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Central Asia(CA) is one of the most fragile regions worldwide owing to arid climate and accumulated human activities, and is a global hotspot due to gradually deteriorating ecological environment. The Amu Darya Basin(ADB), as the most economically and demographically important region in CA, is of particular concern. To determine the concentration,source and pollution status of heavy metals(HMs) in surface sediments of the ADB, 154samples were collected and analyzed for metals across the basin. C...  相似文献   
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project developers have long complained about the complexities of project-specific baseline setting and the vagaries of additionality determination. In response to this, the CDM Executive Board took bold steps towards the standardization of CDM methodologies, culminating in the approval of guidelines for the establishment of performance standards in November 2011. The guidelines specify a performance standard stringency level for both baseline and additionality of 80% for several priority sectors and 90% for all other sectors. However, an analysis of 14 large-scale CDM methodologies that use performance standard approaches challenges this top-down approach to the performance standard design. An appropriate performance standard stringency level strongly depends on sector and technology characteristics. A single stringency level for baseline and additionality determination is appropriate only for greenfield projects, but not for retrofit ones. Overly simple, highly aggregated performance standards are unlikely to ensure high environmental integrity, and difficult questions regarding stringency and updating frequency will eventually have to be addressed on a rather disaggregated level. A careful balance between data requirements and the practicability of performance standards is essential because the heavy data requirements of the existing performance standard methodologies have been the key barrier to their actual implementation.

Policy relevance

CDM regulators have been pushed by many stakeholders to standardize baseline setting and eliminate project-specific additionality determination. At first glance, performance standards seem to provide the perfect solution for both tasks. However, a one-size-fits-all political decision – e.g. the average of the top 20% performers as enshrined in the Marrakech Accords – is inappropriate. Substantial disaggregation of performance standards is required both technologically and geographically in order to limit over- and under-crediting and close loopholes for non-additional projects. As a lack of reliable and complete data has been and will be a key bottleneck for the development of performance standards, international support for data collection will be indispensable, but costly, and time-consuming. Empirically driven, techno-economic assessments of performance standard stringency levels must be the central task of the future work on standardized methodologies, and should not be sidelined by perceived needs of policy makers to take bold decisions under time pressures.  相似文献   
