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Since the South China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon (SCSSM) is pronouncedly featured by abruptly intensified southwesterly and obviously increased precipitation over the SCS,the lower-tropospheric winds and/or convection intensities are widely used to determine the SCSSM onset.The methods can be used successfully in most of the years but not in 2006.Due to the intrusion of Typhoon Chanchu(0601)that year,the usual method of determining SCSSM onset date by utilizing the SCS regional indices is less capable of pinpointing the real onset date.In order to solve the problem,larger-scale situations have to be taken into account.Zonal and meridional circulations would be better to determine the break-out date of SCSSM in 2006.The result indicates that its onset date is May 16.Moreover,similar onset dates for other years can be obtained using various methods,implying that large-scale zonal and meridional circulations can be used as an alternative method for determining the SCSSM onset date.  相似文献   
池艳珍  何芬  唐振飞 《气象》2017,43(10):1287-1295
2016年共有3个台风登陆、4个台风影响福建,呈前少后多分布,登陆台风偏多,灾害影响重。分析表明:(1)2016年以来赤道中东太平洋海温距平的演变及大气环流异常响应是造成影响福建台风呈前少后多分布及登陆台风偏多的主要原因。(2)7月下旬至8月中旬和9月上旬至中旬西太平洋台风群发,“莫兰蒂”和“马勒卡”一周内相继登陆和影响福建,是季风槽增强或持续偏强的结果,且季风槽呈现显著的低频变化特征。(3)2016年西北太平洋生成和影响福建的台风与热带大气季节内振荡关系密切,近7成生成于MJO第5~7位相。(4)基于大气低频变化理论的延伸期预报填补了月—季预测和中短期天气预报之间的空白。  相似文献   
山东省近50年海洋气象灾害特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘敦训 《海洋预报》2006,23(1):59-64
本文通过大量的文献和资料查阅,系统的统计分析了近50a山东省沿海及责任海区海雾、风暴潮、风暴海浪、海冰等几种主要海洋气象灾害的海洋、气象及分布特征和灾害情况,进一步分析了它们的变化规律和产生原因,为海洋气象业务、服务、科研提供有益的参考。  相似文献   
新一代区域海-气-浪耦合台风预报系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依托国家重点基础研究(973)计划项目"上层海洋对台风的响应和调制机理研究",中国气象局上海台风研究所联合国家海洋局的相关单位,通过实施近海台风的外场观测科学试验、加强台风边界层(特别是海气相互作用)物理过程诊断分析及参数化方案等的研究,建立并改进了台风强度预报的海-气-浪耦合预报模式系统,并在此基础上发展了台风强度的集合预报技术,在历史典型台风个例和2016-2017年台汛期的业务化测试中表现出良好的预报性能。  相似文献   
莱州湾温带风暴潮预报研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文依据莱州湾羊角沟、夏营两站建国以来的风暴增水资料,对莱州湾建国后发生的风暴潮进行了统计分析,并探讨了温带风暴潮产生的物理机制,此外还对莱州湾温带风暴增水以及诱发增水的天气形势进行了分析分类。在此基础上建立了莱州湾温带风暴潮统计预报方法,并在作业预报中对模型进行了检验,取得较为理想的效果。  相似文献   
Based on the monthly NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, OLR (outgoing longwave radiation) data, and tropical cyclone data from the Typhoon Annual and Tropical Cyclone Annual edited by China Meteorological Administration, the relationship between the number of tropical cyclones (with the strongest wind ≥17 m s-1, including tropical storm, strong tropical storm, and typhoon, simply called typhoon in this paper)engendered over the Northwest Pacific and South China Sea in summer and the associated climate conditions is studied. First, the characteristics and di?erences of the climatic conditions between the years with more typhoons and those with fewer typhoons are compared. The results show that the summer typhoon has a close relationship with SST (sea surface temperature) and ITCZ (intertropical convergence zone) anomalies in the preceding winter and spring. With a La Niena like SST anomaly (SSTA) pattern in the preceding winter and spring, the ITCZ will move northwestward and be enhanced around 160°E in the equatorial central Pacific from the preceding winter to spring.The activity of the Pacific ITCZ is in general stronger and its location is more northward than usual, especially in the typhoon genesis region in West Pacific. This background is propitious to have more typhoons in summer. On the other hand, an El Nieno like SSTA pattern in the preceding winter will be companied with weaker ITCZ activities, and its location is more southward over the equatorial western Pacific from the preceding winter to spring; this background is propitious to have fewer typhoons in summer. In the year with more typhoons, the warm SST over West Pacific in the preceding winter provides a favorable condition for typhoon fromation in the following summer. It enhances the convergence in the troposphere and increases the water vapor supply to the warm SST region. In the following spring, the perturbation of the tropical ITCZ plays a more important role.When the ITCZ moves northward in spring, anomalous convergence will appear over the warm SST region and inspire the positive feedback between the large-scale moisture flux at low levels and the latent heat release in the atmosphere, which benefits the typhoon genesis in summer. Otherwise, if cold SST maintains over the northwestern Pacific during the preceding winter and spring, the convergence in the troposphere is disfavored and the water vapor supply to the cold SST region is reduced, which will bring about weaker ITCZ activities and the perturbation is lacking in the following spring. It then results in fewer summer typhoons.  相似文献   
基于欧洲中期天气预报中心再分析资料ERA5,对GIIRS/FY-4A温度反演廓线在我国台风高发期东海和南海海区的反演精度进行研究,结果表明:(1)东海海区,无云时GIIRS质量控制0的数据总体RMSE为1.71 K,150~450 hPa高度范围内RMSE小于1 K,450 hPa至近海面RMSE在2 K以内.质量控制...  相似文献   
“圣帕”、“碧利斯”影响湖南的对比分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
潘志祥  叶成志  刘志雄  许霖 《气象》2008,34(7):41-50
应用气象、水文加密观测和NECP再分析资料对两个严重影响湖南的热带气旋圣帕、碧利斯进行了对比分析.分析表明:"碧利斯"和"圣帕"影响期间,湖南降水在强度和范围上存在明显差异,"碧利斯"强降水主要位于低压环流的东南侧,在湘东南地区形成致洪暴雨,而"圣帕"降水范围大,湖南大部分地区出现大暴雨,强降水落区具有自东向西移动的特点,且强降水持续时间更长,强度更强.进一步分析发现,"碧利斯"、"圣帕"登陆后低压环流移动路径不同以及结构的差异,且与之相互作用的南海季风强度不同,导致它们在动力结构、水汽辐合强度分布和垂直运动等方面存在明显差异,而这些差异是造成它们不同的强降水分布特征的重要原因.  相似文献   
基于1979—2020年逐日的NOAA向外长波辐射资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析风场资料,以及全球CMAP再分析降水资料,探讨了气候态亚洲热带夏季风涌的传播过程及与我国夏季相应的降水联系。分析结果表明,主汛期亚洲热带气候态夏季风季节内振荡(CISO)活动是亚洲夏季风活动的主要特征,随时间北传的亚洲热带夏季风CISO称为亚洲热带夏季风涌,主要有南亚夏季风涌和南海夏季风涌。亚洲热带夏季风涌的传播可分为四个阶段。在亚洲热带夏季风涌的发展阶段,印度洋区域低频气旋与对流活跃,孟加拉湾和南海热带区域被低频东风控制,我国大部分地区无降水发生,降水中心位于两广地区。当进入亚洲热带夏季风涌活跃阶段,孟加拉湾和南海热带地区低频气旋和对流活跃,东亚低频“PJ”波列显著,我国降水中心北移到长江以南的附近区域。亚洲热带夏季风涌减弱阶段,孟加拉湾与南海低频气旋消亡,对流减弱,低频西风加强,日本南部附近为低频反气旋控制,我国长江中下游低频南风活跃,降水中心也北移到长江中下游地区,而华南地区已基本无降水,此阶段的大气低频环流场与亚洲热带夏季风涌发展阶段基本相反。进入亚洲热带夏季风涌间歇阶段时,孟加拉湾和南海热带地区低...  相似文献   
有眼台风的自动定位方法初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
冯民学  于波  陈必云  周煜 《气象》1997,23(12):15-17
利用GMS红外云图对眼台风云系的定位问题进行了探讨,并根据其云系特征,提出了一种基于台风云系形状分析的自动定位方法。  相似文献   
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