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太湖流域降雨与太湖水位关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章杭惠  刘曙光  季同德 《水文》2021,41(1):85-89,41
太湖流域快速城镇化、水利工程建设等人类活动对流域水文过程产生了较大影响.基于1981~2018年太湖流域日降雨、太湖水位实测资料,分析了流域降雨与太湖水位涨幅关系,旨在揭示变化环境下该地区降雨与水位关系的变化特征及可能的驱动因素.研究表明,2000年以来太湖水位抬高趋势明显,但同等时段降雨量条件下对应的太湖水位涨幅有所...  相似文献   
基于微纳气泡示踪的拖曳法ADCP流速测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
声学多普勒剖面流速仪(ADCP)设备在水文领域保有量大、应用广,但如何对其进行量值溯源,确保现场测量数据准确可靠是用户非常关注的问题.分析ADCP的测试现状,阐述ADCP的6个测试参数,分析出流速测试是核心;利用微纳气泡作为示踪粒子,尝试解决静止水体无反射粒子的问题,为ADCP流速测试提供支撑;以TRDI的WHR600...  相似文献   
作为高放废物处置罐候选金属材料,低碳钢在处置库服役期间,其腐蚀产物侵入缓冲屏障,导致缓冲材料矿物相变与性能变异,威胁多重屏障体系的长期安全稳定。本文详细综述了国内外处置库深部还原环境所处的弱碱性化学场与中低温度场的变化趋势,认为处置库深部化学-温度还原条件可导致处置罐Fe腐蚀释放Fe~(2+)。在处置库长期运行过程中,蒙脱石与Fe~(2+)接触发生矿物相变,一方面Fe~(2+)置换蒙脱石八面体晶格中的Al~(3+)和Mg~(2+),还原Fe~(3+)或直接占据空位,生成次生矿物;另一方面Fe~(2+)交换蒙脱石层间的Na~+、K~+和Ca~(2+),转化为铁基蒙脱石。矿物相变可诱发缓冲屏障性能变异甚至退化。基于\"抗矿物转化\"理念,提出了下一阶段缓冲材料矿物相变研究方向,为地下实验室碳素钢选型、缓冲屏障验证试验设计以及屏障体系安全评价提供科学依据。  相似文献   
在165℃、175℃、185℃和195℃的温度条件下,对水热处理前和处理后的粗晶三水铝石样品分别进行了XRD分析和SEM表征,研究了粗晶三水铝石在水蒸气和热水中转变成勃姆石的相变过程。结果表明,水热条件下粗晶三水铝石转化成勃姆石的过程受控于溶解-再沉淀机制,而并非是通常认为的固体状态下的转变;相对于在热水中,水蒸气环境可以加速三水铝石向勃姆石的转化;所形成的勃姆石的粒径(4~7 μm)明显比前驱体三水铝石的粒径(120~200 μm)要小得多,表明可以利用粗晶三水铝石生产微晶勃姆石。在转化过程中,勃姆石微晶首先生长在三水铝石的晶体表面上,通过控制反应温度和反应时间,可形成壳层为勃姆石、壳下为三水铝石的具有双层结构的铝的氢氧化物颗粒,也有可能形成具有中空结构的勃姆石集合体颗粒。  相似文献   
应用非结构网格有限体积海洋模型对平潭竹屿湾水交换能力和溢油扩散开展了数值模拟.水交换能力计算表明,竹屿湾大部分水域水体半交换时间小于1.0 d,平均滞留时间约3.0 d左右,水体冲洗时间为15.0 d,水交换能力较强. 48 h溢油扩散计算结果表明,油粒子扫海范围及运动路径与油粒子的释放时刻及风的作用紧密相关.静风条件...  相似文献   
本研究依据2016年12月至2017年2月和2017年12月至2018年3月的每月上、中、下旬在大亚湾西部海域进行的5条拖网测线的中国毛虾(Acetes chinensis)调查,以及2016年10—12月浮游植物光合色素的调查,分析了中国毛虾的种群动态变化及其对主要环境因子的响应.结果表明:中国毛虾总个体密度在L2和...  相似文献   
In this paper, function characteristics of dispersion of ocean wave in finite depth water were analyzed systematically. The functional form of the fitting function is reasonably proposed, in which the parameters are optimally determined by the least square method (LSM). For infinitely deep and extremely shallow water,the fitting function fits strictly the dispersion to be fitted. A new technique is presented in application of LSM.An empirical formula with maximum error of less than 0.5% for computing wavelength in finite depth water is presented for practical applications.  相似文献   
Soil water repellency is a widespread phenomenon with the capacity to alter hydrological and geomorphological processes. Water repellency decays with time, and the consequences are only of concern during the timescale at which the water repellency persists. This study aimed to characterize the influence of temperature and humidity on the breakdown of water repellency. Apparent contact angle measurements were carried out on samples consisting of sand treated with stearic acid as well as naturally repellent dune sands and composts. Temperature and humidity were controlled using a cooled incubator and a purpose designed enclosed box in which humidity could be raised or lowered. Results showed the contact angle of the stearic‐acid‐treated sands decayed with time and that there was a significant increase with stearic acid concentration. For all samples, the decay in apparent contact angle could be described with a continuous breakdown model. The stearic‐acid‐treated sands showed a significant increase in contact angle with relative humidity at a temperature of 10 and 20 °C. These differences diminished with increasing temperature. Similar results were seen for the dune sands and composts. Despite the influence of temperature and humidity on contact angles, there was no significant change in the rate at which the contact angle decayed in any sample. Absolute humidity was found to provide a more relevant indicator than relative humidity when assessing the influence of humidity on repellency over a range of temperatures. The contact angle initially increased with absolute humidity before plateauing owing to the confounding effect of temperature. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
 Most natural feldspars contain many charged impurities, and display a range of bond angles, distributed about the ideal. These effects can lead to complications in the structure of the conduction band, giving rise to a tail of energy states (below the high-mobility conduction band) through which electrons can travel, but with reduced mobility: transport through these states is expected to be thermally activated. The purpose of this article is twofold. Firstly, we consider what kind of lattice perturbations could give rise to both localized and extended conduction band-tail states. Secondly, we consider what influence the band tails have on the luminescence properties of feldspar, where electrons travel through the sample prior to recombination. The work highlights the dominant role that 0.04–0.05-eV phonons play in both the luminescence excitation and emission processes of these materials. It also has relevance in the dating of feldspar sediments at elevated temperatures. Received: 11 May 2001 / Accepted: 6 September 2001  相似文献   
GasBench-IRMS在碳酸盐岩δ^13C和δ^18O在线连续分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用GasBench-IRMS气体质谱分析技术,实现了碳酸盐岩中碳氧同位素的在线连续分析。优化了色谱柱温、离子源参数等工作条件,排除了空气中N2O的干扰。结果表明,色谱柱柱温为40℃、65℃时,方法线性范围较宽,结果准确可靠。方法用于碳酸盐岩国家一级标准物质中δ^13C和δ^18O的测定,结果与标准值一致。  相似文献   
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