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冲淤变动型沟谷泥石流防治结构及计算   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文以平川沟泥石流为例 ,基于对冲淤变动型沟谷泥石流基本特性的分析 ,遵循“以泄为主、导排结合”的防治原则 ,提出了有效治理此类泥石流的汇流 #速流结构 ;运用地基梁计算理论对速流槽进行了力学分析计算 ,比较详细地进行了汇流槽侧墙、锚固桩的内力计算。  相似文献   
流域地理景观的GIS数据三维可视化   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
应用以"GIS"为核心的空间信息技术,是开展"数字流域"工程建设自然和最佳的选择。结合"清江流域水文水情与洪水演进仿真系统"的具体研制,分析流域地理数据特点及传统GIS在"数字流域"建设中的优缺点,在应用传统GIS二维方式展示形式管理和预处理先期各类基础流域地理空间数据及其相应属性数据的基础上,为满足仿真系统系列三维可视化要求,建立面向流域空间实体对象的数据模型,定义流域地理空间对象数据结构,将流域地理常规的GIS数据以三维形式展示,在实际的系统开发过程中,取得较好的三维可视化效果,并可满足"数字清江"建设各阶段综合处理、分析、评价、决策以及可视化等方面的需求。  相似文献   
基于数据融合的SRTM数据空洞填补方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
总结国内外对SRTM数据空洞的填补方法,指出基于内插的填补方法无法满足大区域SRTM数据处理的需求。提出在内插的基础上进行数据融合的空洞填补方法,并以实例验证了该方法是一种获取完整地形数据的有效途径。  相似文献   
基于栅格数字高程模型自动提取黄土地貌沟沿线技术研究   总被引:36,自引:2,他引:34  
闾国年  钱亚东 《地理科学》1998,18(6):567-573
从数字高程模型中提取具有精确定位特征的连续的沟沿线是构建黄土沟壑丘陵地区土壤侵蚀,泥沙搬运和径流过程的空间分布式机理-过程模型的关键技术。本文提出了基于地貌形态学特征的地貌提取技术,在提取具有代表性的黄土丘陵沟壑区山西离石王家沟流域汇流网络的基础上,自动提取了该流域完整的沟沿线,得到了满意的结果。  相似文献   
真空预压法加固吹填土的孔隙水压力试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用真空预压法处理吹填土时,孔隙水压力变化常常反映土体固结程度的好坏。通过6个模型箱试验,监测不同排水系统下孔隙水压力变化,确定有效排水体间距。研究发现0.4m间距的土内孔压下降效果比0.8m间距的土内孔压下降效果好;排水体内的孔隙水压力与排水体类型有关,且距离排水体10 cm处土体内的孔隙水压力仅为排水体内孔隙水压力的1/2弱;滤膜排水系统中的吹填土孔隙水压力下降幅度最快,B型排水板系统次之,而砂井系统最慢。另外,对于吹填土而言,排水体有效间距介于0.4m与0.8m之间,其中滤膜的有效间距最大,B型排水板次之,砂井远小于前两者。  相似文献   
The Saumane‐Venasque compound palaeovalley succession accumulated in a strongly tide‐influenced embayment or estuary. Warm‐temperate normal marine to brackish conditions led to deposition of extensive cross‐bedded biofragmental calcarenites. Echinoids, bryozoans, coralline algae, barnacles and benthic foraminifera were produced in seagrass meadows, on rocky substrates colonized by macroalgae and within subaqueous dune fields. There are two sequences, S1 and S2, the first of which contains three high‐frequency sequences (S1a, S1b and S1c). Sequence 1 is largely confined to the palaeovalley with its upper part covering interfluves. Each of these has a similar upward succession of deposits that includes: (i) a basal erosional surface that is bored and glauconitized; (ii) a discontinuous lagoonal lime mudstone or wackestone; (iii) a thin conglomerate generated by tidal ravinement; (iv) a transgressive systems tract series of cross‐bedded calcarenites; (v) a maximum flooding interval of argillaceous, muddy quartzose, open‐marine limestones; and (vi) a thin highstand systems tract of fine‐grained calcarenite. Tidal currents during stages S1a, S1b and S1c were accentuated by the constricted valley topography, whereas basin‐scale factors enhanced tidal currents during the deposition of S2. The upper part of the succession in all but S1c has been removed by later erosion. There is an overall upward temporal change with quartz, barnacles, encrusting corallines and epifaunal echinoids decreasing but bryozoans, articulated corallines and infaunal echinoids increasing. This trend is interpreted to be the result of changing oceanographic conditions as the valley was filled, bathymetric relief was reduced, rocky substrates were replaced as carbonate factories by seagrass meadows and subaqueous dunes, and the setting became progressively less confined and more open marine. These limestones are characteristic of a suite of similar cool‐water calcareous sand bodies in environments with little siliciclastic or fresh water input during times of high‐amplitude sea‐level change wherein complex inboard antecedent topography was flooded by a rising ocean.  相似文献   
