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The Xiaojiashan tungsten deposit is located about 200 km northwest of Hami City, the Eastern Tianshan orogenic belt, Xinjiang, northwestern China, and is a quartz vein‐type tungsten deposit. Combined fluid inclusion microthermometry, host rock geochemistry, and H–O isotopic compositions are used to constrain the ore genesis and tectonic setting of the Xiaojiashan tungsten deposit. The orebodies occur in granite intrusions adjacent to the metamorphic crystal tuff, which consists of the second lithological section of the first Sub‐Formation of the Dananhu Formation (D2d 12). Biotite granite is the most widely distributed intrusive bodies in the Xiaojiashan tungsten deposit. Altered diorite and metamorphic crystal tuff are the main surrounding rocks. The granite belongs to peraluminous A‐type granite with high potassic calc‐alkaline series, and all rocks show light Rare Earth Element (REE)‐enriched patterns. The trace element characters suggest that crystallization differentiation might even occur in the diagenetic process. The granite belongs to postcollisional extension granite, and the rocks formed in an extensional tectonic environment, which might result from magma activity in such an extensional tectonic environment. Tungsten‐bearing quartz veins are divided into gray quartz vein and white quartz veins. Based on petrography observation, fluid inclusions in both kinds of vein quartz are mainly aqueous inclusions. Microthermometry shows that gray quartz veins have 143–354°C of Th, and white quartz veins have 154–312°C of Th. The laser‐Raman test shows that CO2 is found in fluid inclusions of the tungsten‐bearing quartz veins. Quadrupole mass spectrometry reveals that fluid inclusions contain major vapor‐phase contents of CO2, H2O. Meanwhile, fluid inclusions contain major liquid‐phase contents of Cl?, Na+. It can be speculated that the ore‐forming fluid of the Xiaojiashan tungsten deposit is characterized by an H2O–CO2, low salinity, and H2O–CO2–NaCl system. The range of hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions indicated that the ore‐forming fluids of the tungsten deposit were mainly magmatic water. The ore‐forming age of the Xiaojiashan deposit should to be ~227 Ma. During the ore‐forming process, the magmatic water had separated from magmatic intrusions, and the ore‐bearing complex was taken to a portion where tungsten‐bearing ores could be mineralized. The magmatic fluid was mixed by meteoric water in the late stage.  相似文献   
小柳沟是中国在北方最新探明的一个大型钨矿床,本文概要地介绍了该矿床的成矿地质背景和矿床地质特征,用Re-Os同位素方法测试辉钼矿,获得等时线年龄462±13 Ma(2σ),模式年龄436~496 Ma。还证明了成矿发生于板块碰撞期前,成矿物质主要为壳源。  相似文献   
The Tieshanlong tungsten‐polymetallic deposit is a large wolframite deposit of quartz vein type located in southern Jiangxi, South China. It is genetically related to a high‐K S‐type granite. Seven pyrite and two wolframite samples, selected for He and Ar isotope analyses, yielded 3He/4He values of 0.04–0.98 Ra, 40Ar/36Ar ratios of 293.5–368.0, and 38Ar/36Ar ratios of 0.176–0.193. These data indicate that the ore‐forming fluids associated with the deposit did not result from a simple mixing of the crustal‐ and mantle‐derived end‐member fluids, but that primeval meteoric fluids were also involved in the generation of the associated granitic magma by partial melting of crustal metasedimentary rocks. Further investigations show that only minimal He from the mantle was added during generation of the associated granitic magma. It is postulated that boiling and second mixing with “new” meteoric fluids took place during migration of magmatic‐hydrothermal fluids into wall‐rock fractures, resulting in a drastic decrease of their metal transport capacity, which triggered the tungsten‐polymetallic mineralization.  相似文献   
