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在以前讲述“诗意的月球”篇章中,我们提到:银白色的月亮,皎洁的月光常被古代诗人作为“美的象征”用于诗词的意象中,那么太阳是否也常被诗人们当作“美的象征”呢?答案是肯定的。  相似文献   
We present a modified stratified jet model to interpret the observed spectral energy distributions of knots in the 3C 273 jet. Based on the hypothesis of the single index of the particle energy spectrum at injection and identical emission processes among all the knots, the observed difference of spectral shape among different 3C 273 knots can be understood as a manifestation of the deviation of the equivalent Doppler factor of stratified emission regions in an individual knot from a characteristic one. The summed spectral energy distributions of all ten knots in the 3C 273 jet can be well fitted by two components: a low-energy component (radio to optical) dominated by synchrotron radiation and a high-energy component (UV, X-ray and γ-ray) dominated by inverse Compton scattering of the cosmic microwave background. This gives a consistent spectral index of α= 0.88 (Sv α v-α) and a characteristic Doppler factor of 7.4. Assuming the average of the summed spectrum as the characteristic spectrum of each knot in the 3C 273 jet, we further get a distribution of Doppler factors. We discuss the possible implications of these results for the physical properties in the 3C 273 jet. Future GeV observations with GLASTcould separate the γ-ray emission of 3C 273 from the large scale jet and the small scale jet (i.e.the core) through measuring the GeV spectrum.  相似文献   
We present the first evidence for occurrences of magnetic interactions between a jet, a filament and coronal loops during a complex event, in which two flares sequen-tially occurred at different positions of the same active region and were closely associated with two successive coronal mass ejections (CMEs), respectively. The coronal loops were located outside but nearby the filament channel before the flares. The jet, originating from the first flare during its rise phase, not only hit the filament body but also met one of the ends of the loops. The filament then underwent an inclined eruption followed by the second flare and met the same loop end once more. Both the jet and the filament erup- tion were accompanied by the development of loop disturbances and the appearances of brightenings around the meeting site. In particular, the erupting filament showed clear manifestations of interactions with the loops. After a short holdup, only its portion passed through this site, while the other portion remained at the same place. Following the fila-ment eruption and the loop disappearance, four dimmings were formed and located near their four ends. This is a situation that we define as "quadrupolar dimmings." It appears that the two flares consisted of a sympathetic pair physically linked by the interaction between the jet and the filament, and their sympathy indicated that of the two CMEs.Moreover, it is very likely that the two sympathetic CMEs were simultaneously associ-ated with the disappearing loops and the quadrupole dimmings.  相似文献   
