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Division of sedimentary strata according to groundwater chemistry is discussed with implications for petroleum reservoir potential. It is suggested to process multiparametric water chemistry data from West Siberia using formalized clustering techniques. The efficiency of this approach has been tested for Neocomian clinoform reservoirs with reference to regional-scale appraisal and subregional petroleum division.  相似文献   
应用农田水量平衡模型估算土壤水渗漏量   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
建立了一个农田水量平衡模型。并据于模型假设的条件,模拟计算了在冬小麦-夏玉米及冬小麦-裸地条件下历年1m土层土壤水渗漏量。结果表明,土壤水渗漏量与季节内降水量呈正相关,但在不同作物种植制度下有不同的相关关系式。不同水文频率年型下的渗漏量具有明显的差异,湿润年型下比干旱年型下的渗漏量多70~140mm,冬小麦-裸地比冬小麦~夏玉米种植条件下的渗漏量多30~50mm。  相似文献   
南水北调中线工程不同调水规模对汉江中下游影响分析   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
沈大军 《地理学报》1998,53(4):341-348
南水北调中线工程是解决我国北方地区水资源紧缺的重大战略措施。但调水将给汉江中下游的水文情势及用水带来一定的影响。文章分析了丹江口水库不同调水方案对汉江中下游水位、流量及灌溉和航运的影响,并提出补偿工程措施。调水60×108m3对汉江中下游的影响较小,可基本不予补偿;调水150×108m3的影响稍重,但对航运和灌溉用水的影响不大,适当补偿可以解决;调水230×108m3对汉江中下游水位流量及用水的影响十分严重,必须全部渠化并修建江汉运河。  相似文献   
The Peruvian anchovy or anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) forages on plankton and is a main prey for marine mammals, seabirds, fish, and fishers, and is therefore a key element of the food web in the Humboldt Current system (HCS). Here, we present results from the analysis of 21,203 anchoveta stomach contents sampled during 23 acoustic surveys over the period 1996–2003. Prey items were identified to the genus level, and the relative dietary importance of different prey was assessed by determination of their carbon content. Variability in stomach fullness was examined relative to the diel cycle, the distance from the coast, sea surface temperature, and latitude, using generalized additive models (GAMs). Whereas phytoplankton largely dominated anchoveta diets in terms of numerical abundance and comprised >99% of ingested prey items, the carbon content of prey items indicated that zooplankton was by far the most important dietary component, with euphausiids contributing 67.5% of dietary carbon followed by copepods (26.3%). Stomach fullness data showed that anchoveta feed mainly during daytime between 07h00 and 18h00, although night-time feeding also made a substantial contribution to total food consumption. Stomach fullness also varied with latitude, distance from the coast, and temperature, but with substantial variability indicating a high degree of plasticity in anchoveta feeding behaviour. The results suggest an ecological role for anchoveta that challenges current understanding of its position in the foodweb, the functioning of the HCS, and trophic models of the HCS.  相似文献   
鱼田堡煤矿水文地质特征及深部突水模式分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
通过对鱼田堡煤矿各生产水平、开采区域、开采煤层涌水观测资料,以及水质化验、连通试验等资料的分析与研究,查明了该矿深部煤层开采的突水水源及突水通道——浅部与采空区融为一体的“地下水库”及深部K3(4#煤层)开采时在煤层顶板以上发育的采动离层裂隙带,为防治矿井深部突水提供了较为切合实际的水文地质依据。  相似文献   
我国在井-含水层系统对地震波同震响应方面的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
总结了井-含水层系统对地震波同震响应的研究历史和现状,对我国最近几年发表的关于此类研究的文献进行了分类总结,得到了目前国内关于井-含水层系统对地震波同震响应研究的六个方向的研究进展,在文章的最后列举了目前井-含水层系统对地震波同震响应方面的研究成果以及今后的研究方向。  相似文献   
During the 1995 Hyogoken Nambu earthquake in Kobe, the ground motion at the filled man-made islands in the Kobe harbor was not as severe as that at the mainland. The building damage was also less compared to that on the mainland. It was found by comparative study of earthquake records that the magnitude of acceleration response on the ground surface decreases at the islands as opposed to the mainland. One dimensional effective stress analysis is adopted in this study. Input data has been generated from test results, e.g. the SPT N-value by standard penetration test and shear wave velocity Vs by PS logging. Results obtained by the analyses showed good agreement with the observed records, which is an indication of the suitability of the adopted analysis procedure. From this study, the followings are concluded. By the increase of SPT N-value of the filled layers, liquefaction near ground surface is restrained and damage modes such as ejection of water and soil can be prevented. Since the ground profile at the islands is that considerably soft filled layer and marine clay layers, etc. are present and the thickness of the surface layer is large, the initial natural period of the ground is above 1 s and the natural period is elongated further under the earthquake excitation, which is deemed to be the principal reason for the reduction of the earthquake motion at the ground surface.  相似文献   
以古交镇城底煤矿生活污水处理厂二级出水为研究对象,采用F/BF净化工艺,进行了污水深度处理的生产性试验。研究表明,该工艺对二级处理后的生活污水具有稳定、高效的净化能力,出水水质基本达到地面水Ⅳ类标准,可用于工业冷却水和低压水暖锅炉补充水,具有显著的经济效益和环境效益。试验还对不同滤料进行了分析,认为作为工业废料的炉渣是一种廉价、高效的新型生物膜过滤材料。  相似文献   
钙钠离子对蒙脱石吸水特性的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文测定蒙脱石胶体和膨润土吸水率及吸水比,研究钙钠离子对其吸水特性的影响。研究结果表明,钙质蒙脱石、膨润土在吸水24h内的吸水率和吸水速度均高于钠质的;而24h后则前者低于后者。钙质蒙脱石和膨润上的吸水比>50%,而钠质的<50%。  相似文献   
深基坑边坡滑塌锚拉钢管桩补救技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对某大厦深基坑边坡失稳事故原因的分析,介绍了粉喷桩,锚拉钢管桩补救设计施工技术及效果。  相似文献   
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