西华山钨矿的花岗岩组成及与成矿的关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
西华山钨矿田成矿花岗岩为一复式岩体,该复式岩体由燕山时期第二阶段西华山杂岩体、花岗斑岩单一侵入体组成.与两期三个阶段花岗岩有关,相应具有3次钨的成矿作用,形成了以西华山钨矿为代表的一毓不同规模的钨矿床,成为我国花岗岩区多阶段成岩多次成矿的典型范例.  相似文献   
赣南茅坪钨矿床黄玉单晶流体包裹体研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章以赣南茅坪大型钨矿床成矿早阶段形成的黄玉单晶为研究对象,对其中的流体包裹体开展了岩相学、显微测温以及激光拉曼光谱研究。结果显示,茅坪钨矿床黄玉单晶中的流体包裹体以富液两相包裹体为主,同时发育有单相包裹体、富二氧化碳的三相包裹体以及含子矿物包裹体。其中,含子矿物包裹体发育是本矿床黄玉中包裹体的重要特征,子矿物成分有方解石、石英、石盐等;流体包裹体的均一温度介于200~509℃之间,峰值位于420~500℃之间,盐度w(NaCl_(eq))为4.32%~19.22%,峰值介于17%~19%,较前人获得的石英脉型钨矿床成矿温度和盐度均高出许多,其峰值(420~500℃)在一定程度上衔接了石英脉型黑钨矿高温阶段的演化历史;黄玉单晶中包裹体还具有富含CO_2、CH_4、N_2等挥发分的特征。综上所述,笔者认为石英脉型钨矿的成矿流体在早阶段具有高温、中高盐度、富挥发分、富含多种离子的特征。  相似文献   
本文介绍了商品性钨矿样品的溶矿、染色试验方法和理论原理。该方法简便、快速,能准确地取得钨矿体积的百分数,较精确地计算WO_3的百分含量,满足钨矿商品性指标的要求。经检验证实,方法具有实用性,可以把住钨矿收购的质量关,并已收到了显著的经济效益。  相似文献   
赣南漂塘钨矿花岗岩成岩年龄与成矿年龄的精确测定   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
张文兰 《地质学报》2009,83(5):659-670
漂塘钨矿是赣南著名的钨锡多金属矿床,由漂塘本区、木梓园和大龙山三个矿段组成。多年以来,有关漂塘花岗岩成岩年龄,大多是利用邻近的西华山花岗岩的数据进行推断,而已有的年龄测试数据精度很难保证。对该矿床的成矿年龄则报道更少。本文利用单颗粒锆石U-Pb法对漂塘本区和木梓园的成矿花岗岩进行定年,获得了两条很好的U-Pb年龄谐和线,漂塘本区和木梓园成矿花岗岩的年龄分别为161.8±1Ma和 153.3±1. 9Ma。利用矿石中的白云母40Ar/39Ar同位素定年获得了漂塘本区成矿年龄为152±1.9Ma,利用矿石中的辉钼矿Re-Os同位素定年获得木梓园成矿年龄为151.1±8.5Ma。 以上年龄数据表明,矿床的成矿作用或与花岗岩侵位基本同时发生,或稍晚于花岗岩。赣南其他矿集区的一些代表性钨矿如淘锡坑、大吉山等的成矿与成岩也有这两种情况,可见这种成矿方式在赣南地区具有代表性。本文的年龄测定和近年来发表的一些年龄数据表明,赣南钨锡矿床属于华南燕山中期第一阶段陆壳重熔型花岗岩类大规模活动及其伴随的钨锡等金属大规模成矿作用的产物。  相似文献   
桂林郑钼钨多金属矿床位于江南钨矿带北部,其矿石矿物以富钼白钨矿为主。研究显示,该矿床富钼白钨矿中富集稀土元素。为探究其富集机制,文章对不同世代的富钼白钨矿进行原位LA-ICP-MS微量分析和面扫描分析。结果显示,富钼白钨矿的总稀土元素含量(∑REE)在28.59×10-6~4863.82×10-6之间,均值为789.21×10-6n=122),从第一世代(Sch-Ⅰ)28.59×10-6~1059.18×10-6(平均值为203.19×10-6,n=55)→第二世代(Sch-Ⅱ)533.54×10-6~2536.51×10-6(平均值=928.79×10-6,n=30)→第三世代(Sch-Ⅲ)117.21×10-6~4863.82×10-6(平均值=1547.13×10-6;n=37)逐渐增高。从Sch-Ⅰ→Sch-Ⅱ→Sch-Ⅲ,轻重稀土元素比值(LREE/HREE)13.99~143.90(平均值=53.53)→22.38~70.08(平均值=33.74)→7.44~69.86(平均值=27.54)逐渐降低。桂林郑富钼白钨矿形成于高氧逸度、富F的岩浆热液系统,REE主要以Ca2++Mo6+=REE3++(1-x) Mo5++xNb5+(0≤x≤1)为主导方式进入富钼白钨矿中。成矿流体中Cl降低、F增高、氧逸度降低等是REE进入富钼白钨矿的有利条件。通过对江南钨矿带代表性矽卡岩型矿床综合对比分析显示,富钼白钨矿床相比贫钼白钨矿床具有更高的REE,说明桂林郑矿床富钼白钨矿在后续开采中具有稀土元素的综合利用前景。  相似文献   
梅子窝钨矿位于粤北瑶岭—梅子窝钨矿带的东部,成矿作用同期形成白云母的40Ar/39Ar年龄为(155.9±0.6)Ma,与华南中生代燕山期大规模W,Sn成矿作用的年龄一致,代表梅子窝钨矿的成矿年龄。矿床下部600m中段附近出现的隐伏黑云母花岗闪长岩体的锆石SHRIMPU-Pb年龄为(430.4±3.6)Ma,为加里东期,与成矿作用无关。因此,矿区不存在前人提出的两套叠加的"五层楼"成矿模式。成矿年龄与隐伏花岗闪长岩的年龄显示梅子窝钨矿的形成可能与更深部的隐伏燕山期花岗岩有关,矿床向深部可能延伸更大。  相似文献   
Zircons from granodiorite and biotite granite in the Yeniutan granitic intrusion in the western North Qilian Mountains yielded a weighted mean 206Pb/238U apparent age of 460±3 Ma, suggesting that the intrusion originated during the late stage of plate subduction. Its related Ta'ergou and Xiaoliugou deposits are two of the few large tungsten deposits formed in the plate subduction environment in the world. The U-Pb dating of the zircons from the biotite granite gave a discordant lower intercept age of 183±4 Ma, which implies that the Yanshanian event was probably superimposed on the North Qilian region.  相似文献   
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