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以RANS方程为控制方程,基于有限体积法,在动量方程中添加源项,建立了具有造波‐消波功能的数值波浪水槽。利用建立的源项造波数值波浪水槽,模拟了高桩挡板透空式防波堤在规则波作用下的消浪效果,完整地再现了堤前堤后的流态,分析了挡板相对入水深度对透浪系数的影响。在与试验值及拉帕公式对比后发现,数模计算结果与试验值较接近,拉帕公式偏大。研究了堤顶相对宽度、相对水深、相对波高对透浪系数的影响并提出修正公式,修正公式与计算值和试验值吻合较好。  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTIONEnrichment of3He and heavy ions(i.e.,Ne,Mg,Si and Fe),characteristic of impulsive?ares,have beenstudied for more than three decades.It is found that they are generally associated with nonthermal energeticelectron-rich events(Reames et al.1988;Reames1999and references therein;Ho et al.2001;Wang et al.2006)and are related to the peculiar ratio of charge to mass(Mazur et al.1996;Reames1999).Althoughthe abundance of3He ions is not correlated with the abundance of heavy ions,s…  相似文献   
-Based on the extended Morison Equation and model tests, the in-line forces on small square cylinders caused by waves (regular and irregular) and currents are analyzed in detail in this paper. The hydrodynamic coefficient CD and Cu related to KC number and the effect of direction of wave incidence are also given, which can be used in engineering practice.  相似文献   
Experimental studies were conducted on a trapezoidal pendulum wave energy converter in regular waves. To obtain the incident wave height, the analytical method (AM) was used to separate the incident and reflected waves propagating in a wave flume by analysing wave records measured at two locations. The response amplitude operator (RAO), primary conversion efficiency and the total conversion efficiency of the wave energy converter were studied; furthermore, the power take-off damping coefficients corresponding to the load resistances in the experiment were also obtained. The findings demonstrate that the natural period for a pendulum wave energy converter is relatively large. A lower load resistance gives rise to a larger damping coefficient. The model shows relatively higher wave energy conversion efficiency in the range of 1.0?1.2 s for the incident wave period. The maximum primary conversion efficiency achieved was 55.5%, and the maximum overall conversion efficiency was 39.4%.  相似文献   
多方向不规则波传播变形数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在推广的缓坡方程数学模型基础上建立了多方向不规则波数学模型,综合考虑了波浪折射、绕射、反射、底摩擦和风能输入等因素。基于线性波浪理论,将波浪方向谱在频率和方向上按等能量分割法离散后,分别计算各组成波的传播变形,再计算合成波要素。缓坡方程数学模型采用改进的ADI法求解,计算效率高,稳定性好。采用椭圆形浅滩不规则波模型试验结果和单突堤不规则波绕射理论解对数学模型进行了验证,数值模拟结果和试验值及理论解符合良好。利用该模型进行了某港港内波浪折射、绕射和反射的联合数值模拟,给出了合理的港内波高分布。  相似文献   
Using the WKBJ approximation method we calculate the synthetic teleseismograms of P and PP waves to match the observed ones of six large Chinese earthquakes with known focal mechanisms: Tibet earthquake of July 14, 1973; Haicheng earthquake of February 4, 1975; Songpan earthquakes of August 16, 1976, August 21, 1976 and August 23, 1976 and Nignhe earthquake of November 15, 1976. The focal mechanism of the Tibet earthquake is discussed to examine the technique used in the calculation. We note that the amplitude ratios of PP and P waves (A PP/A P) have different characteristics for dip—slip events and strike—slip events within certain epicentral distances. We calculate the synthetic teleseismograms of P and PP waves for the strike—slip and dip—slip events with fault angles of 330°, 240° and 0°, focal depths of 8 km, 17 km and 24 km, at the assumed station with an azimuth of 310° and epicentral distances from 40°; to 80°. The diagrams of maximum amplitude ratios of PP and P waves (A PP/A P) versus distances are given. The possibility to use the (A PP/A P) values to give an approximate estimation for the focal mechanism type is discussed. This work may be useful for determining the focal mechanism type for those earthquakes which have only few records such as the Chinese earthquakes from the 1930s to 1960s. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 150–160, 1991.  相似文献   
利用常规气象观测资料和Micaps提供的相关资料,对2009年9月19—20日在河套地区发生的寒潮天气的环流形势及物理量进行分析。分析表明:在寒潮爆发前期,500hPa系统,蒙古西部的冷中心强度≥-32℃,且温度场滞后于高度场,为冷空气爆发南下提供了最基本条件;700hPa河套地区及上游≥16m.s-1的西北风急流基本形成,等温线与等高线交角≥45°且10个纬距内有4条及以上等温线的密集区;850hPa河套地区有≥16℃的暖中心,高空槽前后的西北风速≥18 m.s-1,温度线与高度线的夹角>45°;地面蒙古气旋的暖性性质为寒潮爆发的前期提供了有利的热力条件,地面冷锋后部冷高压轴线接近南北向,且冷高压中心强度≥1040hPa,3h变压≥3hPa。  相似文献   
Under the condition of freeze-thaw cycles, two types of rocks (granite and andesite), used as slope protection for the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, were tested according to the special climatic conditions in the Tibetan Plateau, and their various damage processes in appearance were carefully observed. Observation results show that damage of andesite was more serious than that of granite. Using an acoustic instrument, ultrasonic velocity was tested. The changing trends of velocity with the number of freeze-thaw cycles were analyzed, and the freeze-thaw cycle damaging the physical and mechanical properties of rocks can be seen. According to the changing trends of ultrasonic velocity with the number of freeze-thaw cycles, mechanical parameters of rocks, such as dynamic elasticity modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and dynamic bulk modulus were analyzed. It is found that they all have declining trends as the number of freeze-thaw cycles increases, and in particular, when the cycle number reaches a certain extent, the Poisson’s ratio of rocks begins to become negative.  相似文献   
以三类内孤立波理论(Kd V、e Kd V和MCC)的适用性条件为依据,采用Morison和傅汝德-克雷洛夫公式分别计算Spar平台内孤立波水平力和垂向力,结合时域有限位移运动方程,建立了有限深两层流体中内孤立波与带分段式系泊索Spar平台相互作用的理论模型。以东沙群岛某海域实测内孤立波为对象,数值分析了在内孤立波作用下某经典式Spar平台的内孤立波动态载荷、运动响应及其系泊张力的变化特性。研究表明,内孤立波不仅会对Spar平台产生突发性冲击载荷,使其产生大幅度水平漂移运动,而且还会使其系泊张力显著增大。因此,在Spar平台等深海平台的设计应用中,内孤立波的影响不可忽视。  相似文献   
The spectral properties of nonlinear drag forces of random waves on vertical circular cylinders are analyzed in this paper by means of nonlinear spectral analysis. The analysis provides basic parameters for estimation of the characteristic drag forces. Numerical computation is also performed for the investigation of the effects of nonlinearity of the drag forces.The results indicate that the wave drag forces calculated by linear wave theory are larger than those calculated by the third order Stokes wave theory for given waves. The difference between them increases with wave height. The wave drag forces calculated by use of hnear approximation are about 5% smaller than their actual values when measured in the peak values of spectral densities. This will result in a safety problem for the design of offshore structures. Therefore, the nonlinear effect of wave drag forces should be taken into comidemtion in design and application of important offshore structures.  相似文献   
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