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利用潮汐模型NAO.99Jb和FES2014确定了山东邻海的深度基准面模型并对其精度进行了评估,结果表明,NAO.99Jb模型确定的深度基准值L10的中误差为23.28 cm,FES2014模型确定的深度基准值L13的中误差为34.37 cm,长周期分潮的相对误差过大导致加入长周期分潮改正项后深度基准值中误差分别增大了...  相似文献   
厦门港潮动力的数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈伟  温生辉 《台湾海峡》1992,11(4):327-333
本文建立了一个计算厦门港潮动力的数值模式,计算方法以ADE方法为原型,用E-L方法加以改造,适用于厦门港动边界模式的计算。经过验证,得到较好的潮汐潮流的模拟结果。计算余流的结构清晰可见,较准确地反映了厦门(?)的潮余流趋势。  相似文献   
利用潮波基本方程数值模拟了湾口朝南的不同矩形海湾和曲折岸线海湾中海平面上升引起的潮位振幅和位相变化.根据矩形海湾中的模拟结果可以看出,如果忽略潮波方程中的非线性项,潮位振幅变化△R和位相变△θ的空间分布特征与基于理论模型在矩形海湾所获得的特征相当接近;当考虑方程中的非线性项时,不包括较深的海湾,正负△R的分界线变成1条通过无潮点附近的封闭曲线,而不是线性情况下的1条通过无潮点附近大致东西走向的曲线.另外也发现,在曲折岸线的海湾内,如果忽略非线性项,正负△R的分界线是1条通过2个无潮点的半环状的曲线,当考虑非线性项时,出现2条正负的分界线,它们是通过各自无潮点附近的封闭曲线.就△R的强度来说,非线性项使得正△R的强度减弱,在较浅水海湾中的△R强度大于较深水海湾中的强度,海底横向倾斜的海湾中的莫玆强度大于较浅水海湾中的强度.△R最强的区域位于无潮点附近的一段△R分界线之两侧.  相似文献   
《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(5-6):209-223
The 2.4 ka shoreline evolution on the Island of Vis has been investigated. It represents a particularly interesting area for this kind of investigation due to the existence of the submerged archaeological remains, the antique port of Issa, as well as to the existence of geomorphological and biological sea-level markers. The actual depths of the different parts of the submerged quay have been mapped and measured with respect to the present mean sea-level, applying corrections for tide and atmospheric pressure values at the time of the surveys. The functional heights related to the sea level at the time of construction have also been taken into account. These data were further compared with predictions derived from a glacio-hydro-isostatic model associated with the Last Glacial cycle. During the investigation of the coast, tidal notches and algal rims were found. They were mapped, measured and correlated with results of the submerged port remains, as well as with other available data along the Croatian coast.

Our results demonstrate a 199±25 cm sea-level change during 2.4 ka on the Island of Vis. Taking into account the total relative sea-level change, an average rate of around ~0.83 mm/yr is derived. If the isostatic-eustatic component is separated, a tectonic subsidence rate ranges between 0.17 and 0.3 mm/yr depending on the predicted model used. Compared to the Northern Adriatic area, the Island of Vis shows a much smaller component of tectonic subsidence.  相似文献   
This study focused on the effects of upstream reservoir thermal dynamics and downstream tidal influences on temperatures in a 25-km reach of Alouette River (coastal British Columbia, Canada) below a control dam and upstream of its confluence with Pitt River. Temperature was monitored during summer 2013 using 25 sensors. Water was released from the reservoir through a low level outlet at approximately 2.7 m3 s−1, except during late spring when a higher flow was released over the dam spillway. Temperature variations in the lowest section of Alouette River, and in the lower portion of a tributary, were