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The inner shelves of active, energetic continental margins are frequently defined as regions of sediment segregation and fine-sediment bypassing. The Waiapu River, North Island, New Zealand presents an opportunity to study fine-sediment segregation and strata formation in a spatially constrained, highly energetic, aggradational setting, with one of the highest sediment yields on earth. We present evidence that the inner shelf of the Waiapu River plays a significant role in both the fate of fine-grained (<63 μm) riverine sediments and the formation of continental margin stratigraphy. Results obtained from high-resolution interferometric bathymetry and high-frequency seismic mapping ground-truthed by cores show significant stratigraphic spatial variation preserved on the Waiapu inner shelf. This spatial variation is likely controlled by spatially-distinct sediment deposition and resuspension processes as well as antecedent geology. Two distinct depositional regions are interpreted as: (1) surface plume-dominated with partial resuspension, characterized by acoustically transparent seismic reflection profiles and muddy sands; and (2) event-layer dominated, characterized by thickly laminated sediments. A modern-day bathymetric low overlying an observed paleochannel may influence the fate of hyperpycnal flows transiting the shelf via bathymetric steering. Fining-upward sequences found over the entire shelf are interpreted to represent deforestation-induced sedimentation that has overwhelmed the ability of the energetic system to resuspend and segregate fine sediments. We conclude that the primary control on strata formation on the inner shelf of the Waiapu River is local sediment supply.  相似文献   
Based on data from 35 stations on the tributaries of the Yellow River, annual specific sediment yield (Ys) in eight grain size fractions has been related to basin‐averaged annual sand–dust storm days (Dss) and annual precipitation (Pm) to reveal the influence of eolian and fluvial processes on specific sediment yield in different grain size fractions. The results show that Ys in fine grain size fractions has the highest values in the areas dominated by the coupled wind–water process. From these areas to those dominated by the eolian process or to those dominated by the fluvial process, Ys tends to decrease. For relatively coarse grain size fractions, Ys has monotonic variation, i.e. with the increase in Dss or the decrease in Pm, Ys increases. This indicates that the sediment producing behavior for fine sediments is different from that for relatively coarse sediments. The results all show that Ys for relatively coarse sediments depends on the eolian process more than on the fluvial process, and the coarser the sediment fractions the stronger the dependence of the Ys on the eolian process. The YsDss and YsPm curves for fine grain size fractions show some peaks and the fitted straight lines for YsDss and YsPm relationships for relatively coarse grain size fractions show some breaks. Almost all these break points may be regarded as thresholds. These thresholds are all located in the areas dominated by the coupled wind–water process, indicating that these areas are sensitive for erosion and sediment production, to which more attention should be given for the purpose of erosion and sediment control. A number of regression equations were established, based which the effect of rainfall, sand–dust storms and surface material grain size on specific sediment yield can be assessed. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
针对利用多目标地球化学数据研究第四纪沉积物类型问题,提出了基于概率神经网络的分类识别模型,并给出地球化学特征指标选取、指标归一化、神经网络设置和训练的具体方法、步骤。在吉林省中西部松嫩平原应用表明,该方法识别出8类不同成因的第四纪沉积物,较好地解决了该区第四纪沉积物成因归属问题。概率神经网络模型对第四纪沉积物类型的识别能力远高于常规多元统计方法,且结构简单、训练快捷。  相似文献   
