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梁灵君  杨忠山  刘超 《水文》2012,(1):39-42,28
以北京城市化发展区凉水河大红门闸控制流域为典型区域,在分析区域20世纪80年代到2000年后下垫面变化特征的基础上,结合区域同时期的降水和径流资料,采用MIKE11软件中的UR-BAN模块构建流域降雨径流模型,以流域模拟流量和实测流量拟合效果最佳为原则,利于多场次的实测降水进行降雨径流的模拟分析,研究区域城市化发展对水文特性变化的影响。  相似文献   
吴福元  刘强  田恒次 《岩石学报》2022,38(6):1795-1803
中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所博物馆珍藏一件阿波罗(Apollo)月壤样品,但其身世一直不清。根据获得的颗粒组成、形貌、粒度及成分等多方面资料,它属于阿波罗11号样品无疑,确切的样品编号应该是10084。推测该样品可能是1971年春季"乒乓外交"时期,美国政府赠送给中国的礼品。通过进一步的梳理发现,我国目前保存有多件阿波罗月球样品。具体包括中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所博物馆的阿波罗11号(10084)、中国台中自然博物馆的阿波罗11号(10085)、中国国家博物馆的阿波罗12号(12001或12070)和北京天文馆的阿波罗17号(70017),以及浙江省和上海市可能保存的阿波罗15号。目前不排除在民间或其它机构,有少量其它月球样品的保存。这些样品是20世纪70年代中美两国外交关系发展的见证,具有重要的史料价值。结合我国嫦娥五号返回的样品,这些月球样品对我国科学家研究月球的形成演化提供了极为重要的参考对象,因而也具有重大的科研价值。  相似文献   
基于南京市国土资源"一张图"总体架构,提出了Oralce Spatial 11g+FME Server的一体化地形数据库建库策略,实现了B/S模式下基于工作流的对任意范围地形的快速更新与智能检查,形成了要素级元数据的管理模式,并在生产中得到实际应用。  相似文献   
本文利用本世纪以来所出现的埃尔-尼诺现象和太阳活动资料。分析了太阳活动11年周期单周和双周内埃尔-尼诺现象的发生频数及其差异,并分析了单周和双周内埃尔-尼诺现象的形成与太阳活动11年周期位相的关系,以期对埃尔-尼诺现象的预测提供太阳活动的背景.  相似文献   
利用24个第五次耦合模式比较计划(Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5,CMIP5)历史试验资料,本文评估了在太阳年代际尺度准11 a周期变化下能否激发出热带太平洋显著的类拉尼娜型海表温度异常的模拟能力。再分析资料分析结果表明,“自下而上”机制解释了在太阳强迫偏强的年份,热带太平洋更容易呈现出显著的类拉尼娜型海温异常。CMIP5模式的评估结果显示,有2/5的模式可以基本再现再分析资料中太阳强迫影响下的热带东太平洋海温负异常,这些模式分为类拉尼娜组;而另有3/5的模式模拟出了相反的信号,分为类厄尔尼诺组。为了进一步探讨CMIP5模式模拟能力不同的原因,本文分析了“自下而上”机制在模式中的表现。“自下而上”机制可分为蒸发过程和海洋恒温(thermostat)过程。结果表明,模式能否模拟出类拉尼娜型海温响应取决于thermostat过程的强弱,其中类拉尼娜组的thermostat过程更强;而蒸发过程没有起到关键作用。  相似文献   
Stairs, Lyne & Shemar have found that the arrival-time residuals from PSR B1828−11 vary periodically with a period ≈500 d. This behaviour can be accounted for by precession of the radio pulsar, an interpretation that is reinforced by the detection of variations in its pulse profile on the same time-scale. Here, we model the period residuals from PSR B1828−11 in terms of precession of a triaxial rigid body. We include two contributions to the residuals: (i) the geometric effect, which arises because the times at which the pulsar emission beam points towards the observer varies with precession phase; and (ii) the spin-down contribution, which arises from any dependence of the spin-down torque acting on the pulsar on the angle between its spin     and magnetic     axes. We use the data to probe numerous properties of the pulsar, most notably its shape, and the dependence of its spin-down torque on     , for which we assume the sum of a spin-aligned component (with a weight  1 − a   ) and a dipolar component perpendicular to the magnetic beam axis (weight a ), rather than the vacuum dipole torque  ( a = 1)  . We find that a variety of shapes are consistent with the residuals, with a slight statistical preference for a prolate star. Moreover, a range of torque possibilities fit the data equally well, with no strong preference for the vacuum model. In the case of a prolate star, we find evidence for an angle-dependent spin-down torque. Our results show that the combination of geometrical and spin-down effects associated with precession can account for the principal features of the timing behaviour of PSR B1828−11, without fine tuning of the parameters.  相似文献   
离子色谱法快速测定土壤中碘量   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
佘小林 《岩矿测试》2005,24(2):145-147
优化了碘的离子色谱分离和测定条件,仅使用保护柱IonPacAG11柱,即可快速测定土壤中的碘。方法检测限0.04μg/g(3倍的标准偏差),测定了8个国家一级标准物质中的痕量碘,验证方法可行性,并且结果与标准值相符,相对标准偏差(RSD)小于10%(n=12)。该方法适用于大批量化探样品中碘量的分析。  相似文献   
根据大柳矿井11采区上覆岩层的实际情况,采用概率积分法对煤层开采后的地表变形情况进行了预测,绘制了地表下沉等值线图,分析了地表沉陷对周围环境的影响程度和范围,并提出了防治措施,为区内开展类似研究工作和大柳矿井未来生产沉陷的防治提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
