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We measured potential temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen profiles from the surface to the bottom at two locations in the north Ross Sea (65.2°S, 174.2°E and 67.2°S, 172.7°W) in December 2004. Comparison of our data with previous results from the same region reveals an increase in potential temperature and decreases in salinity and dissolved oxygen concentration in the bottom layer (deeper than 3000 m) over the past four decades. The changes were significantly different from the analytical precisions. Detailed investigation of the temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and σ 3 value distributions and the bottom water flow in the north Ross Sea suggests a long-term change in water mass mixing balance. That is to say, it is speculated that the influence of cool, saline, high-oxygen bottom water (high-salinity Ross Sea Bottom Water) formed in the southwestern Ross Sea has possibly been decreased, while the influences of relatively warmer and fresher bottom water (low-salinity Ross Sea Bottom Water) and the Adélie Land Bottom Water coming from the Australia-Antarctic Basin have increased. The possible impact of global warming on ocean circulation needs much more investigation.  相似文献   
Benthic oxygen uptake, sulphate reduction and benthic bacterial production were measured at two contrasting locations in the southern North Sea: the shallow and turbulent Broad Fourteens area in the Southern Bight, and the deeper Oyster Grounds, a deposition area, where thermohaline stratification occurs during summer. Oxygen uptake and sulphate reduction showed a clear seasonal pattern in the Broad Fourteens area, indicating a supply of carbon to the benthic system that is closely related to the standing stock of carbon in the water column. This close benthic-pelagic coupling is probably due to the influence of the tide in this part of the North Sea, which keeps the water column permanently mixed. At the Oyster Grounds, no seasonal pattern was observed. Peaks in oxygen uptake and sulphate reduction were found in winter. Irregularly occurring events, such as storms and fishery-related activities, are likely to affect the benthic mineralization patterns in this area. Annual benthic carbon mineralization rates estimated from oxygen uptake rates were 44 gC·m−2 at the Broad Fourteens, and 131 gC·m−2 at the Oyster Grounds, of which 26 and 28%, respectively, could be attributed to sulphate reduction (assuming an annual sulphide reoxidation rate of 100%). Although sulphate reduction rates in the southern North Sea are higher than previously suggested, aerobic respiration is the most important pathway for benthic carbon mineralization at the stations visited. Production rates of benthic bacterial carbon measured with labelled leucine were much higher than carbon mineralization rates based on oxygen uptake or sulphate reduction. This may either imply a very high bacterial carbon conversion efficiency, or point to shortcomings in the accuracy of the techniques. A critical evaluation of the techniques is recommended.  相似文献   
