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西部大开发中的农业结构调整思考 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2
西部地区的农业发展直接影响到我国国民经济是否能够持续快速健康的发展,这是由于我国是农业大国,农业人口大约占全国人口比例的80%,而实现西部地区持续健康发展的关键在于对传统农业产业结构的调整,提高农业增长的结构变动效益,树立大农业观念,延长农业产业链,在联产承包责任制的基础上通过经营权的集中规模种植,达到实现农业结构调整生态化和产业一体化目标。西部地区在大开发战略实施中,如何将自身的发展环境劣势转变为优势,提出了农业结构调整模式的构想。 相似文献
再论煤中大分子基本结构单元演化的拼叠作用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
芳构化作用和环缩合作用的传统煤化作用理论具有一定局限性,煤中基本结构单元拼叠作用是高煤级煤演化的特有机理。拼叠作用显著发生的起点位于镜质组最大反射率Ro,max为6.0%附近,大分子化学键的均裂提供了拼叠作用得以实现的微化学环境条件,其实质是一种“动力化学”过程,与氧接芳碳等有关的大量“均裂”是在短暂的煤化阶段中突然出现的,导致“拼叠作用”的显著发生具有“阶跃式”特征,是造成高煤级煤中期到后期阶段大分子基本结构单元急剧增大的根本原因和主要地球化学机理。 相似文献
合肥盆地形成机制与油气勘探前景 总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19
合肥盆地是与大别造山带同因同期形成的山前前陆盆地,在发育过程中盆地东部受郊庐断裂影响较大。盆地基底为华北板块的南缘,岩性主要由古生界组成,沉积盖层发育较全,厚达12000m。是一个中、新生代陆相沉积盆地。该盆地共划分4个一级构造单元,形成“三坳围一隆”的构造格局。主要大断裂4条,南倾、东西走向,横贯全盆,其性质为先逆后正的转换断层。该盆地形成∈-O、C-P、J1-2、K1-2、E五套烃源岩,中央隆起是油气的主要指向,是一个勘探潜力较大的含油气盆地。 相似文献
Severe hurricanes, such as Katrina, broke the mooring lines of a number of mobile offshore drilling units (MODU) deployed in the Gulf of Mexico and some of those MODUs went adrift. A drifting MODU may damage other critical elements of the offshore oil and gas infrastructure by colliding with floating or fixed production systems and transportation hubs, or by rupturing pipelines owing to their dragging anchors over the seabed. To avoid or mitigate the damage caused by a drifting MODU, it is desirable to understand the mechanics of the drift of a MODU under the impact of severe wind, wave and current and have the capability of predicting the trajectory of the drift. To explore the feasibility and accuracy of predicting the trajectory of a drifting MODU based on hindcast met-ocean conditions and limited knowledge of the condition of the drifting MODU, this study employed a simplified equation describing only the horizontal (surge, sway and yaw) motions of a MODU under the impact of steady wind, current and wave forces. The simplified hydrodynamic model neglects the first- and second-order oscillatory wave forces, unsteady wind forces (owing to wind gustiness), wave drift damping, and the effects of the body oscillation on the steady wind and current forces. It was assumed that the net effects of the oscillatory forces on the steady motion are insignificant. To verify the accuracy and feasibility of our simplified approach, the predicted drifting trajectories of two MODUs were compared with the corresponding measurements recorded by the global positioning system (GPS). 相似文献
以基于构造的测震学参数分析为思路,利用地震构造分区和地质构造单元的划分结果,检验了基于活动边界带的测震学参数方法的可行性;将活动地块内部(地质构造复杂且地震活动频繁)构造单元与测震学参数相结合,研究中强震前震源区所在的构造单元测震学参数的变化特征,提取具有中期预测意义的震兆标志,为中强震的预测提供理论依据。结果显示:中强地震前,郯庐断裂带(鲁东-黄海地块西边界带)及扬子地块(鲁东-黄海地块内部构造单元)D、C值异常过程明显,且各有特点,证明了基于活动地块内部构造单元的测震学参数方法具有良好的可行性。 相似文献
GB/T19000—ISO9000系列标准等同采用了国际通行的质量管理标准。贯彻该标准不仅能提高地勘单位质量管理水平、产品质量,也为地勘单位开展质量体系认证、产品质量认证提供技术依据,增强地勘单位参与国内、外市场竞争的能力。目前在贯标工作中制约因素主要有:地质成果形成特点及地质成果质量管理的特殊性、地质工作投入的减少及现有地质技术人员素质等。然而,贯标是我国经济体制改革深入的要求,是地勘队伍走出低谷、求生存和发展的基本手段。贯标和建立新的经济运行机制之间存在有相互依存、相互促进的关系。 相似文献
Cléa Araújo da Silva Pedro Walfir M. Souza-FilhoSuzan W.P. Rodrigues 《Continental Shelf Research》2009
The northern Brazilian coast, east of the Amazon River is characterized by several macrotidal estuarine systems that harbor large mangrove areas with approximately 7600 km2. The Marapanim Estuary is influenced by macrotidal regime with moderate waves influence. Morphologic units were investigated by using remote sensing images (i.e., Landsat-7 ETM+, RADARSAT- 1 Wide and SRTM) integrated with bathymetric data. The modern sedimentary deposits were analyzed from 67 cores collected by Vibracore and Rammkersonde systems. Analysis of morphology and surface sedimentary deposits of the Marapanim River reveal they are strongly influenced by the interaction of tidal, wave and fluvial currents. Based on these processes it was possible to recognize three distinct longitudinal facies zonation that revels the geological filling of a macrotidal estuary. The estuary mouth contain fine