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本文提出一个以带有定时器的低功耗微处理机为主体的温度记录器。其定时器用于开动微处理机,可由一个开关定为0.5、1、3或30分钟。仪器通过处理一个电容器向热敏电阻放电的时间来测量温度。仪器在工作中能显示温度值,并把温度值保存在微处理机的RAM之中。总共资料容量为2816次测值,量程为0~35℃,精度±0.1℃,分辨±0.02℃。 温度记录器具有液晶显示器,可直接读出温度值,配有标准计算机接口RS-232,能把保存的资料方便地倒给个人计算机。 这项工作是伍兹霍尔海洋研究所A.Bradley博士指导的。他提出的原理对研制可靠而廉价的温度记录器是一条新的途径。  相似文献   
The lateral deflection of a cylindrical diaphragm wall and the associated ground movement induced by deep excavation are analyzed by performing site instrumentations and numerical analyses in the coastal area of Korea. Wall lateral deflection, rebar stress, and pore water pressure were measured and analyzed in eight directions. Variations of soil properties with the decrease of confining pressure are compared by performing various in situ tests before ad after excavation. To calculate the wall lateral deflection accurately, the effects of small strain nonlinearity, confining pressure, and the hysteresis loading/unloading loop developed during excavation are considered in the proposed numerical analysis. By comparing numerical results with measured ones, the importances of considering small strain nonlinearity and confining pressure reduction in the nonlinear (FEM) are emphasized. Also, the effects of wall stiffness on the performance of cylindrical diaphragm walls are studied for future similar excavation in the coastal area.  相似文献   
旋回地层学理论基础、研究进展和展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在过去30余年中旋回地层学研究得到了极大发展, 对理解和解决地球科学领域众多科学问题做出了很大贡献.旋回地层学(Cyclostratigraphy)已被定义为"对地层记录的(准)周期性旋回变化进行识别、描述、对比和成因解释, 并将其应用于地质年代学以提高地层年代框架的精度和分辨率, 实现地层高精度划分与对比的一门地层学分支学科".能够反映古气候变化的岩性、岩相、地球物理和地球化学参数(即古气候替代指标)均可用于旋回地层学分析.通过岩性组合识别、频谱分析、连续窗口频谱分析、小波分析、滤波和调谐等方法可进行识别米兰科维奇旋回信号和建立高精度天文年代标尺.中国学者在北方黄土剖面、南海新近纪海相沉积、古生代海相沉积和部分中新生代陆相沉积中获得了良好的旋回地层学研究成果.对中国东北松辽盆地陆相白垩系和华南海相二叠系乐平统—中三叠统开展旋回地层学研究有望取得重要突破.   相似文献   
硬X射线成像仪(Hard X-ray Imager, HXI)是先进天基太阳天文台(Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory, ASO-S)的3大载荷之一, 其中量能器作为其重要组成部分, 承担着观测30--200keV能段的太阳硬X射线的任务. 在卫星发射之前, 需要开展大量的测试工作, 以确保HXI量能器的各项功能和性能满足设计需求. HXI量能器通道数众多, 内含99个溴化镧探测器, 分别由8块相同的前端电子学板控制. 除了对各个通道的性能进行测试外, 地检系统还需模拟量能器在轨面对不同太阳活动时的运行情况, 对量能器进行全面完备的测试. 此外, 地检系统还需足够稳定, 能满足量能器在单机测试、环境试验、热真空与振动等多个不同测试项目的长时间测试需求. 为此, 设计了地检板与上位机软件, 结合放射源、直流电源、高压模块等组成一套HXI量能器的地检系统, 对8块前端电子学板实现同步配置与管理, 能高效完成指令发送与数据接收, 满足量能器最大数据输出带宽400Mbps的需求. 利用该系统, 在地面完成了HXI量能器的功能、性能验证, 获得了量能器的线性、死时间、能量分辨率等各项性能指标, 为HXI量能器的在轨高性能运行提供了保障.  相似文献   
明安图射电频谱日像仪(Mingantu Spectral Radioheliograph, MUSER)能够在0.4--15GHz超宽频带内实现高时间、高空间、高频率分辨率的太阳射电成像. 而射电亮温度是描述太阳物理过程的一个重要的参数, 在研究不同射电辐射机制、太阳磁场以及太阳爆发过程中非热粒子加速等问题上有着非常重要的作用, 因此必须对MUSER观测的图像进行亮温度定标. 将介绍一种适用于射电日像仪图像强度定标的方法. 太阳射电图像中包含着太阳圆盘的结构信息, 利用射电日像仪短基线的可视度函数拟合第一类贝塞尔函数, 可以得到图像中宁静太阳圆盘的射电半径和强度, 再利用瑞利-金斯定律和每天的太阳射电流量可以计算得到每天图像的定标因子$G_c$, 从而实现对MUSER图像强度的定标. 将该方法应用到MUSER的实际观测数据中, 包括宁静太阳和有太阳射电爆发等不同的情况, $G_c$的误差基本不超过10%, 得到的宁静太阳亮温度与其他宁静太阳的结果具有较高的相关性, 表明了此方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   