A modified thermal time model(MTM) was developed to reproduce the leaf onset for summer-green vegetation in the Northern Hemisphere. The model adopts the basic concept of a thermal time model(TM) in that leaf onset is primarily triggered by growing degree days(GDD). Based on global phenology data derived from satellite observations, a new parameterization for the critical model parameter Tb(i.e., baseline temperature for GDD calculation) has been introduced, and the spatial distribution of Tb was calculated. Simulations of leaf onset during 1982–2000 in the range 30–90°N showed a significant improvement of MTM over the standard TM model with constant Tb. The mean error and mean absolute error of the climatological simulation were 1.11 and 6.8 days, respectively, and 90% of the model error(5th and 95 th percentiles) was between-12.4 and 13.7 days.  相似文献   
傅新姝  谈建国 《气象》2015,41(12):1531-1537
对温度观测资料进行质量控制时,僵值和突变是常见的疑误类型,针对城市复杂环境中僵值和突变疑误数据进行研究,对降低城市自动站温度资料质量控制的误检率有重要价值。文章针对城市复杂环境(以上海世博园为例)中18个自动气象站一年(2010年5月至2011年4月)逐时温度资料进行质量控制,着重探讨僵值及突变疑误数据的分布特征和可能原因。结果表明:(1)僵值疑误数据集中出现在冬季夜间,局地性强。阴天或多云天气,通风不佳的测站感热项较小,易出现僵值过程,最长持续11 h。(2)温度突变疑误数据可分“突升”和“突降”两类,“突升”集中出现在秋冬季,而“突降”集中在春夏季;“突升”集中出现在日出前后,而“突降”主要出现在午后至夜晚,“突升”局地性强而“突降”各站间趋同性较强。分析发现,城市复杂环境下,日照突然增加或减少以及午后短时强降水是导致温度突变疑误数据的主要原因。因此,这些“疑误”数据是城市复杂环境影响或特定天气条件导致的,为真实有效的观测资料。针对城市复杂环境下的温度观测资料开展质量控制时,需结合观测环境等元数据进一步甄别。  相似文献   
邹海波  易雪婷  单九生  喻迎春 《气象》2017,43(12):1547-1553
利用GAMIT 10.6和2016年第101天至第160天南昌站的GPS观测资料,开展了13组概略坐标变化对GPS PWV解算的影响研究试验(南昌站概略坐标设置以10 m等间距从0~120 m逐渐向西偏移真实坐标)。其结果发现:当概略坐标与实际坐标偏离在60 m以内时,概略坐标的变化对GPSPWV的解算影响不大(长基线的相对误差和均方根残差NRMS分别维持在5.7×10~(-9)和0.24附近);但当概略坐标与真实坐标偏离超过60 m后,概略坐标的变化对GPS PWV的解算有着显著的影响,其中基线相对误差和GPS PWV与探空PWV的标准偏差随概略坐标偏离的增加而快速增大,NRMS和GPS PWV与探空PWV的相关系数也有明显的增加和减小,GPSPWV的成功解算日数则随概略坐标偏离的增加而快速减小(当偏离≥120 m时南昌无GPS PWV生成);概略坐标变化对基线相对误差、GPS PWV精度以及GPS PWV能否被成功解算的影响仅限于本站,某站概略坐标的偏离不会对其他站GPS PWV解算造成明显的影响。  相似文献   
高原边坡复杂地形下短时强降水的云型特征分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
狄潇泓  王小勇  肖玮  赵庆云 《气象》2018,44(11):1445-1453
利用逐时雨量资料、常规高低空观测资料及FY-2卫星云图,对2010—2015年5—9月甘肃省高原边坡复杂地形下76次短时强降水过程个例的天气形势配置及卫星云图演变特征进行统计分析。结果表明,与甘肃省短时强降水过程相关的特征云型共有6类:副热带高压边沿型、逗点云型、冷锋前部型、冷锋尾部与南亚高压东侧叠置型、冷涡后部型、弱冷锋前部椭圆形MαCS型。其中,副热带高压边沿型、冷锋前部型、弱冷锋前部椭圆形MαCS型与低层暖平流强迫有关。逗点云型、冷锋尾部与南亚高压东侧叠置型主要受高低空冷暖平流强烈交汇影响。冷涡后部型是高空冷平流强迫下形成。冷锋尾部与南亚高压东侧叠置型具有较好的预报指示意义。  相似文献   
公共自行车系统是待开发的交通自愿碳减排项目。本文采用CCER方法学中的“快速公交项目”,计算北京市2012年公共自行车系统自愿碳减排量,并估算收益。结果显示:北京市2012年公共自行车自愿碳减排量为43.95 t CO2,出售可获得1538元的收益。同时估算得到北京市2015年公共自行车碳减排量为6874.5 t CO2,出售可获得约24万的收益。因此,北京等交通需求膨胀的特大型城市,随着公共自行车系统的持续壮大发展,公共自行车运营企业的经济效益有望通过碳交易实现较大提升空间。  相似文献   
刘裕禄  杜其成  黄勇 《气象》2017,43(2):181-188
应用黄山地区191个地面自动观测站资料,统计分析了201 5年发生在黄山地区短时强降雨时空分布。统计发现:发生短时强降雨过程次数在午后及傍晚(14和18时)时段中明显增多;黄山山脉及其附近是短时强降雨多发生的中心地带,发生短时强降雨次数分布与山脉形态一致、和地形高度相关,短时强降雨与地形关系密切。分别利用三个典型个例分析了山脉地形动力阻拦和热力对短时强降雨的增幅作用,结果表明:(1)山脉地形迎风坡处因地形抬升速度与地面辐合线相配合降雨增强,水汽收支方法诊断计算降雨增量可达6成;(2)锋面过境山脉时垂直扰动增强水平位温梯度增大锋生,在背风坡处地面涡度、上升运动增强,导致降水增幅;(3)山脉西南区域因地面感热通量差异形成热低压,在该区域增暖增湿,大气不稳定增强,受冷平流影响形成强对流天气,导致山区降水增幅。  相似文献   
王飞  张义军  孟青  吕伟涛 《气象》2006,32(8):3-11
地闪回击电流是雷电的一个重要特征参数。其测量数据的积累对于雷电防护技术的提高具有重要意义。目前国内外的雷电研究人员通过矮塔、高塔直接观测,人工引雷观测和电场电流关系反衍的方法对地闪回击电流进行了大量的观测研究,并取得了丰富的观测资料。观测表明,负地闪首次回击电流平均为30kA,继后回击电流平均12kA。正地闪回击电流平均为35kA,有时可达几百kA。不同地区地闪回击电流平均值略有不同。高塔测量是主要的雷电流参量直接测量方法,但不同高度测量的地闪回击电流无论峰值还是波形都存在一定的差异。人工引发闪电和自然闪电继后回击雷电流的测量结果较为一致。间接估测雷电流参数的方法随着地闪回击模式的发展将成为主要的方法之一。  相似文献   
位于中国和尼泊尔边境的西藏樟木口岸是国家一类陆路通商口岸,也是西藏最大的边贸中心口岸。2015年尼泊尔大地震之后,西藏樟木口岸因多次发生滑坡灾害,而导致口岸关闭。为了调查樟木口岸区域滑坡灾害的分布和变形情况及更好的服务于区域减灾防灾,利用InSAR技术对覆盖该区域的Sentinel-1A和ALOS-2两种卫星影像数据进行了处理,并通过分析视线向年均形变速率图,圈定了17处疑似滑坡,并对其中的5处典型滑坡进行时间序列形变特征分析,监测识别出的滑坡基本沿318国道所在一侧的波曲河左岸分布。InSAR调查结果表明受地震影响樟木地区的滑坡多分布在沿波曲河左岸的陡峭山体上,中尼公路迪斯岗至友谊桥段的古滑坡出现了局部复活的现象,同时樟木镇居民所在的城区也发育有扎美拉山危岩体崩塌滑坡灾害。   相似文献   
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