distinct from those further upstream due to backwatering effects associated with a semi-diurnal tide, which can cause flow reversals in Pitt River. An internal seiche was identified in the reservoir during mid-summer that resulted in oscillating releases of warmer and cooler water with an amplitude of up to 6°C and a period of approximately 12 hr. Wavelet analysis and band-pass filtering indicated that the 12-hr signal declined in strength with downstream distance, but remained detectable about 15 km below the dam. In contrast, the 24-hr diel signal increased in strength with distance below the dam. Travel times computed via cross-correlation of the 12-hr signals with that at the low level outlet were within ±10% of those estimated from measured mean velocities. Lagrangian tracking of water parcels using the derived travel times indicated that the cooling effect of periodic releases of cold water during the seiching period persisted to the lower extent of the non-tidal reach. The tidally influenced locations experienced higher temperatures than those recorded in the non-tidal portion of Alouette River, although the relative roles of heating in the upstream tidal reach versus upstream advection of water associated with tide-driven flow reversals in Pitt River require further study.  相似文献   
本文应用水动力模型及溢油模块对代表性风况下钦州湾金鼓江的溢油事故进行情景模拟,且水动力模型结果与实测潮位和实测潮流吻合较好。低潮时发生溢油,不同风况下油粒子在5.5-8.5h后漂到金鼓江上游养殖区。高潮时发生溢油,油粒子在不同风况下漂移轨迹差别较大,例如无风时油粒子在钦州湾颈和三墩外海附近往复运动,而南风3.3m/s工况下油粒子将最终影响大榄坪港区的东南端。另外,高风速下不利风向会缩减油膜抵达敏感区的时间,同时风速越大,蒸发越快。因此风场对溢油模型有重要意义,今后将在精细化WRF模型基础上优化溢油模型并构建溢油决策系统,为地方经济发展和海洋环境保护提供科技支撑。  相似文献   
利用海南中东部近海海域高频地波雷达观测得到的2019年4月—2020年3月表层海流资料进行潮流调和分析和余流分析。结果表明: 海南中东部近海海域以不规则半日潮流为主, 半日分潮M2和S2以往复流为主, 全日分潮O1、K1以顺时针旋转流为主, M2、S2、O1、K1分潮最大潮流流速的比为1 : 0.51 : 0.60 : 0.65, M2为最主要分潮。最大可能潮流流速分布从西南方向向东北方向逐步增大, 最大值为35cm·s-1。余流受东亚季风影响较大, 季节变化特征显著, 呈夏季形态(6月—8月)、冬季形态(9月—次年2月)和过渡形态(3月—5月)。夏季形态流向东北, 平均流速29cm·s-1; 冬季形态持续时间最长, 流向西南, 平均流速36cm·s-1, 大于夏季形态; 过渡形态为冬季形态向夏季形态的转变期, 流向分布较复杂, 平均流速13cm·s-1, 明显小于夏季和冬季形态。从全年来看, 西南向流动的时间最长、流速最大, 海南中东部表层海水物质输运自东北向西南。  相似文献   
为了揭示滩涂对近岸水温影响,开展潮间带滩涂沉积物与海水之间热量交换研究。以韩国西南海岸的滩涂为例,建立滩涂沉积物温度模型,模拟不同潮汐状态下沉积物垂向剖面温度以及沉积物与水体间的热通量,并分析了季节、滩涂位置、潮位-太阳辐射相位对热通量的影响。研究表明:模拟出的沉积物温度与实测值吻合较好。沉积物与水体存在大量热量交换,且集中在淹没后的前3 h,最大热通量可达398.7 W/m2。冬季月份海水向滩涂净传热。夏季月份滩涂向水体净传热,且当滩涂淹没时刻发生在当地正午或正午过后3 h内,滩涂传递给水体的热量相对较大,达2.0 MJ/(m2·d);累积热通量随滩涂干滩率的减小而减小。研究成果为进一步深入研究滩涂影响下近岸水温变化提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   
物理模拟较大海域的环境动力场是物理模型试验的一个发展方向,也是近海环境治理的有效研究手段。对具有较大尺度海域的模拟需要考虑地转缺失的影响。从潮流基本控制方程出发,通过对方程的无因次化,给出评价柯氏力作用大小的方法,并就中国典型的海湾进行尺度分析,量化物理模拟时因地转缺失引起的偏差程度,讨论在这些海域是否可以付诸物理模型试验。同时,还导出了潮流泥沙试验和潮流污染物扩散试验的相似比尺关系。  相似文献   
为揭示河口湾水动力环境对滩涂利用的累积响应过程,以珠江口伶仃洋河口湾为例,基于潮波数学模型和潮流数学模型,研究了1981年以来湾内进出潮量、分潮振幅和潮流流速的累积变化。结果表明:相对于1981年,2018年岸线条件下伶仃洋湾口断面涨落潮量累积减少4.9%~6.0%、内伶仃断面涨落潮量累积减少9.0%~12.8%、深圳湾断面涨落潮量累积减少17.8%、南沙断面涨落潮量累积减少5.0%~6.3%;伶仃洋M2分潮振幅呈增加趋势,振幅增幅由南向北增加,潮波由南向北变形进一步加剧;伶仃洋最大可能潮差变化与M2分潮振幅变化趋势一致,潮汐性质没有发生变化;伶仃洋潮流流速总体减小,西岸流速减幅高于东岸,湾顶附近流速略有增加。  相似文献   
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