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南水北调中线工程不同调水规模对汉江中下游影响分析 总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16
南水北调中线工程是解决我国北方地区水资源紧缺的重大战略措施。但调水将给汉江中下游的水文情势及用水带来一定的影响。文章分析了丹江口水库不同调水方案对汉江中下游水位、流量及灌溉和航运的影响,并提出补偿工程措施。调水60×108m3对汉江中下游的影响较小,可基本不予补偿;调水150×108m3的影响稍重,但对航运和灌溉用水的影响不大,适当补偿可以解决;调水230×108m3对汉江中下游水位流量及用水的影响十分严重,必须全部渠化并修建江汉运河。 相似文献
本文介绍了一种面向数字测图系统的摄影测量数据库,着重讨论了该数据库的基本框架及数据结构。尤其是对数据块动态串作了深入的探讨。实践表明,这种数据库的设计方案是可行的。 相似文献
We applied an image correlation method to Japanese Earth Resources Satellite-1 (JERS-1) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data obtained from 1996 to 1998 to examine flow velocity within Shirase Glacier, Antarctica. From the grounding line to the downstream region of the glacier, the obtained ice-flow velocity was systematically higher on the western streamline than the eastern. The differences between the two streamlines were 0.31 km/a in 1996 and 0.37 km/a in 1998, significantly larger than the error estimate of 0.03 km/a. The direction of ice flow was about 312° at the grounding line and changed to 327° at 10 km, 346° at 20 km and 2° at 30 km downstream from the grounding line. The total accumulated deflection is 50° to the east. Under the assumption of the conservation of ice mass across the glacier, the observed eastward change in flow direction can be explained by an asymmetric deepening of bedrock topography, that is, across the 8 km width of the glacier, the eastern side is 50 m (10%) deeper than the western side. This eastward turning of flow direction appears to be accelerated by tributary inlets, that flow to the north and northeast at 60–75% of the velocity of inlets on the western streamline. 相似文献
论文在提出海洋和“新海洋”广度、深度空间概念的基础上,进一步诠释了作为新的海洋权益的控制权,及其在未来政治、经济、外交、军事等领域的重要作用。由于海洋蕴藏着巨大的可再生能源,论文从能源开发利用的视角分析了开发利用海洋深度空间的重要战略意义,并对解决我国海洋争端,开发海洋新能源及综合践行海洋深度空间权战略提出了应对策略。 相似文献
An integrated wavelet concept of physical geodesy 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
For the determination of the earth's gravity field many types of observations are nowadays available, including terrestrial
gravimetry, airborne gravimetry, satellite-to-satellite tracking, satellite gradio-metry, etc. The mathematical connection
between these observables on the one hand and gravity field and shape of the earth on the other is called the integrated concept
of physical geodesy. In this paper harmonic wavelets are introduced by which the gravitational part of the gravity field can
be approximated progressively better and better, reflecting an increasing flow of observations. An integrated concept of physical
geodesy in terms of harmonic wavelets is presented. Essential tools for approximation are integration formulas relating an
integral over an internal sphere to suitable linear combinations of observation functionals, i.e. linear functionals representing
the geodetic observables. A scale discrete version of multiresolution is described for approximating the gravitational potential
outside and on the earth's surface. Furthermore, an exact fully discrete wavelet approximation is developed for the case of
band-limited wavelets. A method for combined global outer harmonic and local harmonic wavelet modelling is proposed corresponding
to realistic earth's models. As examples, the role of wavelets is discussed for the classical Stokes problem, the oblique
derivative problem, satellite-to-satellite tracking, satellite gravity gradiometry and combined satellite-to-satellite tracking
and gradiometry.
Received: 28 February 1997 / Accepted: 17 November 1997 相似文献
Prakash C. Sinha Indu Jain Neetu Bhardwaj Ambarukhana D. Rao Shishir K. Dube 《Natural Hazards》2008,45(3):413-427
The Orissa coast of India is one of the most vulnerable regions of extreme sea levels associated with severe tropical cyclones.
There was extensive loss of life and property due to the October 1999 super cyclone, which devastated large part of the Orissa
coast. The shallow nature of the head bay, presence of a large number of deltas formed by major rivers of Orissa such as Mahanadi
and Dhamra, and high tidal range are responsible for storm surge flooding in the region. Specifically, rising and falling
tidal phases influence the height, duration, and arrival time of peak surge along the coast. The objective of the present
study is to evaluate the tide-surge interaction during the 1999 Orissa cyclone by using nonlinear vertically integrated numerical
models. The pure tidal solution for the head bay region of the Bay of Bengal provides the initial condition for the fine resolution
nested grid Orissa model. However, the feedback from the Orissa model does not affect the head bay model as the study provides
a one-way interaction. Numerical experiments are performed to study the tide-surge interaction by considering various relative
phases of the tidal waves with the surge-wave produced by 1999 Orissa cyclone. The comparison, although utilizing only the
limited estimates of tidal data, appears adequate to assert that the principal features are reproduced correctly. 相似文献
C_(60)研究现状及前景 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
碳除了具有传统观念上的石墨和金刚石两种同素异形体外,近年来人们又发现了第三种同素异形体———C60。C60以其独特的类似足球状的结构及性能,吸引了各国的科学家,对C60的研究在全世界范围内如火如荼地开展起来。笔者在总结C60的合成技术、分子结构与性能的基础上,探索了C60作为一种新型材料所具有的应用潜力;回顾了从C60发现至今十多年的研究历程,并首次将C60的研究过程分成三个阶段,即起步阶段(1985年~1990年)、起飞阶段(1991年~1993年)和成熟阶段(1994年以后);预测了C60及其化合物的应用性研究将成为今后研究的重点和热点。最后,对当前C60研究中存在的问题和难点进行了讨论。 相似文献
In this paper, the results of a survey conducted in the Cukurova region of Turkey are presented. The aim of this research is to identify groups of farmers who differ in their risk sources and risk management strategies. The respondents to the survey were divided into three risk attitude groups, risk averse, risk seeking and risk neutral. Factor analysis has been conducted on information obtained from 112 farmers in 2000. From the findings of the research, risk sources were labelled as environmental, price, catastrophe, input costs, production and technological, political, finance, personal, marketing, health and social security. The dimensions of risk strategies were named as diversification, off-farm income, marketing, planning, financing and security. 相似文献