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围绕库车前陆盆地内某典型断层转折褶皱剖面,实测统计该剖面不同构造部位的剪切裂缝,分析断层转折褶皱中剪切裂缝的发育规律,进而建立断层转折褶皱剪切裂缝的发育模式。统计结果表明,研究区剪切裂缝有2种类型,一类是与岩层面高角度相交的高角度缝,广泛发育在构造各个部位;另一类是与层面近于平行的顺层裂缝,主要发育在断层面附近,并随岩层的变形,产状发生改变。远离断层面,剪切裂缝发育程度整体上呈减小趋势,下盘裂缝发育强度的减小大于上盘,上盘裂缝发育强度整体大于下盘。褶皱内层剪切裂缝较外层发育,褶皱两翼裂缝发育强度大于褶皱枢纽。断层产状的改变,会引起上盘运动状态的改变,使得在上盘活动轴面附近出现应力集中,局部剪切裂缝发育强度出现增大现象。断层转折褶皱剪切裂缝的发育模式可以分为3个阶段,断层形成前主要发育与层面高角度相交的区域性剪切裂缝;断层形成初期,断层面附近两盘牵引变形不明显,上盘穿过断坡下部破折点处活动轴面的部分会产生新的剪切裂缝,即与岩层高角度相交剪切缝和与断层面低角度相交剪切缝;牵引构造明显时,断层面附近两盘弯曲部位会产生顺层剪切裂缝,两翼的裂缝发育强度大于枢纽。   相似文献   
An analytical approach using a Winkler model is investigated to provide analytical solutions of settlement of a rectangular pile subjected to vertical loads in nonhomogeneous soils. For a vertically loaded pile with a rectangular cross section, the settlement influence factor of a normal pile in nonhomogeneous soils is derived from Mindlin's solution for elastic continuum analysis. For short piles with rectangular and circular cross sections, the modified forms of settlement influence factors of normal piles are produced taking into account the load transfer parameter proposed by Randolph for short circular piles. The modulus of subgrade reaction along a rectangular pile in nonhomogeneous soils is expressed by using the settlement influence factor related to Mindlin's solution to combine the elastic continuum approach with the subgrade‐reaction approach. The relationship between settlement and vertical load for a rectangular pile in nonhomogeneous soils is available in the form of the recurrence equation. The formulation of settlement of soils surrounding a rectangular pile subjected to vertical loads in nonhomogeneous soils is proposed by taking into account Mindlin's solution and both the equivalent thickness and the equivalent elastic modulus for layers in the equivalent elastic method. The difference of settlement between square and circular piles is insignificant, and the settlement of a rectangular pile decreases as the aspect ratio of the rectangular pile cross section increases. The comparison of results calculated by the present method for a rectangular pile in nonhomogeneous soils has shown good agreement with those obtained from the analytical methods and the finite element method. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The fossil taxa of the Cenomanian continental flora and fauna of São Luís Basin are observed primarily in the bone bed of the Laje do Coringa, Alcântara Formation. Many of the disarticulated fish and tetrapod skeletal and dental elements are remarkably similar to the chronocorrelate fauna of Northern Africa. In this study, we present a summary of the continental flora and fauna of the Laje do Coringa bone-bed. The record emphasizes the existence of a trans-oceanic typical fauna, at least until the early Cenomanian, which may be interpreted as minor evolutionary changes after a major vicariant event or as a result of a land bridge across the equatorial Atlantic Ocean, thereby allowing interchanges between South America and Africa. The paleoenvironmental conditions in the northern Maranhão State coast during that time were inferred as forested humid areas surrounded by an arid to semi-arid landscape.  相似文献   
