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基于ROMS模型数值研究南海温跃层的季节变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
On the basis of the regional ocean modeling system (ROMS), the seasonal variations of the thermocline in the South China Sea (SCS) were numerically investigated. The simulated hydrodynamics are in accordance with previous studies: the circulation pattern in the SCS is cyclonic in winter and anticyclonic in summer, and such a change is mostly driven by the monsoon winds. The errors between the modeled temperature profiles and the observations obtained by cruises are quite small in the upper layers of the ocean, indicating that the ocean status is reasonably simulated. On the basis of the shapes of the vertical temperature profiles, five thermocline types (shallow thermocline, deep thermocline, hybrid thermocline, double thermocline, and multiple thermocline) are defined herein. In winter, when the northeasterly monsoon prevails, most shallow shelf seas in the northwest of the SCS are well mixed, and there is no obvious thermocline. The deep region generally has a deep thermocline, and the hybrid or double thermocline often occurs in the areas near the cold eddy in the south of the SCS. In summer, when the southwesterly monsoon prevails, the shelf sea area with a shallow thermocline greatly expands. The distribution of different thermocline types shows a relationship with ocean bathymetry: from shallow to deep waters, the thermocline types generally change from shallow or hybrid to deep thermocline, and the double or multiple thermocline usually occurs in the steep regions. The seasonal variations of the three major thermocline characteristics (the upper bound depth, thickness, and intensity) are also discussed. Since the SCS is also an area where tropical cyclones frequently occur, the response of thermocline to a typhoon process in a short time scale is also analyzed.  相似文献   
林法玲 《台湾海峡》2012,31(3):301-306
通过比较分析不同的透明度卫星遥感算法,提出将一个基于固有光学特性的、适用于沿岸海域的算法应用于台湾海峡西岸海域,反演获得1998~2010年SeaWiFS遥感透明度时间序列.根据这组时间序列数据,发现该海域夏季透明度低值(<4 m)年份出现在1998、2001和2006年,高值(最高值达到10 m)年份出现在1999、2004和2010年.控制这一年际变动的因素,以目前有限的数据来看,主要是径流与上升流共同引发的水华强度的变化.此外,该海域透明度在研究时段内没有呈现一定的变化趋势,甚至在2006年之后,似乎在持续加深,说明海峡西岸活跃的经济活动,在1998~2010的13 a间,暂时没有对沿岸水质产生显著的破坏性的影响.  相似文献   
闽中渔场的温、盐跃层分布与亚硝酸盐的层化现象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据1982—1983年闽中渔场鱼类资源调查的资料,分析了本海区温、盐度跃层的强度及分布特征.结果表明:闽江口断面和平潭断面存在较强的跃层.温跃层一般出现在夏季.温跃层的强度可高达0.50℃/m,出现在牛山岛附近(水深10—20m).盐跃层一般出现在春季.盐跃层的强度可高达1.03/m,出现在闽江口白犬岛附近(水深0—10m).5月份处于丰水期,流量较大的闽江水排入海洋。由于其盐度低、比重小而浮于海水的上层,形成盐跃层现象.盐跃层最常出现的海区是在牛山岛附近.文中还探讨了闽中渔场的亚硝酸盐层化现象.3—8月,亚硝酸盐含量在水深0—20m层均较低,20m至底层含量则大幅度升高,亦出现明显的分层现象.  相似文献   
本文探讨西庄附近海域的波浪状况,分析由于人工挖沙影响,使得登州浅滩的防护作用发生变化,导致近岸波浪作用增强,造成海岸侵蚀.最后讨论设计波要素的确定,为防浪护坡工程提供必要的设计依据.  相似文献   
The warming of the Arctic Intermediate Water (AIW) is studied based on the analyses of hydrographic observations in the Canada Basin of the Arctic Ocean during 1985-2006. It is shown that how the anomalously warm AIW spreads in the Canada Basin during the observation time through the analysis of the AIW temperature spatial distribution in different periods. The results indicate that by 2006, the entire Canada Basin has almost been covered by the warming AIW. In order to study interannual variability of the AIW in the Canada Basin, the Canada Basin is divided into five regions according to