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We use GPS displacements collected in the 15 months after the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake  ( M w 7.6)  to evaluate whether post-seismic deformation is better explained by afterslip or viscoelastic relaxation of the lower crust and upper mantle. We find that all viscoelastic models tested fail to fit the general features in the post-seismic GPS displacements, in contrast to the satisfactory fit obtained with afterslip models. We conclude that afterslip is the dominant mechanism in the 15-month period, and invert for the space–time distribution of afterslip, using the Extended Network Inversion Filter. Our results show high slip rates surrounding the region of greatest coseismic slip. The slip-rate distribution remains roughly stationary over the 15-month period. In contrast to the limited coseismic slip on the décollement, afterslip is prominent there. Maximum afterslip of 0.57 m occurs downdip and to the east of the hypocentral region. Afterslip at hypocentral depths is limited to the southern part of the main shock rupture, with little or no slip on the northern section where coseismic slip was greatest. Whether this results from along strike variations in frictional properties or dynamic conditions that locally favour stable sliding is not clear. In general, afterslip surrounds the area of greatest coseismic slip, consistent with post-seismic slip driven by the main shock stress change. The total accumulated geodetic afterslip moment is  3.8 × 1019 N m  , significantly more than the seismic moment released by aftershocks,  6.6 × 1018 N m  . Afterslip and aftershocks appear to have different temporal evolutions and some spatial correlations, suggesting that aftershock rates may not be completely controlled by the rate of afterslip.  相似文献   
On the basis of the three-dimensional elastic inclusion model, the analytic expression of viscoelastic strain field is derived, i.e., the analytic expression of viscoelastic strain at an arbitrary point (x, y, z) in x-axis, y-axis and z-axis produced by three-dimension inclusion in the semi-infinite rheologic medium defined by the standard linear rheologic model, namely the normal strains εxx(r, t), εyy(r, t) and εzz(r, t), the shear strains εxy(r, t) and εyx(r, t), εyz(r, t)and εzy(r, t), εxz(r, t) and εzx(r, t), and the bulk-strain θ (r, t). By computing the spatial-temporal variation of bulk strain on the ground produced by a spherical rheologic inclusion in a semi-infinite rheologic medium, we obtained some significant results that the bulk-strain variation with time produced by a hard inclusion has three stages (α, β,γ) with different characteristics, which are similar to those of most geodetic deformation curves, but not the case for those by a soft inclusion. It is meaningful that these theoretical results have been applied to explain preliminarily the characteristics of stage variation of spatial-temporal evolution, the pattern and quadrant distribution of earthquake precursors, the changeability, spontaneity and complexity of short-term and imminent-term precursors. It offers a theoretical base to found the physical model of earthquake precursors and a reference to predict physically the earthquakes.  相似文献   
南宁膨胀土非线性流变模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李珍玉  肖宏彬  金文婷  易文 《岩土力学》2012,33(8):2297-2302
对南宁非饱和膨胀土进行一系列的加载-卸载固结蠕变试验,得到了不同含水率的膨胀土在不同应力水平下应变-时间曲线和不同时刻的应力-应变等时曲线簇。通过对膨胀土各阶段蠕变变形的分析,得到了膨胀土的固结蠕变是包含有黏弹性变形和黏塑性变形成分的非线性蠕变。采用模型流变与经验流变理论相结合的方法,将膨胀土的蠕变变形分成线性和非线性两部分进行分析,蠕变柔量和线性黏弹性模量随时间减小,而线性黏塑性模量随时间增大。结合膨胀土的线性黏塑性模型和非线性黏塑性经验模型,建立能够描述膨胀土非线性流变的黏塑性本构方程。根据试验所得数据,通过非线性拟合方法得到各模型参数,用该模型进行数值分析得到的理论与蠕变试验结果对比非常吻合。研究成果为实际工程提供了流变变形计算分析的可靠依据。  相似文献   
