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In this study, the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model and meteorological observation data were used to research the long-distance moisture transport supply source of the extreme rainfall event that occurred on July 21, 2012 in Beijing. Recording a maximum rainfall amount of 460 mm in 24 h, this rainstorm event had two dominant moisture transport channels. In the early stage of the rainstorm, the first channel comprised southwesterly monsoonal moisture from the Bay of Bengal (BOB) that was directly transported to north China along the eastern edge of Tibetan Plateau (TP) by orographic uplift. During the rainstorm, the southwesterly moisture transport was weakened by the transfer of Typhoon Vicente. Moreover, the southeasterly moisture transport between the typhoon and western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) became another dominant moisture transport channel. The moisture in the lower troposphere was mainly associated with the southeasterly moisture transport from the South China Sea and the East China Sea, and the moisture in the middle troposphere was mainly transported from the BOB and Indian Ocean. The control experiment well reproduced the distribution and intensity of rainfall and moisture transport. By comparing the control and three sensitivity experiments, we found that the moisture transported from Typhoon Vicente and a tropical cyclone in the BOB both significantly affected this extreme rainfall event. After Typhoon Vicente was removed in a sensitivity experiment, the maximum 24-h accumulated rainfall in north China was reduced by approximately 50% compared with that of the control experiment, while the rainfall after removing the tropical cyclone was reduced by 30%. When both the typhoon and tropical cyclone were removed, the southwesterly moisture transport was enhanced. Moreover, the sensitivity experiment of removing Typhoon Vicente also weakened the tropical cyclone in the BOB. Thus, the moisture pump driven by Typhoon Vicente played an important role in maintaining and strengthening the tropical cyclone in the BOB through its westerly airflow. Typhoon Vicente was not only the moisture transfer source for the southwesterly monsoonal moisture but also affected the tropical cyclone in the BOB, which was a key supply source of long-distance moisture transport for the extreme rainfall event on July 21, 2012 in Beijing.  相似文献   
0509号台风麦莎的结构与外围暴雨分布特征   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11  
何立富  尹洁  陈涛  罗金秀 《气象》2006,32(3):93-100
利用地面加密观测资料、FY-2C卫星TBB资料和NCEP再分析资料,对2005年8月6~8日0509号台风麦莎登陆后环流结构及暴雨分布特征进行了综合分析。结果表明:台风麦莎具有明显不对称结构,台风东侧和北侧的积云对流较为旺盛;台风环流地面正涡度中心位于台风东侧,并随着台风北上移向台风东北象限并加强。地面强辐合区随着倒槽发展向偏北方向伸展;850hPa台风环流场表现为东侧和北侧的环流强盛,偏东风低空急流在台风北上过程中从东南风急流转为东北风急流;台风东侧暖,西侧冷,其东北侧有强暖平流输送。200hPa高空急流发展,急流入口区右侧强辐散有利于台风登陆后长时间维持。500hPa强上升运动区与台风外围暴雨区有较好对应关系。  相似文献   
热带气旋的云系结构对其移动影响的数值试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
应用上海台风研究所发展的东海热带气旋模式,根据热带云团的特点,设计了积云模型并叠加到台风中去,研究台风云系结构对其路径的影响。理想试验表明,只考虑温度场扰动,台风的移动偏向于密闭云区方向;而仅考虑湿度场扰动,台风的移动无固定的偏向。对9414号台风19940810的初始场,叠加积云模型的试验表明,预报路径较好地反映了其运动的特征。  相似文献   
A new compound distribution model for extreme wave heights of typhoon-affected sea areas is proposed on the basis of the maximum-entropy principle.The new model is formed by nesting a discrete distribution in a continuous one,having eight parameters which can be determined in terms of observed data of typhoon occurrence-frequency and extreme wave heights by numerically solving two sets of equations derived in this paper.The model is examined by using it to predict the N-year return-period wave height at two hydrology stations in the Yellow Sea,and the predicted results are compared with those predicted by use of some other compound distribution models.Examinations and comparisons show that the model has some advantages for predicting the N-year return-period wave height in typhoon-affected sea areas.  相似文献   
