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Effects of laser beam alignment tolerance on lidar accuracy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
One of the major lidar error sources not yet analyzed in the literature is the tolerance of the laser beam alignment with respect to the scanning mirror. In this paper, the problem of quantifying these errors is solved for rotating polygon mirror type lidar systems. An arbitrary deviation of the beam from its design direction–the vector of beam misalignment–can be described by two independent parameters. We choose these as horizontal and vertical components of the misalignment vector in the body frame. Either component affects both, horizontal and vertical lidar accuracy. Horizontal lidar errors appear as scan line distortions—along and across track shifts, rotations and scaling. It is shown that the horizontal component of misalignment results in a scan line first being shifted across the track and then rotated around the vertical at the new center of the scan line. Resulting vertical lidar error, being a linear function of the scan angle, is similar to that produced by a roll bias. The vertical component of the beam misalignment causes scan line scaling and an along track shift. The corresponding vertical error is quadratic with respect to the scan angle. The magnitude of these effects is significant even at tight alignment tolerances and cannot be realistically accounted for in the conventional calibration model, which includes only range, attitude and GPS biases. Therefore, in order to attain better accuracy, this model must be expanded to include the beam misalignment parameters as well. Addition of new parameters into the model raises a question of whether they can be reliably solved for. To give a positive answer to this question, a calibration method must utilize not only ground control information, which is typically very limited, but also the relative accuracy information from the overlapping flight lines.  相似文献   
Summary The accuracy of the electrochemical ozone sonde, type OSR, has been estimated by analysing tandem ozone soundings of the balloon-borne electrochemical ozone sonde OSR at the Lindenberg Observatory from May to November 1982. A negative bias, though not significant, has been observed above about 28 km for soundings having high single correction factors. Random errors are at their minimum just above the level of the maximum of ozone partial pressure, and reach their maximum in the troposphere. Except at heights above about 28 km the random error of ozone sondes is a factor 2 to 3 times less than the error of the short Umkehr method. Provided that soundings with too high correction factors are neglected, the ozone sonde OSR has an accuracy comparable to that of other Brewer type sondes.The maximum amount of information on the vertical ozone distribution can be drawn from sonde measurements in the lower stratosphere. A study is underway to improve the sensitivity of the sonde OSR and thus to further enhance its reliability.  相似文献   
在井间地震初至走时层析成像中,随着相邻地质体速度差的增大,使得射线分布不均匀,以及网格剖分不合适,导致层析成像结果不理想.物理和数值模型的井间走时层析成像表明:当速度差超过30.0%时,层析结果畸变较大;在30.0%~15.0%之间时,层析结果较好;低于15.0%时,层析结果好.在此基础上,提出了井间多尺度初至走时层析成像方法,即对同一模型采用多种网格剖分来同时进行层析成像,以获得研究区域的速度图像.数学和物理模型的井间多尺度走时层析结果表明:该方法很好地兼顾了层析成像的分辨率和精度,极大地改善了井间地震层析成像的质量.即使速度差超过30%,其多尺度的层析结果仍然较好.因此,这种方法具有实际应用的潜力.  相似文献   
We presented a multiresolution hierarchical classification (MHC) algorithm for differentiating ground from non-ground LiDAR point cloud based on point residuals from the interpolated raster surface. MHC includes three levels of hierarchy, with the simultaneous increase of cell resolution and residual threshold from the low to the high level of the hierarchy. At each level, the surface is iteratively interpolated towards the ground using thin plate spline (TPS) until no ground points are classified, and the classified ground points are used to update the surface in the next iteration. 15 groups of benchmark dataset, provided by the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) commission, were used to compare the performance of MHC with those of the 17 other publicized filtering methods. Results indicated that MHC with the average total error and average Cohen’s kappa coefficient of 4.11% and 86.27% performs better than all other filtering methods.  相似文献   
严伯铎 《测绘工程》2001,10(4):45-47
推导了起始数据误差对双点测边交会定点精度影响的估算式,并依此给出顾及起始数据误差的点位精度计算公式。  相似文献   
In this paper, a least‐squares based cadastral parcel area adjustment in geographic information systems (GIS) is developed based on (1) both the areas and coordinates being treated as observations with errors; and (2) scale parameters being introduced to take the systematic effect into account in the process of cadastral map digitization. The area condition equation for cadastral parcel considerations of scale parameters and geometric constraints is first constructed. The effects of the scale error on area adjustment results are then derived, and statistical hypothesis testing is presented to determine the significance of the scale error. Afterwards, Helmert's variance component estimation based on least‐squares adjustment using the condition equation with additional parameters is proposed to determine the weight between the coordinate and area measurements of the parcel. Practical tests are conducted to illustrate the implementation of the proposed methods. Four schemes for solving the inconsistencies between the registered areas and the digitized areas of the parcels are studied. The analysis of the results demonstrates that in the case of significant systematic errors in cadastral map digitization, the accuracies of the adjusted coordinates and areas are improved by introducing scale parameters to reduce the systematic error influence in the parcel area adjustment. Meanwhile, Helmert's variance component estimation method determines more accurate weights of the digitized coordinates and parcel areas, and the least‐squares adjustment solves the inconsistencies between the registered areas and the digitized areas of the parcels.  相似文献   