the bottom topography. From the interannual variation of AIW temperature in each region, it is shown that a cooling period follows after the warming event in upstream regions. At the Chukchi Abyssal Plain and Chukchi Plateau, upstream of the Arctic Circumpolar Boundary Current (ACBC) in the Canada Basin, the AIW temperature reached maximum and then started to fall respectively in 2000 and 2002. However, the AIW in the Canada Abyssal Plain and Beaufort Sea continues to warm monotonically until the year 2006. Furthermore, it is revealed that there is convergence of the AIW depth in the five different regions of the Canada Basin when the AIW warming occurs during observation time. The difference of AIW depth between the five regions of the Canada Basin is getting smaller and smaller, all approaching 410 m in recent years. The results show that depth convergence is related to the variation of AIW potential density in the Canada Basin.  相似文献   
阿根廷滑柔鱼渔场的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2001年12月至2002年4月"辽渔1号"在西南大西洋(57°W—60°W,41°S—47°S)的柔鱼生产调查资料,对作业渔场的渔获量和水温垂直分布特点进行了初步分析,并运用逐步回归法探讨了周产量(t/week)与各水层温度之间的关系。结果表明:(1)周产量在70t以上的作业区域全部在60°02′W—60°40′W,44°59′S—46°04′S范围内(简称南渔场),周产量在70t以下的作业区域绝大多数集中在57°47′W—58°2′W,41°54′S—42°2′S范围内(简称北渔场);(2)南渔场渔获的表层水温在12.2℃~15.1℃,北渔场渔获的表层水温在10.0℃~12.3℃,两渔场在20~70m水体均出现了强度不等的温跃层;(3)整个作业区域,周产量与水温存在线性相关,相关系数R=0.8515,其中南渔场相关系数R=0.9985,北渔场相关系数R=0.9313。  相似文献   
For snowmelt-driven flood studies, snow water equivalent (SWE) is frequently estimated using snow depth data. Accurate measurements of snow depth are important in providing data for continuous hydrologic simulations of such watersheds. A new hydrologic fidelity metric is proposed in this study to evaluate the potential contribution of particular snow depth datasets to flow characteristics using observed data and hydrologic modeling using the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model. Data-based hydrologic fidelity of snow depth measurements is defined as a categorical skill score between the snow depth in the watershed and the hydrograph peak or volume at the watershed outlet. Similarly, model-based hydrologic fidelity is defined as a categorical skill score between the model-simulated snow depth and the model-simulated hydrograph peak or volume. The proposed framework is illustrated using the Pecatonica River watershed in the USA, indicating which sites have a higher hydrologic fidelity, which is preferred in hydrologic studies.  相似文献   
地质雷达方法在上海市轨道交通明珠线工程中的应用表明,此方法在探测地下障碍物中能依靠雷达图象识别其类型、材质、深度等,有利于快速、准确定位,有一定的优越性。  相似文献   
本文利用1948-2010年Global Land Data Assimilation System(GLDAS)NOAH陆面模式资料、GPCC月平均降水资料和NCAR/NCEP全球月平均再分析资料,采用滤波、距平合成和线性相关等方法,分析了El Niño成熟位相冬季欧亚大陆积雪异常的分布特征,研究了关键区积雪融化对后期春、夏季土壤湿度、土壤温度以及大气环流与降水的影响,揭示了El Niño事件通过关键区积雪储存其强迫信号并影响东亚夏季气候异常的机制和过程.主要结论如下:El Niño成熟阶段冬季伊朗高原、巴尔喀什湖东北部和青藏高原南麓区域是雪深异常的三个关键区,这些区域的雪深、雪融和土壤湿度有明显的正相关;这三个关键区雪深异常通过春季融雪将冬季El Niño信号传递给春、夏季局地土壤湿度,通过减少感热通量和增加潜热通量对大气环流产生影响;春末夏初伊朗高原土壤湿度异常对东亚夏季气候异常的影响最大,其引起的降水异常与El Niño次年夏季降水异常分布基本一致,春夏季青藏高原南麓和巴尔喀什湖附近土壤湿度也都明显增加,均会对中国华北降水增加有显著正贡献.总之,在利用El Niño事件研究和预测东亚夏季气候异常时,还应考虑关键区雪深异常对El Niño信号的存储和调制作用.  相似文献   
选取某重要工程场地A3钻孔的厚度、剪切波速、密度等实际勘探数据,通过改变硬夹层的埋深,分析硬夹层不同埋深、不同地震时程对场地地震动参数的影响。研究结果表明:在硬夹层厚度不变和模型总厚度不变的情况下,地表水平向的峰值加速度随硬夹层埋深的增大而增大,但增幅逐渐减小;硬夹层埋深到达一定深度时不再影响地表水平峰值加速度;随着硬夹层埋深的增加,整个反应谱的谱值普遍增大。  相似文献   
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