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利用美国国家海洋和大气管理局(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,简称NO-An)的逐日对外长波辐射(outgoing longwave radiation,简称OLR)场资料,欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Center for Medium—Range Weather Forecasting,简称ECMWF)逐日风场(850hPa)资料,以及美国联合台风预警中心(Joint Typhoon Warning Center,简称JTWC)的热带气旋(tropicalcy—clone,简称TC)数据,参考Wheeler and Hendon(2004)提出的季节内振荡(Madden—Julianoscilla.tion,简称MJO)指数,通过多元EOF方法定义热带准双周振荡(quasi—biweekly oscillation,简称QBW)指数,诊断分析了西北太平洋地区QBW不同位相对于TC路径的影响。结果表明,TC主要生成在QSW对流湿位相中,集中位置随QBW向西北的传播而向西北移动。在QSW位相phasel中,南海上空盛行QBW反气旋性环流,西太副高西伸,其西南侧偏东南气流受QBW反气旋性环流东北侧气流抑制,生成在副高南侧的TC首先在副高南侧偏东气流的引导下移动至近海,在西南季风以及副高西侧偏南气流作用下顺时针北折,因此在140°E以西转折类路径的TC比例最高;而在phase3中,西太副高偏东,南海上空盛行QBW气旋性环流,西太副高西南侧气流强度受QBW气旋东北侧气流影响增强,季风槽偏东,140°E以东转折类的TC比例最高。本文还对TC个例中的QBW流场形势进行了分析,发现当QBW气旋或反气旋环流中心同TC中心一致时,热带气旋路径会发生突然的右折。  相似文献   
This study investigates multi-model ensemble forecasts of track and intensity of tropical cyclones over the western Pacific, based on forecast outputs from the China Meteorological Administration, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, Japan Meteorological Agency and National Centers for Environmental Prediction in the THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble (TIGGE) datasets. The multi-model ensemble schemes, namely the bias-removed ensemble mean (BREM) and superensemble (SUP), are compared with the ensemble mean (EMN) and single-model forecasts. Moreover, a new model bias estimation scheme is investigated and applied to the BREM and SUP schemes. The results showed that, compared with single-model forecasts and EMN, the multi-model ensembles of the BREM and SUP schemes can have smaller errors in most cases. However, there were also circumstances where BREM was less skillful than EMN, indicating that using a time-averaged error as model bias is not optimal. A new model bias estimation scheme of the biweight mean is introduced. Through minimizing the negative influence of singular errors, this scheme can obtain a more accurate model bias estimation and improve the BREM forecast skill. The application of the biweight mean in the bias calculation of SUP also resulted in improved skill. The results indicate that the modification of multi-model ensemble schemes through this bias estimation method is feasible.  相似文献   
利用非静力中尺度模式MM5对0114号热带风暴Fitow从2001年8月31日00时(UTC)到9月2日00时的降水过程进行了模拟,采用滤波方法对模式结果进行了尺度分离,分析了暴雨发生时的中尺度特征及成因。结果表明:MM5模式对:Fitow登陆过程的降水模拟较成功,暴雨的落区和强度与实况比较一致。Fitow暴雨的中尺度特征在降水的时间尺度、空间尺度、高低空流场和散度场上都很明显。正是维持少动的TC倒槽和嵌入其上的这些中小尺度系统相互作用造成了暴雨的发生,而高低空中尺度散度场的配置对这类暴雨有很好的指示意义。华南地形和海陆分布与暴雨的发生发展有密切的关系。弱的层结不稳定或中性层结是有利于暴雨系统发展的环境条件。  相似文献   
A limited-area primitive equation model is used to study the role of the β-effect and a uniform current on tropical cyclone (TC) intensity.It is found that TC intensity is reduced in a non-quiescent environment compared with the case of no uniform current.On an f-plane,the rate of intensification of a tropical cyclone is larger than that of the uniform flow.A TC on a β-plane intensifies slower than one on an f-plane.The main physical characteristic that distinguishes the experiments is the asymmetric thermodynamic (including convective) and dynamic structures present when either a uniform flow or β-effect is introduced.But a fairly symmetric TC structure is simulated on an f-plane.The magnitude of the warm core and the associated subsidence are found to be responsible for such simulated intensity changes.On an f-plane,the convection tends to be symmetric,which results in strong upper-level convergence near the center and hence strong forced subsidence and a very warm core.On the other hand,horizontal advection of temperature cancels part of the adiabatic heating and results in less warming of the core,and hence the TC is not as intense.This advective process is due to the tilt of the vortex as a result of the β-effect.A similar situation occurs in the presence of a uniform flow.Thus,the asymmetric horizontal advection of temperature plays an important role in the temperature distribution.Dynamically,the asymmetric angular momentum (AM) flux is very small on an f-plane throughout the troposphere.However,the total AM exports at the upper levels for a TC either on aβ-plane or with a uniform flow environment are larger because of an increase of the asymmetric as well as symmetric AM export on the plane at radii >450 km,and hence there is a lesser intensification.  相似文献   
