但容易受到地震活动水平随时间波动的影响.由于研究区目录质量较差,最大曲率法误差过大以至于只能作为其他方法的补充,拟合优度检验法的GFT参数也普遍只能达到80%左右.GFT最大值点可能并不对应MC,但是MC通常都在GFT极大值点取得.5个分区1964-2012年的MC普遍在Mw4.8左右,b值在1.136-1.514之间波动.  相似文献   
For earthquake and tsunami early warning and emergency response,the earthquake epicenter and magnitude should be determined rapidly and correctly.Using high-rate GPS observations,we can readily obtain precise and high resolution displacement time series and the seismic waveforms during the earthquake.In this paper,a new algorithm is proposed for estimating the earthquake epicenter and magnitude with the seismic waveforms derived from high-rate GPS data during the earthquake.A case study of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake is conducted from 1 Hz GPS data and the epicenter and magnitude are determined.Compared with the results issued by the China Seismological Bureau,the estimation error of the epicenter and the magnitude is about 12 km and 0.1 magnitude unit,respectively.It has shown that high-rate GPS could be a new tool feasible for estimating the earthquake epicenter and magnitude,independent of or combined with seismometers.  相似文献   
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