The accuracy of three methods used to estimate the whole-lake accumulation rate of chemicals in sediment, the simple mean accumulation rate, regression against water depth and the mean accumulation rate in sedimentation zones, was assessed. The concentrations and accumulation rates of organic carbon, four major cations, phosphorus and four heavy metals in the 1902 to 1988 sediment layer at 43 sites in Kassjön were used and the three methods gave identical results. The accuracy of the simple mean accumulation rate method using 5 or 10 sites was investigated using Monte Carlo simulation and both versions gave accurate results. If the method used the dry sediment accumulation rate at 5 or 10 sites, along with chemical concentration at one central site, then the errors were less than ±10% for five of the chemicals and larger for the others (?20 or 20–40%), although the direction of the bias was predictable. If chemical accumulation rate at the central site only was used to estimate the whole-lake value, the bias increased to 25% for the major cations, 50% for the heavy metals and P, and 85% for organic carbon. Having 43 sites in Kassjön meant that the true whole-lake chemical accumulation rate was known and so the accuracy of the methods and their variants could be assessed for the first time. These findings allow the particulars of the simple mean accumulation rate method to be chosen to suit the accuracy needed for a palaeolimnological investigation.  相似文献   
Land cover dynamics at the African continental scale is of great importance for global change studies. Actually, four satellite-derived land cover maps of Africa now available, e.g. ECOCLIMAP, GLC2000, MODIS and GLOBCOVER, are based on images acquired in the 2000s. This study aims at stressing the compliances and the discrepancies between these four land cover classifications systems. Each of them used different mapping initiatives and relies on different mapping standards, which supports the present investigation. In order to do a relative comparison of the four maps, a preamble was to reconcile their thematic legends into more aggregated categories after a projection into the same spatial resolution. Results show that the agreement between the four land cover products is between 56 and 69%. While all these land cover datasets show a reasonable agreement in terms of surface types and spatial distribution patterns, mapping of heterogeneous landscapes in the four products is not very successful. Land cover products based on remote sensing imagery can indeed significantly be improved by using smarter algorithms, better timing of image acquisition, improved class definitions. Either will help to improve the accuracy of future land cover maps at the African continental scale. Data producers may use the areas of spatial agreement for training area selection while users might need to verify the information in the areas of disagreement using additional data sources.  相似文献   


Reliable design codes are of great importance when constructing new civil engineering concepts such as floating bridges. Previously only a scarce number of floating bridges have been built in rough wave conditions and only limited knowledge of the extreme environmental conditions and the associated extreme response exists. To form a better design basis an increased understanding of the sensitivity in the structural response towards changes in short-crested sea parameters is needed. Furthermore, acquiring the necessary accuracy in simulated extreme response is often a computationally expensive endeavour and the number of simulations needed is often based on experience. The present study investigates the wave-induced short-term extreme response of a simplified end-anchored floating bridge concept for several wave environments with a return period of 100 years. The study includes convergence of the coefficient of variation for the extreme response for different realization lengths as well as number of realizations. The sensitivity in the structural response towards different main wave directions and spreading exponents is investigated and includes both transverse and vertical displacement response spectra and extreme Von Mises stress in the bridge girder cross-section. The extreme response is based on an accuracy of 2% in the coefficient of variation equivalent to 40 3-h realizations and a low sensitivity in the response is found for natural occurring spreading exponents and for main wave directions within 15° from beam sea.  相似文献   
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