Using the longest and most reliable ozonesonde data sets grouped for four regions (Japan, Europe, as well as temperate and polar latitudes of Canada) the comparative analysis of regional responses of ozone, temperature, horizontal wind, tropopause and surface pressure on the equatorial quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO effects), manifesting in opposite phases of the 11-year solar cycle (11-yr SC) was carried out. The impact of solar cycle is found to be the strongest at the Canadian Arctic, near one of two climatological centres of polar vortex, where in solar maximum conditions the QBO signals in ozone and temperature have much larger amplitudes, embrace greater range of heights, and are maximized much higher than those in solar minimum conditions. The strengthening of the temperature QBO effect during solar maxima can explain why correlation between the 11-yr SC and polar winter stratospheric temperature is reversed in the opposite QBO phases. At the border of polar vortex the 11-yr SC also modulates the QBO effect in zonal wind, strengthening the quasi-biennial modulation of polar vortex during solar maxima that is associated with strong negative correlation between stratospheric QBO signals in zonal wind and temperature. Above Japan the QBO effects of ozone, temperature, and zonal wind, manifesting in solar maxima reveal the downward phase dynamics, reminding similar feature of the zonal wind in the equatorial stratosphere. Above Europe, the QBO effects in solar maxima reveal more similarity with those above Japan, while in solar minima with the effects obtained at the Canadian middle-latitude stations. It is revealed that the 11-yr SC influences regional QBO effects in tropopause height, tropopause temperature and surface pressure. The influence most distinctly manifest itself in tropopause characteristics above Japan. The results of the accompanying analysis of the QBO reference time series testify that in the period of 1965–2006 above 50-hPa level the duration of the QBO cycle in solar maxima is 1–3 months longer than in solar minima. The differences are more distinct at higher levels, but they are diminished with lengthening of the period.  相似文献   
In 1969, prior to the discovery of the subglacial Lake Vostok, an Askania Gs-11 gravimeter was operated at Vostok Station (78.466°S, 106.832°E; 3478 m asl) to observe tidal gravity variations. To gain a better understanding of the lake's tidal dynamics, we reanalyzed these data using a Bayesian Tidal Analysis Program Grouping method (BAYTAP-G and -L programs). The obtained phase leads for the semidiurnal waves M2 (6.6 ± 2.1°) and S2 (10.1 ± 4.2°) are more pronounced than those of the diurnal waves, among which the largest phase lead (for K1) was 5.0 ± 0.5°. The obtained δ factor for M2 was 0.890 ± 0.032, significantly less than the theoretical value of 1.16. For three global ocean tide models (NAO99b, FES2004, and TPXO6.2), the estimated load tides on waves Q1, O1, P1, K1, M2, and S2 range from 0.1–0.2 μGal (Q1 and S2) to 0.6–0.7 μGal (K1). The difference in amplitude among the three models is less than 0.14 μGal (M2), and the difference in phase is generally less than 10°. In calculating the residual tide vectors using the ocean models, the TPXO6.2 model generally gave the smallest residual amplitudes. Our result for the K1 wave was anomalously large (1.36 ± 0.25 μGal), while that for the M2 wave was sufficiently small (0.37 ± 0.17 μGal). The associated uncertainty is half that reported in previous studies. It is interesting that the residual K1 tide is approximately 90° phase-leaded, while the M2 tide is approximately 180° phase-leaded (delayed). Importantly, a similar reanalysis of data collected at Asuka Station (71.5°S, 24.1°E) gave residual tides within 0.2–0.3 μGal for all major diurnal and semidiurnal waves, including the K1 wave. Therefore, the anomalous K1 residual tide observed at Vostok Station must be linked to the existence of the subglacial lake and the nature of solid–ice–water dynamics in the region.  相似文献   
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