黏弹性人工边界以其概念清晰,稳定性高,精度良好的优点,在地下结构抗震的研究中已经得到了较为广泛的应用。在使用黏弹性边界进行地震动的输入时,需要把地震波转化为模型网格节点上的等效节点力,这个过程就要涉及到波场分解的问题。波场分解的方式可以不同,但不同的波场分解方式会得出精度不同的计算结果,而学界目前尚未就此达成一致。本文在前人研究的基础上,总结了3种地震波斜入射的波场分解方法,编制了相应的Python脚本来实现黏弹性边界和等效节点力的批量施加,并且以不同角度的地震波斜入射为例在同一有限元模型中计算以进行比较研究。结果表明计算精度与波场分解的方式密切相关:在模型边界上考虑的自由场波动叠加越完整,计算结果越精确。  相似文献   
祝彦知  李冬霞  方志 《岩土力学》2005,26(10):1557-1564
采用针对横观各向同性饱和土体u-w形式三维粘弹性动力方程,考虑土骨架的粘弹性性质且基于粘弹性理论,通过运用Fourier 展开、Laplace 和Hankel 积分变换方法和引入中间变量,将含有粘弹性参数的六元二阶偏微分运动控制方程组,化为2组各含4个未知变量的常微分方程组,从而给出了柱坐标系下粘弹性横观各向同性饱和土体在非轴对称动力荷载作用下的瞬态反应的土骨架位移分量、孔隙流体相对于土骨架的位移分量瞬态反应一般解。在此基础上,引入初始条件和边界条件,对垂直向和水平向动力荷载作用下半空间边值问题进行了求解。根据动力时域解答的一般解,利用Laplace和Hankel 数值逆变换技术,编制了相应的数值计算程序。并进行了实例验证和弹性、粘弹性解的对比分析。结果表明,在进行横观各向同性饱和土体动力分析时,考虑土骨架的粘弹性是必要的。  相似文献   
基于土的动应力-应变关系--Davidenkov骨架曲线,采用破坏剪应变幅上限值作为分界点,对Davidenkov骨架曲线进行了修正,即当剪应力值大于破坏剪应力值时,土体产生破坏,土体的动剪切模量采用破坏后的动剪切模量;参考Mashing法则,构造了修正后的Davidenkov骨架曲线土体加卸载对应的应力-应变滞回圈曲线。基于ABAQUS软件的操作平台,开发了土体动弹塑性本构模型的子程序。选择南京某个典型软弱场地为研究对象,首先输入余弦加速度时程曲线,然后选取一条强震加速度记录作为基岩输入地震动,对不同峰值加速度水平下该场地的地震反应进行了二维有限元非线性分析,计算结果验证了所建模型的准确性和可用性。  相似文献   
岩体中应力波幅值随时空衰减的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王观石  李长洪  胡世丽  冯春  李世海 《岩土力学》2010,31(11):3487-3492
把岩石抽象为Kelvin-Voigt黏弹性体,应用复数理论建立了应力波在岩石中传播时的振动频率和波动频率的关系,在此基础上,研究了岩石和含有一组平行结构面的岩体中应力波幅值随时间和随空间衰减的关系。研究表明,应力波在岩石的传播过程中,频率是影响应力波幅值衰减的的主要因素;应力波在含有1组平行结构面岩体的传播过程中,由于结构面的存在,影响了应力波能量的传播,其幅值随时空衰减系数主要由结构面间距及其反射系数决定,结构面间距减小和反射系数增加,幅值随传播距离的衰减系数增加和随时间的衰减系数减小,而结构面的黏性系数增加,幅值随传播距离的衰减系数增加,但随时间的衰减系数变化很小。上述结论对岩体结构探测具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
基于凹陷地形对SV波的散射进行了分析,通过与解析解的对比,对所采用的数值算法进行了检验,然后利用钟形脉冲作为SH波输入,获得了浅圆山谷地形的地表响应,进而获得了不同观测点对自由场地点的谱比,并利用谱比研究了浅圆弧形山谷地形特征尺寸(深宽比)、波的入射角度以及介质阻尼效应等几个因素对地震动特性的影响.结果显示,浅圆弧形山谷地形的特征尺寸和地震波入射角度对地震动谱特性影响较大,影响程度与入射地震波频率有关.其中,入射角度的影响更显著.  相似文献   
Viscoelastic (VE) dampers are sensitive to temperature, excitation frequency, and strain level. As they dissipate the kinetic energy from earthquake or wind-induced structural vibrations, their temperature increases from the heat generated, consequently softening their VE materials and lowering their dynamic mechanical properties. Temperature increase can be significant for long-duration loading, but can be limited by heat conduction and convection which depend on damper configuration. The writers analytically explored such effect on the six different dampers by using their previously proposed three-dimensional finite-element analysis method. Results provided better understanding of how heat is generated within the VE material, conducted and stored in different damper parts, and dispersed to the surrounding air. These results also led to characterization of both local (e.g., temperatures, properties, and strain energy density) and global (e.g., hysteresis loops, and stiffness) behavior of VE dampers, and provided a framework for a new simplified one-dimensional (1D) modeling approach for time-history analysis. This new proposed 1D method greatly improves the computation time of the previously proposed long-duration method coupling fractional time-derivatives VE constitutive rule with 1D heat transfer analysis. Unlike the previous method, it idealizes uniform shear strain and VE material property distributions for computational efficiency, but still simulating non-uniform temperature distribution along the thickness direction of the VE material. Despite the approximations, it accurately predicts VE damper global responses.  相似文献   
Significant postseismic deformation of the 2008 M W 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake has been observed from GPS data of the first 14 days after the earthquake. The possible mechanisms for the rapid postseismic deformation are assumed to be afterslip on the earthquake rupture plane and viscoelastic relaxation of coseismiclly stress change in the lower crust or upper mantle. We firstly use the constrained least squares method to find an afterslip model which can fit the GPS data best. The afterslip model can explain n...  相似文献   
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