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A near-distance, nonlinear coupling relationship objectively exists between urbanization and the eco-environment. The issue of how to coordinate the relationship between them has become a global strategic and scientific issue. This study reveals the nature, relationship and intensity of coupling between urbanization and the eco-environment from a theoretical perspective. Based on the strength of coupling, relationships can be characterized as having very-low, low, medium, high, very-high or full coupling intensity, which correspond to the categories of random coupling, indirect coupling, loose coupling, cooperative coupling, close coupling, and controlled coupling. Together, these make up an urbanization and eco-environment "coupling tower." This study also develops an urbanization and eco-environment coupling circle theory and generates 45 coupling graphs(including linear, exponential-curve, logarithmic-curve, double exponential-curve and S-curve graphs) per 10° of rotation of the coupling circle, with different graphs corresponding to different urban development stages and development models. Of the various coupling graphs, the S-curve graph is considered the optimum, as it reflects the best interactivity scenario between urbanization and the eco-environment. Using an S-curve coupling graph, and with the help of an SD model and based on the complex one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships between the variables, this study develops the Urbanization and Eco-environment Coupler(UEC). The UEC is composed of 11 regulating elements and 201 variables. If one variable changes, it changes the whole, affecting the structure, function and regulation of the entire coupler. The UEC includes three spatio-temporal scales: static regulation between multiple urbanization areas and eco-environment areas at the same time, dynamic regulation between the same urbanization area and eco-environment area at different times, and dynamic regulation between multiple urbanization areas and eco-environment areas at different times. Regulation gradually promotes evolution from low-level coupling to high-level coupling between urbanization and the eco-environment.  相似文献   
“双循环”发展背景下,城市创新能力成为影响经济高质量发展的关键因素。选取2010年、2014年和2018年作为时间节点,运用改进TOPSIS和耦合协调模型对安徽省城市创新能力及其子系统间耦合协调的时空演化规律进行实证评价与分析。研究表明(:1)安徽省内城市综合创新能力差异逐渐扩大,呈现“东高西低”的空间分布特征。(2)安徽省城市创新投入能力整体逐渐上升,呈现“南高北低”的空间分布特征;创新产出能力差距逐渐缩小,空间分布差异不显著;城市环境支持能力差距逐渐拉大,呈现“北高南低”的空间分布特征。(3)安徽省城市“创新投入-创新产出-环境支持”能力的耦合协调度整体水平较低,在空间上表现出显著的“中心-外围”分布特征,以中度失调和轻度失调两种类型为主。(4)安徽省城市创新能力耦合协调性无法进一步提升的原因主要受2个或3个复合限制因素的影响,其中城市创新投入、创新产出和环境支持能力同时滞后的城市数量最多。  相似文献   
刘志高  王涛 《地理学报》2020,75(6):1185-1198
“一带一路”倡议提出后,境外合作园区已成为中国企业走出去的重要平台和促进中国与沿线国家经贸合作的重要载体,在“一带一路”建设中发挥着重要作用。其中,政府间合作境外园区因合作规格高、投资规模大、建设进展快、成效初现,并肩负着“一带一路”建设示范功能,所以备受国际社会和学术界关注。但目前有关中国境外合作园区的研究多为政策导向型,未将政府间合作园区与企业投资所建立的境外园区区分开。为此,本文以中国—白俄罗斯(简称中白)为例,讨论“一带一路”背景下政府间合作园区建设过程中的多尺度耦合机制。中白工业园是中白两国元首共同发起、亲自推动的“一带一路”旗舰项目,已成为白俄罗斯首都明斯克新的经济增长极。研究表明,境外合作园区的发起、建设和运营是两国政府、园区开发公司和园区企业在全球经济活动中不停协调各自利益,追求共同目标的过程,涉及多尺度(全球、国家间、园区、企业)和多主体(政府、企业)。具体而言,中白两国出于各自战略目标考虑发起合作园区项目,并建立起政府间合作框架和机制。政府间合作框架和机制为协调两国战略利益,动员两国政治和经济资源推动园区发展提供了制度基础,但它并不完全能保证园区的成功。合理的园区开发公司股权结构及其强大的全球网络动员能力是园区成功建设的关键。因此,只有在处理好两国战略利益的同时,开发公司和入园企业能获取经济收益,才能确保政府间合作园区的长久发展。本文拓展性地将多尺度耦合理论用于分析政府主导的跨国大型园区项目合作,有助于丰富人文地理学里的耦合研究,并可为推动中国境外政府间合作园区高质量发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   
文章提出了青藏高原东缘南北向河流系统的概念,该系统包括岷江、青衣江、大渡河、鲜水河、雅砻江等总体呈现南北走向的河段,指出南北向河流系统的形成演化具有构造和气候双重意义。晚更新世以来,南北向河流系统发生多次堵江事件,形成数套堰塞湖沉积。选取岷江上游、青衣江上游、大渡河上游3个古堰塞湖进行沉积、构造及年代学研究。结果表明,岷江上游叠溪一带于71ka左右发生了大面积堵江事件,形成了上游长约30km的堰塞湖,堰塞坝位于叠溪以南的下游河谷,沿江分布约10km;  该堰塞湖持续了60ka,于11ka左右彻底溃坝。青衣江上游五龙乡古堰塞湖85ka前形成,35ka前溃坝,规模不详。大渡河上游开绕村古堰塞湖长于5km,堵江时间不明,20~17ka间溃坝,堰塞坝位于色玉村一带。依据这些古堰塞湖的沉积,构造,关键层位光释光测年数据,结合前人研究成果,划分出青藏高原东缘晚更新世中、晚期存在85~70ka,43~30ka和20~10ka的3个构造活跃期,可对应于青藏高原古里雅冰芯δ18O 曲线体现出的C1,C3和C4的3次气候冷暖转变期。指出大规模堵江事件是快速的能量物质转化过程,地震释放强大内能,气候因素使得物质得以积累,深切河谷是堵江的有利场所。构造-气候耦合促使大型洪积扇发育、大规模堵江事件发生,进而改变河流动力、塑造河谷地貌。  相似文献   