Solar flare gamma-ray emissions from energetic ions and electrons have been detected and measured to GeV energies since 1980. In addition, neutrons produced in solar flares with 100 MeV to GeV energies have been observed at the Earth. These emis-sions are produced by the highest energy ions and electrons accelerated at the Sun and they provide our only direct (albeit secondary) knowledge about the properties of the acceler-ator(s) acting in a solar flare. The solar flares, which have direct evidence for pion-decaygamma-rays, are unique and are the focus of this paper. We review our current knowl-edge of the highest energy solar emissions, and how the characteristics of the acceleration process are deduced from the observations. Results from the RHESSI, INTEGRAL and CORONAS missions will also be covered. The review will also cover the solar flare ca-pabilities of the new mission, FERMI GAMMA RAY SPACE TELESCOPE, launched on 2008 June 11. Finally, we discuss the requirements for future missions to advance this vital area of solar flare physics.  相似文献   
本文分析了2002.7.23国家天文台云南天文台射电频谱仪在625~1500 MHz、2600~3800 MHz和5200~7600 MHz记录到的复杂型大爆发,将此爆发与Hα耀斑、日冕物质抛射(CME)、硬X射线爆发及地球物理参数作了相关分析,得到这个事件的一些显著特征,认为这一事件电子的加速区在日冕的外层,接近625 MHz的地方,并且多次发生磁重联.磁重联以后的衰变相是湍流加速过程.  相似文献   
据《温哥华太阳报》2008年1月31日报道,加拿大BC省科学家通过对1996—2005年10年间北美发生的飓风进行研究,发现海平面温度的上升,增加了北美40%的飓风。该研究报告发表在最近一期《自然》杂志上。  相似文献   
机载微波辐射计反演云液水含量的云物理方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
周珺  雷恒池  魏重 《大气科学》2008,32(5):1071-1082
用一维层状云模式产生云样本,通过统计回归求得机载对空微波辐射计测云中路径积分液态水含量的反演系数,与用历史探空统计资料作相对湿度诊断产生云样本的反演方法进行了比较,并通过因素分析、数值模拟检验等方法对机载微波辐射计的探测误差进行估计。对2001年7月8日的个例分析表明,用云模式得到的统计样本,由于加入了对层状云物理过程的考虑,较为符合当天的实际天气情况,在一定程度上减小了由于背景大气条件、云温、云内含水量的垂直分布等的不确定性所引起的反演误差。对反演精度的数值模拟检验表明,各高度层的均方根相对误差在9.5%~12.7%之间,反演精度在所有高度上都高于原方法。对探测误差的因素分析表明,与仪器漂移及背景场引起的误差相比,由云液水垂直分布的不确定所引起的误差是不可忽略的。因此为进一步提高反演精度,根据实际宏观观测资料,对云模式产生的大量样本进行筛选,从中选取与实际云况较为符合的云样本进行拟合,结果表明,采用这一措施可以使反演精度得到进一步改善。  相似文献   
应用AMSU B微波资料分析0509号Matsa台风水汽场分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王新  方翔  邱红  朱元競 《气象》2009,35(12):30-36
热带气旋的形成、发展、移动以及消亡与大范围水汽输送和集中息息相关.此研究以2006年7-8月的AMSU-B的183.3±1、183.3±3、183.3±7GHz三个水汽通道亮温为主要资料源,利用三个通道所在的权重高度差异,分别建立了对流层高、中、低层水汽量与三个通道亮温的e指数统计回归关系.在此基础上,选取西北太平洋2005年09号麦莎台风,利用AMSU-B亮温通过回归关系式计算出的高、中、低层水汽量,就其水汽输送与强度变化关系进行了分析.结果表明,其一,微波水汽通道亮温能够很好地表征热带气旋环境场不同高度的水汽分布和水汽输送,尤其是对流层中层亮温的变化显示出的水汽量的变化与热带气旋强度密切相关;其二,热带气旋发展过程中,除了西南季风形成的西南水汽通道是水汽维持的重要输送带外,东南水汽通道也经常成为登陆热带气旋强度维持的主要水汽供给.  相似文献   
利用太阳光度计反演郑州地区水汽含量   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用CE-318型太阳光度计936 nm波段的太阳辐射观测资料,采用改进的Langley法反演了郑州地区大气柱水汽含量,并分析了大气柱水汽含量与地面水汽压之间的关系。结果表明:郑州地区大气柱水汽含量的季节变化:夏季>秋季>春季>冬季,日变化为早晚低,中午高;郑州地区大气柱水汽含量与地面水汽压之间存在着良好的线性关系。  相似文献   
利用高时间分辨率的微波辐射计数据分析南京逆温层结构与雾霾天气的关系。首先将南京MP-3000A型地基微波辐射计2013年12月的数据与常规探空资料的温度和相对湿度进行对比,以确定微波辐射计数据的可用性,结果表明:微波辐射计反演的气温与常规探空资料十分接近,而相对湿度的效果则差了很多。再利用微波辐射计对南京市2013年12月的霾天气过程进行分析,发现在受秸秆焚烧的影响阶段(12月1~9日),污染物浓度与逆温层没有明显的相关;在没有秸秆焚烧影响阶段(12月10~31日),污染物浓度变化与逆温层厚度、强度呈显著的滞后正相关,和底高有显著的滞后负相关;定量化分析表明重度污染和中度污染对应的逆温层阈值一致,轻度污染对应的逆温层阈值明显较小。  相似文献   
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