Sedimentological, cyclic-stratigraphic, paleomagnetic, and clay-mineralogical studies on the early Oligocene Yaxicuo Group in the Hoh Xil Basin, the largest Cenozoic sedimentary basin in the hinterland of the Tibetan Plateau, provide abundant information of paleoclimate changes. A 350-m thick section in the middle-lower Yaxicuo Group was analyzed to reveal the climatic history that occurred in the Hoh Xil region during the early Oligocene interval 31.30-30.35 Ma, dated with the paleomagnetic chronostratigraphy. The results indicate that add and cold climate dominated the Hoh Xil region during the early Oligocene in general, being related to the global cooling and drying events that occurred in the earliest Oligocene. Within this period, relatively warm and wet climate accompanied by strong tectonic activity occurred in the 31.05-30.75 Ma interval; while add and cold climate and relatively inactive tectonics occurred in the 31.30-31.05 and 30.75-30.35 Ma intervals. Furthermore, spectral analyses of high-temporal resolution paleoclimatic records show orbital periods including eccentricity, obliquity, and precession. It is concluded that paleoclimate changes during the early Oligocene in the Hoh Xil region were forced by both tectonic activity and orbital periods.  相似文献   
Gönnert  Gabriele 《Natural Hazards》2004,32(2):211-218
Computations of storm surges during the 20th century needs to incorporate globalwarming of about 0.6 °C ± 0.2 °C (IPCC, 2001). In order totake this global warming into consideration, the development of all storm surgesoccurred during the 20th century have been analysed. The study comprises determiningto what degree the storm surge curve and storm surge level depend on each other. Thisfact can be used to calculate a maximum storm surge curve and each single storm surgeevent can be summarised. The tendency of the surge and wind parameters do not showthat this maximum storm surge levels in the 20th century will occur earlier than predicted, however, the global warming of 0.6 °C will extend the duration of the mean storm surge curve.  相似文献   
作为射电天文接收机系统的关键器件, 低噪声放大器的噪声和增益性能对接收机系统的灵敏度有重要影响. 采用100nm砷化镓赝配高电子迁移率晶体管(pseudomorphic High Electron Mobility Transistor, pHEMT)\lk工艺, 研制了一款可覆盖C波段(4--8GHz)的低噪声放大器(Low Noise Amplifier, LNA). 所设计的LNA采用3级共源级联放大拓扑结构, 栅极、漏极双电源供电. 常温下测试表明, 该LNA在4--8GHz频段内平均噪声温度为\lk60K, 在5GHz处获得最低噪声温度50K, 通带内增益($31\pm1.5$)dB, 输入输出回波损耗均优于10dB, 芯片面积为$2.1\times1.1$mm2, 可以应用于C波段射电天文接收机以及卫星通信系统等.  相似文献   
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