The singular value decomposition (SVD) of air-sea interaction in the tropical western,central,and eastern Pacific,and the tropical Atlantic and Indian Oceans has been conducted by using theNCEP/NCAR 40-year reanalysis 1000 hPa monthly wind field and COADS monthly sea surfacetemperature (SST).Comparisons of the results suggest that these areas can be divided into threetypes from the viewpoint of air-sea interaction:tropical central-eastern Pacific belongs to monistictype,in which ENSO is the sole important process;tropical western Pacific and Indian Oceansbelong to dualistic type,in which in addition to ENSO.there should be an another importantprocess;tropical Atlantic Ocean belongs to pluralistic type,in which the process is complicatedand the ENSO cycle is not evident.  相似文献   
High-frequency oscillations, with periods of about 2 hours, are first identified by applying wavelet analysis to observed minutely wind speeds around the eye and eyewall of tropical cyclones(TCs). Analysis of a model simulation of Typhoon Hagupit(2008) shows that the oscillations also occur in the TC intensity, vertical motion, convergence activity and air density around the eyewall. Sequences of oscillations in these variables follow a certain order.  相似文献   
春季南极涛动对北美夏季风的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
This study examined the relationship between the boreal spring(April?May) Antarctic Oscillation(AAO) and the North American summer monsoon(NASM)(July?September) for the period of 1979?2008.The results show that these two systems are closely related.When the spring AAO was stronger than normal,the NASM tended to be weaker,and there was less rainfall over the monsoon region.The opposite NASM situation corresponded to a weaker spring AAO.Further analysis explored the possible mechanism for the delayed impact of the boreal spring AAO on the NASM.It was found that the tropical Atlantic sea surface temperature(SST) plays an important role in the connection between the two phenomena.The variability of the boreal spring AAO can produce anomalous SSTs over the tropical Atlantic.These SST anomalies can persist from spring to summer and can influence the Bermuda High,affecting water vapor transportation to the monsoon region.Through these processes,the boreal spring AAO exerts a significantly delayed impact on the amount of NASM precipitation.Thus,information about the boreal spring AAO is valuable for the prediction of the NASM.  相似文献   
我国南方冬季气候变暖前后极端降水事件分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用我国南方逐日降水资料及逐月温度资料,采用Mann-Kendall突变检验方法,并计算极端降水的GPD(Generalized Pareto Distribution)重现值,讨论了气候变暖前后我国南方冬季极端降水事件的变化。结果表明,我国南方冬季气候变暖的突变发生在1991年前后,且气候变暖后我国南方冬季的极端降水强度普遍有所增加。利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料进一步分析气候变暖前后的环流场特征,发现东亚热带冬季风异常与我国华南、江南地区降水异常有显著的相关关系。东亚热带冬季风偏强(弱),华南、江南地区降水偏少(多)。气候变暖后中高纬度环流经向度加大,有利于北方的冷空气向南输送。此外,气候变暖后我国南方地面气温升高,海陆热力差异减小,东亚热带冬季风减弱,有利于西太平洋的暖湿气流向我国大陆东南部输送,并在东南部形成异常的水汽通量辐合,有利于形成强降水。气候变暖后,中高纬度与中低纬度异常环流系统的相互作用是我国东南部降水强度增加的主要原因。  相似文献   
2002年西北太平洋和南海热带气旋路径主客观预报评价   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
许映龙  刘震坤  董林  顾华 《气象》2005,31(6):43-46
利用目前中央气象台热带气旋路径实时业务预报中使用的各种主客观预报产品资料,对2002年西北太平洋和南海热带气旋路径实时业务预报中的主客观预报进行对比分析检验。结果显示:虽然在整体上主观预报要优于客观模式的结果,但客观模式的预报能力已接近主观预报,有时甚至还好于主观预报,特别是48小时以上时效的客观模式较主观预报具有一定的优势;而在客观模式中,全球模式优于台风模式;热带气旋路径数值模式产品的使用对提高热带气旋路径业务预报水平具有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   
This study explores the potential for directly assimilating polarimetric radar data (including reflectivity Z and differential reflectivity ZDR) using an ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) based on the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model to improve analysis and forecast of Tropical Storm Ewiniar (2018). Ewiniar weakened but brought about heavy rainfall over Guangdong, China after its final landfall. Two experiments are performed, one assimilating only Z and the other assimilating both Z and ZDR. Assimilation of ZDR together with Z effectively modifies hydrometeor fields, and improves the intensity, shape and position of rainbands. Forecast of 24-hour extraordinary rainfall ≥250 mm is significantly improved. Improvement can also be seen in the wind fields because of cross-variable covariance. The current study shows the possibility of applying polarimetric radar data to improve forecasting of tropical cyclones, which deserves more researches in the future.  相似文献   
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