The Jilongshan skarn Cu–Au deposit is located at the Jiurui ore cluster region in the southwestern part of the Middle–Lower Yangtze River valley metallogenic belt. The region is characterized by NW‐, NNW‐ and EW‐trending faults and the mineralization occurs at the contact of lower Triassic carbonate rocks and Jurassic granodiorite porphyry intrusions. The intrusives are characterized by SiO2, K2O, and Na2O concentrations ranging from 61.66 to 67.8 wt.%, 3.29 to 5.65 wt.%, and 2.83 to 3.9 wt.%, respectively. Their A/CNK (A/CNK = n(Al2O3)/[n(CaO) + n(Na2O) + n(K2O)]) ratio, δEu, and δCe vary from 0.77 to 1.17, 0.86 to 1, and 0.88 to 0.96, respectively. The rocks show enrichment in light rare earth elements ((La/Yb)N = 7.61–12.94) and large ion lithophile elements (LILE), and depletion in high field strength elements (HFSE), such as Zr, Ti. They also display a peraluminous, high‐K calc‐alkaline signature typical of intrusives associated with skarn and porphyry Cu–Au–Mo polymetallic deposits. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS) zircon U–Pb age indicates that the granodiorite porphyry formed at 151.75 ± 0.70 Ma. A few inherited zircons with older ages (677 ± 10 Ma, 848 ± 11 Ma, 2645 ± 38 Ma, and 3411 ± 36 Ma) suggest the existence of an Archaean basement beneath the Middle–Lower Yangtze River region. The temperature of crystallization of the porphyry estimated from zircon thermometer ranges from 744.3 °C to 751.5 °C, and 634.04 °C to 823.8 °C. Molybdenite Re–Os dating shows that the Jilongshan deposit formed at 150.79 ± 0.82 Ma. The metallogeny and magmatism are correlated to mantle–crust interaction, associated with the subduction of the Pacific Plate from the east. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
张郁山 《地球物理学报》2010,53(9):2129-2143
利用波函数的Fourier-Bessel级数展开法,推导出了含任意多个圆弧状沉积层的谷地在Rayleigh波入射下二维稳态动力响应的解析解,分析了该级数形式解析解随截断项数的收敛问题,讨论了在获取该解析解的过程中,用于计算Rayleigh波自由场的有限Fourier级数的项数和用于模拟水平地表的大圆弧的半径对解的影响.研究结果表明,该解析解能够在一个非常宽的频带内收敛.最后,利用该解析解,在一个较宽的频带范围内,讨论了谷地中沉积介质的成层性,包括沉积层的层数、软弱夹层的存在及其厚度等因素对地面运动的影响.  相似文献   
云南三江一河典型地区河谷第四系发育特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
程捷  罗绍峰 《现代地质》1994,8(1):11-19
三江一河(金沙江、怒江、澜沧江、红河是流经云南境内的4条主体水系,将上述4条河流河谷第四系的野外观察加以总结得出;金沙江河谷局部发育早一中更新世的湖相层和河湖相层,常形成晚期阶地的基座,晚更新世至全新世冲积层构成四级阶地;怒江河谷第四系发育较差,在六库的上游河谷中冲积层极不发育,只有局部地方有少量的河漫滩砂砾层(全新世),在六库至过街河段中,尤其是过街盆地,发育有中更新世至全新世的冲积层和洪积层,前者构成五级阶地,后者形成巨大的洪积扇分布在河流右岸的谷底或苍坡上;澜沧江除景洪、勐罕(橄榄坝)盆地外,其它河段主要为峡谷,第四系很少,在景洪盆地中发育有第二、第一级阶地和河漫滩冲积层;红河的第四系有中更新世至全新世的冲积层,并构成五级阶地。基于上述第四系特点,简要地讨论了这4条河流的形成时代。  相似文献   
High-resolution seismic data (onshore and offshore), geophysical borehole data as well as detailed lithofacies from airlift boreholes were acquired in northern Netherlands on and around the island of Ameland. Marine and land seismic data combined with information from land boreholes have been explored with the objective of providing a sedimentary model. Qualitative seismic facies analysis of the valley fill commonly shows a thin unit with high amplitude reflectors at the base. Thick units of variable seismic facies (transparent to high amplitude) occur higher up in the sequence. Onlap is common at mid–upper levels within the sandy valley fill (with clay in mm layering), and a transparent seismic facies, corresponding to firm clays, is common at the top. Almost all lithological unit boundaries recognised within core parameters correspond with seismic unconformities within error margins. Subunits contain multiple cyclical trends in gamma ray and grain size. Cyclical trends show lower order fluctuations in gamma radiation on a scale of less than 1 m. Gamma-ray pattern variability between units, e.g. in general coarsening-up or fining-up units, suggests migration of subaqueous outwash fans or ice margin fluctuations. Seismic results could support a headward excavation and backfilling process suggested by Praeg [Morphology, stratigraphy and genesis of buried Elsterian tunnel valleys in the southern North Sea basin [PhD thesis]: University of Edinburgh, 207 pp.; Journal of Applied Geophysics, (this volume)] as being responsible for the formation of buried valleys. On a lithological scale, a more complicated, detailed and cyclical pattern arises. Catastrophic processes are considered unlikely as being responsible for the infill sequence because of the observed small-scale facies variability and because of the presence of diamicton layers. Diamicton layers at the base of basal unconformities as well as higher in sequence could suggest subglacial deformation by grounded ice before and during the valley-fill process.  相似文献   
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