关于提高铜陵地区地质找矿的几点认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铜陵地区虽然矿产资源丰富,成矿条件良好,但目前找矿的难度越来越大。笔者认为,要提高铜陵地区地质找矿的效果,就要根据本区的成矿规律,开展综合地质找矿,要进一步研究各矿田(床)的地质特征,继续提高铜陵地区的地质研究程度,充分运用现代成矿学新理论指导找矿,并大胆的用探矿工程加以验证。  相似文献   
古/中元古代界线:1.8Ga   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
年代地层表是我们描述地球历史演化的时间框架,也隐含着我们对地球演化过程的基本认识,承载着一系列核心科学问题。现有的国际前寒武纪地质年表存在不少问题,还没有被普遍接受的新方案。在现行国际地层年表(IUGS 1989—2004)中,20~18亿年被称为造山纪,18~16亿年被称为固结纪,16~14亿年被称为盖层纪,也即:造山运动结束到盖层发育之间的过渡时期为固结纪,而将盖层的广泛发育作为中元古代的开始。在我国,由于"吕梁运动"是华北克拉通结晶基底最终形成的标志性构造-热事件,此后发育以长城系-蓟县系-青白口系为代表的地台型沉积盖层,因此我国地质界一直以长城系的底界代表中元古代的开始,并根据"吕梁运动"结束时间,将古/中元古代的时间界线置于18亿年。2012年国际地层委员会提出了一份全新的全球前寒武纪地质年代表划分建议方案,其中2060~1780Ma阶段被称为古元古代哥伦比亚纪,主要以Columbia超大陆的聚合为特征;而之后17. 8~8. 5亿年的近10亿年间,则被定义为罗迪尼亚纪,代表了从Columbia超大陆裂解到Rodinia超大陆聚合的漫长阶段。即这一新建议方案的古/中元古代界线为17. 8亿年,与我国学者长期以来所坚持的古/中元古代分界是基本一致的。在华北克拉通,"吕梁运动"的结束时间在~18亿年,此后整体处于多期裂解的陆内伸展环境,长城系-蓟县系基本上属于连续的陆表海沉积。近年来的研究表明,燕山地区长城系的底界年龄约为17亿年,长城系与蓟县系的分界则为16亿年。如果一味按照现行国际地层划分方案,其古/中元古代的界线(16亿年)将对应于长城系-蓟县系的分界,华北克拉通这套盖层型沉积将被人为分割为两部分,这显然是很不合理的。值得注意的是,在华北克拉通中部吕梁地区发育的小两岭组火山岩和在其南部地区发育的、也是世界范围内同时期最大规模的火山活动——熊耳群火山-沉积岩系,是华北克拉通结晶基底之上最早发育的盖层沉积,其起始形成时间约为18亿年。这与新建议的古/中元古代分界非常接近。从全球地质演化来看,从18到16亿年,造山作用结束,Columbia超大陆开始裂解,岩浆作用方式和岩浆岩组合类型及其地球化学特征发生明显改变,如斜长岩、环斑花岗岩在世界主要克拉通均有发育。与此同时,稳定沉积盖层开始广泛发育,条带状铁建造(BIF)消失,代之以鲕状或粒状矿物集合体组成的浅海富铁沉积,另外海相硫化物沉积、有核原生生物等也首次出现。所有这些都标志着,在此前后,地球岩石圈、水圈和大气圈均发生了重大转折,生物圈也进入新的演化阶段,标志着地球进入"中年期"演化阶段。虽然地球演化发生重要转折的根本原因和细节还有待进一步深入探讨,但这一转变的起点或最重要的时间点,无疑就在18亿年前后,因此,本文认为,应将其作为全球古/中元古代的时间界线。  相似文献   
基于岩石损伤理论推导了冻融循环作用下岩石的损伤劣化模型,并采用冻融循环试验方式测试了后崴子隧道灰岩岩样冻融循环后的物理力学特征变化规律,分析了其损伤劣化规律。获得了岩样的质量、纵波波速随冻融循环呈现先增后减的趋势,单轴抗压强度持续减小,弹性模量和峰值应变逐渐增大的结果。分析获得了冻融循环作用下灰岩总损伤变量与应变的关系,冻融和载荷的共同作用会使总损伤加剧,但损伤曲线表明耦合作用也可适当缓解这一影响,且灰岩应变值趋于一致,表明影响灰岩强度极限的主要因素可以不考虑冻融循环。  相似文献   
Compressional and shear wave velocities and attenuation measurements have been carried out in some of the borehole samples of acidic, basic and intermediate granulites of Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu, India. The results have been obtained at ambient conditions using ‘time-of-flight’ pulse transmission technique at 1.0 MHz frequency. The results show linear relationships between velocity and density, and velocity and attenuation properties of the rocks. The acidic granulites show lower velocities and higher attenuation than the intermediate and basic granulites. The average values of the Poisson’s ratio of acidic, intermediate and basic granulites have been found to be 0.210, 0.241 and 0.279 respectively. The variations in velocities and attenuation in these low porosity crystalline rocks are found to be strongly influenced by their mineral composition. The laboratory velocity data (extrapolated to high pressure) of the present study and the published field velocity data from deep seismic sounding studies indicate that these granulite facies rocks may belong to mid-crustal depths only.  相似文献   
史红  姜福兴  李连祥 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):266-269
针对多个综放采场出现的支架立柱压爆、油缸变形等异常矿压显现,通过对综放采场上覆岩层的运动范围及运动特点、顶板结构动态稳定性的分析,探讨了综放工作面异常压力产生的机理。得出了顶板结构局部铰接失稳(滑落失稳)是造成异常压力主要原因的结论。由于滑落失稳的原因不同,可分为水浸蚀型、地质构造型和顶板失稳型。通过对综放采场支架作用力的分析,给出了计算异常压力的公式。利用顶板结构动态稳定性判断准则,可对异常压力的类型进行判别,从而进一步确定异常压力的计算方法,为采场支架选型和现场控制异常压力提供理论依据。  相似文献   
杜时贵  王小翠 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):1202-1204
研制了一种智能JRC测量仪,该仪器可直接测量岩体结构面的粗糙度系数JRC值,适用于野外任意产状的岩体结构面,可以沿任意方向测量岩体结构面粗糙度系数,具有重量轻、体积小、携带方便、操作简单、测量速度快等特点。  相似文献   
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