温度对墨西哥湾扇贝耗氧率及排泄率的影响   总被引:61,自引:2,他引:61  
于1996年12月至1997年1月在实验室内研究了温度对墨西哥湾扇贝(Argopecten irradians concentricus)的耗氧率和排泄(NH4-N)率的影响,实验在投饵后6h,静水(盐度32)条件下进行,溶氧量和氨氮量分别采用Winkler滴定法和次溴酸盐氧化法测定.实验结果表明,在实验温度(10~31℃)条件下,不同规格(壳高1.6~4.8cm,软体部干重0.0342~0.6908g)的墨西哥湾扇贝耗氧率的总平均值为2.35mg/(g·h).排泄率总平均值为350.89μg/(g·h).墨西哥湾扇见的耗氧量和排氧量都与扇贝体重呈明显的幂函数关系.在10~28℃范围内,不同规格的扇贝耗氧率都随温度的升高而增加;当水温继续升高到31℃时,耗氧率反而下降.在实验温度(10~31℃)条件下,扇贝的排泄率随着温度的升高而增加,温度对墨西哥湾扇贝的耗氧率和排泄率的影响都可用指数方程表示.本实验证实,高温(31℃)将进一步提高墨西哥湾扇贝蛋白质的代谢水平.耗氧量(O)和排氨量(N)与温度(t)、扇贝软体部干重(W)二元线性回归方程分别为:O=-587.804+36.787t+1697.864W;N=-92.344 9+4.534 1t+276.781 8W.复相关系数r分别为0.880 6和0.8035 ; F检验表明,两个回归方程均极显著(F>F0.01).  相似文献   
为了验证细菌反硝化法对水体中硝酸盐氮、氧同位素组成测定的适用性、重现性及准确性, 在不同时间(2019年7月28日、8月19日、8月26日)利用反硝化细菌分别将海水、湖水和自来水样品中的硝酸盐转化为氧化亚氮(N2O), 并进行氮、氧同位素测定。结果表明, 不同时间段3个批次实验的硝酸盐氮同位素校准曲线斜率都接近理论值1, 相关性系数均高于0.999, 说明反硝化细菌在将样品中的硝酸盐全部还原为N2O的过程中氮同位素分馏效应很小; 同一样品3个批次测定的硝酸盐的氮同位素值基本相同, 表明细菌反硝化法对硝酸盐氮同位素的测定在长时间周期内具有很好的重现性和准确性。3个批次氧同位素校准曲线斜率稳定在0.61~0.63之间, 相关性系数均高于0.99, 单批次内海水、湖水和自来水3类样品中硝酸盐氧同位素比值的标准偏差范围在0.18‰~0.69‰之间, 表明经过氧同位素校准曲线的校正, 可以准确反映样品中硝酸盐氧同位素组成; 同一样品3个批次测定的氧同位素值差异较大, 其变化范围为1.33‰~16.38‰, 可能是由于样品储存过程中硝酸盐与水之间发生的氧同位素交换作用所致。  相似文献   
对南海西沙群岛附近陆坡、南海南部陆坡以及东沙群岛附近陆坡晚第四纪磁化率变化特征进行了综合对比,并初步分析了磁化率与碳酸钙百分含量之间的关系。就磁化率变化特征而言,西沙群岛附近陆坡和南海南部陆坡可归为一个单元,东沙群岛附近陆坡划为另一单元,其中,前一单元晚第四纪磁化率曲线的共性表现为深海氧同位素期次的奇数期向偶数期过渡时期以磁化率峰值为特点,偶数期向奇数期过渡时期以磁化率谷值为特点;后一单元晚第四纪磁化率曲线的共性表现为磁化率曲线大致平行于有孔虫氧同位素曲线。上述两个单元内的磁化率曲线共性都具有地层学意义,但这两个单元内部某些部位的晚第四纪磁化率变化具有地方局限性,不宜当作大范围地层对比的工具。南海陆坡磁化率曲线和碳酸钙百分含量曲线的关系存在镜像和平行两大基本类型,但这两种对应关系未必意味着磁化率和碳酸钙百分含量之间存在着直接的因果联系。南海陆坡磁化率变化的原因很可能与冰期旋回中南海陆源物质通量的变化密切相关,另外,局部海域磁化率还可能严重受沉积物早期成岩作用的影响。  相似文献   
Authigenic carbonates associated with cold seeps provide valuable archives of changes in the long-term seepage activity. To investigate the role of shallow-buried hydrates on the seepage strength and fluid composition we analysed methane-derived carbonate precipitates from a high-flux hydrocarbon seepage area (“Batumi seep area”) located on the south-eastern Black Sea slope in ca. 850 m. In a novel approach, we combined computerized X-ray tomography (CT) with mineralogical and isotope geochemical methods to get additional insights into the three-dimensional internal structure of the carbonate build-ups.  相似文献   
