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以福建九龙江口海岸带DEM数据构建为实例,介绍了基于ArcGIS软件综合陆域、海域以及海陆交界处干出滩数据,构建海岸带DEM并进行精度评估的方法。精度评估结果显示所构建的数字高程模型是满足国家DEM构建相关标准精度要求,从而为GIS在海岸带资源信息化综合管理中应用提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   
The development of robust object-based classification methods suitable for medium to high resolution satellite imagery provides a valid alternative to ‘traditional’ pixel-based methods. This paper compares the results of an object-based classification to a supervised per-pixel classification for mapping land cover in the tropical north of the Northern Territory of Australia. The object-based approach involved segmentation of image data into objects at multiple scale levels. Objects were assigned classes using training objects and the Nearest Neighbour supervised and fuzzy classification algorithm. The supervised pixel-based classification involved the selection of training areas and a classification using the maximum likelihood classifier algorithm. Site-specific accuracy assessment using confusion matrices of both classifications were undertaken based on 256 reference sites. A comparison of the results shows a statistically significant higher overall accuracy of the object-based classification over the pixel-based classification. The incorporation of a digital elevation model (DEM) layer and associated class rules into the object-based classification produced slightly higher accuracies overall and for certain classes; however this was not statistically significant over the object-based using spectral information solely. The results indicate object-based analysis has good potential for extracting land cover information from satellite imagery captured over spatially heterogeneous land covers of tropical Australia.  相似文献   
本文将全站仪中的新技术运用到垂直度监测中,提出了一种新的高大建筑物垂直度监测方法,并分析了其监测精度。理论和实际工程监测结果表明:该方法具有测量原理简单明了、精度高、可操作性强和灵活、方便、实用的特点,可以在高层建筑物的垂直度监测中推广应用。  相似文献   
讨论了利用IRS-P5卫星遥感影像立体模型进行1∶50000 DEM,DOM,DLG等地理信息产品生产的相关问题,并进行了精度检测;同时与传统的航空摄影测量方法在原始资料获取、生产效率、工作量、数据成本等方面进行了对比分析。  相似文献   
运用DEM剖析土地利用空间数据转换的尺度效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对不同土地利用类型进行尺度转换,定量分析了不同高程地区土地利用类型的精度损失趋势,同时结合景观格局指数,探讨了高程影响下数据转换中的尺度效应。研究表明,土地利用类型和高程之间存在尺度依赖性;依据原始矢量数据计算的土地利用景观格局指数,可以在一定程度上揭示精度损失变化特征的规律和成因。  相似文献   
沿海湿地植被遥感分类是遥感在土地利用变化研究领域的一项重要内容,本文以江苏盐城沿海湿地核心区为研究区域,探讨了利用遥感技术进行湿地植被分类的方法和技术流程。在此基础上,以Landsat-5TM图像为遥感数据源,以盐城丹顶鹤湿地保护区样点数据为辅助数据,分别用非监督分类法、监督分类法与基于LBV变换的分类法,对研究区进行分类,并对各种分类方法的结果进行精度分析。结果表明,非监督分类的结果最差,特别是对芦苇,其错分误差达到51.65%。监督分类法的精度虽然高于非监督分类,但其制图精度只有66.56%。而基于LBV变换分类法能够有效解决关于米草和芦苇的错分现象,它对其他地物的分类精度也很高,基本上都在90%以上。总体来说,LBV变换法已经达到了核心区分类的精度要求。  相似文献   
傅新军  崔巍 《现代测绘》2007,30(3):16-18
通过对EDM三角高程测量基本原理的分析,确定测量误差的主要来源,并在施测过程中制定相应的质量控制措施,保证EDM三角高程测量满足桥梁工程测量精度要求,并以南京大胜关长江大桥为例进行说明.  相似文献   
针对上海GlobeLand302020土地覆盖产品,应用顾及空间异质性的类别-异质性分层抽样方法进行抽样,将研究区各地图类别划分为匀质区和异质区子类,按照内曼分配方法布设验证样本,在研究区域内抽取2500个验证像素,并参考同时期多源Google Earth高分遥感影像数据进行样本判读,获得参考分类即真实类别信息,对区域...  相似文献   
Categorical maps, comparisons, and confidence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The comparison of categorical maps is a common problem in several different contexts. Differences between categorical maps can be characterized and measured in a variety of ways. In 2004 we invited individuals from remote sensing, geographical information analysis, spatial modelling, and landscape ecology to participate in a virtual workshop in order to compare strategies for comparison. This revealed that the key dimensions of comparison relate to (1) the map characteristics considered, (2) the nature of the comparison, (3) the handling of geographical space, (4) the units of computed measures, and (5) the tests of significance.Ferko Csillag deceased  相似文献   
Since the ISPRS Congress 2000 in Amsterdam, there are great expectations in matrix-CCD based digital cameras for aerial photogrammetry and mapping applications. During the last two years the number of DMC cameras in the market has raised significantly (32 cameras were sold until March 2006). This paper discusses the DMC accuracy focusing on the role of self-calibration parameters and the assessment of automatic DEM quality. This investigation concluded that under the current status of DMC an appropriate set of self-calibration parameters is necessary in order to achieve theoretical accuracy and precision, which were discussed in early literature.In the following discussions, the accuracy of the DMC is analyzed comparing its performance in automatic DEM generation to that of an analog camera using a Lidar DEM as reference. Despite the fact that the higher image quality of the DMC should overcome the poorer base-to-height ratio, the presented results did not reach the expected accuracies. However, our current study is not yet conclusive on this topic because the DMC, the analog images and the LIDAR data have not been acquired at the same time.  相似文献   
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