Diagnostic studies have been done of the seasonal and interdecadal variations of the coupling patterns for the air-sea interactions in the northern pacific region.by using 500-hpa geotential hight field of the Northern Hemisphere and monthly mean SST field of northern Pacific Ocean(1951~1995) and with the aid of the Singular Value Decomposition(SVD) technique.The results show that:(1) The distribution patterns of SVD,which link with the E1 Nino(or La Nina) events,are important in the interaction between the atmosphere and ocean while the atmosphere,coupling with it ,varies like the PNA teleconnection does.The coupling of airsea interactions is the highest in the winter(January) ,specifically linking the E1 Nino event with the PNA pattern in the geopotential height field.Of the four seasons,summer has the poorest coupling when the 500-hPa geopotential height field corresponding to the La nina event displays patterns similar to the East Asian-Pacific one(PJ).The spring and autumn are both transitional and the coupling is less thght in the autumn than in the spring.(2) Significant changes have taken place around 1976 in the pattern of air-sea coupling,with the year‘s winter having intensified PNA pattern of 500-hPa winter geopotential height field,deepened Aleutian low that moves southeast and the summer following it having outstanding PJ pattern of 500-hPa geopotential height field,which is not so before 1976.  相似文献   
根据地下水模拟中某些实际问题的需要,尝试了一种三维边界元(3D-BEM)和二维有限元(2D-FEM)相结合的数值模拟方法。在局部均质的三维流明显的区域,用3D-BEM模拟;而在大部分非均质的以二维流为主的区域,用2D-FEM模拟。在二者公共的内边界上,通过水流的连续性条件把二者耦合成一个体系。这种方法发挥了二者各自的长处。  相似文献   
基于社会剥夺理论,利用重心计算及空间耦合分析模型,研究了1990~2013年河南省县域人口重心、经济重心、粮食生产重心动态迁移及其空间耦合,并探讨其与社会发展水平之间的关系。结果表明:23 a来河南省经济、人口及粮食生产重心均在省域几何重心北部变动,空间错位格局日趋显著,变动一致性波动剧烈;2000年前人口重心与粮食重心耦合度较高,2000年后粮食重心与经济重心明显呈东南-西北路径背向偏离,粮食生产对经济重心迁移的影响持续下降,而人口重心与经济重心耦合度逐步提升;传统农区社会发展严重滞后于经济增长水平,粮食主产县区的“粮食与民生倒挂”特征显著。  相似文献   
We applied the g CAP algorithm to determine239 focal mechanism solutions 3:0 M We 6:0T with records of dense Chin Array stations deployed in Yunnan,and then inverted 686 focal mechanisms(including 447 previous results) for the regional crustal stress field with a damped linear inversion. The results indicate dominantly strike-slip environment in Yunnan as both the maximum(r1) and minimum(r3) principal stress axes are sub-horizontal. We further calculated the horizontal stress orientations(i.e., maximum and minimum horizontal compressive stress axes: S H and S h, respectively) accordingly and found an abrupt change near *26°N. To the north, S H aligns NW-SE to nearly E-W while S h aligns nearly N-S. In contrast, to the south, both S H and S h rotate laterally and show dominantly fan-shaped patterns. The minimum horizontal stress(i.e., maximum strain axis) S h rotates from NW-SE to the west of Tengchong volcano gradually to nearly E-W in west Yunnan, and further toNE-SW in the South China block in the east. The crustal strain field is consistent with the upper mantle strain field indicated by shear-wave splitting observations in Yunnan but not in other regions. Therefore, the crust and upper mantle in Yunnan are coupled and suffering vertically coherent pure-shear deformation in the lithosphere.  相似文献   
武汉城市圈经济资源环境耦合的系统动力学模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘承良  颜琪  罗静 《地理研究》2013,32(5):857-869
都市圈经济资源环境系统通过相互作用形成了一个具多重反馈的耦合巨系统,三者间存在互相制约、相互作用的高阶、非线性复杂关系,传统的线性研究范式面临挑战。引入系统动力学理论,通过因果关系和流图分析方法,以武汉城市圈为例,建立经济-资源-环境耦合作用的系统动力学模型,结果显示:①模型具有很好的普适性,能真实反映系统要素之间相互耦合的动态演化过程,可以为调控经济资源环境系统协调发展提供决策参考;②借助模型可以对内部错综复杂、相互联系和相互耦合的巨系统进行动态多情景模拟,并揭示出协调发展模式下的经济快速增长为资源有效利用和环境保护治理提供更好的支持,三者相互促进,是武汉城市圈实现可持续发展的相对最佳方案。  相似文献   
通过数值计算重点论述了低频务件下介质不同区域(弹性区、粘性区、孔隙区(被流体充填或不充填))对波传播的作用,分析了在均匀的、完全各向同性介质中Blot耦合模式波在低频条件下的特点。发现:(1)慢纵波相速度存在临界孔隙度现象,临界孔隙度是慢纵波相速度的盲点。(2)低频、高孔隙度条件更有利于慢纵波的观测。(3)低频条件下,快纵波、横波相速度与渗透率无关;而快纵波、横波损耗因子受渗透率影响较大。  相似文献   
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