Seven vibro-cores were collected from three shallow lakes of the Gabon (Kamalété, Nguène, Maridor) along a 300-km west–east transect close to the Equator. These lakes are located in very distinct landscapes: coastal forest-savanna mosaic, rain forest and savanna with colonising forest, respectively. Core chronologies were established by radiocarbon dating. Study of these lacustrine archives (textural variables, clay minerals, organic matter components, δ13C, pollen) allowed comparison of late Holocene environmental changes recorded at each site and with results from other studies. Lake Kamalété indicates minor climatic deterioration (increased drying and greater seasonality) between 1,410 and 500 cal. years BP, which is also recognised in southern Cameroon and east-central Africa. Lake Nguène was surrounded by dense moist forest throughout the last 4,110 years, but shows significant deterioration from ~2,800 cal. years BP, a phenomenon seen at nearby sites. Lake Maridor shows a decline of forest initiated a little after 3,800 cal. years BP, which indicates timing that is distinct from the two other sites. This was probably a response to local conditions (i.e. outlet damming). Although the three lakes display generally parallel climatic trends perhaps linked to SST oscillations, there is not perfect coherence between these three sites. Differences among the three basins may be attributable to local factors like groundwater hydrology and slope instabilities of such shallow lake systems in this equatorial region.  相似文献   
Bayesian methods for estimating multi-segment discharge rating curves   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
This study explores Bayesian methods for handling compound stage–discharge relationships, a problem which arises in many natural rivers. It is assumed: (1) the stage–discharge relationship in each rating curve segment is a power-law with a location parameter, or zero-plane displacement; (2) the segment transitions are abrupt and continuous; and (3) multiplicative measurement errors are of equal variance. The rating curve fitting procedure is then formulated as a piecewise regression problem where the number of segments and the associated changepoints are assumed unknown. Procedures are developed for describing both global and site-specific prior distributions for all rating curve parameters, including the changepoints. Estimation and uncertainty analysis is evaluated using Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation (MCMC) techniques. The first model explored accounts for parameter and model uncertainties in the interpolated area, i.e. within the range of available stage–discharge measurements. A second model is constructed in an attempt to include the uncertainty in extrapolation, which is necessary when the rating curve is used to estimate discharges beyond the highest or lowest measurement. This is done by assuming that the rate of changepoints both inside and outside the measured area follows a Poisson process. The theory is applied to actual data from Norwegian gauging stations. The MCMC solutions give results that appear sensible and useful for inferential purposes, though the latter model needs further efforts in order to obtain a more efficient simulation scheme.  相似文献   
人类对砷的认识已有很长的历史,近几十年来关于砷对环境的污染以及对人体健康的影响日益受到人们的关注.砷是海洋沉积物中常见的主要环境污染元素之一,目前测定它的常用方法有砷钼酸-结晶紫分光光度法[1]、氢化物-原子吸收分光光度法[1]、催化极谱法[1]、氢化物-原子荧光光谱法[2],但是这些方法需将样品制备成溶液,处理过程冗长,易引起操作沾污和待测成分损失,而且试剂消耗量大,同时产生的酸气对操作人员的身体健康非常有害,为此分析工作者一直在寻求一些新的前处理技术.  相似文献   
渭河西安高陵耿镇历史时期古洪水研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李胜利  赵景波 《中国沙漠》2007,27(3):379-384
根据高陵白家嘴剖面和马坊滩剖面渭河古河漫滩沉积中147个样品的颗粒分析和史书记载的年代资料,研究了西安高陵耿镇渭河距今1 500—1 100 a间洪水深度、洪水规模和气候变化。粒度分析表明,高陵渭河距今1 500—1 100 a间厚约3.4 m的河漫滩沉积物至少包括了9个粗细明显不同的沉积层,清楚地反映出至少发生了9个大洪水阶段;距今1 500—1 100 a间 的洪水深度比现今明显大,白家嘴剖面中9个洪水阶段发生时河漫滩上的洪水深度均明显大于2 m,其中第2、4、6、8阶段的洪水规模比第1、3、5、7、9阶段更大;第2、4、6、8大洪水阶段是降水量的明显增加造成的,当时年降水量应为800~900 mm;第1、3、5、7、9洪水阶段主要是降水集中或降水量有一定的增加造成的。  相似文献   
超重力场中界面土压力的测量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
测量诸如孔隙水压力、位移和载荷等物理量能够达到相当高的精度,但土压力的测量则困难得多。在吸取了国内外同行经验后,为离心模型试验设计研制了一种微型土压力盒,主要用于土与结构物界面土压力的测量。水压力、干砂压力和砂土压力三种标定结果表明,这种微型土压力盒的线性度良好;在研究地下连续墙的侧向土压力分布的离心模型试验中,根据这种微型土压力盒的测试结果,获得了合理的侧压力系数。  相似文献   
水沙条件对黄河下游河道输沙功能的影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
许炯心 《地理科学》2004,24(3):275-280
提出河道输沙功能指标Fs为进入某一河道的泥沙总量(干流与支流输入沙量之和)与输出这一河道的泥沙量之比。河道输沙功能与来水量和来沙量有密切关系,若来水减少,来沙增多,则河道输沙功能减弱。来沙中大于0.05 mm粗泥沙含量百分比与河道输沙功能指标成负相关。来沙系数、特别是粗泥沙的来沙系数,是决定黄河下游输沙功能的重要因子;来沙系数越大,则河道输沙功能指标越低。场次洪水的输沙功能指标随场次洪水最大含沙量的增大而降低,历年河道输沙功能指标随各年中高含沙水流频率的增高而降低。小浪底水库修建后,为我们通过调水调沙提高河道输沙功能提供可能。研究表明,场次洪水平均含沙量35 kg/m3,或场次洪水平均来沙系数为(0.015 kg·s)/m6,是在调水调沙中实现河道输沙功能优化的最优含沙量和最优来沙系数,平滩流量则是实现河道输沙功能最大化的最优流量级。  相似文献   
为了降低成本,维持滩海油田的开敞式开发,提出了滩海油田泥沙运移控制初步方案,并进行了物模试验验证。该方案充分利用自然力,通过人工干预促使防护区外泥沙起动,借助海上潮流使高含沙海水流经防护区,实现岸滩蚀退的快速防护,对滩海油田的防护具有指导意义。  相似文献   
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