Statistic and typical-year composition methods are used to study the northwest Pacific typhoon activities in relation with the EI Niño and La Niña events. The result indicates that the typhoon tends to be inactive in the EI Niño years and active in the La Niña years and it is also dependent on the onset and ending time and intensity of the events and areas of genesis of typhoons. With statistic features of the frequency of typhoon activity in the EI Niño and La Niña years and the time-lag correlation between the frequency and sea surface temperature(SST), useful information is provided for the prediction of typhoon occurrence. In addition, the singular values disassemble(SVD)method is applied to study the correlation between the geopotential field and SST field. The result shows that the air-sea coupling in the EI Niño years is unfavorable for the typhoon to develop. Which take place with a smaller number. Opposite situations are found with the La Niña years.  相似文献   
上海市数字强震观测网是我国第1个具有一定规模的数字强震观测网,是上海市“九五”期间建设完成的,它由3部分组成;地面观测网,结构观测网和深井强震观测系统,每一部分都有不同的功能和目的,本文详细介绍该强震网的整个概况。功能及取得的部分观测成果。  相似文献   
台风“尤特”登陆后复杂路径的环境场特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
台风"尤特"(1311)2013年8月13—19日登陆减弱后直达桂东北并停留打转,其后又转向西南移动,"尤特"残涡在广西境内生存活动了112 h,造成了大范围强降雨。使用常规与非常规观测资料,研究了"尤特"登陆后的环境场与其长生命期及复杂移动路径的关系。结果发现:"尤特"登陆北上阶段主要受大尺度环境场的引导气流主导,后因引导气流转向减弱,与变压梯度力近似达到平衡导致停留打转;南下弱冷空气卷入与西南气流辐合形成负变压槽,负变压槽中风向气旋性切变产生正涡度效应向"尤特"残涡输送,与西南气流充沛的水汽输送共同作用使"尤特"残涡得以长时间维持。弱冷空气卷入使中尺度变压场中的正变压加强,在变压梯度力与引导气流共同作用下,"尤特"残涡沿负变压槽向西南移动。  相似文献   
针对热带气旋(tropical cyclone,TC)闪电已有研究,首先从闪电活动分布特征、眼壁闪电爆发对TC强度和路径的指示、外雨带闪电活动与雨带对流结构的关系三个方面进行了总结;其次从动力一微物理方面对TC闪电的形成原因和特征机理进行了梳理;最后提出当前研究中存在的两个关键问题,并对后续研究内容进行了展望。基于地基和空基相结合的综合闪电探测得到的闪电属性特征参量,有望建立一个明确的、具有代表性的闪电活动一TC强度变化关系。利用沿海地区架设的三维闪电定位系统结合地基双偏振霄达,针对登陆台风强对流过程开展的综合观测研究,将有助于推进闪电观测资料在台风中小尺度强对流监测、预警和资料同化中的应用。  相似文献   
Based on the newly developed Weather Research and Forecasting model(WRF)and its three-dimensional variational data assimilation(3DVAR)system,this study constructed twelve experiments to explore the impact of direct assimilation of different ATOVS radiance on the intensity and track simulation of super-typhoon Fanapi(2010)using a data assimilation cycle method.The result indicates that the assimilation of ATOVS radiance could improve typhoon intensity effectively.The average bias of the central sea level pressure(CSLP)drops to 18 hPa,compared to 42 hPa in the experiment without data assimilation.However,the influence due to different radiance data is not significant,which is less than 6hPa on average,implying limited improvement from sole assimilation of ATOVS radiance.The track issue is studied in the following steps.First,the radiance from the same sensor of different satellites could produce different effect.For the AMSU-A,NOAA-15 and NOAA-18,they produce equivalent improvement,whereas NOAA-16 produces slightly poor effect.And for the AMSU-B,NOAA-15 and NOAA-16,they produce equivalent and more positive effect than that provided by the AMSU-A.Second,the assimilation radiance from different sensors of the identical satellites could also produce different effect.The assimilation of AMSU-B produces the largest improvement,while the ameliorating effect of HIRS/3assimilation is inferior to that of AMSU-B assimilation,while the AMSU-A assimilation exhibits the poorest improvement.Moreover,the simultaneous assimilation of different radiance could not produce further improvement.Finally,the experiments of simultaneous assimilation radiance from multiple satellites indicate that such assimilation may lead to negative effect due to accumulative bias when adding various radiance data into the data assimilation system.Thus the assimilation of ATOVS radiance from a single satellite may perform better than that from two or three satellites.  相似文献   
台风莫拉菲(2009)登陆前后电荷结构演变的模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用中尺度起电放电模式以及卫星和闪电定位等观测资料,对比分析了台风莫拉菲(2009)在登陆前后以及衰亡阶段的电荷结构及形成。结果表明:莫拉菲在登陆前存在近海加强过程,加强中逐渐形成清晰的台风眼并伴随眼壁区闪电活动的多发。眼壁区对流在近海加强阶段呈现正的三极性电荷结构,主负电荷区位于-25℃——10℃层,其上下各有一个正电荷区。而在台风达到最大强度后呈现负的偶极性电荷结构,仅存在云中部的负电荷区和下部的正电荷区。眼壁区对流的电荷结构同台风强度变化密切相关而不受登陆直接影响。在台风发展的不同阶段,外螺旋雨带对流主要表现为正的三极性或正的偶极性电荷结构,之前的研究一般认为外雨带对流只能呈现正的偶极性电结构。外雨带三极性电结构的形成可以类似于眼壁区三极性结构的形成,也存在其他形成机制,即在霰粒子与冰晶组成的正偶极性电荷结构下存在一个由雹粒子组成的正电荷区,从而形成正的三极性电荷结构。台风衰亡阶段对流主要表现负的偶极性电荷结构,对流活动较弱,类似于陆地雷暴消散阶段的特性。不同类型的电荷结构所对应对流的相对强度也在文内进行了讨论。  相似文献   
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