to medium marine sands strongly influenced by waves and tides, responsible for macrotidal sandy beaches and estuarine channel development, which are characterized by wave-ripple bedding and longitudinal cross-bedding sands. The estuary funnel is mainly influenced by tides that form wide tidal mudflats, colonized by mangroves, along the estuarine margin, with parallel laminations, lenticular bedding, root fragments and organic matter lenses. The upstream estuary contains coarse sand to gravel of fluvial origin. Massive mud with organic matter lenses, marks and roots fragments occur in the floodplain accumulates during seasonal flooding providing a slowly aggrading in the alluvial plain. This morphologic and depositional pattern show easily a tripartite zonation of a macrotidal estuary, that are in the final stage of filling. 相似文献
Multivariate statistical analyses of geomorphic variables from 23 forest stream reaches in southeast Alaska result in successful discrimination between pristine streams and those disturbed by land management, specifically timber harvesting and associated road building. Results of discriminant function analysis indicate that a three-variable model discriminates 10 disturbed from 13 undisturbed reaches with 90 per cent and 92 per cent correct classification respectively. These variables are the total number of pools per reach, the ratio of mean residual pool depth to mean bankfull depth, and the ratio of critical shear stress of the median surface grain size to bankfull shear stress. The last variable can be dropped without a decrease in rate of correct classification; however, the resulting two-variable model may be less robust. Analysis of the distribution of channel units, including pool types, can also be used to discriminate disturbed from undisturbed reaches and is particularly useful for assessment of aquatic habitat condition. However, channel unit classification and inventory can be subject to considerable error and observer bias. Abundance of pool-related large woody debris is highly correlated with pool frequency and is an important factor determining channel morphology. Results of this study yield a much needed, objective, geomorphic discrimination of pristine and disturbed channel conditions, providing a reference standard for channel assessment and restoration efforts. 相似文献
To assess differences between object and pixel-based reservoir modeling techniques, ten realizations of a UK Continental Shelf braided fluvial reservoir were produced using Boolean Simulation (BS) and Sequential Indicator Simulation (SIS). Various sensitivities associated with geological input data as well as with technique-specific modeling parameters were analyzed for both techniques. The resulting realizations from the object-based and pixel-based modeling efforts were assessed by visual inspection and by evaluation of the values and ranges of the single-phase effective permeability tensors, obtained through upscaling. The BS method performed well for the modeling of two types of fluvial channels, yielding well-confined channels, but failed to represent the complex interaction of these with sheetflood and other deposits present in the reservoir. SIS gave less confined channels and had great difficulty in representing the large-scale geometries of one type of channel while maintaining its appropriate proportions. Adding an SIS background to the Boolean channels, as opposed to a Boolean background, resulted in an improved distribution of sheetflood bodies. The permeability results indicated that the SIS method yielded models with much higher horizontal permeability values (20–100%) and lower horizontal anisotropy than the BS versions. By widening the channel distribution and increasing the range of azimuths, however, the BS-produced models gave results approaching the SIS behavior. For this reservoir, we chose to combine the two methods by using object-based channels and a pixel-based heterogeneous background, resulting in moderate permeability and anisotropy levels. 相似文献