The quantity and the source of organic matter preserved in the Recent turbiditic channel-levees systems around 4000 m-depth off the Congo River were determined using bulk geochemical approaches (Rock-Eval, elemental and isotopic analyses) as well as molecular and optical analyses on selected samples. These mud-rich sediments contain high amount of organic matter (3% Corg on average), the origin of which is a mixture of terrestrial higher-plant debris and deeply oxidized phytoplanktonic material. Although the relative contribution of continental source versus marine source of the organic matter cannot be precisely quantified, the continental fraction appears significant (at least 70–80%) especially for such depths and distances from the coast. The organic matter distribution appears very homogeneous at different scales, from the single turbiditic event to the entire levee, and changes in accumulation rates have a little impact on the quantity and quality of preserved organic matter.  相似文献   
由于缺乏长期观测资料,前人对山东半岛邻近海域海水溶解氧的时间变化和空间分布特征的研究较少。本文基于威海刘公岛海洋牧场于2016年7月20日至2017年3月14日期间,利用生态环境实时在线观测系统获得的底层海水的温度、盐度、水深、溶解氧数据,分析了该牧场海水溶解氧浓度的时间变化特征及其影响因素,并探讨了低氧灾害发生的可能性。结果表明在观测期间,该牧场海水溶解氧浓度以季节变化为主,冬季最大、夏季最小,其中2月份平均值最高,约为10.86mg/L,8月份平均值最低,约为5.91mg/L。同时海水溶解氧浓度也存在显著的小时变化和日变化,且变化幅度于8月份最大、3月份最小。影响海水溶解氧浓度变化的主要因素是海水温度,溶解氧浓度随着温度的季节性变化而变化。夏季,水体分层会使溶解氧浓度发生大幅度的降低,大风过程对于溶解氧浓度也有一定的影响,通过打破夏季的季节性温跃层使水体发生垂向混合从而为海底提供氧气,但大风过程之后的几天会出现溶解氧浓度降低的现象。本次研究发现刘公岛海洋牧场在观测期间不存在低氧现象。  相似文献   
以体长(1.932±0.204)cm、体质量(1.386±0.055)g的棘胸蛙蝌蚪为实验动物,在水温(24±0.2)℃、DO(7.30±0.01)mg/L、pH 7.30±0.01条件下,采用静水停食法开展了氨氮对蝌蚪的急性攻毒实验,并以此为基础,测定了不同氨氮质量浓度胁迫下棘胸蛙蝌蚪的排氨率、耗氧率、氧氮比及窒息点。结果表明:(1)蝌蚪对氨氮急性攻毒具明显的运动避毒行为,濒死个体的背部皮肤和肝脏均具明显的色变症状;(2)氨氮对蝌蚪的急性致死率具明显的剂量—时间效应,24h、48h、72h、96h LC50依次为177.5、151.7、148.6和146.8mg/L,毒性时段蓄积程度系数呈持续下降趋势,24—48h、48—72h、72—96h的时段MAC值分别为84.04%、10.1%和5.86%;(3)蝌蚪夜均、昼均、日均及时段排氨率随氨氮质量浓度增加均呈阶梯式下降趋势,其中时段排氨率与对照组均无显著差异的为9.80mg/L实验组,夜均、昼均、日均及时段排氨率与对照组均无显著差异的仅为2.45mg/L实验组(P0.05);(4)氨氮对蝌蚪呼吸耗氧具低毒兴奋效应,其夜均、昼均和日均耗氧率随氨氮质量浓度增加均呈先升后降趋势,峰值氨氮质量浓度范围均为4.90—7.35mg/L(P0.05),与对照组均无显著差异的仅为14.70mg/L实验组(P0.05),窒息点含氧量随氨氮质量浓度增加呈先降后升趋势,谷底出现于4.90mg/L实验组(P0.05),与对照组无显著差异的仅为9.80mg/L实验组(P0.05);(5)实验期间,蝌蚪氧氮比(O:N)波动于18.87—25.34之间,昼均和日均氧氮比(O:N)随氨氮质量浓度增加均依次呈"上升—稳定—下降—再稳定"之趋势,两者的峰值氨氮质量浓度范围分别为4.90—14.70mg/L和4.90—9.80mg/L,夜均氧氮比(O:N)呈先升后降趋势,峰值出现于7.35mg/L实验组(P0.05)。  相似文献   
We collected living individuals of the bivalve Lembulus bicuspidatus, which shows an unusual preference for the oxygen-deficient habitat found at the Angola–Benguela Frontal Zone of the southeastern Atlantic. With a series of incubation experiments with 15N-labelled nitrate as a tracer in combination with membrane-inlet mass spectrometry, we studied the potential contribution of L. bicuspidatus to nitrate reduction in the upper sediment layer. Our preliminary results suggest that L. bicuspidatus enhances nitrate reduction if the oxygen concentration is sufficiently low. The Lembulus-mediated nitrate reduction rate is then similar to the rate of microbial nitrate reduction in the surrounding sediment.  相似文献   
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